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This paper is a polemic with the book by R. Kuliniak, M. Pandura and Ł. Ratajczak, entitled Filozofia po ciemnej stronie mocy („Philosophy on the Dark Side of the Force”), published in three parts by the Marek Derewiecki Publishing House in the years 2018–2021. The book presents Marxist forays against the Lvov Philosophical School established by Kazimierz Twardowski. This author does not question the view that such attacks were launched, nor that they were politically motivated. But he raises some doubts about accuracy of the presentation of the Lvov Philosophical School by the three authors, and particularly about their placing Roman Ingarden within that informal group. Moreover, the picture of Polish philosophy in the last 30 years – or roughly after 1989 – makes current philosophy look like a continuation of the downfall that had been sustained in the years 1940–1950. This is a misleading picture, argues the author.
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Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie, Katedra Nauk Społecznych, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów
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In the extensive oeuvre of the eminent Polish phenomenologist Roman Ingarden there are very few passages and hints which would enable one to determine his attitude towards analytic philosophy and its achievements. A brief sketch of an assessment of this philosophical movement is included in a letter to Henryk Skolimowski, which contains Ingarden’s response to a succinct account of his philosophy in Skolimowski’s book Polish Analytical Philosophy (1967). Ingarden emphasizes there that it is completely inaccurate to describe his contribution to philosophy as a fusion of German phenomenology and the so‑called Polish analytic philosophy. According to Ingarden he did learn nothing from analytic philosophy in its Polish version. His attitude towards analytic philosophy in its entirety is critical and hostile, since it has a general tendency to move all substantial issues on the linguistic level, and that pernicious tendency has led to a terrible impoverishment of philosophy.
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Tadeusz Szubka

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Instytut Filozofii i Kognitywistyki, ul. Krakowska 71-79, 71-017 Szczecin
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The main purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the approach to ambiguity presented in Tadeusz Pawłowski’s work Tworzenie pojęć w naukach humanistycznych („Creating concepts in the humanities”) (1986), to systematize and analyze this conception. Due to the fact that Pawłowski was a student of Tadeusz Kotarbiński and Janina Kotarbińska, and that he dealt with methodological issues concerning the language of science (and scientific philosophy), the background of my considerations is the tradition of the Lvov‑Warsaw School. In the article I also formulate some remarks on Pawłowski’s conception, as well as some other observations on ambiguity.
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Alicja Chybińska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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Positivism is a family of philosophical views characterized by a highly favorable account of science. The characteristic theses of positivism are that science is the only valid knowledge and that philosophy does not possess a method different from science (scientism). Positivists attempted to eliminate all metaphysical components in the area of philosophy. Wolniewicz was one of the most original Polish analytical philosophers of second part of 20th century and he was a strong opponent of anti-metaphysical tendencies. The author discusses the problem of the relationship between science and philosophy and presents Wolniewicz’s arguments against positivism and scientism.

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Ryszard Kleszcz
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The article presents the problem of shaping national identity out of individual ethnic identity in the light of Mieczysław Wallis’ intellectual biography. As a representative of the second generation of the Lvov‑Warsaw school, he belonged to the group of several 20th‑century Polish humanists of the Jewish extraction. This condition left an indelible mark in his intellectual biography. Being aware of his ethnic background, he struggled for many years against the stigma of anti‑Semitism (in the form of social depreciation and racial categorization), yet he remained strongly attached to his Polish identity. He confirmed his resolution in everyday attitudes and in his writing. Repeatedly giving proof of his civic and patriotic attitudes, he fought for the survival of the Polish identity in the duties of the soldier, and continued to perform his cultural and educational activities during his internment as a prisoner‑of‑war for the period of several years. Then, after the war, he engulfed himself in academic activity in Poland, and constructed a specific program of aestheticization of reality, intended as a form of intellectual opposition to the manifestations of abhorrent ethnic discrimination culminating in disastrous dehumanizing effects. Following the indications contained in the archivized notes on and by Wallis, the author attempts to select, analyze and interpret these biographical clues, and she highlights the philosopher’s statements that reveal his personal experiences, reflections and views relating to the issue of national affiliation and identity. They inspire hope for finding out which factors were decisive in influencing Wallis’ life and intellectual interests.
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Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filozofii, Al. Wojska Polskiego 71A, 65‑762 Zielona Góra
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Professor Jerzy Pelc was the creator and long-time manager of the Department of Logical Semiotics, University of Warsaw. He also founded the Polish Society of Semiotics. He published six own books, among others Studies in Functional Logical Semiotics of Natural Language (1971; in English); he edited also dozens of volumes of Semiotic Studies and Library of Semiotic Thought. As Kotarbiński, his master, and Twardowski, the master of his master, Professor Pelc was a radical rationalist. This radical rationalism has linked him to atheism, anti-communism, a distance to politics, and a frown on the falsehood of public life. He was a great patriot – in his life and in his work. He considered himself a successor of the Lvov-Warsaw School tradition. In the field of metaphysics, Professor Pelc combined theoretical minimalism with anti-rationalist attitudes, including the postulate of precision and the requirement of criticism. The main field of his interest was logical – and broader: theoretical – semiotics. He advocated and largely developed the functional concept of signs. To traditional paradigms of research: historical, teleological, causal and prognostic ones – Professor Pelc has added a semiotic paradigm, determined by the question “What does it mean that p?”. Referring to the interdisciplinary fashion for interdisciplinary research, he conducted an analysis of the notion of INTERDISCIPLINARITY. In ontology, he analyzed the notions of OBJECT and CAUSALITY. In his approach, aesthetics was treated form a semiotic point of view: he sought mainly ways to logically rewrite its terminology. In particular, he reconstructed the main aesthetic notions: FORM and IDEOLOGY (of literary works), THEME, MOTIVE, METAPHOR and (literary) FICTION – as well as semiotic notions essential to the description of literary arts, namely the notions of ASSERTION and INTENSIONALITY. In the field of ethics, Professor Pelc declared himself as an advocate of the ideal of trustworthy guardian, which he took over from his teacher, Kotarbiński. In metaethics, he analyzed the notions of NORM, EVALUATION and HUMANITY. A master of Polish: beautiful Polish – he was certainly a true humanist.

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Jacek Jadacki
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Roman Ingarden was an eminent philosopher who worked in various fields of philosophy, especially in the areas of ontology, aesthetics and ethics. In addition to his systematic analyses, we find in his work remarkable statements regarding the nature of philosophy, its relation to science, or the specificity of its methods. These metaphilosophical remarks were formulated in systematic works as well as in texts of more disputable nature. In this paper Ingarden’s metaphilosophy is presented in the context of thought of Franz Brentano and Tadeusz Kotarbiński. It is also discussed against the background of metaphilosophical assumptions of the logical positivists from the Vienna Circle.
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Ryszard Kleszcz

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź

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