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In the field experiments performed in 1999–2001 the profitability of late blight control in accordance with three decision support systems: NegFry, Simphyt and Stephan with routine fungicide program was compared. Potato protection carried out according to the recommendations of the decision support systems guaranteed higher profitability of late blight control than when potato was protected routinely. The highest profitability was recorded for susceptible variety Bekas protected according to NegFr.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Wójtowicz
Jerzy J. Lipa
Erich Jörg
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Cross-docking is a strategy that distributes products directly from a supplier or manufacturing plant to a customer or retail chain, reducing handling or storage time. This study focuses on the truck scheduling problem, which consists of assigning each truck to a door at the dock and determining the sequences for the trucks at each door considering the time-window aspect. The study presents a mathematical model for door assignment and truck scheduling with time windows at multi-door cross-docking centers. The objective of the model is to minimize the overall earliness and tardiness for outbound trucks. Simulated annealing (SA) and tabu search (TS) algorithms are proposed to solve large-sized problems. The results of the mathematical model and of meta-heuristic algorithms are compared by generating test problems for different sizes. A decision support system (DSS) is also designed for the truck scheduling problem for multi-door cross-docking centers. Computational results show that TS and SA algorithms are efficient in solving large-sized problems in a reasonable time.

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G. Ozden
I. Saricicek
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Preventive methods of plant protection used currently require a significant number of treatments throughout the season. Research results indicate a possibility of reduction of the number of treatments by halfwithout serious loss of effectiveness if the attack of pathogens has been recorded early enough. Limiting treatments to truly necessary ones means conserving chemicals, fuel and labour and consequently substantial financial savings for the farm. However, early warning requires full analysis of many factors that influence incidence, development and harmfulness of diseases, pests and weeds in relation with their impact on the yield. Such an analysis is beyond the power of the farmer alone. Appropriate models have to be used that utilize weather data and field observations in real time. At the present, due to frequent updating of the databases and sharing of the system by many users, in integrated plant protection the most efficient seem to be internet decision support systems. As of 2000 the Institute of Plant Protection in Poznań together with the Institute Soil Science and Plant Cultivation in Puławy in cooperation with the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences conduct a joint research project on development and implementation of an Internet Decision Support System for Integrated Plant Protection in Poland. Various modules of the system are already available on the Internet. Much like similar systems operating abroad, the Polish DSS also takes advantage of weather data utilized in disease models (the weather module). Nevertheless, an important addition to the system are strategically relevant data such as values and statistic distributions of elements of climate and potential yields (the agroclimate module), operation sheets, exploitation data and prices (the technology module) etc., which are important to the formulation and adoption of a particular line of action and risk evaluation in economic terms. When all modules are operational, the information relevant to decision making will be derived from on-line analyses based on cost calculation of different variants of plant protection applicable to the current situation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej S. Zaliwski
Stefan Wolny
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Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a very important part of the industrial world, especially in the manufacturing sector. The development of the business world affects the complexity of the supply chain due to the lack of logistics infrastructure, quality of materials and components, and much more. Supply chain disruption risk mapping needs to be done due to high uncertainty, which is overcome by implementing a decision support system. Based on the background of the problem, supply chain disruption mapping uses the help of the Six Sigma method, which consists of 5 stages: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). The measurement of disturbance also uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach to prioritize risk. Risks that have a high assessment and cause failure need to be prioritized for improvement. This study aims to map supply chain disruptions in the current manufacturing industry based on the barriers, resistances, and causes detected for making a decision support system prototype. By implementing a decision support system in the supply chain process, it is
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Authors and Affiliations

Johanes Fernandes Andry
Filscha Nurprihatin
Lydia Liliana

  1. Department of Information Systems, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia
  2. Department of Industrial Engineering, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
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The quantitative evaluation of environmental impact of emission sources is an important step of integrated modeling and the air quality decision support. The problem is especially difficult in the case of a complex, multi-source emission field. The approach discussed in the paper is based on the forecasts of the Eulerian type models of air pollution transport. The aim is to get a quantitative assessment of the contribution of the selected sources, according to the specified, environmental objective function. The approach utilizes the optimal control technique for distributed parameter systems. The adjoint equation, related to the main transport equation of the forecasting model, is applied to calculate the sensitivity of the cost function to the emission intensity of the specified sources. An example implementation of a regional scale, multi-layer dynamic model of SO, transport is discussed as the main forecasting tool. The test computations have been performed for a set of the -major power plants in a selected industrial region of Poland.
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Piotr Holnicki
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The NegFry model used for timing the chemical control of potato late blight was validated in field trials at Bonin in the years 2001-2002 (4 trials). In these trials the number of fungicide treatments recommended by NegFry was about 34.5% lower (on average) than the number of treatments in a routine spraying scheme. This reduction was mostly the results of a delay in the time of the initial fungicide application and longer spraying intervals recommended by Negfry.
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Authors and Affiliations

Józefa Kapsa
Jerzy Osowski
Edward Bernat
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The Internet based 'Web-Blight' service ( was initiated to provide an online warning and prognosis system for potato late blight in the countries around the Baltic Sea. In order to obtain comparable results, methods were harmonized and a set of interacting PC and Internet applications were developed for use by the project partners. Results regarding monitoring of potato late blight and evaluation of variety resistance against late blight (field tests) are presented for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The use of the Internet to collect and present data was very successful, because information were "on the fly", helping farmers in their decisions about the timing of first applications and choice of fungicide type. Results show that it was possible to find early attacks as primary attacks (spots in the fields). In most cases attacks were initially found in home gardens and later in conventional fields. The growth stage at first attacks was often higher than 3 7 (BBCH) indicating that very early attacks caused by oospores in the soil was not a widespread problem. Local varieties were tested for late blight resistance in untreated field trials against four test varieties (Sava, Oleva, Danva and Kuras), Primary disease data were uploaded to Web-Blight via the Internet, and applications on the Web-Blight server calculated epidemiological variables such as delay of first symptoms and RAUDPC. Results indicated the presence of race-specific resistance in some varieties, e.g. Kuras, and that some varieties were originally misclassified according to resistance scale, e.g. Sante. The network about observation trials clearly showed that field test of variety resistance against late blight in time and space is important, taking into account the rapid evolution of Phytophthora infestans populations in Europe.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jens G. Hansen
Poul Lassen
Matti Koppel
Alma Valskyte
Inara Turka
Józefa Kapsa
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The presented article concerns the issue of supporting the ADI cast iron product manufacturing process and presents an IT system dedicated mainly to designers and technologists. Designers can be supported at the stage of selecting types of materials and technologies (including ADI cast iron) to produce products with required properties. Technologists can obtain support in determining the parameters (temperature and chemical) of the ADI cast iron manufacturing process in order to obtain products with specific properties. The system also contains an information resources (standards, documentation, examples) concerning ADI cast iron and products made of it. Examples of use by individual system users are presented as a case study.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Opaliński
D. Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
1 2

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Institute of Technology, 73 Zakopiańska Str., 30-418 Kraków, Poland
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The suitability of a land plot in a real estate market could be identified as a good investment because the land plot is deemed as popular. This activity is important for economic growth, who is one of the sustainable development goals. Mostly, all research in this field is focused on sustainability as well as the opinions of professionals. However, this field should be explored from another side which is based on real geodata. Criteria and its weight are very important in decision support systems. The correct criteria can help in selection of the best real estate object for an investment, but it is not only useful but also and a challenging task that has not yet been solved. The methods of research are data graphical analysis, correlation, decision supporting systems, etc. The research aims at determining the significance of the connections and using them as the criteria in the selected decision supporting method. In addition, it will be determined which decision supporting method defines the most suitable object for investment. These new criteria are proposed for operation in the land use models. Furthermore, it has been identified as one criterion, which is significant in the urban and agrarian territories. Also it turned out, that the land plot is the most active when it is as far from a densely built-up residential territory as possible and as close to a school, and when the land plot is as large as possible.

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Rimvydas Gaudesius
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Increased competition has led businesses to compete with each other in streamlining supply chain processes, especially in the manufacturing sector. Supply Chain Management (SCM) determines the success of industrial business processes because it regulates product flow regarding integration, performance, and information. However, several problems have emerged in the supply chain process, such as a lack of coordination in the production queue, difficulties in forecasting trending products, and suboptimal production capacity. To address these issues, the role of information technology is crucial for implementing a Decision Support System (DSS). This study aims to develop a DSS to improve the supply chain processes. The research method used is Extreme Programming (XP) with a qualitative approach through a questionnaire. The research process involves collecting data, defining boundaries and problems, and designing, coding, and testing the system. As a final step, evaluation is carried out by distributing surveys to obtain valid satisfaction results. This research produces a DSS that has applicability in marketing, accounting, and production processes. The application of DSS in the furniture manufacturing industry can help manage the movement of resources, optimize strategic networks, and assist decision-making in the supply chain process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Johanes Fernandes Andry
Filscha Nurprihatin
Lydia Liliana

  1. Department of Information Systems, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia
  2. Department of Industrial Engineering, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
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Improving product quality while making decisions remains a challenge. The objective of this research was to develop a model that supports the precise enhancement of product quality through comprehensive analysis of possibilities, product incompatibilities, root causes, and recommended improvement actions. The model incorporated various tools and methods such as the SMARTER method, expert team selection, brainstorming, Ishikawa diagram, 5M+E rule, FAHP, and FTOPSIS methods. The study demonstrated that integrating quality management tools and decision-making methods into a unified model enables the accurate prioritization of activities for product quality management. This integrated approach represents the novelty of this research. The model was evaluated using a mechanical seal made of 410 alloy. The research findings can be valuable to enterprises seeking to enhance product quality at any stage of production, particularly for modified or new products.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominika Siwiec
Remigiusz Gawlik
2 3
Andrzej Pacana

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Poland
  3. North-West University, NWU Business School, South Africa
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The paper features a comprehensive approach to risk management worked out during the ValueSec project (EU 7th Framework Programme). The motivation for research was presented, along with the course of the research, achieved project results and validation results. The methodology of risk management and a supporting tool were developed as a result of the project. They help decision makers to make complex strategic decisions about security measures. These complex decision-related problems were the reason to launch the research. The elaborated methodology is based on three pillars: assessment of the considered security measure ability to reduce risk, costs and benefits analysis with respect to the security measure application, and analysis of legal, social, cultural, and other restrictions that might impair or even destroy the efficiency of the functioning measures. In the project these restrictions are called qualitative criteria. The main added value of the ValueSec project is the elaboration of a special software module to analyse impacts of qualitative criteria on the considered measure. Based on the methodology, a ValueSec Toolset prototype was developed. The prototype was then validated in the following application domains: mass event, railway transport security, airport and air transport security, protection against flood, and protection of smart grids against cyber-attacks.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Białas
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The article herein presents the method and algorithms for forming the feature space for the base of intellectualized system knowledge for the support system in the cyber threats and anomalies tasks. The system being elaborated might be used both autonomously by cyber threat services analysts and jointly with information protection complex systems. It is shown, that advised algorithms allow supplementing dynamically the knowledge base upon appearing the new threats, which permits to cut the time of their recognition and analysis, in particular, for cases of hard-to-explain features and reduce the false responses in threat recognizing systems, anomalies and attacks at informatization objects. It is stated herein, that collectively with the outcomes of previous authors investigations, the offered algorithms of forming the feature space for identifying cyber threats within decisions making support system are more effective. It is reached at the expense of the fact, that, comparing to existing decisions, the described decisions in the article, allow separate considering the task of threat recognition in the frame of the known classes, and if necessary supplementing feature space for the new threat types. It is demonstrated, that new threats features often initially are not identified within the frame of existing base of threat classes knowledge in the decision support system. As well the methods and advised algorithms allow fulfilling the time-efficient cyber threats classification for a definite informatization object.

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Authors and Affiliations

Timur Kartbayev
Bakhytzhan Akhmetov
Aliya Doszhanova
Valery Lakhno
Feruza Malikova
Sharapatdin Tolybayev
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In order to improve the operational reliability and service life of the main systems, components and assemblies (SCA) of railway transport (RT), it is necessary to timely detect (diagnose) their defects, including the use of the methods of intellectual analysis and data processing.
One of the promising approaches to the synthesis of the SCA functional control system is the use of intelligent technology (INTECH) methods. This technology is based on maximizing the information capacity of an automated decision support system for detecting faults during its training.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ayaulym Oralbekova
Marzhana Amanova
Kamila Rustambekova
Zhanat Kaskatayev
Olga Kisselyova
Roza Nurgaliyeva

  1. Kazakh University Ways of Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  2. Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Sleep apnea syndrome is a common sleep disorder. Detection of apnea and differentiation of its type: obstructive (OSA), central (CSA) or mixed is important in the context of treatment methods, however, it typically requires a great deal of technical and human resources. The aim of this research was to propose a quasi-optimal procedure for processing single-channel electroencephalograms (EEG) from overnight recordings, maximizing the accuracy of automatic apnea or hypopnea detection, as well as distinguishing between the OSA and CSA types. The proposed methodology consisted in processing the EEG signals divided into epochs, with the selection of the best methods at the stages of preprocessing, extraction and selection of features, and classification. Normal breathing was unmistakably distinguished from apnea by the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) and an artificial neural network (ANN), and with 99.98% accuracy by the support vector machine (SVM). The average accuracy of multinomial classification was: 82.29%, 83.26%, and 82.25% for the kNN, SVM and ANN, respectively. The sensitivity and precision of OSA and CSA detection ranged from 55 to 66%, and the misclassification cases concerned only the apnea type.
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika A. Prucnal
Adam G. Polak

  1. Department of Electronic and Photonic Metrology, Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
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This article discusses the results of studies using the developed artificial neural networks in the analysis of the occurrence of the four main mechanisms destroying the selected forging tools subjected to five different surface treatment variants (nitrided layer, pad welded layer and three hybrid layers, i.e. AlCrTiSiN, Cr/CrN and Cr/AlCrTiN). Knowledge of the forging tool durability, needed in the process of artificial neural network training, was included in the set of training data (about 800 records) derived from long-term comprehensive research carried out under industrial conditions. Based on this set, neural networks with different architectures were developed and the results concerning the intensity of the occurrence of thermal-mechanical fatigue, abrasive wear, mechanical fatigue and plastic deformation were generated for each type of the applied treatment relative to the number of forgings, pressure, friction path and temperature.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Hawryluk
Barbara Mrzygłód
Z. Gronostajski
M. Głowacki
Izabela Olejarczyk-Wożeńska
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Decision-making for the refurbishment of multi-family residential buildings is a complex and computationally difficult task. Therefore, the authors have developed a model that supports modernization planning in a long-term and comprehensive manner, i.e. from assessing the building to indicating the optimal scope of modernization. The comprehensive scope of the model includes the acquisition and provision of relevant knowledge to the model. The original methods proposed for its acquisition are derived from common expert knowledge based on linguistic terms. The methods adopted are not mandatory and may be replaced by others that provide more reliable knowledge. The fundamental aim of the proposed approach, however, is to select the optimal modernization option and allocate it over the planned modernization time horizon. An innovative optimisation approach based on decision matrices is used, allowing the selection of possible scenarios of repair options at each stage. These matrices are a set of constraints written in binary variables allowing the optimisation calculus to maintain a fixed sequence of repairs. In addition, the solutions used in the optimisation modules make it possible to take into account assumptions regarding the assumed assessment of the building’s condition and financial constraints. The developed model provides a practical and versatile tool that can be used by managers at the maintenance stage of residential buildings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Bucoń
Agnieszka Czarnigowska

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ul. Nadbystrzycka 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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The paper presents the concept and deployment of the agro-hydro-meteorological monitoring system (abbrev. AgHMM) created for the purposes of operational planning of regulated drainage and irrigation on the scale of a drainage/irrigation system (INOMEL project). Monitoring system involved regular daily (weekly readings) measurements of agrometeorological and hydrological parameters in water courses at melioration object during vegetation seasons. The measurement results enable an assessment of the meteorological conditions, moisture changes in the 0-60 cm soil profile, fluctuations of groundwater levels at quarters and testing points, also water levels in ditches and at dam structures, and water flow in water courses. These data were supplemended by 7-day meteorological forecast parameter predictions, served as input data for a model of operational planning of drainage and subirrigation at the six melioration systems in Poland. In addition, it was carried out irregular remote sensing observations of plant condition, water consumption by plants and soil moisture levels using imagery taken by unmanned aerial vehicles and Sentinel’s satellites. All the collected data was used for support operational activities aimed at maintaining optimal soil moisture for plant growth and should to provide farmers with high and stable yields. An example of the practical operations using the AgHMM system in 2019 is shown on the basis of the subirrigation object at permanent grasslands located in central Poland called “Czarny Rów B1”.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Kanecka-Geszke
Bogdan Bąk
Tymoteusz Bolewski
Edmund Kaca

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Hrabska Av. 3, Falenty, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Institute of Environmental Engineering, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

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