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Galicia’s autonomous status was in fact a doubletrack affair. On the one hand Galicia became a shining example of freedom and autonomy, embedded in the new constitutional order of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, while on the other hand it was tied down to a monarchical absolutism which offered only limited protection of individual rights. The press in particular was caught in the dilemmas produced by this situation, especially in the sensitive areas of political loyalty and religion.

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Elżbieta A. Maj
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This article explores the beginnings of Polish press studies. The boundaries of the early history of the discipline are fixed by reference to some important events; the period itself is divided into two phases. The first, dominated by mere description, was followed by a second phase characterized by the appearance of aggregate data and more theory-oriented approach. The aim of the article is to recount the research in this field, and to refine and verify some of its elements

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Tomasz Mielczarek
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This article focuses on the developments which led to the construction of a Polish paradigm of press studies. An analysis of the methodological premises and contributions of researchers involved in that process in the 1950s and 1960s indicates that the key role in developing a such a paradigm was played by Mieczysław Kafel. It must be said, though, that his concept of press studies was not adopted by all specialists in field. As a result Polish press/media studies exhibit considerable differences of approach (paradigmatic structure).
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1. Budzyk K., Niektóre problemy metodologiczne badań prasoznawczych, „Prasa Współczesna i Dawna” 1958, nr 3.
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3. Butkiewicz T., Z problemów badań historycznoprasowych, „Kwartalnik Prasoznawczy” 1957, nr 3.
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21. Kniagininowa M., Pisarek W., Poradnik językowy. Podręcznik dla pracowników prasy, radia i telewizji, wyd. I Kraków 1965, wyd. II Kraków 1969.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Mielczarek

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego ul. Uniwersytecka 17, 25-406 Kielce
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The ‘incriminated (suppressed) text’ and its removal remains the key object on the conceptual map of censorship studies. In this approach to censor ship the analysis focuses on demonstrable facts of official intervention in the media, the documentation of the process as well as the reconstruction of the effects of individual gagging orders for the author, the publisher and the editor in charge. An alternative, historical approach to censorship takes a much broader view of the subject. It looks at the institutions involved, their competences, procedures and aims (ranging from prevention to repression) as well as the tools at their disposal. The latter approach, systemic and comparative in scope, requires ‘digging up’ considerably more information than establishing the fact of a censor’s intervention.

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Grażyna Wrona
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This biographical dictionary includes 226 biograms of editors in chief journalists executive editors and co-workers that were also described as editors. It is based on research data as well as records in ecclesiastical and state archives, libraries and registry offices. The individual lives are presented in accordance with the customary biogram template.

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Grażyna Gzella
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This article examines the coverage of German themes in Polish local press by focusing on a number of newspapers and periodicals published at Siedlce in the 1930s, i.e. Gazeta Podlaska, Nowa Gazeta Podlaska, Głos Podlaski, Ziemia Siedlecka, Wiadomości Diecezjalne Podlaskie and Życie Podlasia.

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Jarosław Cabaj
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This article outlines the rise and development of popular science periodicals in Poland from the 18th century until 1939. Their history begins in 1758 with the publication of Nowe Wiadomości Ekonomiczne i Uczone [Latest Economic and Learned News]. Our corpus includes 128 periodicals representing a great diversity of formats and content.

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Ewa Wójcik
Grażyna Wrona
Renata Zając

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