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The radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Jurassic pelagic siliceous sediments (Czajakowa Radiolarite

Formation) in the Niedzica succession of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians) is interpreted in terms of their

age in a stratotype section, and facies equivalents in other tectonic-facies units of this region. The siliceous sediments

are represented by radiolarian cherts and silicified limestones which are underlain and overlain by red nodular

limestones, equivalents of the Rosso Ammonitico facies. The radiolarian association includes thirty-seven

taxa belonging to twenty one genera which represent the Northern Tethyan Palaeogeographic Province. Key radiolarians

recorded provide a means of correlation with zonation schemes based on Unitary Associations defined

for the Jurassic Tethyan sediments. The age of the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation in the stratotype section

is determined as U.A.Z.9 to U.A.Z.11 corresponding to middle Oxfordian up to Kimmeridgian. Comparison of

radiolarian biozones from the stratotype section with other facial equivalent sections in the Pieniny Klippen Belt

reveals a significant diachronism for both the lower and the upper limits of the Jurassic pelagic siliceous facies.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Bąk
Sylwia Chodacka
Krzysztof Bąk
Szymon Okoński
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Artificial water reservoirs pose impact on the natural environment. Impact of the artificial Czorsztyn Lake on groundwater and land management is assessed. The study is based on long-term observations of chemistry, groundwater levels and spring discharges during reservoir construction, filling, and 25-year-long exploitation. Land management changes caused by reservoir construction were recognized using remote sensing. Reservoir construction resulted in land management change in the study area. Built-up and forest areas gained prevalence over farmland areas. Two types of groundwater dominate: HCO3–Ca and HCO3–Ca–Mg, both before reservoir filling (68% analyses) and afterwards (95% analyses), and in control analyses from September 2020 (100% analyses). Gradual decrease in the occurrence of water types with the sulphate ion exceeding 20% mvals is documented, which points to water quality improvement trends. Moreover, changes of water saturation index values with regard to aquifer-forming mineral phases during reservoir construction and early exploitation phasei ndicate hydrochemical modifications. Decrease of groundwater level was related with transformation of the Dunajec river valley during reservoir construction and, accordingly, decrease of regional drainage base level. Groundwater level increased after reservoir filling, which points to coupled impact of the reservoir and increased precipitation recharge. Construction of the Czorsztyn Lake resulted in gradual land management transformation from farmlands into tourist-recreational areas. This change and river valley flooding by surface waters did not cause significant modifications in groundwater quantity and quality. Organization of water-sewage management related with reservoir construction resulted in noticeably improved quality trends.
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Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Humnicki
Ewa Krogulec
Jerzy Małecki
Marzena Szostakiewicz-Hołownia
Anna Wojdalska
Daniel Zaszewski

  1. Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Poland

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