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The paper presents analysis of effect of structural soil backfill parameters on load capacity of culvert made as buried flexible steel structure. The work is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the assumptions of the Sundquist-Pettersson method. The principles of the analysis of the structure in terms of ultimate limit strength, serviceability and fatigue in permanent and temporary calculation situations are described. The second part presents a design example of a soil steel composite bridge in the form of a closed profile culvert made of MulitiPlate-type corrugated sheet. The static and strength calculations were conducted according to the Sundquist-Pettersson method and the guidelines presented in the Eurocodes. According to the guidelines, the value of the backfill tangent modulus was determined using the simplified (A) and precise (B) methods. It was found that the modulus values determined by the simplified method were about three times lower than for the exact method, leading to very conservative, uneconomical results. The structural calculations using the tangent modulus determined by the simplified method, indicated that the load capacity of the structure was exceeded, regardless of the thickness of the backfill used (in the range from 0.5 to 5 m). The use of the tangent modulus determined using the precise method resulted in a significant reduction in stress to bearing capacity ratio of analysed parameters. Similar reduction was observed with the increase in the thickness of the backfill.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Bakalarz
Paweł Kossakowski
Wiktor Wciślik

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The stress superposition effect in the midline area of the multi-wheeled vehicles produced by moving vehicles load is generally ignored, which leads to smaller results in research of subgrade service depth. Based on the elastic mechanics theory, the analytical solution of subgrade dynamic response under moving vehicles load is derived with compound elastic layers. The characteristics of subgrade dynamic stress distribution under the action of moving vehicles are analyzed by using Midas Gts Nx numerical simulation software, and the influence of static and dynamic axle load on the subgrade service depth is compared. The results demonstrate that the subgrade dynamic stress in the under-wheel area attenuates rapidly along the depth direction, while the subgrade dynamic stress in the midline area increases at first and subsequently decreases along the same direction. With the increase of subgrade dynamic stress, the shape of dynamic stress isosurface changes from bimodal to unimodal. Whether in the form of static or dynamic axle load, the subgrade service depth in the middle line area is larger than that in under-wheel area, and the influence of dynamic axle load on the subgrade service depth is greater than that of static axle load. The wheel distance and vehicle velocity have a significant influence on the subgrade service depth.With the increase of vehicle velocity, the subgrade service depth decreases. With the increase of wheel distance, the subgrade service depth decreases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yanmin Zhou
Haiyang Wang
Lingyun Kong
Jialiang Liu
Jie Wang
Zhimei Wang

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China

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