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An integration of palynomorph and palynofacies data from the Shushan-1X well is used to infer the paleoenvironmental conditions of the Valanginian to Middle Cenomanian (Cretaceous) section of the western Shushan Basin, northern Egypt. The data obtained contribute significantly to the depositional history of the basin. The low diversity of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, along with the dominance of land-derived spores and pollen, suggest restricted (marginal) marine environments, in contrast to their coeval representatives from the Tethyan Realm. Open marine (inner shelf) environments developed at a few horizons in the Dahab and Bahariya formations, partly contemporary with the global Aptian and Cenomanian eustatic cycles. These environments were relatively more offshore than those described in the eastern and southeastern parts of the basin. The study of total palynological organic matter (TPOM) has contributed largely to these established environmental settings. It has also allowed the recognition of redox (suboxic to anoxic) conditions and the impact of a large magnitude of terrigenous influence.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdy Mahmoud
Amal Temraz
Abdel-Rahim Moawad
Miran Khalaf

  1. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt
  2. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena 83523, Egypt
  3. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag 82524, Egypt
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The decapod fauna from the Badenian (middle Miocene) deposits of western Ukraine comprises in total 31 taxa: 20 species, 9 taxa left in open nomenclature, and 2 determined at family level. Thirteen of these taxa are reported for the first time from the territory of Ukraine. Among them are the first records of Trapezia glaessneri Müller, 1976 in the Fore-Carpathian Basin and Pachycheles sp. in Paratethys. One taxon (Petrolisthes sp. A) probably represents a new species. The occurrence of this significant decapod fauna is restricted almost exclusively to the Upper Badenian (i.e., early Serravallian) coralgal reefs of the Ternopil Beds. The taxonomic composition of the decapods indicates that the Late Badenian depositional environment was a shallow marine basin dominated by reefs that developed in warm-to-tropical waters of oceanic salinity. The decapod assemblage from the Ternopil Beds is similar in its taxonomic composition to numerous decapod faunules from fossil reefs of Eocene to Miocene age from the Mediterranean realm and of Miocene age from Paratethys. In contrast, decapod remains are very scarce in Badenian siliciclastic deposits (Mikolaiv Beds) and are represented by the most resistant skeletal elements, i.e., dactyli and fixed fingers. This scarcity was caused by the high-energy environment, with frequent episodes of redeposition, which disintegrated and abraded the decapod remains.

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Marcin Górka


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Drilling operations of the Cape Roberts Project took place between 1997 and 1999 offshore of Cape Roberts in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. These were made possible due to a group effort by geoscientists from Australia, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Great Britain, and the United States. The major goal of this undertaking was the recovery and analysis of sediment core, which was expected to provide a first East Antarctic record of the Early Cenozoic hothouse to icehouse climatic transition. This goal was not attained. Nevertheless, over the three seasons, a 1500 m long composite section was recovered, including a predominantly Early Oligocene to Early Miocene (34—17 Ma) glaciomarine succession. It was analyzed in terms of sediment physical properties, paleontology, tectonic structures and geophysics. This multidisciplinary investigation allowed detailed reconstruction of a significant portion of local environmental history, spanning a period of highly variable environmental conditions strongly affected by local glacier advance and retreat across the Victoria Land Basin margin.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Majewski
Cape Roberts Project Science Team

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