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Recently, the rapid advancement of the IT industry has resulted in significant changes in audio-system configurations; particularly, the audio over internet protocol (AoIP) network-based audio-transmission technology has received favourable evaluations in this field. Applying the AoIP in a certain section of the multiple-cable zone is advantageous because the installation cost is lower than that for the existing systems, and the original sound is transmitted without any distortion. The existing AoIP-based technology, however, cannot control the audio-signal characteristics of every device and can only transmit multiple audio signals through a network. In this paper, the proposed Audio Network & Control Hierarchy Over peer-to-peer (Anchor) system enables all audio equipment to send and receive signals via a data network, and the receiving device can mix the signals of different IPs. Accordingly, it was possible to improve the system-application flexibility by simplifying the audio-system configuration. The research results confirmed that the received audio signals from different IPs were received, mixed, and output without errors. It is expected that Anchor will become a standard for audio-network protocols.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jaeho Lee
Hyoungjoon Jeon
Pyungho Choi
Soonchul Kwon
Seunghyun Lee
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This study investigated the improvement in the electrical conductivity and mechanical properties obtained by adjusting the amount of the Sr addition to the Al-Zn-Mg-Mn alloy. The addition of Sr formed an intermetallic compounds, and the volume fraction of the intermetallic compounds increased with increasing Sr content. As the amount of Sr added increased from 0 to 1.0 wt%, the electrical conductivity of the extruded alloy decreased to 48.9, 45.2 and 42.5% IACS. As the addition amount of Sr increased, the average grain size of the rolled alloy decreased to 55.5, 53.1 and 42.3 μm. And, the ultimate tensile strength increased to 195, 212 and 216 MPa.
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Hyo-Sang Yoo
1 2
Yong-Ho Kim
Byoung-Kwon Lee
Eun-Chan Ko
Sang-Chan Lee
Seong-Hee Lee
Hyeon-Taek Son

  1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Automotive Materials & Components R&D Group, 1110-9 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju 61012, Republic of Korea
  2. Mokpo National University, Jeollanamdo, Republic of Korea
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The association of phytoplasma was investigated in sand olive [Dodonaea viscosa ssp. Angustifolia (L. f.) J.G. West], cowpea [Vigna unguiclata (L.)] Wap and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants exhibiting witches broom, fasciation and little leaf symptoms, respectively. Sequence analysis of ~1.7 kb DNA fragments amplified by P1/P7 primer set confirmed the association of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ within symptomatic alfalfa, while ‘Ca. Phytoplasma cynodontis’ was associated within cowpea and sand olive.

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Nawres Al-Kuwaiti
Tareq Kareem
Feryal H. Sadaq
Laith H. AL-Aadhami
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During 2016–2017 surveys, carried out for phytoplasma diseases in ornamental plants in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces, Iran, found symptoms of virescence, phyllody, reduced size of leaves and flowers in columbine ( Aquilegia vulgaris). Total DNAs extracted from symptomatic and symptomless plants were tested for the presence of phytoplasma using P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2 primers in direct and nested PCR producing amplicons of about 1.8 and 1.2 kb, respectively, from all symptomatic A. vulgaris plants, but not from symptomless ones. The consensus sequence of the detected phytoplasma named Aquilegia phyllody (APh) was 100% identical with strains clustering to phytoplasmas enclosed in the 16SrI group as also confirmed by phylogenetic analyses. Both real and virtual restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of R16F2n/R16R2 amplicons showed profiles that were identical to each other and indicated the affiliation of the APh phytoplasma to the 16SrI-R subgroup. This is the first report of a 16SrI-R phytoplasma associated with this A. vulgaris phyllody disease.
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Asghari Tazehkand S., Hosseini Pour A., Heydarnejad J., Massumi H., Azadvar M. 2010. Identification of phytoplasmas associated with cultivated and ornamental plants in Kerman province, Iran. Journal of Phytopathology 158: 713–720. DOI:
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Girsova N.V., Bottner-Parker K.D., Bogoutdinov D.Z., Kastalyeva T.B., Meshkov Y.I., Mozhaeva K.A., Lee I-M. 2017. Diverse phytoplasmas associated with leguminous crops in Russia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 149: 599–610. DOI:
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Authors and Affiliations

Ghobad Babaei
Seyyed Alireza Esmaeilzadeh-Hosseini
Soudeh Davoodi
Assunta Bertaccini

  1. Plant Protection Research Department, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shahrekord, Iran
  2. Plant Protection Research Department, Yazd Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Yazd, Iran
  3. Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Viale Fanin, Bologna, Italy
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During field surveys conducted from July to October 2018–2020 in the eastern part of Georgia (Caucasus region), 145 out of 8000 (1.8%) and 147 out of 6600 (2.2%) grapevine plants, respectively, from mother stock/collection fields and commercial vineyards, were found exhibiting typical or suspicious grapevine yellows (GY) symptoms. Most of the symptomatic grapevine plants of Georgian cultivars showed mild symptoms with no berry alterations. Leaf samples from symptomatic plants were analyzed by serological (DAS- -ELISA) and molecular (two previously published protocols of TaqMan triplex real-time PCR, here named Set I and Set II) tools for detecting GY-associated phytoplasmas. The presence of GY phytoplasmas was not detected in any examined grapevines by a serological method. GY phytoplasmas were identified in 22.41% and 6.9% symptomatic plants from mother stock and collection vineyards and in 48.3 and 19.0% symptomatic plants from commercial vineyards by Set I and Set II PCRs, respectively. As expected from previous studies reporting the wide presence of bois noir (BN) in Georgian vineyards, ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’(CaPsol) was detected in most phytoplasma-infected plants (47.6%), with the highest infection rate in Chardonnay. Phytoplasmas belonging to taxonomic group 16SrV were detected in 45.6% of the phytoplasma-infected grapevines. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of 16SrV phytoplasmas in Georgia and in the Caucasus region. Further molecular typing of 16SrV phytoplasma strains is necessary to determine if such strains are associated with flavescence dorée (FD). The knowledge of typical GY symptoms and the utilization of accurate diagnostic tools are crucial for preventing pathogen spread and producing healthy planting material. Based on the results obtained in this study, the presence of BN and 16SrV phytoplasmas should be monitored in the next years using triplex real-time PCR.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iveta Megrelishvili
Zurab Khidesheli
Tinatin Elbakidze
Levan Ujmajuridze
Fabio Quaglino
Nino Maziashvili

  1. Integrated Plant Protection Research, Legal Entity of Public Law, Scientific Research Center of Agriculture, Georgia
  2. Plant Pest Diagnostics Department, Legal Entity of Public Law, State Laboratory of Agriculture, Georgia
  3. Legal Entity of Public Law, Scientific Research Center of Agriculture, Georgia
  4. Department of Agriculture and Environmental Science, University of Milano, Italy
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Super-resolution image reconstruction utilizes two algorithms, where one is for single-frame image reconstruction, and the other is for multi-frame image reconstruction. Singleframe image reconstruction generally takes the first degradation and is followed by reconstruction, which essentially creates a problem of insufficient characterization. Multi-frame images provide additional information for image reconstruction relative to single frame images due to the slight differences between sequential frames. However, the existing super-resolution algorithm for multi-frame images do not take advantage of this key factor, either because of loose structure and complexity, or because the individual frames are restored poorly. This paper proposes a new SR reconstruction algorithm for images using Multi-grained Cascade Forest. Multi-frame image reconstruction is processed sequentially. Firstly, the image registration algorithm uses a convolutional neural network to register low-resolution image sequences, and then the images are reconstructed after registration by the Multi-grained Cascade Forest reconstruction algorithm. Finally, the reconstructed images are fused. The optimal algorithm is selected for each step to get the most out of the details and tightly connect the internal logic of each sequential step. This novel approach proposed in this paper, in which the depth of the cascade forest is procedurally generated for recovered images, rather than being a constant. After training each layer, the recovered image is automatically evaluated, and new layers are constructed for training until an optimal restored image is obtained. Experiments show that this method improves the quality of image reconstruction while preserving the details of the image.

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Yaming Wang
Zhikang Luo
Wenqing Huang
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The study aims to investigate the effect of semisolid structure and strontium (Sr) addition on the wear behavior of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy. Semisolid hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy was prepared using cooling slope casting with addition of 0 to 0.93 wt.% Sr. Microstructural study was done using an optical microscope. Vicker microhardness and pin on disc tribometer were used for microhardness and wear testing. When compared to conventional casting, the microhardness of the semisolid hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy improved by 9.8%. Sr addition at 0.43 wt.% resulted in a refined eutectic structure with a 17% increase in hardness over conventional casting. The globular structure α-Al formed during semisolid casting reduced porosity, and the addition of Sr refined the eutectic silicon into a fine fibrous structure that is tightly bound with the Al matrix. These are the primary factors that contribute to the high wear resistance in modified-Sr semisolid alloys.
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N.M. Anas
S.A. Zakaria
A.S. Anasyida
H. Mohamad
B.K. Dhindaw

  1. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Structural Niche Area. School of Mat erials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus, Malaysia 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang
  2. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 721302, India
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A SrTiO3 electroceramic with perovskite structure was produced by the calcination of a mixture of SrCO3 and TiO2 intensively grounded by high energy milling. For this purpose, raw materials were mixed in stoichiometric amounts in a planetary type mill; the obtained powder mixture was calcined for 2 h at temperatures between 800 and 1300°C. Samples resulting from the calcination were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM analysis and electrical measurements. From XRD, it was determined that the SrTiO3 formed presents the cubic structure of perovskite. The complete reaction for SrTiO3 compound formation occurs at 1200°C. Micrograph observations indicate the presence of a homogeneous microstructure with tiny grain size. The measured values of electrical resistivity were within the typical range of insulating materials.

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Enrique Rocha-Rangel
Wilian J. Pech-Rodríguez
Juan López-Hernández
Carlos A. Calles-Arriaga
Eddie N. Armendáriz-Mireles
José A. Castillo-Robles
José A. Rodríguez-García
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This research began when observations were made on any-to-any-connection services that require QoS (Quality of Service) and tunnel measurements. Tunnel is a technique to interconnect between local networks that are separated through a public network. Research questions found looping caused by traffic issues when sending data in the MPLS service layer-2 tunneling service. Furthermore, this research hypothesis proposes optimizing QoS performance in the application of the SR-TE (Segment Routing-Traffic Engineering) method in the MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) network and analyzing traffic based on MAC addresses using the looping-protection method. This research contributes to optimizing the MPLS network and is a recommended solution for simplifying control-plane operation, especially the SR-TE method and looping-protection in the L2- VPN MPLS service. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of MPLS networks, as well as analyze the application of L2-VPN (Layer 2 Virtual Private Network) MPLS networks. The targeted TKT (Technology Readiness Level) is 3rd-Level, which is an analytical and experimental proof of the MPLS tunnel network model on Layer-2 VPN services. The results of the research concluded that testing the SR-TE method is a solution to simplify the process of labeling data traffic that is global labelling, then the looping-protection method is a solution to eliminate looping indications. The QoS obtained has also shown an "excellent" category based on TIPHON standards.
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Lukman Medriavin Silalahi
Setiyo Budiyanto
Imelda Uli Vistalina Simanjuntak
Rukhi Ali Effendi
Agus Dendi Rochendi
Irfan Kampono

  1. Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
  2. Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Republik Indonesia, Indonesia
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The microstructure of Al-Si alloy has coarse silicon and this structure is known dangerous for mechanical properties due to its crack effect. Sr addition is preferred to modify the coarse silica during solidification. Additionally, bifilms (oxide structure) are known as a more dangerous defect which is frequently seen in light alloys. It is aimed at that negative effect of bifilms on the properties of the alloys tried to be removed by the degassing process and to regulate the microstructure of the alloy. In this study, the effect of degassing and Sr modification on the mechanical properties of AlSi12Fe alloy was investigated, extensively. Four different parameters (as-received, as-received + degassing, Sr addition, Sr addition + degassing) were studied under the same conditions environmentally. The microstructural analyses and mechanical tests were done on cast parts. All data obtained from the experimental study were analyzed statistically by using statistical analysis software. It was concluded from the results that Sr addition is very dangerous for AlSi12Fe alloy. It can be suggested that to reach high mechanical properties and low casting defects, the degassing process must be applied to all castings whereas Sr addition should not be preferred.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Uludağ
M. Gurtaran
D. Dispinar

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