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Na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu od kilku lat bardzo aktywnie działa Szkoła Nestorów Nauki, zorganizowana i prowadzona przez dwoje uczonych profesora Kazimierza Przyszczypkowskiego i doktor Izabelę Cytlak. W tej niezwykłej instytucji prowadzone są systematycznie wykłady akademickie dojrzałych wiekiem uczonych o najwybitniejszych kompetencjach. Dotychczas organizatorzy Szkoły Kazimierz Przyszczypkowski i Izabela Cytlak przygotowali trzy tomy zbiorów wykładów wygłoszonych w tej Szkole (dwa pierwsze nazwano „Wykłady nestorów nauki”): Nestorzy nauki Uniwersytetowi, 2019; Uniwersytet. Wspólnota różnorodności i różnicy, 2021; Uniwersytet. Otwarte przestrzenie dyskursów, 2023 (wszystkie opublikowane przez Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM).
Wykłady nestorów nauki odbywają się co miesiąc, gromadząc około 200 uczestników – naukowców z różnych dziedzin i młodzież akademicką oraz są transmitowane i utrwalane na YouTube. Autor artykułu omawia i analizuje te książki zbiorowe na tle innych badań, studiów i debat interdyscyplinarnych. Dowodzi, że Szkoła Nestorów Nauki w Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza jest unikatową w Polsce instytucją akademicką realizującą Humboldta ideę uniwersytetu.
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Zbigniew Kwieciński

  1. emerytowany profesor Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika
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The last years of Cambyses’ reign are marked by the extension of Achaemenid rule to Egypt and the prolonged absence of the king and his ministers from the Persian heartlands. Reliable subordinates were obviously essential to the smooth functioning of the Empire, and the role played by Prexaspes, whom Herodotus describes as pre-eminent in loyalty (3.30.3), illustrates what might be required of highly placed officials if the charisma of kingship, the cement that held the Empire together, was to be preserved. Prexaspes’ activity imposes unity on a series of episodes illustrating his unfailing competence in the service of an unbalanced autocrat, and his end brings commendation from Herodotus (3.75.3). An Assyrian counterpart is offered by the story of the wise counsellor Ahiqar, first attested in an Aramaic text from the latter part of the fifth century BC and subsequently translated into a wide range of languages; the tale of Ahiqar’s vicissitudes provides a framework for an assemblage of moral precepts, emphasising loyalty to the sovereign as a religious duty and offering advice to the ambitious. Under Darius self-sacrificing loyalty inspires the extraordinary expedient by which Zopyrus contrives the reduction of the rebellious city of Babylon (3. 150–160). While the narrative of the means by which this was achieved is absurd, it brings out the importance under Darius of incentives to dedicated service, above all the hope of winning recognition from a ruler who could express his appreciation on an extraordinarily generous scale. Merit awards did not depend on whim or haphazard observation; it is significant that Herodotus reports (8.90.4) the presence of scribes recording details of distinguished service at the battle of Salamis. But the list of those termed the King’s benefactors, orosangai (8.85.3), was clearly liberal as to the kinds of activity deemed to qualify for such recognition. To Greeks dedication to the ideology represented by the Persian Empire might seem to entail a distortion of normal values while its rewards appeared rather questionable to those who did not appreciate the advantages of the strong centralized rule which prevented disintegration into lawless tribalism.

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Stephanie West
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In 2019, a 15th-century print entitled The Tower of Wisdom kept by the Kórnik Library in Poland was subjected to scientific examination. The main purpose of the examination of the hand-coloured image was the identification of the technique of the application of the text and the illustrations. The conducted examination proved a thesis that it is an example of xylographic print. Moreover, the elemental composition of the paint layer was analysed, revealing no colours which were not used in the period of the object’s origin.
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Tomasz Kozielec
Mirosław Wachowiak

  1. Wydział Sztuk Pięknych UMK
  2. Zakład Konserwacji i Restauracji Sztuki Nowoczesnej UMK
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In the Russian handwritten Tale of the Boastful Scholar, two themes are developed: the limits of human comprehension of book wisdom and the dependence of the posthumous fate of a monk on the time and circumstances of his tonsure. The Tale was first studied by V.I. Malyshev (1964), who published the only copy known to him; he concluded that the Tale was created by Russian Old Believers in the XVIII century. This article analyzes the previously unknown copies of the Tale, allowing us to revise Malyshev’s perspective. Based on the eight copies of the Tale from the early XVII-XX centuries, two editions were distinguished. One of them has a monastic origin, and its earliest copy from the beginning of the XVII century was included in the collection of instructions for newly tonsured monks titled Starchestvo. Another edition was created by an Old Believer scholar at the turn of XVIII-XIX centuries. The earlier edition is a didactic parable about the futility of human efforts to fully comprehend book knowledge. The second edition is a satirical story about the confrontation between two scribes – a true sage and a fake one. The opposition of true and false book knowledge in this edition could be perceived by Old Believer readers in the context of the church schism of the XVII century and the disputes about the correction of religious books. Another difference between the copies of the Tale is the way the problem of tonsuring a person facing death is discussed – an issue quite relevant for the Old Russian society. The episode of the Tale featuring a blue tit trying to drink off the sea is indicative of the author’s intent to combine the traditions of book narration and folklore in his work. The article contains also the text of the earliest copy of the Tale found in the Starchestvo collection from the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.
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Александр Пигин

  1. Санкт‑Петербург, Институт русской литературы (Пушкинский Дом) Российской академии наук
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On the occasion of receiving the highest distinction of the honorary professor from the Jagiellonian University at Kraków, the author looks back at his academic career and ponders how sociological wisdom has left an impact on his life. He singles out the sixteen principles and rules formulated by the eminent sociologists, both classical of the XIX century and modern of the XX century, which he believes have influenced his professional social roles of the researcher, writer and educator, as well as his private everyday life. The famous quotations drawn from the sociological literature (e.g. the Thomas theorem, C.W. Mills’ sociological imagination, C.H. Cooley’s looking-glass self, E. Goffman’s the theatre of everyday life, R. Merton’s metaphor of scholars as pigmies on the shoulders of giants etc.) are accompanied by extensive interpretations by the author, relating them to his personal life-experiences.
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Piotr Sztompka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The article summarizes panel discussions led at the Polish Scientific Networks conference. It covers the topics of social and (un)social innovations, their sources, and applications, as well as the new approaches to the concept of the wisdom of the crowds (as opposed to swarm mentality). The article draws on academic research on trust and distrust, declining reliance on formal expertise and a turn against the science, and posttruth society phenomenon. The article concludes with observations about risk aversion in different cultures, to suggest some practical solutions in education programs, needed to address the challenges of the future.

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Anna Bielec
Dariusz Jemielniak
Bartłomiej Skowron
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Today, there is a growing sense of the need to abandon philosophy or theology in favour of science and the convictions of specialists. The analyses presented by Aristotle and St Thomas in terms of the hierarchy of intellectual virtues allow us to draw attention to the conditions and consequences of these demands. In their view, knowledge grows out of certain principles and presuppositions, the evaluation of which belongs to the virtue of wisdom. The virtue of wisdom has as its object the highest principles, the reaching of which requires special methodological and metaphysical attention. In the case of Christian theology, this wisdom is enriched by faith in what God reveals to man. Faith understood in this way goes beyond natural cognition while at the same time having a strong rational basis of a historical and doctrinal nature. Scientific knowledge devoid of metaphysical reflection, as well as methodically dissociating itself from religious faith, can lead to a lack of awareness of one’s own act of faith in relation to one’s own presuppositions. This can entail unconscious transformations of one’s own scientific assumptions into principles of a universal philosophical nature. This can consequently lead to a misjudgement of all that is beyond the competence and methodology of the sciences.
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Michał Mrozek

  1. Instytut Tomistyczny, Warszawa
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The article discusses the issues of values and social responsibility of universities. On the one hand, the foundations of functioning of universities, which are created by research and education and the role of universities in formation, are recalled. On the other hand, it was reminded that the heart of universities, their DNA, are academic values, defined primarily in the Magna Charta Universitatum, but also in many other documents, such as the Code of Values of the Jagiellonian University. Hence, universities are increasingly often referred to not only as universities of knowledge, but also as universities of wisdom. Together, they are the basis for the social responsibility of universities. However, they alone are not enough for this social responsibility to materialise. Appropriate behaviour and actions are essential. Because knowledge alone is not everything. Such actions are always necessary, but especially when we find ourselves, as a country, humanity and a planet, in a crisis situation related to the climate disaster, which we are already partially experiencing. After the presentation of the most important current facts related to the climate and environmental crisis, the tasks to be undertaken urgently in this context by universities were presented, from broadly understood education, through convincing politicians to ambitious and quick actions, to intensive work on innovative solutions that can contribute to reducing threats brought by the climate and environmental crisis, pointing out, among others, the initiatives proposed by the newly created network of universities U7.

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Wiesław Banyś

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