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A large amount of research has shown that there are two types of trait content in social cognition – agency (including competence) and communion (including morality). Because communal traits are more instrumental in locating a person on the approach-avoidance dimension than agentic ones, the former are considered to be relatively more important in person (and group) perception processes. We developed a proposal that this difference in importance extends to spontaneous trait inferences based on the behavior of the perceived person. The hypothesis that trait inferences are stronger in the communal than agentic domain was tested in four experiments (N = 265) using three different methods of studying spontaneous trait inferences (i.e., the cued recall of distractors procedure, the false recognition paradigm, and the lexical decision task). Despite the variation in methods, the studies yielded the same result – spontaneous trait inferences appeared stronger in the communal than agentic domain, but the effect was restricted to the traits of positive rather than negative valence. For the agentic domain the strength of trait inferences remained relatively low, independent of trait valence. Possible reasons for the difference between positive and negative communal traits are discussed.
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Michał Jan Kłosowski
Wiesław Baryła
Bogdan Wojciszke

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
  2. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sopot, Poland


The article presents the analysis of the correlation between the self-ignition parameters and the ultimate and proximate analysis, as well as the petrographic properties of Polish lignite, sub-bituminous coal, bituminous coal and anthracite. The following coal properties were determined: the moisture, ash content, volatile matter and sulfur content, gross calorific value, net calorific value, C, O, N and H contents, total porosity, ash oxide composition, rates of spontaneous combustion in 237°C and 190°C, and activation energy. During the petrographic analysis, maceral composition and random reflectance were determined. To determine the linear correlation between the self-ignition parameters and the analyzed coal properties, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated. The results show that there is no strong linear correlation between the lignite tendency to self-ignition and its petrographic properties. However, a strong negative correlation between the rate of spontaneous combustion and moisture and volatile matter content was observed. In the case of bituminous coal, strong correlations between self-combustion parameters and various coal properties were confirmed. The most noteworthy are the correlations between self-ignition parameters and the maceral composition, that is, between the content of macerals of the inertinite group in coal and content of macerals of the huminite/vitrinite group. The obtained results suggest that the spontaneous combustion tendency of coal increases with the increasing content of semifusinite and liptinite.

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Barbara Bielowicz


Działalność przemysłowa prowadzi do powstawania rozległych terenów będących nieużytkami poprzemysłowymi. Odpady powstające w związku z eksploatacją węgla kamiennego są gromadzone w postaci hałd. Podejmowano wiele prób by zazielenić podłoże hałd. Mimo wysokich kosztów zabiegi rekultywacyjne często kończą się niepowodzeniem, ponieważ ignorowane były i są zasady ekologii - ścisłych wzajemnych zależności między środowiskiem abiotycznym a biotycznym. W krajach europejskich roślinnością klimaksową są lasy (które są końcowym stadium naturalnej sukcesji). W związku z tym na wielu europejskich nieużytkach prowadzono rekultywację poprzez zalesianie. Wśród artykułów opisujących spontaniczną roślinność na terenach poprzemysłowych, jedynie kilka poświęconych jest roślinności leśnej. Niniejsza praca prezentuje wyniki badań nad spontaniczną roślinnością leśną prowadzonych na wybranych hałdach porośniętych przez las. Analizowane zbiorowiska zaklasyfikowane zostały do zespołu Querco roboris-Pinetum J. Mat. (mscr.). Warstwę drzew budują głównie Betu/a pendula, Quercus robur, Pinus sylvestris i Popu/us tremu/a. W runie znaczący jest udział gatunków z klasy Vaccinio-Piceetea. Obecne są również gatunki łąkowe i ruderalne z klas: Chenopodietea, Plantaginetea majoris, Artemisietea oraz roślinny psammofilne z klasy Sedo-Sclerantetea.
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Gabriela Woźniak
Andrzej Pasierbiński
Adam Rostański


Celem rozważań jest przedstawienie, analiza i ocena koncepcji wolności Friedricha Augusta von Hayeka (1899–1992). Najpierw wskazuję główne wyznaczniki jego rozumienia wolności (z naciskiem na to, że wolność polega na braku arbitralnego przymusu w stosunku do jednostki ze strony innych ludzi), następnie przedstawiam argumentację Hayeka za proponowanym przez niego definiowaniem wolności, a także za jego przekonaniem, że wolność jest tym, co należy bezwzględnie cenić i czego warto bronić. Podjęta zostaje próba oceny koncepcji pod względem jej trafności i przekonywalności – zarówno w odniesieniu do Hayeka analiz pojęciowych, jak również jego wyborów światopoglądowych.

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Halina Šimo


We demonstrated two methods of increasing the bandwidth of a broadband light source based on amplified spontaneous emission in thulium-doped fibres. Firstly, we have shown by means of a comprehensive numerical model that the full-width at half maximum of the thulium-doped fibre based broadband source can be more than doubled by using specially tailored spectral filter placed in front of the mirror in a double-pass configuration of the amplified spontaneous emission source. The broadening can be achieved with only a small expense of the output power. Secondly, we report results of the experimental thulium-doped fibre broadband source, including fibre characteristics and performance of the thulium-doped fibre in a ring laser setup. The spectrum broadening was achieved by balancing the backward amplified spontaneous emission with back-reflected forward emission.

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M. Písařík
Pavel Peterka
J. Aubrecht
J. Cajzl
A. Benda
D. Mareš
F. Todorov
O. Podrazký
Pavel Honzátko
I. Kašík


The present paper deals with the synchronic variation of the phoneme /ʁ/ in the unstressed word final syllable onset in modern German spontaneous speech. Our research task was to determine the phonetic context, in which the phoneme /ʁ/ undergoes modifications in the above-mentioned position and to establish, whether the intensity and the type of modifications (vocalization or elision of the phoneme /ʁ/) could correlate with the part of speech and with the combinatorial conditions of sound realization. The data collected are based on the acoustic analysis of spontaneous speech (interviews in the media) of 20 German scientists (10 men and 10 women) from the Central and Southern Germany. Our results showed that the phoneme /ʁ/ undergoes intense modifications mainly in the word final position "stressed long vowel + ʁ + schwa vowel + nasal" in various parts of speech: verbs, plural forms of nouns, adjectives, participles, substantivized verbs, possessive pronouns and prepositions.
The type of modification of the phoneme /ʁ/ in the relevant position correlates with the sound context. After high and mid vowels [iː], [yː], [uː], [eː], [ɛː], [øː], [oː] vowel realizations as unsyllabic [ɐ̯] clearly dominate over the consonantal as [ʁ], leading to the emergence of centralizing secondary diphthongs [iːɐ̯], [yːɐ̯], [uːɐ̯], [eːɐ̯], [ɛːɐ̯], [øːɐ̯], [oːɐ̯]. In the position after the long [aː] an elision of the allophones of the phoneme /ʁ/ is predominant, which can lead to an overlong articulation of the preceding low vowel as [aːː].
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tetiana Solska
Olena Borovska
Kateryna Poseletska
Nataliia Vyshyvana

  1. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


Badania prowadzono na obszarze ,,Żabich Dołów" (Bytom) na powierzchni osadników flotacyjnych i popłuczkowych powstałych w wyniku eksploatacji i przerobu rud cynku i ołowiu. Analiza zebranego materiału pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie 8 syntaksonów, w tym 2 zespołów i 6 zbiorowisk roślinnych z klas Artemisietea, Calluno-Ulicetea, Mo/inio-Arrhenatheretea. Wśród wyróżnionych syntaksonów dominują zbiorowiska roślinne należące do podzwiązku Dauco-Melilotenion, rozwijające się w miejscach przesuszonych, na podłożu piaszczystym, przepuszczalnym, często o słabo zaznaczonym procesie glebotwórczym (Melilotetum a/boofficinalis. Dauco-Picridetum hieracioidis, zbiorowisko z Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth; zbiorowisko z So/idago canadensis L.). Na badanych obiektach odnotowano również fitocenozy murawowe (zbiorowisko z Festuca ovina L s. str.) i łąkowe (zbiorowisko z Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv., zbiorowisko z Agroslis capillaris L.).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Kompała
Agnieszka Błońska
Gabriela Woźniak


Mezyn National Natural Park is in the north part of the Korop District of the Chernihiv Region, 310 km2 in area, is characteristic for its strongly dismembered landscape that stipulates presence of varied localities, among them there are exterminated glaciofluvial plains, slopes and super streamside terraces. Aim of research included an expose of the value of the Mezyn NNP in maintenance of forest diversity of vascular plants and forest communities. In the Mezyn NNP there are 772 species of spontaneous flora, 194 species of the cultivated flora and 18 rarity species. The rarest species are concentrated in the centre and the east, prats of the park richer in vegetation cover. In the forest group of the Mezyn NNP 10 species of vascular plants are recordered in the Red book of the Ukraine. The wooden territory of the Mezyn NNP presents 38% and provides the variety of ecotopic terms after they provides a wide spectrum of representation and protection of forest species of vascular plants and corresponding phytocommunites.

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Yurii Каrpenko


LABLITA-Suite. Resources for the acquisition of Italian as a second language – LABLITA-suite provides technology-enhanced learning resources for the acquisition of Italian L2. IMAGACT allows for mastering the semantic properties of action verbs in the early phases of language acquisition. The LABLITA corpus of Spoken Italian can be used for training learners for face to face conversations. RIDIRE and CORDIC provide corpus linguistic tools for accessing Italian phraseology, which is useful for enhancing writing capabilities in the various domains of language usage.

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Massimo Moneglia


The subject of the paper is the analysis of the relationship between spontaneous vegetation diversity and soil respiration in novel post-coal mine ecosystem. In the natural and semi-natural ecosystems, soil respiration process (Rs) is a crucial ecosystem function regulating terrestrial ecosystems’ carbon cycle. Soil respiration depends on the quality and quantity of the soil organic matter (SOM), the soil microbes’ activity, and root metabolism. The listed factors are directly related to the composition diversity of vegetation plant species (biochemistry). For many years, soil respiration parameters have been studied in natural and seminatural vegetation communities and ecosystems. However, there still need to be a greater understanding of the relationship between vegetation plant species diversity and soil respiration as a crucial ecosystem function. Plant species diversity has to be analysed through both the taxonomic diversity and the functional diversity. These approaches reflect the composition, structure, and function of plant species communities. We hypothesise that the diversity of the spontaneous vegetation species composition shapes the amount of soil respiration in a post-coal mine novel ecosystem. The soil respiration differs significantly along the vegetational types driven by habitat gradients and is significantly higher in highly functional richness and dispersion vegetation patches. Contrary to our expectation, soil respiration was the highest in the less diverse vegetation types – both taxonomical and functional evenness were non-significant factors. Only functional dispersion is weakly negative correlated with soil respiration level (SRL).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Radosz
Damian Chmura
Artur Dyczko
Gabriela Woźniak

  1. University of Silesia, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, Jagiellońska St, 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland
  2. University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Faculty of Materials, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Willowa St, 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  3. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, J. Wybickiego St, 7A, 31-261 Kraków, Poland

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