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This article takes a closer look at Juliusz Słowacki's poetic drama Ksiądz Marek ( Father Marek) from the perspective of its links and affinities with some of the prophetic books of the Bible. A comparison of the text of the drama with parallel passages of the Book of Isaiah and the Book of Ezekiel in the Jakub Wujek Bible throws into sharp relief the prophetic-visionary characterization of the title hero (whose real-life prototype the Franciscan friar Marek Jandołowicz was the charismatic leader of the Bar Confederation) as well as other dramatis personae (especially Klemens Kosakowski). Comparing parallel passages not only brings to light Słowacki's use of Old Testament imagery but also reveals a multilevel embedment of the drama in the biblical vision of God's work in the world. It seems that this aspect of Słowacki's creative art has not been fully appreciated in the critical readings of the drama. His relationship with the Bible should be treated as something more fundamental than a an indicator of his religious faith and, also, as a respectful and critical commitment to a narrative model of ageless relevance.
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Małgorzata Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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This article examines Słowacki’s preoccupation with eroticism in some of his works and in his correspondence. The first part focuses on his poem ‘In Switzerland’ in which the relationship between the characters is shrouded in ambiguity and the sexual theme is treated in an elliptical manner. Beatrix Cenci, a Romantic drama showing the fi lthy, predatory aspects of sexuality and eroticism, is analysed in the second part of the article. It is followed by a discussion of Słowacki’s correspondence with Leonard Niedźwiecki, conducted in French. The article examines the ways in which the choice of the French language appears to have infl uenced the poet’s articulation of his intimate experiences and desires.

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Magdalena Ciechańska
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In this interpretation of Juliusz Słowacki's ‘Snycerz był zatrudniony Dyjanny lepieniem…’ [The carver was busy shaping Diana's statue] the discussion focuses on his attitude to matter, especially as the material of art. The article argues that Słowacki elevates and even sacralises mud, the most lowly of raw materials, and thus exposes the falseness of the popular view that he despises matter, the base opposite of the spirit. However, it would be more accurate to say that in his vision, which is part of his Genesis from the Spirit philosophy, the path to salvation leads through the reconciliation of spirit and matter rather than a triumph of one over the other.
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Anna Rzepniewska-Kosińska

  1. Zakład Literatury Romantyzmu Instytutu Literatury Polskiej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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This article attempts to follow the dynamic process of body communication between the characters of Juliusz Słowacki's Samuel Zborowski (1845, published 1903). An analysis of some passages at the beginning of the drama and in the penultimate act indicates that in the world of the drama the body functions as a medium and body language is at least as important as the spoken word; or, to be more precise, the two types of communication complement one another. In the encounter between Eolion and the Maiden the bodies act as repositories of spiritual memory (a key idea of Słowacki's Genesian philosophy) and can trigger the process of anamnesis, which combines elements of heterosexual eroticism and the affective touch of physical interaction. Moreover, the ensuing scene of judgment hints at a nostalgic relationship between the spirit and the body, the latter acting as a guarantor of a coherent identity, though to some extent undermined by the new model of polyphonic identity. Finally, these scenes are analyzed from the point of view of the performative-persuasive functions of the body.

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Agata Żaglewska
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This article presents a new approach to the interpretation of Juliusz Słowacki's Genesis from the Spirit (1844) from the perspective of the groundbreaking philosophical discourse of modernity. What it actually suggests is that the mystical Form of Słowacki's cosmic vision, believed to be an emanation of the Absolute or a vestige of Creation, has a historical and materialist core. This claim is based on a series of comparisons with passages from Hegel and the premises of the philosophy of Friedrich Schlegel. By following closely the spontaneous movement of inner tensions in Słowacki's poetic discourse this study demonstrates that it is driven his own philosophical project and less so by the discourse of mysticism.
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● Adorno Theodor, Horkheimer Max, Dialektyka oświecenia, tłum. M. Łukasiewicz, Warszawa 2010.
● Bielik-Robson Agata, Nowa Humanistyka: w poszukiwaniu granic, „Teksty Drugie”, nr 1, 2017.
● Blake William, Zaślubiny Nieba i Piekła, [w:] Manifesty romantyzmu. 1790–1830. Anglia, Niemcy, Francja, wyb. A. Kowalczykowa, Warszawa 1975.
● Brzozowski Stanisław, Legenda Młodej Polski, Studya o strukturze duszy kulturalnej, Kraków–Wrocław 1983.
● Coleridge Samuel, Aids to Reflection, [w:] tegoż, The Collected Works of Samuel Coleridge. Aids to Reflection, t. IX, Princeton 1993.
● Coleridge Samuel, O poezji czyli sztuce, [w:] Manifesty romantyzmu. 1790–1830. Anglia, Niemcy, Francja, wyb. A. Kowalczykowa, Warszawa 1975.
● Hegel Georg Wilhelm, Fenomenologia ducha, tłum. Ś. F. Nowicki, Warszawa 2010.
● Hegel Georg Wilhelm, Wykłady z filozofii dziejów, tłum. J. Grabowski i A. Landman, Warszawa 1958.
● J. G. Fichte, Teoria wiedzy. Wybór pism, t. 1, wyb. tłum i wstęp M. Siemek, Warszawa 1996.
● Kagarlicki Borys, Imperium peryferii. Rosja i system światowy, tłum. L. Leonkiewicz i B. Szulęcka, Warszawa 2012.
● Kojève Alexandre, Wstęp do wykładów o Heglu, tłum. Ś.F. Nowicki, Warszawa 1999.
● Kowalczykowa Alina, O „Genezis z Ducha”, „Pamiętnik Literacki”, nr 61/1, 1970.
● Maciejewski Marian, „Natury poznanie”w lirykach Słowackiego: dzieje napięć między podmiotem a przedmiotem, „Pamiętnik Literacki”, nr 57–1, 1966.
● Matuszewski Ignacy, Słowacki i nowa sztuka ( modernizm). Twórczość Słowackiego w świetle poglądów estetyki nowoczesnej. Studyum krytyczno-porównawcze, Warszawa 1904.
● Momro Jakub, Widmontologie nowoczesności. Genezy, Warszawa 2014.
● Nancy Jean-Luc, Lacoue-Labarthe Philippe, The Literary Absolute: The Theory of Literature in German Romanticism, transl. Ph. Barnard i Ch. Lester, New York 1988.
● Pawlikowski Jan Gwalbert, Mistyka Słowackiego, Lwów 1909.
● Prokopiuk Jerzy, Czy Słowacki gnostykiem był?, [w:] Słowacki mistyczny. Rewizje pod latach, red. A. Fabianowski, E. Hoffman-Piotrowska, Warszawa 2012.
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● Słowacki Juliusz, Genezis z Ducha, [w:] tegoż, Pisma prozą. Część druga. Pisma filozoficzne – pisma polityczne – pisma w sprawie koła Towiańczyków – pisma drobne, opr. W. Floryan, Wrocław 1959.
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Kacper Kutrzeba

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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This is a deconstructive reading of Juliusz Słowacki's Lilla Weneda, focusing on Ślaz, an enigmatic character usually marginalized in interpretations of this quasi-historical Romantic drama. Drawing on Professor Marta Piwińska's study of ‘Lilla Weneda’ in Dramat polski: Interpretacje (2001), this article explores the gaps and fissures in Słowacki's text. While complementing her analysis with a number of alternative readings, this article also uses deconstruction to challenge some of the points that are embedded in the traditional reception of the drama.
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Mirosław Grzegórzek

  1. badacz niezależny, Zespół Szkół Licealnych i Technicznych w Wojniczu
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This article is a critical reappraisal of Juliusz Słowacki’s translation of Calderón’s El príncipe constant (1843), which acquired a place of its own in Słowacki’s oeuvre and continued to attract a lot of interest throughout the 20th century. Its lasting appeal is due to its extraordinary unity of tone, dramatic construction and stylized language, which in effect, as some critics have said, out-Baroques Calderón’s Baroque original. This article analyzes this contention in detail and tries to answer the question what were the sources and reasons of Słowacki’s fascination with the 17-th century Spanish poet and playwright. The second part of the article deals with two of the 20th-century stage productions of the drama and the adapters’ handling of Słowacki’s text. The summary includes a brief survey of the treatment Calderón’s heirs accorded to his key trope perigrinatio vitae (‘life is pilgrimage’).

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Mirella Kryś
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The aim of this article is to trace the relationship between time and dead bodies or human remains in selected works of the Romantic period featuring Poland’s legendary (pre)history, notably Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s Stara baśń ( An Ancient Tale), ‘Lech’ from Deotyma’s Polska w pieśni ( Poland in Song), Cyprian Norwid’s Wanda and Krakus, and Juliusz Słowacki’s Balladyna, Lilla Weneda and Król-Duch ( The Spirit King). As Polish state was effaced from the political map of Europe (“laid in the grave”) the Romantics sought to affirm Poland’s indelible cultural and historical continuity by blurring the hard bound-ary between past and present. Hence a new interest in all kinds of burial sites – tombs, mounds and barrows – and the human remains interred there. Their continued presence undermines simple notions of life and death.
The article examines the poetic elaborations of the idea of temporality, especially the imagery used to challenge the official narrative of Poland’s history. If the dead (con-ceived realistically or symbolically) do not cease to exist, the historiography of the victors does not have the last word. Moreover, by reanimating the dead, investing them with a bodily form and giving each of them a voice to tell their story, the Romantic writers produced a new way of history writing based on a radical revision of the relationship between past, present and future.
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Agnieszka Pałucka

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ
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The article analizes Stanisław Pigoń’s essay ‘Some Golden Thoughts on the Chair of Polish Literature’ written to commemorate the 600th jubilee of the Jagiellonian University. Stanisław Pigoń (1885-1968), Distinguished Profesor of Polish Literature, had it published in the Cracow weekly Życie Literackie in May 1964; its expanded version was published two years later in a volume of essays Drzewiej i wczoraj [In the Old Days and Yesterday] in 1966. Both versions were published again in a a bibliophile volume in December 2018 (the manuscript and the printed versions). At the heart of Pigoń’s essay are the twin ideas of freedom and the ‘spiritual life of the nation’, borrowed from Juliusz Słowacki’s epic poem The Spirit King. The article examines Pigoń’s key theme and the manner in which, as he saw it, it shaped the lectures of the most eminent professors of Polish literature in the 19th and 20th century (Michał Wiszniewski, Karol Mecherzyński, Stanisław Tarnowski, Ignacy Chrzanowski). Pigoń’s survey ends in 1910, but, as the author of the article observes, by that time the ideas he so strongly believed in were as relevant as ever.

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Jan Okoń
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This article offers a new reading of the complex, multidimensional, palimpsest identity of the eponymous hero of The King Spirit. Intended to be a total work of art (Gesamtkunstwerk), Juliusz Słowacki’s epic poem remains unfi nished, in a number of versions that are driven by two impulses, a centrifugal force reducing the poem to a string of inchoate fragments and a centripetal counterforce working for the poem’s unity. The same vectors seem to exert a permanent tension on the central character of the poem, a complex web of relations between body and soul, individual and universal consciousness, boundless and limited knowledge, the bright light of revelation and the inadequacy of words, and, last not least, between inspiration, memory and imagination. The peculiar construction of the ‘I’ in The King Spirit may also be seen as an attempt to relinquish the aesthetic mode of existence for the religious one (as described by Søren Kierkegaard). The poem could then be read as a dramatic record of that transition.
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Magdalena Siwiec
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On 31 July 1834 Juliusz Słowacki in the company of the Wodziński family set off from Geneva on a tour of Switzerland. He completed the first leg of journey on the same day in Bex, a village to the south‑east of Lac Leman. The following day the party visited Bex's famous salt mine and Słowacki wrote a laconic account of their excursion to the bowels of the earth in a letter to his mother. With the help of contemporary travel guides and the accounts of other travelers it is possible to fill the details of that trip. After exiting the mine, the party made their way south to Martigny.
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Wojciech Tomasik

  1. prof. dr hab., Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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This article examines the position of Cervantes' Don Quixote in the intertextual network of Juliusz Słowacki' digressive poems, closely bound up with Schlegel's conception of Romantic irony. The article analyzes in turn direct references to Don Quixote; the use by the Polish poet, often with an ironic twist, of Cervantes' narrative strategies; the influence of Cervantes on the creation of the world of the poems (not least their central characters) and on Słowacki's extensive use of parabasis in all its varieties – from authorial commentaries and addresses to the reader, through characters who step out of their role to speak to the reader, to the foregrounding of the problems involved in the act of reading – to highlight and disrupt the illusion of fictional truth. The analysis shows that the Spanish classic was in many ways Słowacki's literary model and an aesthetic inspiration.
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Magdalena Siwiec

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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