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In order to determine the leading phase of the Fe - 4.25% C eutectic alloy, the method of directional crystallization, which allows to study the character of the solid / liquid growth front, was used. Examined eutectic was directionally solidified with a constant temperature gradient of G = 33,5 K/mm and growth rate of v = 125 μm/s (450 mm/h). The Bridgman technique was used for the solidification process. The sample was grown by pulling it downwards up to 30 mm in length. The alloy quenched by rapid pulling down into the Ga-In-Sn liquid metal. The sample was examined on the longitudinal section using a light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The shape of the solid/liquid interface and particularly the leading phase protrusion were revealed. The formation of the concave – convex interface has been identified in the quasi-regular eutectic growth arrested by quenching. The cementite phase was determined to be a leading phase. The total protrusion d is marked in the adequate figure.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Trepczyńska-Łent
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The current work is dedicated to the mathematical description of a protrusion of the leading phase (cementite) over the wetting phase (austenite) observed during the author’s experiments in previous articles. A cementite protrusion is confirmed in the directionally solidified Fe-4.25% C eutectic alloy. The protrusion is defined due to the mass balance fulfilment. A coordinate system is attached to the solid/liquid interface, which is moving with the constant growth rate v.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Trepczyńska-Łent

  1. UTP University of Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Bydgoszcz, Poland
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The paper presents the results of abrasive wear resistance tests carried out on high-vanadium cast iron with spheroidal VC carbides. The cast iron of eutectic composition was subjected to spheroidising treatment using magnesium master alloy. The tribological properties were examined for the base cast iron (W), for the cast iron subjected to spheroidising treatment (S) and for the abrasion-resistant steel (SH). Studies have shown that high-vanadium cast iron with both eutectic carbides and spheroidal carbides has the abrasion resistance twice as high as the abrasion-resistant cast steel. The spheroidisation of VC carbides did not change the abrasion resistance compared to the base high-vanadium grade.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Kawalec
E. Olejnik
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High-vanadium cast iron is the white cast iron in which the regular fibrous γ + VC eutectic with the volume fraction of vanadium carbide amounting to about 20% crystallises. This paper presents the results of studies on high-vanadium cast iron subjected to the inoculation treatment with magnesium master alloy. The aim of this operation is to change the morphology of the crystallising VC carbides from the fibrous shape into a spheroidal one. The study also examines the effect of the amount of the introduced inoculant on changes in the morphology of the crystallising VC carbides. To achieve the goals once set, metallographic studies were performed on high-vanadium cast iron of eutectic composition in base state and after the introduction of a variable content of the inoculant. The introduction of magnesium-based master alloy resulted in the expected changes of microstructure. The most beneficial effect was obtained with the introduction of 1.5% of magnesium master alloy, since nearly half of the crystallised vanadium carbides have acquired a spheroidal shape.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Kawalec
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The paper presents the results of tests on the spheroidising treatment of vanadium carbides VC done with magnesium master alloy and mischmetal. It has been proved that the introduction of magnesium master alloy to an Fe-C-V system of eutectic composition made 34% of carbides crystallise in the form of spheroids. Adding mischmetal to the base alloy melt caused 28% of the vanadium carbides crystallise as dendrites. In base alloy without the microstructure-modifying additives, vanadium carbides crystallised in the form of a branched fibrous eutectic skeleton. Testing of mechanical properties has proved that the spheroidising treatment of VC carbides in high-vanadium cast iron increases the tensile strength by about 60% and elongation 14 - 21 times, depending on the type of the spheroidising agent used. Tribological studies have shown that high-vanadium cast iron with eutectic, dendritic and spheroidal carbides has the abrasive wear resistance more than twice as high as the abrasion-resistant cast steel.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Górny
M. Kawalec

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