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Recent developments in automation and technology have revolutionized the way products are made. It is directly seen in the evolution of part miniaturization in the sectors such as aerospace, electronics, biomedicine and medical implants. Micromachining is a promising technology to fulfill the need of miniaturization. A review has been done on the micromachining processes such as micro electric discharge machining (micro-EDM) and wire EDM (WEDM), micro electrochemical machining (micro-ECM). Recent literature were studied and categorized in terms of materials, process parameters, performances, product manufactured, and miniature product generation. Starting with brief introduction to micromachining, classifications and applications, technical aspects of discussions from the literature have been presented on key factors such as parameters and the response variables. Important aspects of recast layer, heat effected zone, micro-hardness, micro cracks, residual stress, etc., have been given. A special focus is given to the status of the research on microgear manufacturing. Comparison has been made between other conventional process suitable for micro-gear manufacturing and WEDM. The miniature gear machined by WEDM shows the defect-free microstructure, better surface finish, thin recast layer and improved gear quality parameters such as profile and pitch. Finally, the research gaps and future research directions have been presented.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tina Chaudhary
Arshad Noor Siddiquee
Arindam Kumar Chanda
Zahid Akhtar Khan
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This article deals with the effects of electrical discharge machining (EDM) on the chemical composition and microstructure of cast Alnico alloys, i.e., iron-based alloys composed of aluminum, nickel and cobalt. The experiments focused on determining the chemical composition of the surface layer before and after the EDM process. The microstructure of the material altered by the EDM was also examined. The study included measurement of the thickness of the white layer characteristic of EDM. It is evident that low values of the surface roughness parameters can be obtained by correctly selecting the EDM process parameters. The average surface roughness reported in the experiments was 1 μm. The surface roughness measurements were conducted with a Talysurf CCI lite non-contact profiler. The metrological results also indicate that lower surface roughness can be obtained at small discharge energies.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bańkowski
P. Młynarczyk
B. Szwed

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Poland
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This paper presents a study of the hybrid electro-discharge mechanical machining BEDMM (Brush Electro-Discharge Mechanical Machining) with the application of a rotary disk brush as a working electrode. The discussed method enables not only an effective machining with a material removal rate of up to 300 mm3/min but also finishing (with the obtained roughness of Ra < 0.5 μm) of the surfaces of complex-shaped alloys with poor machinability. The analysis of the factors involved in the machining process indicates that its efficiency is determined by electrodischarge. The use of flexible working electrodes makes it possible to apply simple technological instrumentation and results in the simplicity of the process automation. The aim of the study was to obtain quantitative relationships between the parameters of brush electro discharge mechanical machining (BEDMM) and its effects. The presented experimental research results define the effect of the process input parameters on the performance and roughness of machined surfaces obtained for manganese cast steel.

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Authors and Affiliations

P.S. Młynarczyk
S. Spadło
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Tajdeen
A. Megalingam

  1. Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sathyamangalam, Erode-638401, Tamil Nadu, India
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The development of industry is determined by the use of modern materials in the production of parts and equipment. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of nickel-based superalloys in the aerospace, energy and space industries. Due to their properties, these alloys belong to the group of materials hard-to-machine with conventional methods. One of the non-conventional manufacturing technologies that allow the machining of geometrically complex parts from nickel-based superalloys is electrical discharge machining. The article presents the results of experimental investigations of the impact of EDM parameters on the surfaces roughness and the material removal rate. Based on the results of empirical research, mathematical models of the EDM process were developed, which allow for the selection of the most favourable processing parameters for the expected values of the surface roughness Sa and the material removal rate.

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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Świercz
Dorota Oniszczuk-Świercz
Lucjan Dąbrowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Warsaw, Poland.
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To achieve better precision of features generated using the micro-electrical discharge machining (micro-EDM), there is a necessity to minimize the wear of the tool electrode, because a change in the dimensions of the electrode is reflected directly or indirectly on the feature. This paper presents a novel modeling and analysis approach of the tool wear in micro-EDM using a systematic statistical method exemplifying the influences of capacitance, feed rate and voltage on the tool wear ratio. The association between tool wear ratio and the input factors is comprehended by using main effect plots, interaction effects and regression analysis. A maximum variation of four-fold in the tool wear ratio have been observed which indicated that the tool wear ratio varies significantly over the trials. As the capacitance increases from 1 to 10 nF, the increase in tool wear ratio is by 33%. An increase in voltage as well as capacitance would lead to an increase in the number of charged particles, the number of collisions among them, which further enhances the transfer of the proportion of heat energy to the tool surface. Furthermore, to model the tool wear phenomenon, a egression relationship between tool wear ratio and the process inputs has been developed.

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Govindan Puthumana

  1. Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
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In the work results of research on electrodischarge machining (EDM) of titanium alloy Ti10V2Fe3Al with (α + β) structure were presented. Preliminary heat treatment of samples allows to obtain different morphology and volume fraction of the α phase. The main goal of research was to assessment of the material microstructure impact on EDM technological factors (ie. material removal rate, tool wear) and morphology of technological surface layer. Electrodischarge machining is alternative and increasingly used method of titanium alloys machining. Research allowed to indicate the possibilities and limitations of use EDM in this area. It is especially important in the aspect of parts produced for aircraft industry and related requirements for the technological surface layer quality.

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A. Żyra
R. Bogucki
S. Skoczypiec
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In this investigation, the surface characteristics of Nickel based superalloy Inconel-625 were evaluated by the electrical discharge machining with used cooking oil-based biodiesel as a dielectric. Nickel-based superalloys find wide applicability in numerous industries due to their specific properties. The Cu electrodes of various densities prepared by atomic diffusion additive manufacturing process were used for machining. A comparison of the performance was made based on average surface roughness. The Design-expert software was used for experimental design and parametric analysis. The outcome demonstrated that bio-dielectric fluid produced improved surface characteristics. The surface roughness was observed to reduce. The surface micrograph obtained from scanning electron microscopy also confirms a better surface finish of bio-dielectric fluid over EDM oil. The surface roughness was shown to be most significantly influenced by the discharge current, with the other parameters having little or no effect. The results showed that for bio-dielectric, the lowest Ra was 0.643 µm, and for EDM oil, the highest value of 0.844 µm. The slightest difference in roughness value for two dielectric fluids was 0.013 µm, and the highest difference was 0.115 µm.
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Mohd Yunus Khan
P. Sudhakar Rao
BS. Pabla

  1. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh, India
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Multiple response optimization of the machining of 17-4 PH stainless steel material, which is difficult to process with traditional methods, with EDM was made by Taguchi-based grey relational analysis method. Surface roughness (Ra), material removal rate (MRR), and electrode wear rate (EWR) were the responses, while current, pulse-on time, pulse-off time, and voltage were chosen as process parameters. According to the multi-response optimization, the experiment level that gave the best result was A1B2C2D2. Optimum machining outputs were found as A1B3C1D1 using the Taguchi method. As a result of the Taguchi analysis and ANOVA, it was determined that the significant parameters according to multiple performance characteristics were current (56.22%) and voltage (22.40%). The surfaces of the best GRG and optimal sample were examined with XRD, SEM and EDX analysis and the effects on the surfaces were compared.
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E. Gerçekcioğlu
M. Albaşkara

  1. Erciyes University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Kayseri, Turkey
  2. Afyon Kocatepe University, İscehisar Vocational School, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
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In this research work, Ti6Al4V alloy material was subjected to electric discharge machining (EDM) and its fatigue life was investigated at low cycle fatigue mode. In order to evaluate the influence of recast layer generated during the machining process on the fatigue life, samples prepared using end milling process were also subjected to similar tests and a comparative analysis is presented. Data were observed in the fully reversed fatigue mode at room temperature using samples fabricated as per ASTM standard E606. The specimen were machined on a spark electric discharge die sink machine which were subjected to fatigue, and the recorded fatigue lives were compared with the fatigue life of end milled specimen. The machined surfaces were examined through optical and scanning electron microscopes, and the roughness was measured with a standard profilometer. It was observed that when the discharge current is augmented, the recast layer formed was in the range of 20 to 70 µm thick. From the results, it is being concluded that fatigue life of the samples fabricated by EDM is less for various load conditions when compared with that of the end milled sample. The milled sample at 160 MPa load exhibited 2.71×105 cycles, which is 64% more when compared to EDM sample.

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A. Eakambaram
M. Anthony Xavior
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The use of quantitative methods, including stochastic and exploratory techniques in environmental studies does not seem to be sufficient in practical aspects. There is no comprehensive analytical system dedicated to this issue, as well as research regarding this subject. The aim of this study is to present the Eco Data Miner system, its idea, construction and implementation possibility to the existing environmental information systems. The methodological emphasis was placed on the one-dimensional data quality assessment issue in terms of using the proposed QAAH1 method - using harmonic model and robust estimators beside the classical tests of outlier values with their iterative expansions. The results received demonstrate both the complementarity of proposed classical methods solution as well as the fact that they allow for extending the range of applications significantly. The practical usefulness is also highly significant due to the high effectiveness and numerical efficiency as well as simplicity of using this new tool.

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Piotr Czechowski
Artur Badyda
Grzegorz Majewski

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