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The present studies explore how activating concepts pertaining to the origins of interindividual differences affect the processing of stereotypical and counterstereotypical information. The concepts, i.e., nature and nurture, are both assumed to evoke similar stereotypical expectations although nurture implies greater flexibility. The studies show that stereotypical information enhances whereas counterstereotypical information diminishes stereotyping when nurture is activated. In contrast, counterstereotypical evidence challenges what activated nature would suggest and perceivers primed with nature evince stronger stereotyping when they encounter counterstereotypical information. The results also show that priming nature leads perceivers to attribute stereotype conformity to internal causes whereas nurture accredits conformity to situational constraints. Stereotype flexibility is associated with the subjective ease with which perceivers can both imagine counterstereotypical and mentally undo stereotypical evidence.
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Authors and Affiliations

Philip Broemer
Adam Grabowski
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The objective of the study was the comparative analysis of areas of Internet behavior (use of Internet, relations and Internet Addiction) with regards to gender in seven years’ perspective. The study was conducted in two stages (2005 and 2012) among Polish students (N = 452). Results showed significant gender differences in the use of Internet. The use of Internet is no longer predictor of Internet Addiction in both men and women. The higher number of contacts limited to Internet was a predictor of Internet Addiction in both men and women, but lower self -esteem in women only. Men were more prone to Internet Addiction in comparison with women and this tendency is on the rise.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominika Ochnik
Aleksandra Dembińska
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Values define the directions of human activities and are related to people’s motivation to undertake specific activities and roles (Schwartz, 1994; Brown, 2002). Researchers and employers observe differences in motivation to work among representatives of different generations and genders (Twenge, Campbell, & Freeman, 2012; Gursoy & Karadag, 2013). In this research project, the authors asked what motivated contemporary employees, whether the intensity of their motives was different in different generations, what relationships there were between the dominant work motives and employees’ dominant values, and whether there were differences between women and men regarding work motives. To verify the hypotheses, they conducted a study with a sample of 307 professionally active people. They used their own Types of Work Motives Questionnaire designed for the purposes of the study and the Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ; Wilson & Murrell, 2004). The obtained results indicate that younger employees choose the kind of work that gives them comfort and adequate pay. Regardless of age, however, social security support is the most important for all groups of respondents. For women, security and social security support are important at work. Moreover, the study has shown that there is a relationship between work values and work motives. For example people who appreciate values such as friendship and stability are motivated to work by good relationships and security, those who value recreation and stability are motivated by comfort and salary, those for whom respect and education are crucial are motivated by the possibility of development etc.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Godlewska-Werner
Aleksandra Peplińska
Anna Maria Zawadzka
Piotr Połomski
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This study examined the relationship between gender role conflict and attitude towards psychological help-seeking. This study involved 120 university students from a university. Gender Role Conflict Scale was used to measure gender role conflict and Attitude towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short Form was used to measure attitude towards psychological help-seeking. The results found there is a significant negative relationship between gender role conflict and attitude towards seeking psychological help. The results suggest that it is essential for mental health professionals to recognise the impact of gender roles on the counselling process.

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Authors and Affiliations

Nirooj Loganathan
Fatt Mee Foo

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