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Dealing with risk and addressing risk consequences constitute indispensable and specific elements of every business activity. The aim of this paper has been to assess the level of risk connected with the process of exploitation of hard coal deposits used for the production of coke in Poland, that is why a methodology has been developed which takes into account the impact of significant risk factors resulting from both geological and mining conditions upon unit cost of coal mining. This methodology constitutes a comprehensive approach to sustainable management of hard coal resources. The key source of information pertaining to exploitation risk factors is the digital geological model of hard coal deposit which has been developed. It comprises a structural model as well as a quality model of the basic quality parameters of coal. Structural models and coal quality models have been developed on the basis of litho-stratigraphic profiles from geological exploratory boreholes and underground observations (boreholes drilled from underground workings and their profiling). The structural grid model also contains information on tectonic disturbances (faults) or sedimentation disturbances (intercalations, wash-outs, and the like). The digital model was used as the basis for devising time schedules of development and preparatory works, as well as coal extraction proper. Historical results of mining and economic data from 81 longwalls mined in the years 2016–2022 have been used for the purpose of analysis of the impact of risk factors on unit operating costs. The analysis comprised a total of 23 criteria which influence the costs of mining. From that group, 10 risk factors have been selected by means of statistical analysis using segmented regression, these factors have been utilized to make an assessment of the forecast concerning risk factor level for zones of the deposit meant for mining until the year 2035. The risk factors taken into account were those which are due to natural hazards, geological structure of the deposit (coal seam) and technical limitations. Risk factor (RF) indicator has been developed, for its construction the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP ) has been used. The value of RF, which expresses the aggregated form of variability concerning individual factors pertaining to geology and mining, has been used to determine the adjusted own risk assessment when estimating the economic efficiency of the coking coal deposit for 8 exploitation zones with the use of discounted cash flow method. The assessed average value of RF for the entire deposit amounted to 0.29. The lowest level of RF was noted in case of zone W (RF = 0.17), whereas the highest value of risk occurs in zone PN (RF = 0.64). The values of RF were used to calculate the rate of discount as consolidated measure of own risk, when assessing investment projects in mining. For zone W with the lowest risk of mining the discount rate amounts to 8.34%, whereas in case of zone PN which has the highest risk level, it amounts to 15.02%. Assessing the level of mining risk provides the possibility to optimize the cost of mining, and may be utilized for making decisions concerning the sequence and time of mining from particular zones of the deposit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Eugeniusz Jacek Sobczyk
Jarosław Kulpa
Michał Kopacz
Marcin Sałamaga
Wiktoria Sobczyk

  1. Mineral Energy and Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
  3. Faculty of Energy and Fuels, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
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This study presents a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) by integrating analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy cognition to evaluate the construction risks of tunnel portals. Wuguanyi Tunnel is taken as the research objective to validate the performance of the proposed method. The result shows that the proposed decision making method can effectively identify risk factors and determine the risk level during the construction of tunnel portals. Finally, the corresponding control measures during the construction of the Wuguanyi Tunnel portal are proposed according to the risk assessment results.

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Xianghui Deng
Rui Wang
Tian Xu
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Open pit mining has severe environmental impacts on the environment of mining region. Mined land reclamation procedure in open pit mining contains numerous activities in order to prevent, monitor, control reduce environmental impacts of a project from exploration stage to exploitation, to mine closure and beyond. After mine closure, a permanent Post Mining Land Use (PMLU) should be implemented as an appropriate choice for use of different sections of mined land in an open pit mine. Mined land in open pit mining comprise different sections as pit(s), waste dump(s), tailing pond(s), roads, areas for on site facilities and free land zones which are not mined. The selected PMLU for each section of mined land as the most appropriate alternative based on the different points of view is presented as Optimum Post Mining Land Use (OPMLU). OPMLU for each section of mined land and the specifications of mine site are the most decisive parameters which affect the quality and volume of mine closure procedure, reclamation process and their costs. Furthermore, to define Ultimate Pit Limit (UPL) in open pit mining, consideration of mine closure and reclamation costs is essential as other costs of a mining project. Therefore, defining OPMLU for each section of mined land is essential within planning phase of an open pit mining project. In this paper the applicable alternatives of PMLU, the effective criteria, attributes and sub-attributes for defining OPMLU are presented for pit area amongst different sections of mined land. Pit area amongst different sections of mined land has more significant effects on the adjacent environment and also on defining OPMLU for the other sections of mined land. As there are several alternatives of PMLU, several criteria, attributes and sub-attributes for defining OPMLU, Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methods are efficient techniques to define OPMLU for pit area. Fuzzy sets use a spectrum of numbers instead of using absolute numbers. As well, the nature of the effective parameters for defining OPMLU is same as Fuzzy numbers including incremental changes without definite limits thus the use of Fuzzy MADM modeling can produce more reliable results than the other techniques. As pair-wise comparisons and judgments through Fuzzy numbers have proper consistency with the nature of the effective parameters for defining OPMLU accordingly, a model is developed to attain OPMLU for pit area through Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Processing (FAHP). As a case study the model was implemented in Sungun copper mine in Northwest of Iran. Lumber production was defined as OPMLU for the pit area in this mine. It is finally concluded that using the developed model, OPMLU is defined for pit area as a key parameter to estimate reclamation costs in planning phase of an open pit mining project.

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A.H. Bangian
M. Ataei
A. Sayadi
A. Gholinejad
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Improving product quality while making decisions remains a challenge. The objective of this research was to develop a model that supports the precise enhancement of product quality through comprehensive analysis of possibilities, product incompatibilities, root causes, and recommended improvement actions. The model incorporated various tools and methods such as the SMARTER method, expert team selection, brainstorming, Ishikawa diagram, 5M+E rule, FAHP, and FTOPSIS methods. The study demonstrated that integrating quality management tools and decision-making methods into a unified model enables the accurate prioritization of activities for product quality management. This integrated approach represents the novelty of this research. The model was evaluated using a mechanical seal made of 410 alloy. The research findings can be valuable to enterprises seeking to enhance product quality at any stage of production, particularly for modified or new products.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominika Siwiec
Remigiusz Gawlik
2 3
Andrzej Pacana

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Poland
  3. North-West University, NWU Business School, South Africa
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Small and Medium Enterprises SME play a crucial role in the global economy through their contribution in countries economy and creation of employment opportunities, and their success heavily relies on the implementation of efficient manufacturing systems like Lean Production(LP). LP is a continuous improvement philosophy based on various lean activities for improving enterprise lean performance. A fuzzy model that integration Fuzzy Consistency Algorithm (FCA) and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) was proposed as a comprehensive framework to assess the levels of importance and priority of nineteen SME lean activities that categorized into the related five related lean dimensions. FCA was used to construct the fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix to ensure obtaining consistent experts judgment, whereas FAHP was applied to identify the level of importance and priority of lean activities. Identifying the level of importance of lean activities will be contributed in focuses SME efforts in the improvement process on the most important lean activities to ensure effective resource allocation and foster continuous improvement process and offer a practical tool for enhancing their competitiveness and sustainability. The proposed model was applied in Iraqi SME. The result showed that FCA is an efficient approach to construct a consistent judgment matrix. Efficient manger, Kaizen team, supplier relationship, execution customer suggestions and customer satisfaction job rotation are the most important lean activities with level of importance 58.90%, 21.30%, 49.80%, 38.50%, 41.20% respectively. The proposed model can be used for small or medium size enterprise for various production industries.
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AllaEldin H. KASSAM
Sawsan Sabeeh A. Al-ZUBAIDI
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This study introduces an innovative algorithm that leverages Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) for the optimization of building repair methodologies. Focusing on multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), it showcases a methodology for evaluating and selecting the most effective repair strategy for building elements, balancing various conflicting criteria. The research applies TLS for rapid and accurate geometric data acquisition of engineering structures, demonstrating its utility in structural diagnostics and technical condition assessment. A case study on a single-family residential building, experiencing floor deformation in a principal ground-floor room, illustrates the practical application. Maximum deflection and floor deflection distribution were measured using TLS. Utilizing FAHP for analysis, the decision model identifies the most advantageous repair method from a building user’s perspective. This approach not only provides a systematic framework for selecting optimal repair solutions but also highlights the potential of integrating advanced scanning technologies and decision-support methods in the field of building materials and structural engineering.
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Zbigniew Walczak
Barbara Ksit
Anna Szymczak-Graczyk
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This article introduces a groundwater vulnerability assessment model that utilises the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) in the Wadi AlHasa catchment, Jordan. The assessment takes into account both geomorphological and hydrogeological variables, employing a comprehensive methodology that integrates various parameters. To evaluate the catchment, the study employs remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. The analysis of the digital elevation model enables the creation of a map illustrating the diverse geomorphology of the catchment. This geomorphology significantly influences drainage density, direction, and the spatial distribution and intensity of flash flood events. Moreover, the study develops and maps a fuzzy FAHP DRASTIC vulnerability index, which proves to be a valuable tool for assessing the susceptibility of groundwater resources to contamination. The unique feature of the index is its ability to incorporate uncertain or subjective data, providing a means to evaluate the significance of various influencing factors. This information serves as critical support for decision-making and management efforts geared towards safeguarding and enhancing groundwater resources. Within the study area, the DRASTIC vulnerability index values span from 0.08325 to 0.28409, with 18% of the site exhibiting a high vulnerability rate. Additionally, the article implements a managed aquifer recharge model (MAR), with 31% of the area falling into MAR classes. Among these, 22.1% are classified as a high MAR class, while 0.7% belong to a very high MAR class. These findings underscore the feasibility of MAR projects in regions with limited water resources.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alsharifa Hind Mohammad
Taleb Odeh
Mahmoud Abualhaijaa
Khaldoun Shatanawi
1 3
Maha Halalshe

  1. The University of Jordan, Water, Energy, and Environment Center, Queen Rania Street, 11942 Amman, Jordan
  2. The Hashemite University, Department of Water Management and Environment, Prince Al Hassan bin Talal College for Natural Resources and the Environment, P.O. Box 330127, 13133 Zarqa, Jordan
  3. The University of Jordan, School of Engineering, Queen Rania Street, 11942 Amman, Jordan

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