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Background: The concept of negative transgression describes behavior as crossing personal limits in destruction against oneself or other people. Theoretically, personality dimensions have been distinguished that may trigger or weaken negative transgression, e.g. empathy and anxiety.
Aims: The goal of this study was to empirically verify the relationship between negative transgression and empathy and fear in the perpetrators of violence against close relatives. Our hypothesis was that negative transgression would be associated with poor empathy, but with a high level of anxiety.
Methods: The examined persons from the group of male prisoners (N = 50) were recruited in one of the prisons in Poland. The participants were convicted of domestic violence – or intimate partner violence. Their age ranged from 21 to 50 years.
Results: The results obtained confirm the hypotheses established, showing that prisoners have an increased level of negative transgression and anxiety, and a decreased level of empathy.
Conclusions: This first study shows that more research is needed on negative transgression with different personality dimensions. Also in the process of reclamation of prisoners, it is worth developing empathy and dealing with anxiety. Then the number of negative behaviors in close relationships will decrease.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sławomir Ślaski

  1. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University


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Olexander Timchenko
Ihor Prykhodko
Yuri Shyrobokov
Nataliia Onishchenko
Vasiliy Lefterov

  1. National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  2. National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine
  3. Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of the Air Force
  4. National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ukraine


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