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The purpose of the work was to determine the relationship between the of the water quality parameters in an artificial reservoir used as cooling ponds. Multivariate methods, cluster analysis and factor analysis were applied to analyze eighteen physico-chemical parameters such as air and water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, visibility of the Secchi disk, concentrations of total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, phosphate, concentrations of calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates and total dissolved salts, pH, chemical oxygen demand and electric conductivity from 2002-2017 to investigated cooling water discharge. Hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) allowed identified five different clusters that reflect the different water quality characteristics of the water system. Similar results were obtained in exploratory factor analysis, five factors were obtained with 65.96% total variance. However, confirmatory factor analysis showed that four latent variables: salinity, temperature, eutrophication, and ammonia provide better fit to the data than a five-factor structure. Correlations between latent variables temperature, eutrophication and ammonia show a significant effect of temperature on the transformation of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Mazierski
Maciej Kostecki

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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Portulaca oleracea L. (Portulacaceae) is used as functional food and its nutritional and therapeutic properties are related to the high levels of organic and fatty acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides and cyclo-dopa amides. This study presents a strategy based on liquid chromatography – high resolution accurate mass spectrometry method (LC – HRAMS) and bioinformatic methods to analyze 33 purslane accessions originating from 11 floristic regions in Bulgaria together with 5 accessions of Greek provenance. Extracts were obtained by microwave extraction. Based on the LC-MS metabolic “fingerprints” of assayed samples, a purslane metabolic database was developed. LC-MS data were proceeded with Software application Compound Discover 2.0 (Thermo Fischer Sci., USA). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) combined with both descriptive and differential analyses were used to find marker metabolites to distinguish different geographical regions. The differential analysis of the Bulgarian and Greek samples allowed the identification of 50 marker metabolites. Based on accurate masses, retention times, fragmentation patterns in MS/MS, comparison with commercial standards and literature data, these secondary metabolites were identified after detailed analysis of Volcano-plots. For the first time, 29 compounds are reported. The identified compounds were used to perform a study of the biosynthetic pathways of purslane secondary metabolites using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) software platform. The statistical treatments identified marker compounds that can be used to distinguish the origin of accession set. Combining LC-MS data with multivariate statistical analysis was shown to be effective in studying the purslane metabolites, allowing for integration of chemistry with geographic origin.

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Authors and Affiliations

Vessela Balabanova
Iassen Hristov
Dimitrina Zheleva-Dimitrova
Paulina Sugareva
Valentin Lozanov
Reneta Gevrenova
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The objective of this article is to carry out a systematic review of the literature on multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) charts used in industrial processes. The systematic review was based on articles published via Web of Science and Scopus in the last 10 years, from 2010 to 2020, with 51 articles on the theme identified. This article sought to identify in which industry the MSPC charts are most applied, the types of multivariate control charts used and probability distributions adopted, as well as pointing out the gaps and future directions of research. The most commonly represented industry was electronics, featuring in approximately 25% of the articles. The MSPC chart most frequently applied in the industrial sector was the traditional T2 of Harold Hotelling (Hotelling, 1947), found in 26.56% of the articles. Almost half of the combinations between the probabilistic distribution and the multivariate control graphs, i.e., 49.4%, considered that the data followed a normal distribution. Gaps and future directions for research on the topic are presented at the end.
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Authors and Affiliations

Renan Mitsuo Ueda
Ìcaro Romolo Sousa Agostino
Adriano Mendonça Souza

  1. Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil
  2. Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
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Analysis of groundwater quality in the alluvial aquifer of the lower Soummam Valley, North-East of Algeria, was realised through the application of multivariate statistical methods: hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) in Q and R modes, factorial correspondence analysis (FCA), and principal component analysis (PCA), to hydrochemical data from 51 groundwater samples, collected from 17 boreholes during periods of June, September 2016 and March 2017. The objectives of this approach are to characterise the water quality and to know the factors which govern its evolution by processes controlling its chemical composition. The Piper diagram shows two hydrochemical facies: calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. Statistical techniques HCA, PCA, and FCA reveal two groups of waters: the first (EC, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl–, SO42– and NO3–) of evaporitic origin linked to the dissolution processes of limestone rocks, leaching of saliferous soils and anthropogenic processes, namely contamination wastewater and agricultural activity, as well marine intrusion; and the second group (Na+, K+, and HCO3–) of carbonated origin influenced by the dissolution of carbonate formations and the exchange of bases. The thermodynamic study has shown that all groundwater is undersaturated with respect to evaporitic minerals. On the other hand, it is supersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals, except for water from boreholes F9, F14, and F16, which possibly comes down to the lack of dissolution and arrival of these minerals. The results of this study clearly demonstrate the utility of multivariate statistical methods in the analysis of groundwater quality.
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Authors and Affiliations

Messaoud Ghodbane
Lahcen Benaabidate
Abderrahmane Boudoukha
Aissam Gaagai
Omar Adjissi
Warda Chaib
Hani Amir Aouissi

  1. University of Mohamed Boudiaf, Faculty of Technology, Laboratory of City, Environment, Society and Sustainable Development, 166 Ichebilia, 28000, M’sila, Algeria
  2. University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment Engineering, Fez, Morocco
  3. University of Batna 2, Laboratory of Applied Research in Hydraulics, Batna, Algeria
  4. Scientific and Technical Research Center for Arid Areas (CRSTRA), Biskra, Algeria
  5. University of Mohamed Boudiaf, Faculty of Technology, M’sila, Algeria
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Anestrus is essential to an unsuccessful pregnancy in dairy cows. One of the many factors that influences anestrus is the inactive ovary. To characterize in detail the plasma metabolic pro- file, anestrus cows suffering from inactive ovaries were compared with those with natural estrus. The Holstein cows 60 to 90 day postpartum in an intensive dairy farm were assigned into inactive ovaries groups (IO, n=20) and natural estrus group (CON, n=22) according to estrus signs and rectal palpation of ovaries. Plasma samples from two groups of cows were collected from the tail vein to screen differential metabolites using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques and multivariate statistical analysis and pathways. The results showed that 106 compounds were screened by GC/MS and 14 compounds in the IO group were decreased by analyzing important variables in the projection values and p values of MSA.Through pathway analysis, 14 compounds, mainly associated with carbohydrate metabolism and amino acid meta- bolism, were identified to results in IO, which may seriously affect follicular growth. Metabolo- mics profiling, together with MSA and pathway analysis, showed that follicular growth and development in dairy cows is related to carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism by a single or multiple pathway(s).

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Authors and Affiliations

C. Zhao
P. Hu
Y.L. Bai
C. Xia
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Grain size distribution is one of the paleoenvironmental proxies that provide insight statistical distribution of size fractions within the sediments. Multivariate statistics have been used to investigate the depositional process from the grain size distribution. Still, the direct application of the standard multivariate methods is not straightforward and can yield misleading interpretations due to the compositional nature of the raw grain size data. This paper is a methodological framework for grain size data characterization through the centered log ratio transformation and euclidean data, coupled with principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and linear discriminant analysis to examine Quaternary sediments from Tövises bed in the southeast Great Hungarian Plain. These approaches provide statistically significant and sedimentologically interpretable results for both datasets. However, the details by which they supplemented the conceptual model were significantly different, and this discrepancy resulted in a different temporal model of the depositional history.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdelrhim Eltijani
Dávid Molnár
László Makó
János Geiger
Pál Sümegi

  1. University of Szeged, Department of Geology, 2-6 Egyetem u., H-6722, Szeged, Hungary
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Currently, due to reduced water resources, there is a need to build reservoirs in Poland. Reservoirs perform important economic, natural and recreational functions in the environment, improve water balance and contribute to fl ood protection. In the construction of reservoirs, it is necessary to consider not only hydrological issues related to water quantity, but also its quality, silting, and many other factors. Therefore, the physiographic, hydrological, hydrochemical, and hydrogeological conditions of the projected reservoirs have to be taken into account to limit the potential negative eff ects of decisions to build them. In order to assess the suitability of eight projected small water retention reservoirs (to increase water resources in the Barycz River catchment in Lower Silesia and Greater Poland provinces, this article takes into account hydrological indicators (efficiency of the reservoir, operation time, dependence on the intensity of silting, and flood hazard indicator), water quality (phosphorus load and nitrogen load), hydrogeological conditions (type of geological substratum for the reservoir basin and filtration losses), and safety of the reservoir dam. To develop a theoretical model describing the regularities between the indicators, multivariate statistical techniques were used, including the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Factor Analysis (FA). In order to assess the reservoirs, a synthetic indicator was developed to compare the reservoirs with each other in relation to the conditions. The Cluster Analysis (CA) was used for typological classification of homogeneous locations of projected small retention reservoirs. Own research procedure for identification of the most advantageous water reservoirs, with the use of multivariate statistical techniques, may be used as a tool supporting decision making in other facilities intended for implementation in provincial projects of small retention.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosław Wiatkowski
Barbara Wiatkowska
Łukasz Gruss
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Paweł Tomczyk
Dawid Chłopek

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Poland
  2. University of Opole, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Poland
  3. Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze
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The Shatt Al Arab River (SAAR) is a major source of raw water for most water treatment plants (WTP’s) located along with it in Basrah province. This study aims to determine the effects of different variables on water quality of the SAAR, using multivariate statistical analysis. Seventeen variables were measured in nine WTP’s during 2017, these sites are Al Hussain (1), Awaissan (2), Al Abass (3), Al Garma (4), Mhaigran (5), Al Asmaee (6), Al Jubaila (7), Al Baradia (8), Al Lebani (9). The dataset is treated using principal component analysis (PCA) / factor analysis (FA), cluster analysis (CA) to the most important factors affecting water quality, sources of contamination and the suitability of water for drinking and irrigation. Three factors are responsible for the data structure representing 88.86% of the total variance in the dataset. CA shows three different groups of similarity between the sampling stations, in which station 5 (Mhaigran) is more contami-nated than others, while station 3 (Al Abass) and 6 (Al Asmaee) are less contaminated. Electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) are plotted on Richard diagram. It is shown that the samples of water of Mhaigran are locat-ed in the class of C4-S3 of very high salinity and sodium, water samples of Al Abass station, are located in the class of C3-S1 of high salinity and low sodium, and others are located in the class of C4-S2 of high salinity and medium sodium. Generally, the results of most water quality parameters reveal that SAAR is not within the permissible levels of drinking and irrigation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zainb A.A. Al Saad
Ahmed N.A. Hamdan

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