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In this study, the spatial variation of daily and monthly concentration precipitation index and its aggressive-ness were used in 23 rainfall stations in the extreme north-east of Algeria over the period 1970–2010. The trend was analysed by the Mann–Kendall (MK) test. The results show that daily precipitation concentration index (CI) values are noticeably higher in places where the amount of total precipitation is low, the results of MK test show that areas of high precipitation concentration tend to increase. The seasonality and aggressiveness of precipita-tion are high in the eastern and western parts of the study region (eastern and central coastal of Constantine catchments), whereas a moderately seasonal distribution with low aggressiveness is found in the middle of the study area (plains and central Seybouse catchment). As a result, the modified Fournier index (MFI) has a signifi-cant correlation with annual precipitation, whereas the CI and monthly precipitation concentration index (PCI) show an opposite correlation in relation to annual precipitation.
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Hanane Bessaklia
Abderrahmane Nekkache Ghenim
Abdessalam Megnounif
Javier Martin-Vide
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The aim of the research conducted in a 2-year pot experiment in an unheated plastic tunnel was to determine suitability of Miscanthus × giganteus for phytoextraction of nickel from soil as well as to assess tolerance of this species on increasing concentrations of this metal in soil. Pots were filled with mineral soil (sand) and a mixture of soil with high-moor peat and three levels of nickel were introduced, i.e. 75 mg dm-3, 150 mg dm-3 and 600 mg dm-3 and the control combinations used substrates without the addition of nickel. Nickel was introduced only in the first year of the experiment in the form of nickel sulfate (NiSO4 · 6H2O). Miscanthus × giganteus accumulated a considerable amount of nickel in biomass. Miscanthus × giganteus growing in contaminated mineral soil turned out to be a species tolerant to high nickel concentrations

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Maciej Bosiacki
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Prof. Joanna Mizielińska from the PAS Institute of Psychology explains why we should not remain indifferent to human suffering and why it is important to show solidarity to victims of aggression and violence.
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Joanna Mizielińska
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Horns, teeth, claws, beaks… Given this mighty arsenal it’s a wonder there isn’t more physical conflict in the animal world, such as among birds.

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Tomasz S. Osiejuk
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Several psychological factors are strongly related to aggressive behaviours in university students, such as educational issues and problematic digital activity, namely Smartphone and social media addiction. At the same time, little is known about the role of student burnout syndrome in predicting these mental and social problems. Moreover, although most researchers agree with the notion of sex differences in aggression, excessive digital activity , and burnout syndrome, only a few studies have examined the role of cultural differences. Thus, the present study sought to examine whether digital technology addictions mediate the relationship between student burnout and aggressive behaviours in European and Japanese university students. For this purpose, a cross-sectional, non-experimental and online study was developed with 291 participants (202 females, M = 22.66; SD = 4.35). The findings highlighted how academic burnout and phone snubbing increase, and problematic Facebook usedecrease the risk of aggressive behaviours. In addition, phone snubbing (known as phubbing) mediates the association between student burnout and aggression. Men tend to have more aggressive behaviours than women, and Japanese students were less addicted to FB and less aggressive as well as scoring higher in phubbing than European students. In conclusion, the results confirmed the importance of including cross-cultural differences in digital technology health programs in order to minimise the risk of aggressive behaviours.
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Katarzyna Tomaszek
Agnieszka Muchacka-Cymerman

  1. Rzeszów University, Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland
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Aim: This study investigates the impact of assertiveness training on assertiveness and self-esteem of high school students. Method: The study employs Quasi-experimental design where 130 participants aged 13-17 years were selected randomly and assigned into two groups as experimental (N-65) and control group (N-65). Tools: For this aim Assertiveness scale (AS) and Self-esteem questionnaire (RSE) were used. Training: During the treatment phase, the experimental group received assertiveness training of 5 weeks comprising two sessions per week, and each session took 45 minutes. After treatment both experimental and control groups are measured with post-tests. Results: The results show that assertiveness training has significantly increased the assertiveness and decreased the aggression and submission in the experimental group. Also the training has significantly increased the self-esteem of students. Conclusion: The obtained findings revealed an increase in the rate of self-esteem and assertiveness and decrease in the aggression and submission of students. Hence it proved that assertiveness training is significantly effective on the assertiveness, aggression, submission and self-esteem of students.

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Waqar Maqbool Parray
Sanjay Kumar
Blessy Elizabeth David
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The article examines the specificity of the manifestation of active verbal aggression in Ukrainian phraseology through the use of the phraseoideographic paradigm. The typology of aggressive behavior of A. Buss and the postulate of the theory of argumentation and verbal aggressiveness of D. Infante are the basis of the research methodology. Analyzed are the classification parameters of active verbal aggression in the various communicative theories and practices. Specifics of manifestation of active verbal aggression (shout, accusation, demand, ridicule, criticism, insult, comment, gossip, slander, complaint, teasing, curse, blasphemy, indignation, destructive wish, threat, curse) in the Ukrainian phraseology is defined. The theoretical material is illustrated by a large number of examples. The context of using of a phraseological unit is considered as a conflict episode – a situation of communicative interaction of participants, during which contradictions are expressed. The study of the semantics, pragmatics and functioning of the phraseological units of active verbal aggression in the Ukrainian language shows that active verbal aggression is a complex system of interdependent mental reactions. These phraseology do not contradict modern knowledge of psychology and communicative linguistics about the studied subject, but at the same time the phraseological units form an independent system with the following signs: a) the state of the speaker’s dissatisfaction; b) a combination of verbal and non‑verbal components; c) intensifica-tion of manifestations; d) the correlation of the varieties of verbal aggression.
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Жанна Краснобаєва‑Чорна

  1. Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
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The aim of this article is to assess the military operation started on 24 February 2022 by Russia against Ukraine in light of the law on use of force, having in mind all the justifications officially expressed by Russian authorities and in light of international humanitarian law. The author claims that there is no justification for the Russian military action and thus it must be qualified as aggression. This, due to the serious violation of the peremptory norm, implies obligations on the part of states and international organizations (i.e. the international community). In addition, the current conduct of hostilities clearly shows that it is mainly Russian forces which neglect international humanitarian law principles, which might amount to war crimes.
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Patrycja Grzebyk

  1. Associate Professor (dr habil.), Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw
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This study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of emotional and psychological behavior indicators in children aged 7-8 years in modern society. The study was conducted in 2018-2019 in Moscow (Russian Federation) and included a total of 600 children of the second – third grades in three secondary schools. The first group included children from families with high social status and higher education of both parents, the second group comprised children from middle- class families with secondary special education of parents, and the third group enrolled children from low-income families with incomplete secondary education of parents. Children were tested for aggressiveness as well as attitudes toward family members. It has been established that in the first group, the model of upbringing was dominated by hyper- socialization of the authoritarian type. In the second group, the model of education was more balanced, symbiosis and cooperation dominated, exceeding the other parameters by 1.3–1.9 times (p ≤ 0.05). In the third group, average and high levels of aggression were stated to be significantly higher – 1.6–2.2 times (p ≤ 0.01). In the third and first groups, there was a direct connection between the frequency of instrumental aggression and negative attitude towards siblings (0.65 and 0.84, respectively).
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Authors and Affiliations

Sergey Khrameshin
Natalya Antsiferova
Marina Seluch
Zukhra Ismailova
Svetlana Kozlovskaya

  1. Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy
  2. Department of State, Municipal Management and Law, Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service
  3. Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Amur State University
  4. Department of Professional Education and Physical Education, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers
  5. Department of Social Work, Russian State Social University
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Is the confrontation in Ukraine Putin’s war, or also that of the Russian nation? Can the crimes of the Russian state be hidden in the shadows of Tolstoy or Tchaikovsky?
This article distinguishes between the guilt or responsibility of individuals (criminal, political, moral); the international legal responsibility of states; and finally the political, moral, and historical responsibility of nations. In the legal or moral sense, guilt must be individualized. However, the extralegal (political, moral and historical) responsibility (not regulated by law) affects the whole nation and concerns responsibility both for the past and for the future. Nevertheless, if the nation is deemed entirely responsible for the actions of the state or of some national groups, it is not about attributing guilt to the whole nation, but about the collective recovery of the sense of humanity.
Thus, suggesting the guilt of the entire nation is based on a misunderstanding. But if the responsibility does not imply guilt, neither does the lack of guilt imply the lack of responsibility. By definition, the moral and political responsibility of the nation does not take a legal (judicial) form. Other forms and instruments are applicable here. In this context such terms as regrets, forgiveness, shame, apologies, or reconciliation appear. Such actions, based on fundamental values, require political courage, wisdom, and far-sightedness.
The passivity of the social environment favours the perpetrators of crimes. but does not release the other members of the nation from moral responsibility, and in particular from the obligation to distinguish good from evil. Not all Russians are guilty of crimes, but they all (whether guilty or innocent) bear some moral and political responsibility.
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Jerzy Kranz

  1. Kozminski University
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Following the so-called “special military operation”, which was in fact an open aggression against Ukraine, Russia was expelled from the Council of Europe. This step has significant legal consequences, including for the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. Meanwhile, many individual applications were filed with the Court, and Ukraine brought an inter-State complaint against Russia. Ukraine has also triggered the International Court of Justice. The Court has already ordered provisional measures. The ICC Prosecutor has launched an investigation into the most serious international crimes, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Ukraine and delivered arrest warrants against the Russian President and his Commissioner for Children’s Rights. There is a serious discussion going on concerning the establishment of a special tribunal for the crime of aggression. This text deals with some aspects of the Russian “special military operation” cases before international courts. It attempts to identify what role the international courts may play in the new phase of the conflict in Ukraine and the extent and effect of their intervention, given the jurisdictional limitations and the inability to enforce judgments.
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Anna Wyrozumska

  1. Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Łódź (Poland)
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The subject matter of the article comprises cement-bentonite-water hardening slurries with an addition of fluidized-bed fly-ash resulting from the combustion of hard and brown coal. The main objective of the study was to determine the filtration resistance of hardening slurries in the context of long-term exposure to the filtration of an aggressive substance in relation to a cement binder. A nitric acid aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.5 M was used, which modelled acid aggressiveness. The authors studied the hydraulic conductivity of the slurries as a function of time (18 months) for the exposure to a 0.5 M solution of nitric acid. Changes in the phase composition and hardening slurry surface structures were analysed in terms of their filtration resistance to the action of acid aggressiveness. The comparative base were samples subjected to filtration in tap water (neutral environment). The article reviews a methodology for studying hydraulic conductivity (k10) of hardening slurries. It also presents a study involving the phase composition using the X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) method, infrared (IR) spectroscopy and showing an image of the hardening slurry surface structure. The findings of other researchers that the application of fluidized-bed fly-ash additives positively impacted improving the resistance of the cement matrix to acid aggressiveness were confirmed. The hydrated colloidal compounds, identified within the subsurface zone of the slurry, which has been in contact with an acidic environment, provide extra sealing of the material structure, thus significantly limiting the access of aggressive substance to the interior of the slurry.
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Paweł Falaciński
Zbigniew Kledyński

  1. DSc., PhD., Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Nowowiejska 20, 00-652 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Prof., DSc., PhD., Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Nowowiejska 20, 00-652 Warsaw, Poland
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The research paper presents the results of hydraulic conductivity, pore structure, phase composition and microstructural tests of hardening slurries prepared using Portland cement, bentonite, water and fluidized-bed ashes coming from hard coal and lignite combustion. The slurries were subjected to long-term (210 days) exposure to the filtering action of an environment strongly aggressive to a cement binder. A sulphate solution 2- with sodium content of SO4 2- = 6700 mg/l was applied, which modelled sulphate aggression. The comparative base were samples subjected to filtration in tap water (neutral environment).

The test covered dependencies between hydraulic conductivity k10 (filtration coefficient) and the parameters characterizing porous structure in the slurry, as well as the impact of an aggressive medium on slurry tightness (its porosity and hydraulic conductivity). Changes in the phase composition and slurry microstructure were analysed in terms of its corrosion resistance to the action of sulphate aggression.

Observations from other researchers have been confirmed that the use of fluidized fly-ash addition has a positive effect on increasing the resistance of cement matrix exposed to sulphate aggressiveness.

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Paweł Falaciński

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