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A novel phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter with voltage-doubler and decoupling integrated magnetics in photovoltaic (PV) systems is proposed. Considering the demand that the output voltage is higher than the input voltage in PV systems, the voltage-doubler is added to achieve higher voltage gain compared with the traditional PSFB. In order to avoid current oscillation caused by the voltage-doubler and obtain the wide zero voltage switching (ZVS) ranges, an external inductor is imposed on the circuit. Especially, to obtain much higher power density, the external inductor and transformer are integrated into one magnetic core. The operation and voltage gain of proposed converter are analyzed. Also, in order to reveal the effects the integrated magnetics gives to the converter, the decoupling condition and the expression of leakage inductor of integrated magnetics are obtained in detail. Finally a 100 W prototype converter is made and the experimental results are given to verify the analysis.

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Y. Jiang
Z. Chen
J. Pan
X.I. Zhao
P. Lee
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Many parts of remote locations in the world are not electrified even in this Advanced Technology Era. To provide electricity in such remote places renewable hybrid energy systems are very much suitable. In this paper PV/Wind/Battery Hybrid Power System (HPS) is considered to provide an economical and sustainable power to a remote load. HPS can supply the maximum power to the load at a particular operating point which is generally called as Maximum Power Point (MPP). Fuzzy Logic based MPPT (FLMPPT) control method has been implemented for both Solar and Wind Power Systems. FLMPPT control technique is implemented to generate the optimal reference voltage for the first stage of DC-DC Boost converter in both the PV and Wind energy system. The HPS is tested with variable solar irradiation, temperature, and wind speed. The FLMPPT method is compared with P&O MPPT method. The proposed method provides a good maximum power operation of the hybrid system at all operating conditions. In order to combine both sources, the DC bus voltage is made constant by employing PI Controllers for the second stage of DC-DC Buck-Boost converter in both Solar and Wind Power Systems. Battery Bank is used to store excess power from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and to provide continuous power to load when the RES power is less than load power. A SPWM inverter is designed to convert DC power into AC to supply three phase load. An LC filter is also used at the output of inverter to get sinusoidal current from the PWM inverter. The entire system was modeled and simulated in Matlab/Simulink Environment. The results presented show the validation of the HPS design.

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T. Bogaraj
J. Kanakaraj
J. Chelladurai
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The energy sector, particularly that related to renewable energy, is growing rapidly. The analysis of factors influencing the production of electricity from solar radiation is important in terms of the ever-increasing number of photovoltaic (PV) installations. In Poland, the vast majority of installed PV capacity belongs to prosumers, so a comparative analysis was conducted for two domestic installations, one in southern Poland and the other located in central Poland. Operating conditions were compared, specifically with regard to irradiance, outdoor temperature and the calculated temperature of photovoltaic cells. The specific yield was then compared in daily, monthly and annual statements. The effects of the previously mentioned parameters on the energy yields of the two installations were considered. The installation in southern Poland in 2022 produced 5,136.6 kWh, which corresponds to a specific yield of 1,019.17 kWh/kWp, while the energy production of the installation in central Poland was 4,248.9 kWh, which corresponds to a specific yield of 965.67 kWh/kWp.
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Emilia Kazanecka
Piotr Olczak

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences; AGH University of Science andTechnology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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In this study, a theoretical model is presented to investigate the performance of a thermoelectric (TE) radiant cooling system combined with photovoltaic (PV) modules as a power supply in a building with an ambient temperature reaching more than 45ºC. The combined system TE/PV performance is studied under different solar radiation by using the hourly analysis program and photovoltaic system software. The thermal and electric characteristics of TE are theoretically investigated under various supplied voltages using the multi-paradigm programming language and numerical computing environment. Also, a theoretical analysis of heat transfer between the TE radiant cooling system and an occupied zone from the side, and the other side between the TE radiant cooling system and duct zone is presented. The maximum power consumption by TE panels and building cooling load of 130 kW is predicted for May and June. The 145 units of PV panels could provide about 50% of the power required by TE panels. The thermal and electric characteristics of TE panels results show the minimum cold surface temperature of 15ºC at a supplied voltage between 6 V and 7 V, and the maximum hot surface temperature of 62ºC at a supplied voltage of 16 V. The surface temperature difference between supplied current and supplied power increases as supplied voltage increases. At a higher supplied voltage of 16 V, the maximum surface temperature difference between supplied current, and supplied power of 150ºC, 3.2 A, and 48 W, respectively. The cooling capacity increases as supplied voltage increases, at a surface temperature difference of –10ºC and supplied voltage of 16 V, the maximum cooling capacity is founded at about 60 W. As supplied voltage decreases the coefficient of performance increases. The maximum coefficient of performance is about 5 at the surface temperature difference of –10ºC and supplied voltage of 8 V.
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Israa Ali Abdulghafor
Mohannad Jabbar Mnati

  1. Middle Technical University, Institute of Technology Baghdad, Al-Za’franiya, 10074, Baghdad, Iraq
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Most high-quality solar panel products suffer from performance degradation at an annual rate of 0.4–0.5% per year during their specified normal operational life of 25–30 years. This percentage increases in areas with hot climates and roof photovol-taic systems and varies according to the quality, guarantee and reliability of the solar panel manufacturers. The aim of this research is to assess the degradation rates of solar panels in the city of Baghdad and to determine their impact on the investment feasibility of residential systems under hot climatic conditions. In this research, an evaluation of performance of photovoltaic solar panels working in a 2 kWp system connected to the electrical grid was done under the operational climatic conditions in the evaluation area (Baghdad, Iraq). The degradation rate of all photovoltaic system modules during the operation time from 2015–2023 is equal to 4.74% (0.593% / year). For comparison, a new monocrystalline solar panel of power 185.94 Wp with an old solar panel of monocrystalline type of power 183.33 Wp (which previously was installed in 2015) were installed at the same tilt angle of 30o, and evaluated during the operation months starting in March and ending in November of the year 2023. The degradation rates per year of an aged solar panel were determined to range from 0.441% to 0.850%, with an average value of 0.788% per year. After undergoing a correction process to align the maximum power values of the old and new solar panels, the corrected degradation rates per year values ranged from 0.391% to 0.684% per year, with an average value of 0.621% per year, which closely matches the degradation rate of all photovoltaic system modules at 0.593% per year.
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Ali Hussein Obaid
Emad Jaleel Mahdi
Isam Azeez Hassoon
Hussein Fawzi Hussein
Adil Abd Al-Sahib Jasime
Ammar Noori Jafarf
Ali Sabih Abdulghanig

  1. Ministry of Science and Technology, Directorate of Environment and Renewable Energy, Energy Management Center, 55509 Al-Jadriya, Iraq
  2. Ministry of Science and Technology, Directorate of Materials Researches, Advanced Materials Research Center, 55509 Al-Jadriya, Iraq
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Architecture is a discipline combining aesthetics with technology. This paper is focusing on the relationship between aesthetics and energy efficiency in architecture with special interest in solar collectors and photovoltaic panels as technological equipment of the buildings. The paper takes into consideration the present situation and architectural development in northern Poland, with some input basing on European experiences. The paper defi nes aesthetics and effi ciency in the field of architectural design as well as the use of public and urban spaces. Authors present also some case studies regarding the use of solar panels in selected architectural examples. The paper ends with summary and some conclusions including the need for further research in the field of architectural design, technology and product design, as well as the perception of urbanised spaces and the important field of economic and financial factors connected to the topic.

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Bartosz Felski
Grzegorz Pęczek
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Plants can recognize molecules derived from pathogens and trigger systemic acquired resistance (SAR). In phytopathogenic bacteria, elicitors are constituent components of cellular structures, such as flagellin. We sought to select structural components of Xanthomonas spp. incompatible with tomato, aiming to control bacterial spot ( Xanthomonas perforans). Initially, cell suspensions from 11 Xanthomonas spp. isolates were infiltrated into the leaves to assess their ability to cause a hypersensitivity response (HR) and the incompatible ones had their flagellin purified. The flagellin of the isolates were first applied at different concentrations, via infiltration and spraying. The pathogen, X. perforans, was inoculated after 24 h, to assess whether there would be any harmful reaction. No harmful reaction was observed in any treatment. Then, a second experiment was conducted to assess the severity of all isolates, at a concentration of 8.35 μg · ml–1, via spraying, infiltration, and soil. The greatest reduction in Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) was observed in the treatment with XapRR, applied via spraying. Thus, prospecting for elicitors is the first step in developing a product for agricultural use. The flagellin elicitor of XapRR is promising and capable of producing these molecules on a large scale.
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Camila Tonelotti Simões
Valdeir Nunes Carvalho
Bernardo de Almeida Halfeld-Vieira

  1. Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulita “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Botucatu, Brazil
  2. Fitopatologia, Embrapa Meio Ambiente, Jaguariúna, São Paulo, Brazil
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Numerous plant species around the world suffer from the presence of viruses, which especially in economically important crops, cause irretrievable damage and/or extensive losses. Many biotechnological approaches have been developed, such as meristem culture, chemotherapy, thermotherapy or cryotherapy, to eliminate viruses from infected plants. These have been used alone or in combination. In this work, meristem culture, thermotherapy and cryotherapy were compared for Apple mosaic virus elimination from hazelnut local cultivar “Palaz”. The virus-free plant was also confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) after each treatment and, the best results were obtained by cryotherapy. A one step freezing technique, droplet vitrification, was used for cryotherapy, and the best regeneration percentage was 52%. After cryotherapy, virus-free seedlings of hazelnut local cultivar “Palaz” were confirmed as being virus-free after three subcultured periods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ergun Kaya

  1. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, Turkey
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Unintentional islanding detection is one the mandatory criterion that must be met by PV inverters before connecting them into the grid. Acceptable time for inverter for islanding detection is less than 2 seconds. In this paper voltage parameters after islanding occurrence and before turning off the inverter are analyzed. In order to simulate islanding state and perform measurements the testing system was build. Three different commercial PV inverters were tested. Measured signals were used to calculate voltage envelope, phasor, frequency and ROCOF. Collected data proved to be helpful to compere different inverters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Szymon Henryk Barczentewicz
Tomasz Lerch
Andrzej Bień

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
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This study set out to investigate, for the first time, the distribution and colocalization pattern of cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and one of the calcium binding-proteins: parvalbumin (PV) in the chinchilla’s hippocampus proper (HP). HP, consisting of Ammon’s horn (CA) and the dentate gyrus (DG), is an important component of the limbic system, involved in learning and memory processes. CA showed a higher immunoreactivity of CART (-IR) compared to DG. CART-IR neurons were mainly observed in the molecular layer of DG and in the pyramidal layer of CA. CART-IR fibers were present in the granular layer; in the hilus numerous mossy fibers were detected, while in the molecular layer CART-IR fibers were not found. In all CA fields (CA1-CA3), CART-IR fibers were only present in the lacuno- sum-molecular layer. Immunofluorescence with double- labeling showed that only CART-IR cells stained positive for PV, whereas in CART-IR fibers there was no PV-positive reaction. Our research supplements missing knowledge about the distribution and colocalization pattern of CART with PV in the chinchilla’s hippocampus, and also provides a better understanding of the similarities and differences among individuals of the same species and also with other mammals.

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R. Szalak
M. Matysek
W. Kukula-Koch
K. Rycerz
A. Zacharko-Siembida
M.B. Arciszewski
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The abundant use of solar energy in Indonesia has the potential to become electrical energy in a microgrid system. Currently the use of renewable energy sources (RESs) in Indonesia is increasing in line with the reduction of fossil fuels. This paper proposes a new microgrid DC configuration and designs a centralized control strategy to manage the power flow from renewable energy sources and the load side. The proposed design uses three PV arrays (300 Wp PV module) with a multi-battery storage system (MBSS), storage (200 Ah battery). Centralized control in the study used an outseal programmable logic controller (PLC). In this study, the load on the microgrid is twenty housing, so that the use of electrical energy for one day is 146.360 Wh. It is estimated that in one month it takes 4.390.800 Wh of electrical energy. The new DC microgrid configuration uses a hybrid configuration, namely the DC coupling and AC coupling configurations.The results of the study show that the DC microgrid hybrid configuration with centralized control is able to alternately regulate the energy flow from the PV array and MBSS. The proposed system has an efficiency of 98% higher than the previous DC microgrid control strategy and configuration models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adhi Kusmantoro
Irna Farikhah

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas PGRI Semarang Jl. Sidodadi Timur No. 24 – Dr. Cipto, Semarang 50125, Indonesia
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Jl. Sidodadi Timur No. 24 – Dr. Cipto, Semarang 50125, Indonesia
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The power sector confronts a crucial challenge in identifying sustainable and environmentally friendly energy carriers, with hydrogen emerging as a promising solution. This paper focuses on the modeling, analysis, and techno-economic evaluation of an independent photovoltaic (PV) system. The system is specifically designed to power industrial loads while simultaneously producing green hydrogen through water electrolysis. The emphasis is on utilizing renewable sources to generate hydrogen, particularly for fueling hydrogen-based cars. The study, conducted in Skikda, Algeria, involves a case study with thirty-two cars, each equipped with a 5 kg hydrogen storage tank. Employing an integrated approach that incorporates modeling, simulation, and optimization, the techno-economic analysis indicates that the proposed system provides a competitive, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution, with a rate of 0.239 $/kWh. The examined standalone PV system yields 24.5 GWh/year of electrical energy and produces 7584 kg/year of hydrogen. The findings highlight the potential of the proposed system to address the challenges in the power sector, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for both electricity generation and hydrogen production.
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Authors and Affiliations

Toufik Sebbagh

  1. LGMM Laboratory, University of Skikda, PoBox 26, Road of ElHadaiek, Skikda, 21000, Algeria
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Water scarcity is a phenomenon that is occurring more and more frequently in larger areas of Europe. As a result of drought, there are significant drops in yields. As demand for food continues to rise, it is becoming necessary to bring about a substantial increase in crop production. The best solution to water scarcity appears to be irrigation for crops that are particularly sensitive to drought. Today, many technical solutions are used to supply and distribute water to crops. The optimal solution is drip irrigation, which makes it possible to deliver water directly to the plant root system to save melting freshwater resources. In the article special attention was paid to methods of supplying electricity to power irrigation pumps. The analysis was made for areas with a significant distance between the agricultural land and the urbanised area (which has water and electricity). The authors have selected the parameters of an off-grid photovoltaic mini-hydropower plant with energy storage (with a power of 1.36 kW). An analysis was made of the profitability of such an investment and a comparison with other types of power supply. Based on the performed calculations, a prototype power supply system equipped with photovoltaic panels was made to show the real performance of the proposed system. The tests carried out showed that the irrigation pump will be powered most of the time with a voltage whose parameters will be very close to the nominal ones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Skibko
Wacław Romaniuk
Andrzej Borusiewicz
Stanisław Derehajło

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wiejska 45 D, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
  2. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Insitute, Falenty, Poland
  3. The Higher School of Agribusiness in Łomża, Poland
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This paper presents a new grid integration control scheme that employs spider monkey optimization technique for maximum power point tracking and Lattice Levenberg Marquardt Recursive estimation with a hysteresis current controller for controlling voltage source inverter. This control scheme is applied to a PV system integrated to a three phase grid to achieve effective grid synchronization. To verify the efficacy of the proposed control scheme, simulations were performed. From the simulation results it is observed that the proposed controller provides excellent control performance such as reducing THD of the grid current to 1.75%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dipak Kumar Dash
Pradip Kumar Sadhu
Bidyadhar Subudhi

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India
  2. School of Electrical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Goa, GEC Campus, Farmagudi, Ponda-401403, Goa, India
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This paper presents the results of analyses of structure, volume and trends of demand for selected major critical raw materials (CRMs) suitable for the EU’s photovoltaic industry (PV). In order to achieve the EU’s goals in terms of the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and climate neutrality by 2050, the deployment of energy from renewable sources is of key importance. As a result, a substantial development of wind and solar technologies is expected. It is forecasted that increasing the production of PV panels will cause a significant growth in the demand for raw materials, including CRMs. Among these, silicon metal, gallium, germanium and indium were selected for detailed analyses while boron and phosphorus were excluded owing to small quantities being utilized in the PV sector. The estimated volume of the apparent consumption in the EU does not usually exceed 0.1 million tonnes for high purity silicon metal, a hundred tonnes for gallium and indium and several dozen tonnes for germanium. The major net-importers of analyzed CRMs were Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Italy. The largest quantities of these metals have been utilized by Germany, France, Belgium, Slovakia and Italy. The PV applications constitute a marginal share in the total volume of analyzed metal total end-uses in the EU (10% for silicon metal, 5% for gallium, 13% for germanium and 9% for indium). As a result, there is a number of applications that compete for the same raw materials, particularly including the production of electronic equipment. The volume of the future demand for individual CRMs in PV sector will be strictly related to trends in the development of PV-panel production with crystalline silicon technology currently strongly dominating the global market.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Guzik
Anna Burkowicz
Jarosław Szlugaj

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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A Novel Intelligent control of a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) coupled with Photovoltaic (PV) system is proposed in this work. The utilization of a Re-lift Luo converter in conjunction with a Cascaded Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) method facilitates the optimization of power extraction from PV sources. UPQC is made up of a series and shunt Active Power Filter (APF), where the former compensates source side voltage quality issues and the latter compensates the load side current quality issues. The PV along with a series and shunt APFs of the UPQC are linked to a common dc-bus and for regulating a dc-bus voltage a fuzzy tuned Adaptive PI controller is employed. Moreover, a harmonics free reference current is generated with the aid of CNN assisted dq theory in case of the shunt APF. The results obtained from MATLAB simulation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ramesh Rudraram
Sasi Chinnathambi
Manikandan Mani

  1. Electrical Engineering Department, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, India
  2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science, Karimnagr, Telangana, India
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Distributed generation is an issue intensively studied in recent years. It concerns, among others protection systems of distributed generation units connected to electric power grids. The main goal of this paper is to present the issue of functional reliability of selected passive loss of mains (LoM) protection systems, i.e. methods of detecting island operation in distribution power grids, which are implemented in PV inverters installed in sample MV and LV grids, typical for Polish conditions. First, different methods of detecting island operation have been distinguished and shortly characterized. Some problems concerning their action have also been presented. Then commonly used passive methods of island grid operation detection have been described. Next sample distribution grid has been presented and chosen disturbances modelled in the grid to test mentioned passive methods have been defined. For each of the determined type of disturbance the dynamic simulation has been carried out, as well as voltage and frequency plots for two selected RES nodes have been recorded and observed. All considered passive methods of island grid operation detection have been implemented in a Matlab/Simulink environment. Models of RoCoF, U/OVP and U/ OFP algorithms have been presented in diagrams. Then, results of carried out extensive studies have been shown in tables and discussed. The results are a consequence of a realized research project concerning electric grids in rural areas. Summary, final conclusions, and future research possibilities constitute the last part of the paper. The conclusions are mainly concentrated on evaluation of action of passive methods of island operation detection as well as possibility of using the methods in Polish conditions, particularly in rural distribution grids.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Parol
M. Połecki
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The escalating prevalence of rooftop solar PVs and DC powered home appliances are the driving forces for the research in the field of DC distribution at residential level. The current research work presents comparative analyses of AC and DC distribution systems considering various scenarios for the specific purpose of efficiency/energy savings. A modern Bakersfield CA, USA home is considered for the analyses. The loads are classified according to the power demand. Rooftop solar PVs are also included in each residential building. Mathematical equations are devised for the efficiency analysis of residential buildings powered with AC as well as DC. The results reveal strong dependence of the efficiency values on the utilization/types of loads, efficiencies of the power electronic converters (PECs), solar capacity and seasonal conditions, as a function of the time of day. It is concluded that AC system presents better efficiency values as compared to the DC counterpart except during the time periods when solar power is available and when the penetration of variable speed drive (VSD) based loads is high.
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Authors and Affiliations

Faraz Ahmad
1 2
Faizan Dastgeer
Hasan E. Gelani
Sidra Khan
Mashood Nasir

  1. University of Georgia College of Engineering, USA
  2. University of Engineering and Technology Lahore-FSD Campus, Pakistan
  3. Electrical Engg Dept, CIIT Lahore, Pakistan
  4. Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark
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In recent years, European countries have experienced a noteworthy surge in the interest surrounding renewable energy sources, particularly the integration of photovoltaic (PV) panels with various types of heat pumps. This study aims to evaluate the energy performance of a grid19 connected hybrid installation, combining a PV array with an air-source heat pump (AHP), for domestic hot water preparation in a residential building located in Cracow, Poland. The primary focus of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which self-consumption (SC) of energy can be increased. The study utilizes Transient System Simulation Tool 18 software to construct and simulate various system models under different scenarios. These scenarios include building electricity consumption profiles, PV power systems, and the specified management of AHP. Analyses were conducted over a period of 1 year to assess the operational performance of the systems. In the considered installations, the differences in SC values between PV installation ranged from 9 to 25%. Notably, the highest SC values were observed during the winter months. AHP with operation control allows to obtain in some months of the year up to 35% higher value the SC parameter compared to systems without AHP. The highest annual 29 SC value recorded reached 83.9%. These findings highlight the crucial role of selecting an appropriate PV system size to maximize the SC parameter.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sebastian Pater

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
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This paper presents a novel fault detection algorithm for a three-phase interleaved DC–DC boost converter integrated in a photovoltaic system. Interleaved DC–DC converters have been used widely due to their advantages in terms of efficiency, ripple reductions, modularity and small filter components. The fault detection algorithm depends on the input current waveform as a fault indicator and does not require any additional sensors in the system. To guarantee service continuity, a fault tolerant topology is achieved by connecting a redundant switch to the interleaved converter. The proposed fault detection algorithm is validated under different scenarios by the obtained results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bilal Boudjellal
Tarak Benslimane

  1. Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, University of M’sila, Seat of the wilaya of M’sila, M’sila 28000, Algeria
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In the last decade, there has been a substantial surge in the advancement of research into the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller. The MPPT approaches, on the other hand, continue to be in high demand due to the ease and simplicity with which tracking techniques can be implemented on the maximum power point (MPP). Diverse MPPT approaches and their modifications from various literature are categorized and thoroughly explored in this work, which is divided into two sections. The discussions are centered on the primary goal of attaining the most extraordinary feasible MPPT technique that produces the best results at the lowest possible expense. In order to determine which MPPT approaches to use, evaluations from earlier literature are used to guide the decision. In this section, we will examine the evaluation of the MPPT technique in two sections. Previously, in Part I, we explored the MPPT techniques based on constant parameters and trial-and- error. Part II of this article will examine the MPPT technique, which is based on mathematical computation, measurement, and comparison, and the algorithm development that has occurred in recent years. Furthermore, this section’s assessment for selecting MPPT approaches is based on previous literature reviews. To aid with this selection, the following criteria for the MPPT approach are proposed: sensors and analog/digital requirements, costeffectiveness, simplicity, stability, efficiency, and tracking speed. This enables the reader to select the MPPT technique that is most appropriate for their application.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tole Sutikno
Arsyad Cahya Subrata
Giovanni Pau
Awang Jusoh
Kashif Ishaque

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  2. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna, Italy
  3. School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  4. Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
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With the extinction of fossil fuels and high increase in power demand, the necessity for renewable energy power generation has increased globally. Solar PV is one such renewable energy power generation, widely used these days in the power sector. The inverters used for power conversion suffer from power losses in the switching elements. This paper aims at the detailed analysis on switching losses in these inverters and also aims at increasing the efficiency of the inverter by reducing losses. Losses in these power electronic switches vary with their types. In this analysis the most widely used semiconductor switches like the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) are compared. Also using the sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique, improves the system efficiency considerably. Two SPWM-based singlephase inverters with the IGBT and MOSFET are designed and simulated in a MATLAB Simulink environment. The voltage drop and, thereby, the power loss across the switches are compared and analysed. The proposed technique shows that the SPWM inverter with the IGBT has lower power loss than the SPWM inverter with the MOSFET.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sivaraj Panneerselvam
Karunanithi Kandasamy
Chandrasekar Perumal

  1. Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Wind and solar radiation are intermittent with stochastic fluctuations, which can influence the stability of operation of the hybrid system in the grid integrated mode of operation. In this research work, a smoothing control method for mitigating output power variations for a grid integrated wind/PV hybrid system using a battery and electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) is investigated. The power fluctuations of the hybrid system are absorbed by a battery and EDLC during wide variations in power generated from the solar and wind system, subsequently, the power supplied to the grid is smoothened. This makes higher penetration and incorporation of renewable energy resources to the utility system possible. The control strategy of the inverter is realized to inject the power to the utility system with the unity power factor and a constant DC bus voltage. Both photovoltaic (PV) and wind systems are controlled for extracting maximum output power. In order to observe the performance of the hybrid system under practical situations in smoothing the output power fluctuations, one-day practical site wind velocity and irradiation data are considered. The dynamic modeling and effectiveness of this control method

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Authors and Affiliations

N.S. Jayalakshmi
D.N. Gaonkar
R.P. Karthik
P. Prasanna
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Photovoltaic (PV) cells are very costly because of the silicon element which is not cheaply available. Usually, PV cells are preferred to be used at maximum efficiency. Therefore, PV plants are emphasized to extract maximum power from PVcells. When inertia free PV plants are integrated into the grid in large numbers, the problem of maintaining system stability subjected to load perturbation is quite difficult. In response to this, a control topology is being an approach to make available the PV cells in maintaining system stability by utilizing the system frequency deviation as feedback to the controller. To implement this, the PVs are operated at Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). This allows the PV to operate at Pseudo Maximum Power Point tracking (PMPPT) which makes it possible to run the PV with reserve power capacity without employing a battery for storage. The control strategy has been implemented over a two-stage power conversion model of the PV system. The simulation results showed that the proposed control PMPPT topology is effective in frequency regulation capability as compared to the MPPT technique.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ritesh Kumar
Balakrushna Sahu
Chandan Kumar Shiva
B. Rajender

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