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The paper discusses a theoretical and an experimental analyses of steel wire drawing in conical drawing dies with a varying length of the die sizing portion. The theoretical analysis was performed in the Drawing 2D, where the wire temperature and drawing stress were determined. The theoretical study was verified by the measurement of drawing force under laboratory conditions and by industrial multi-stage drawing tests carried out under commercial conditions. A relationship has been shown to exist between die sizing portion length and wire temperature and drawing stress.

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M. Suliga
M. Jabłońska
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The text attempts to show the forgotten beauty in architecture. It seems, that the “drawn” architecture can reveal more than the real — built one. The avant-garde of the early 20th century killed in art the need to strive for beauty. Novelty and contemporarily advertising form of architecture are becoming the most important. However, the problem of beauty seems to be still interesting in art. Architecture is slowly departing from the functionalist way of creating, yet it cannot return to the beauty, that once was so important. It is the drawn one, carrying the message of unreality, that makes it possible to return to the forgotten approach to creation. Architects’ drawings can bring back a visionary and idealistic message.

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Tomasz Kozłowski
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How can the world of plants best be depicted? How do drawings differ from micrographs? Why is it that even the best quality photographs are no match for hand-drawn illustrations?
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Dominik Tomaszewski
Marzenna Guzicka

  1. Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik
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The draw theory is the foundation for decreasing ore loss and dilution indices while extracting deposits from mines. Therefore, research on draw theory is of great significance to optimally guide the draw control and improve the economy efficiency of mines. The laboratory scaled physical draw experiments under inclined wall condition conducted showed that a new way was proposed to investigate the flow zone of granular materials. The flow zone was simply divided into two parts with respect to the demarcation point of the flow axis. Based on the stochastic medium draw theory, theoretical movement formulas were derived to define the gravity flow of fragmented rocks in these two parts. The ore body with 55° dip and 10 m width was taken as an example, the particle flow parameters were fitted, and the corresponding theoretical shape of the draw body was sketched based on the derived equation of draw-body shape. The comparison of experimental and theoretical shapes of the draw body confirmed that they coincided with each other; hence, the reliability of the derived equation of particle motion was validated.

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Xiufeng Zhang
Ganqiang Tao
Zhonghua Zhu
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An analysis of the effect of drawing speed on the formation of a zinc coating in the multi-stage fine steel wire drawing process has been carried out in the article. Pre-hardened 2.2 mm-diameter material was drawn into 1.00 mm-diameter wire in 6 draws on a multi-stage drawing machine. The drawing process was carried out at a drawing speed of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 20 m/s, respectively. Mechanical tests were tests were performed for the final wires to determine their yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, uniform and total elongation and reduction in area. The thickness of the zinc coating on the wire surface was determined by the gravimetric method and based on metallographic examination. The use of electron scanning microscopy, on the other hand, enabled the identification of individual phases in the zinc coating. The above investigations were supplemented with corrosion testing of 1.00 mm-diameter wires. It has been demonstrated that drawing speed significantly influences not only the thickness of the zinc coating on the drawn wire surface, buts also its morphology and corrosion resistance.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Suliga
R. Wartacz
H. Kania
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Many wire products (e.g. nets) are made from galvanized material. The hot dip galvanizing process gives the possibility of applying in a respectively thick coat of zinc (also depending on the time of staying wires in the bath) which provides the protection of the product against corrosion. In the available literature there were no research concerned with the influence of hot dip galvanizing process on the mechanical properties TRIP structure steel wires. Therefore, an experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions allowing the determination of the influence of hot dip galvanizing process parameters on the mechanical properties (tensile strength UST and yield strength YS) of TRIP steel wires as well as on the amount of retained austenite in their structure. It has been stated that the hot galvanizing process of TRIP steel wires influences, proportionally to the time of staying wires in zinc bath, on their plastic properties (the increase in yield strength YS) as well as the decrease in the amount of retained austenite in their structure. Such a phenomenon can be caused by stresses responsible for rapid heating of the wire put in the zinc bath in temperature of 450°C and by the strengthening of the materials resulting from the transformation of retained austenite.

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S. Wiewiórowska
Z. Muskalski
J. Michalczyk
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In this paper, an attempt was made to explain the causes of surface delamination in high carbon steel wires during the torsion test. For end wires with 1.7 mm diameter drawn at speeds of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 m/s, technological tests were carried out. Then the susceptibility of the wire to plastic strain was determined. The microstructure analysis complemented the research. Analysis of the fracture torsion test showed that the wires drawn at speeds exceeding 15 m/s are delamination, which disqualify it as a material for a rope and a spring. The source of delamination in high carbon steel wires is their stronger strengthening, especially of the surface layer, which leads to a decrease in the orientation of the cementite laminaes and an increase in the degree of their fragmentation.

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M. Suliga
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In the paper an analysis of the influence of two parameters on the die wear, i.e. the shape of the die and the backpull with the specified force values has been presented. The conical and curve-profile tools have been selected to determine an influence of the die geometry on its wear, and the backpull force has been tested with the use of conical dies. The research was conducted for the drawing of copper wire by sintered carbide die with a mesh diameter of 3 mm. A fixed draw value of 30% relative gap loss was assumed. The axisymmetric numerical model of the drawing process was built and modeled in the MARC/Mentat commercial program for nonlinear and contact issues. As a result of the tests, wear of the dies according to their shape was determined. In addition, for the conical die the drawing force and the force of the metal pressure on the die using different values of the force of the contraction were calculated, as well as wear of the conical die according to the value of the applied backpull force. It has been shown that in the case of the arc die, the distribution of pressure and stress is more uniform over the entire length of the contact zone compared to the conical die. The highest stress gradients occurred in the area of the transition of the crushing part into the drawing part of the die, which caused that the use of the conical die in this area was more than twice as large as the arc die. In addition, on the example of a conical die, it was shown to what extent the depth of its wear decreases with an increase of the test pull force in the range (0-400) of Newtons.

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I. Nowotyńska
S. Kut
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Effect of annealing treatment on deep drawing behavior of hot-rolled Q235 carbon steel/410/304 stainless steel three-layer composite plate was investigated. Deep drawability of the unannealed composite plates exhibits a sharp difference for various contact surfaces with the die. The limit drawing ratio (LDR) of the composite plate with the carbon steel contacting the die is 1.75, while it is 1.83 with the stainless steel contacting the die due to the different mechanical responses to the tensile stress at the corner of the die. After annealing at 900°C for 2 h, however, the deep drawabilities of the composite plates both for various contact surfaces with the die are significantly improved and becomes almost identical, which are attributed to the stress relief, the enhanced ductility and the improved interface bonding strength of the hot-rolled component plates during annealing.
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Zehua Lv
1 2 3
Zhixiong Zhang
1 2 3
Jianchao Han
1 2 3
Tao Wang
1 2 3

  1. Taiyuan University of Technology, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Taiyuan 030024, PR China
  2. Taiyuan University of Technology, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Metal Composites Forming Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan 030024, PR China
  3. Taiyuan University of Technology, Tyut-Uow Joint Research Centre, Taiyuan 030024, PR China
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In multi-stage wire drawing machines productivity growth can be achieved at higher drawing speeds by preventing wire breakage during the process. One disadvantage of high-speed wire drawing is the requirement imposed by machine dynamics in terms of its stability and reliability during operation. Tensile forces in the wire must maintained by fast synchronization of all capstans speed. In this process, the displacement sensors play the main role in providing the control system with feedback information about the wire condition. In this study, the influences between the sensors and actuator driven capstans have been studied, and tuner roll concept of a wire drawing machine was experimentally investigated. To this aim, measurements were carried out on two drawing stages at different drawing speeds and obtained results were presented. These results clearly show the fast changes of the capstans speed and the angular displacements of the rollers that tighten the wire, which only confirms the high dynamics of the wire drawing machine.

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Goce Tasevski
Kocho Angjushev
Zlatko Petreski
Dejan Shishkovski

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Electron beam melting(EBM) is a useful technique to obtain high-purity metal ingots. It is also used for melting refractory metals such as tantalum, which require melting techniques employing a high-energy heat source. Drawing is a method which is used to convert the ingot into a wire shape. The required thickness of the wire is achieved by drawing the ingot from a drawing die with a hole of similar size. This process is used to achieve high purity tantalum springs, which are an essential component of lithography lamp in semiconductor manufacturing process. Moreover, high-purity tantalum is used in other applications such as sputtering targets for semiconductors. Studies related to recycling of tantalum from these components have not been carried out until now. The recycling of tantalum is vital for environmental and economic reasons. In order to obtain high-purity tantalum ingot, in this study impurities contained in the scrap were removed by electron beam melting after pre-treatment using aqua regia. The purity of the ingot was then analyzed to be more than 4N5 (99.995%). Subsequently, drawing was performed using the rod melted by electron beam melting. Owing to continuous drawing, the diameter of the tantalum wire decreased to 0.5 mm from 9 mm. The hardness and oxygen concentration of the tantalum ingot were 149 Hv and less than 300 ppm, respectively, whereas the hardness of the tantalum wire was 232.12 Hv. In conclusion, 4N5 grade tantalum wire was successfully fabricated from tantalum scrap by EBM and drawing techniques. Furthermore, procedure to successfully recycle Tantalum from scraps was established.

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Ji-Won Yu
Sang-Hoon Choi
Jae-Jin Sim
Jae-Hong Lim
Kyoung-Deok Seo
Soong-Keon Hyun
Tae-Youb Kim
Bon-Woo Gu
Kyoung-Tae Park
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The paper analyzes the effect of ageing on the variations in the mechanical and technological properties of steel wire. The process of drawing 5.5 mm-diameter wire rod into 1.70 mm wire was carried out in 12 draws on a Koch KGT multi-stage drawing machine in the drawing velocity range of 5-25 m/s. Finished 1.7 mm-diameter wires after, respectively, 1, 24, 720 and 8760 hours of the completion of the drawing process were subjected to testing to determine their mechanical and technological properties. The yield strength, YS; tensile strength, UTS; uniform elongation, Ar; total elongation, Ac; reduction of area, Z; number of twists, Nt; and the number of bends, Nb, have been determined. It has been demonstrated that variations in mechanical properties occur after the multi-stage drawing process due to ageing, with their degree and mode being dependent on the drawing speed.

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M. Suliga
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The literature on membrane distillation and forward osmosis for treating natural and recovered wastewaters is reviewed. There is renewed interest in these membrane technologies as alternatives to pressure driven processes such as reverse osmosis, which are expensive in both capital and energy, and generally require pre-treatment of the feed water. Membrane distillation with hydrophobic microfiltration membranes can make use of low-grade heat energy, and give higher yields of product water from concentrated feed waters. Forward osmosis uses hydrophilic membranes akin to reveres osmosis, and needs a draw solution that is appropriate in the product water. or must be recovered and reused in large-scale operation. Although they show great promise as simple low energy systems, no large-scale installation of either process exists as yet. Membrane distillation has considerable potential for desalination to produce drinking water, whereas FO is currently confined to small-scale systems, especially as a source of energy drinks in emergency situations.
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Brian Bolto
Manh Hoang
Thuy Tran
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The 0.05 mm-thick 304 stainless steel foil was annealed within the temperature range from 950℃-1100℃ for 10 minutes to obtain different microstructures. And micro-deep drawing experiments of stainless steel foils with different tissue structures were conducted to obtain relevant material forming properties influenced by dimensional effects. On this basis, the influence of the microstructure characteristics on the forming performance of 304 stainless steel foil and the quality of the cup formed by using micro-drawing was studied, and its mechanism was discussed. It can be seen from the results that the stainless steel foil annealed at 950℃ exhibits poor forming performance, and the wrinkle phenomenon of the deep-drawn cup is obvious. At the annealing temperature of 1050℃, the quality of the deep drawing cup is significantly improved. When the annealing temperature reaches 1100℃, with the increase of the annealing temperature, the crystal grains size increase sharply, and the coarse-grain effect causes the uneven plastic deformation effect to be obvious. Besides, the drawing quality is obviously deteriorated. The observation of the microstructure of the deep drawing cup shows that the forming effect of the drawing cup is poor due to the rolling defects and the coarse grain effect. The 304 stainless steel drawing cup annealed at 1050℃ enjoys the best forming effect.
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Yulin Xing
Peisheng Han
Xiaogang Wang

  1. Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Shanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Device Design Theory and Technology (State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Province-Ministry Co-Construct), Taiyuan 030024, China
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The paper focuses on the investigation of AISI 302 steel wire of different initial diameters, in solutionized condition. Three different drawing schedules were realized, starting from three different diameters, where two smaller-gauge wires were obtained by drawing of large-diameter wire and applying solution heat treatment to the product. However, the drawing schedules were carried out with almost the same total reduction and similar partial reductions. The measurement of drawing force was performed for each drawing pass, and the samples of wire were taken after each pass. The samples were then tested to obtain a set of mechanical and technological properties, as well as the distribution of Vickers hardness on wire cross section. Finally, the effect of different history of deformation and heat treatment on drawing process stability and final properties of drawn wires was discussed.
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Maciej Rumiński

  1. AGH University of Krakow , Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow , Poland
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The hydro-mechanical drawing combines conventional deep drawing and sheet hydroforming and is widely used in the automotive industry. In this study, we designed and fabricated an indigenous experimental set-up that is low cost, low weight and portable. This study investigated the deformation of sheet metals into hemispherical cup-shaped parts made of different materials, viz., aluminium 8011 alloys, copper C12200 and steel EN10130 alloys. The initial thickness of sheet metal was 0.4 mm, the most common thickness range used in automotive applications. The deformation behaviour in terms of dome height has been measured by varying the pressure of the fluids. Aluminium 8011 alloy sheets showed a maximum dome height of 11.46 mm at a pressure of 1.47 MPa with no rupture. Steel EN10130 sheets had a maximum dome height of 10.89 mm at a pressure of 9.31 MPa. It was concluded that the behaviours of materials are different in the hydro-mechanical drawing process than in mechanical tests. Copper C12200 sheet showed superior formability with a maximum dome height of 18.91 mm at a pressure of 7.06 MPa than other materials without fracture.
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Authors and Affiliations

Binayak Nahak
Anil Kumar
Anshul Yadav
Jerzy Winczek

  1. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj – 211004, India
  2. Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur – 228118, India
  3. Częstochowa University of Technology, Częstochowa, Poland
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The Nile River is the main route for inland navigation in Egypt. The vessels navigating through inland waterways generate complex physical forces that need to be studied extensively. Quantifying the effects of vessels sailing along a waterway is a complex problem because the river flow is unsteady and the river bathymetry is irregular. This paper aims to investigate the hydrodynamic effects resulting from the movement of vessels such as return currents around the vessel, the draw down of the water surface, under keel clearance, and the shear stress induced by vessels operating in the Nile River. Modeling such effects has been performed by applied the two-dimensional ADH (adaptive hydraulics) model to a river reach for different navigation channel operation scenarios. The obtained results show that the draw down heights, the water fluctuation, and the shear stress magnitude are larger when the river cross sectionals are narrow and the shallow water depths. These river sections are considered more disposed to bed erosion and it is morphologically unsafe.
The section having the narrowest width and the lowest depth was associated with the largest drawdown percentages of 98.3% and 87.3% in one-way and two-way scenarios. While the section having the widest width and the largest depth was associated with the least drawdown percentages of 48.5% and 51.9% in one-way and two-way scenarios.
The section having the narrowest width and the lowest depth was associated with the largest fluctuations of 22.0 cm and 41.9 cm in one-way and two-way scenarios. While the section having the widest width and the largest depth was associated with the least fluctuations of 0.6 cm and 1.8 cm in one-way and two-way scenarios.
The section having the narrowest width and the lowest depth was the worst section for under keel clearance of 5.0 cm and 33.3 cm in one-way and two-way scenarios. While the section having the widest width and the largest depth was the best section, where its clearance values were 183.2 cm and 155.0 cm in one-way and two-way scenarios.
It is concluded that a numerical model is a valuable tool for predicting and quantifying the hydrodynamic effects of vessels moving through a two-dimensional flow field and can be used to evaluate different scenarios that are difficult to measure in the field or a physical model. Also, it provides visualization products that help us understand the complicated forces produced by vessels moving in a navigation channel.
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Authors and Affiliations

Neveen Abdel-Mageed Badawy
Alaa Nabil El-Hazek
Hossam Mohamed Elsersawy
Ebtesam Rezk Mohammed

  1. Benha University, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Department of Civil Engineering, Cairo, Egypt
  2. National Water Research Center, Nile Research Institute, Fum Ismailiya Canal, P.O. Box 74, Shoubra El-Kheima, 13411, Egypt
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The analysis of the development of the microstructure of deep drawn automotive B pillar, as well as the analysis of deformation based on numerical simulation and experiment, was performed. The microstructure of steel sheet as well as Al-Si coating after various stages of B pillar production was investigated. It was found that the obtained microstructure of the B pillar was significantly different from that described in many studies as a proper one. The microstructure of the investigated material consisted of martensite, bainite, and a small amount of ferrite. Al-Si coating, despite its morphological changes, remained on the surface of B pillar and, in spite of this, did not fully eliminate oxidation and decarburization of B pillar material. The analysis of the state of strain allowed to evaluate the deformation safety of the process, as well as to verify the simulation results through measurements of sheet thickness variations.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Paćko
J. Krawczyk
T. Śleboda
T. Frocisz
Maciej Rumiński
O. Lypchanskyi
T. Tokarski
P. Piasecki

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. Kirchhoff Automotive, Mielec, Poland

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