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Placoid and polyodontode scales of stem chondrichthyans have been found in the early Lochkovian “Ditton

Group” of the Brown Clee Hill district, Shropshire, England and at Talgarth, south Wales. One of the forms is

assigned to a new species of Altholepis Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1997, a genus already recognised from Lochkovian

shallow marine deposits in Celtiberia, Spain and the Northwest Territories, Canada as well as the type locality in

Podolia, Ukraine. Altholepis salopensis sp. nov. is based on small polyodontode scales with typically three to eight

high odontodes; the scale form was previously considered to belong to acanthodian “Nostolepis” robusta (Brotzen,

1934). The structure of other scales formerly assigned to “Nostolepis” robusta has led us to erect a new genus

Jolepis for this scale form, which differs from Altholepis in lacking an ordered layout of odontodes. Jolepis robusta

(Brotzen, 1934), originally (and possibly still) considered to be an acanthodian, is also known from the Baltic

countries, Russia, and northern Germany (ex erratic limestones). Scales of acanthodian Parexus recurvus Agassiz,

1845, and/or possibly from the stem chondrichthyan Seretolepis elegans Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1968 (scales of these

two taxa are barely distinguishable), and of stem chondrichthyan Polymerolepis whitei Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1968

are also present. Altholepis, Jolepis gen. nov., Seretolepis Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1968 and Polymerolepis Karatajūtė-

Talimaa, 1968 are found in marine deposits elsewhere; the British occurrence of these taxa adds to the debate on

the sedimentological origins of the Lower Old Red Sandstone deposits in the Welsh Borderland. The geographic

range of several early sharks is now known to extend around the Old Red Sandstone continent and beyond.

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Carole J. Burrow
Susan Turner
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The issue of math attitude and math anxiety in STEM students has been till now overlooked. However, the issue occurring in many countries is students’ falling out of the STEM education system during their studies. One of the reasons for this problem may be high math anxiety and a negative math attitude among students. The present study fills a gap in knowledge about this phenomenon among STEM students. 371 Polish STEM students filled questionnaires of math attitude (MASA) and math anxiety (MAQA, SIMA, AMAS). The results are as follow: The mean results show that STEM students have a very positive math attitude in affective and cognitive dimensions and a rather positive math attitude in the behavioral area; On average, STEM students feel very weak anxiety related to math problem solving, weak general math anxiety and math learning anxiety, and a moderate level of math testing anxiety; Among STEM students there are those who present a very negative/negative math attitude and very strong/strong math anxiety; Women feel more intense anxiety related to math problem solving, but there is no gender gap in general math anxiety, math learning and math testing anxiety, and in math attitude. The results suggest that math attitude and math anxiety of STEM students should be monitored. Indeed, not all STEM students have a positive math attitude and feel no math anxiety. Moreover, proper interventions are recommended to decrease math anxiety and improve positive math attitude that in turn may prevent the students’ dropping out from STEM studies.
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Monika Szczygieł

  1. Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland
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Stem cells exist and can do a lot. For several decades, bone marrow and umbilical cord blood transplants containing haematopoietic stem cells have been used in the treatment of blood diseases. Genetic modifications (gene therapy) of such cells help to cure complex immunodeficiencies and severe anaemias. The limbal stem cells taken from the eye and properly multiplied can regenerate the damaged cornea, and the epidermal stem cells help in the treatment of severe burns and some hereditary, severe skin diseases. Promising experimental research is under way on other uses of stem cells. However, these cells are appropriately selected, having real ability to differentiate into specialized cells whose malfunction is the cause of the disease. Therapeutic applications of stem cells are apparently limited to date. Meanwhile, the Internet is full of advertisements for supposedly miraculous treatments for almost any disease. Stem cells have become a modern synonym of the Holy Grail. A wonderful dish, transforming every drink into elixir of health, youth and long life. Stem cells from a single source, e.g., umbilical cord blood, or so-called cells, although without proven properties of stem cells, are offered in commercial private clinics as a panacea for autism, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, eye diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and dozens other disorders. Without justification for their action in these diseases, without convincing evidence of safety, but for a high fee. This article discusses stem cells and misunderstandings about including any cells among them. It draws attention to the real possibilities and confirmed uses of stem cells and presents the problems, doubts and dangers for patients associated with commercial offers of treatments using “stem” cells. The author cites the positions of scientific institutions and societies warning against premature commercialization of unjustified and potentially dangerous therapies.

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Józef Dulak
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Biological activity of 6 fungicides in the inhibition of Phytophthora ramorum sporulation and development of blight on rhododendron leaves and stems were evaluated. All tested compounds at dose 8 μg o fa.i./cm3 already inhibited zoosporangia formation at least in 73%. On leaf petioles and leaf disks, taken from rhododendron one week after treatment with fungicides, formation of chlamydospores was especially suppressed by fenamidone + phosetyl Al and oxadixyl + mancozeb whereas development o fspores was not inhibited by cymoxanil + famoxate. All tested compounds significantly inhibited the development and spread of twig blight on rhododendron. However, furalaxyl, applied as spraying of plants 48 hrs before or after inoculation of leaves and stems by P. ramorum was the most effective.

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Leszek B. Orlikowski
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The aim of the study was to compare the effects of corneal healing in case of application of stem cells in various forms, in relation to the antibiotic-assisted procedures. Rabbits were divided into 4 groups in the first stage of the experiment. Group 0 (negative control group) was not subjected to any actions, which would cause damage to the cornea. The remaining three groups had their cornea damaged. Group 1 (positive control group) – no drugs were administered during the experiment. Rabbits in group 2 were administered with ointment containing stem cells to the lesion, while group 3 – with ofloxacinum. The stem cells were administered during the first five days, twice a day, onto the corneal surface. The further course of the experiment consisted of observing the rate of healing of the injured cornea and assessment of its transparency, size of lesion, hyperaemia, eyelid spasm and outflow from the conjunctival sac after 5, 10 and 20 days.

In the second stage the animals were euthanised after clinical examination on the twentieth day of the experiment, in order to analyse the corneal reparative processes on the same day. The studies revealed that the application of antlerogenic stem cells had a positive effect on the healing process of corneal defects. The application thereof not only shortened the healing time, but also weakened or arrested the development of side effects. The results have demonstrated that the epithelial proliferation in each group was different. The longest was maintained in the group with stem cells, the shortest – in the group with chemotherapeutics. The use of antlerogenic stem cells had a positive effect on the healing process of corneal lesions. The use of stem cells helped to maintain high transparency of the cornea.

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M. Kiełbowicz
P. Kuropka
M. Cegielski
Z. Kiełbowicz
P. Trębacz
M. Hebel
R. Aleksiewicz
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Cellular therapy, as a part of regenerative medicine, implies to the treatment of human disorders with cells as a medical product, so called – “living drugs”. Usually such therapy is applied when other alternative efficient pharmacological therapies are not available. Stem cells of different origin: 1) tissue specific e.g. hematopethic, epithelial, neuronal, limbal; 2) mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) harvested from variety of tissues; 3) pluripotent stem cells: embryonic stem cells (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) – serve as a source of cells for regenerative medicine application, depending upon disease and application requirements. Currently MSC are the type of stem cells that are most frequently used in registered regenerative medicine clinical trials. In this paper we provide the information on the application of cell therapy in orthopedics, hematology, ophthalmology, dermatology, gastrology and neurology. The influence of origin of MSCs and iPSCs on their mode of action as therapeutic, regenerative agents are discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of application of different cell types for cell therapy are underlined. Last, but not least current low regulations in Poland and requirements of European regulatory bodies for cell therapy are pointed out and discussed.
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Anna Sarnowska
Bogusław Machaliński
Klaudia Radoszkiewicz
Leonora Bużańska

  1. Platforma Badań Translacyjnych w Zakresie Medycyny Regeneracyjnej, Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej im. M. Mossakowskiego PAN, Warszawa
  2. Katedra Fizjopatologii i Zakład Patologii Ogólnej, Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Szczecin
  3. Zakład Bioinżynierii Komórek Macierzystych, Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej im. M. Mossakowskiego PAN, Warszawa
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The incidence of winter wheat stem base diseases: Fusarium foot rot (Fusarium spp.), eyespot (Ramulispora herpotrichoides), sharp eyespot (Rhizoctonia spp.) and take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis) in the years 1999–2003 was assessed in this study. Previous crops were barley and oilseed rape. Eyespot occurred on the greatest percentage of plants throughout the whole period of the study. In 2000–2003 a deficiency of rainfall was observed, especially at the time of increased water requirements of plants.

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Ewa Żółtańska
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A survey was conducted in February of 2004 on the outbreak of stem rot and wilt disease of pepper at the Kitabawa/Danzakara and Ajiwa irrigation sites in Northern Nigeria. Laboratory investigations revealed that it was elicited by Phytophthora capsici Leon. The disease caused severe loss in yield and USD 1 700.00 to USD 3 200.00 loss in revenue/ha. The disease was probably further aggravated by the presence of Fusarium sp. as well as ecto- and endoparasitic nematodes. Reasons for outbreak were elucidated and solutions proffered.

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Matthew Alegbejo
Abdulahi Lawal
Paul Chindo
Olalekan Banwo
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Design of gating system is an important factor in obtaining defect-free casting. One of the casting defects is a porosity caused by internal

shrinkage in solidification process. Prediction of the internal shrinkage porosity in the femoral stem of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti)

is investigated based on the gating system design. The objective of this research is to get the best gating system between three gating

system designs. Three gating system designs of the femoral stem were simulated in an investment casting method. The internal shrinkage

porosity occurs on the largest part and near the ingate of the femoral stem. The gating system design that has ingates cross section area:

78.5; 157; and 128.5 mm2

has the least of the internal shrinkage porosity. This design has the most uniform solidification in the entire of

the femoral stem. An experiment is conducted to validate the simulation data. The results of internal shrinkage porosity in the three gating

system designs in the simulation were compared with the experiment. Based on the comparison, the trend of internal shrinkage porosity at

the three gating system designs in the simulation agrees with the experiment. The results of this study will aid in the elimination of casting


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null null
Muslim Mahardika
A. Syamsudin
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One of the most common reasons for horse lameness is subchondral bone cysts (SBCs), which are especially evident in young horse athletes. It is believed that SBC development is strongly associated with an individual’s bone growth and/or bone microstructure impairment. Current methods of SBC treatment include pharmacological treatment or surgical procedures which may allow the bone within the cyst to rebuild and be restored to properly developed bone tissue. Thus, we propose filling the SBCs with a 3D complex of alginate hydrogel and autologous adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs). We have observed at the in vitro level, that this hydrogel complex induces osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation potential through the upregulation of bone morphogenetic protein, osteopontin, collagen type I and aggrecan mRNA levels. Moreover, we detected the creation of a 3D extracellular matrix (EM). To investigate the complex in vivo, we chose 8 horses of varying age suffering from SBC, which resulted in lameness, to undergo experimental surgery. We documented the horses’ clinical appearance, lameness and radiographic appearance, to determine that there was clinical improvement in 87.75% of the patients (n=7, out of 8 horses) 6 months postoperatively and 100% (n=8, out of 8 horses) a year after surgery. These results are promising for the potential of this procedure to become the standard in SBC treatment.
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P. Golonka
M. Szklarz
M. Kusz
M. Marędziak
J.M. Irwin Houston
K. Marycz
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The article is devoted to the current scientific and practical problems of planning irrigation with phytomonitoring methods. In particular, it focuses on the methodological approach to tomato irrigation planning. The field experiment was laid by the method of systematic placement of elementary plots in four replicates. The PM-11Z phytomonitor was used to determine changes in stem diameter, juice flow, leaf temperature, and fruit growth.
On the basis of the experimental studies, parameters are defined for the start of watering with the positive, negative and zero water balance of the plant. It has been proved that when vegetative irrigation is planned with a positive plant water balance, the daily amplitude of stem contraction ( DCA) and the trend of the sap flow rate should be analysed. A fall in two consecutive morning stem diameter peaks ( MXSD) indicates a negative plant water balance, which is the starting point for watering. To assign watering with a zero water balance, it is necessary to use information from the fruit growth sensor and the juice flow rate. A decrease in their indications marks the need for the next watering.
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Andrii Shatkovskyi
Olexandr Zhuravlov
Volodymyr Vasiuta

  1. Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, 37, Vasyl’kivs’ka str., Kyiv, 03022 Ukraine
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Stemming plugs are one of the widely used accessory in surface mining operations. Stemming plugs assist conventional stemming material in gas retention and help in better fragmentation and explosive utilization. Effective use of the stemming plugs results in economic benefits and enhance the efficacy of the project. Economic and productive viability of stemming plugs have been conducted in depth by different researchers. Addition of stemming plugs to a new system requires ergonomic challenges for operators conducting drilling and blasting operation. Induction of a newer product in already established system is subject to overall positive feedback. This work investigates ergonomics of three different stemming plugs introduced to a limestone quarry in Pakistan. The stemming plugs were evaluated based on extra time needed, workers feedback, failures during operation, recovery time after failure and number of extra equipment required to carry out the operation. Points based matrix was established with likeliness of each plug and based on overall scores stemming plug 1 was most acceptable followed by stemming plug 3. Stemming plug 2 was disliked by operation and did not reach the level of acceptability of operators. This work will help stemming plug making industry in adapting to best practices by incorporating ergonomics of plugs in designing. Literature shows no previous work on ergonomics of stemming plugs.

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Atta Ur Rehman
Muhammad Zaka Emad
Muhammad Usman Khan
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This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of severe plastic deformation (SPD) by extrusion combined with reversible torsion (KoBo) method on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-5Cu and Al-25Cu alloys. The extrusion combined with reversible torsion was carried out using reduction coefficient of λ = 30 and λ = 98. In this work, the microstructure was characterized by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Compression test and tensile test were performed for deformed alloys. The binary Al-5Cu and Al-25Cu alloys consist of the face cantered cubic (FCC) α phase in the form of dendrites and tetragonal (C16) θ-Al2Cu intermetallic phase observed in interdentritic regions. The increase of Cu content leads to increase of interdentritic regions. The microstructure of the alloys is refined after applying KoB deformation with λ = 30 and λ = 98. Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) of Al-5Cu alloy after KoBo deformation with λ = 30 and λ = 98 reached about 200 MPa. UTS for samples of Al-25Cu with λ = 30 and λ = 98 increased compared to Al-5Cu alloy and exceed 320 MPa and 270 MPa respectively. All samples showed increase of plasticity with increase of reduction coefficient. Independently of reduction coefficient, the compressive strain of Al-5Cu alloys is about 60%. The Al-25Cu alloy with λ = 98 showed the value of compressive strain exceed 60%, although for this same alloy but with λ = 30, the compressive strain is only 35%.

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K. Rodak
A. Brzezińska
J. Sobota
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Magnetic microstructure in the as suction cast Fe 69B 20Nb 2Hf 2Si 2Y 5 alloy was revealed by combined Lorentz-TEM and LM-STEM DPC analysis. The thin foil of the alloy was found to be composed primarily of the amorphous phase with few dendritic structures. Magnetic domains were found large in the µm range with an average domain wall width of 52 nm. The magnetic domain boundaries are easily mobile, what was confirmed by in situ applied magnetic field. The LM-STEM DPC complements the Lorentz-TEM analysis by providing details on the intensity and spatial distribution of the magnetization vector within the domains.
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P. Czaja

  1. The Aleksander Krupkowski Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science Polish Academy of Sciences, 25 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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Field surveys were performed in winter and spring rape crops of agricultural companies and individual farmers during the period of 2001–2003. A questionnaire was completed for each experimental field, giving a description of the crop. The incidence and severity of fungal diseases were estimated annually in 14–18 winter and spring rape crops. Seed samples were taken from each field and composition fungal communities on harvested seed was estimated. Alternaria blight and Phoma stem canker were present on stems of all investigated winter and spring rape cultivars and Alternaria blight occurred on siliques in all experimental years. In 2001, most favourable year for spread of diseases, Alternaria blight damaged 87.2 100% of winter rape and 100% of spring rape siliques, maximum disease severity was 6.66 and 7.24%, respectively. All cultivars of winter and spring rape were susceptible to Alternaria blight. Phoma stem canker was more often found on stems of spring oilseed rape – up to 98% of stems with symptoms of Phoma stem canker. Seed fungal infection level was 10.0–100% in winter rape and 16.0–93.6% in spring rape seed samples. The most frequent fungi on seeds of winter and spring oilseed rape were Alternaria spp. and Cladosporium spp.

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Irena Brazauskiene
Egle Petraitiene
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The future of food security in Africa is being severely threatened due to an exponential increase in population, which is almost three times the increase of food production. Maize production is constrained by stem borers which cause significant yield losses. Yield losses can be further compounded by higher temperatures due to climate changes, which are expected to increase the population of maize stem borers. While several methods have been employed in stem borer management, there is still significant damage caused by maize stem borers. This necessitates better control methods including the adoption of recent biotechnological advancement in RNA interference (RNAi) technology. This review highlights evidence of an increase in the stem borer population as well as the foreseen decline in maize production worldwide due to the effects of climatic changes. Furthermore, we have drawn attention to improved methods that have been used to control stem borers in maize production as well as a reluctant acceptance of traditional biotechnology in Africa. Finally, we suggest the application of alternative RNA interference techniques to breed maize for efficient pest control in order to achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable maize production.
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Samuel Adeyinka Olawale
Tabbassum Bushra
Sharif Muhammad Nauman
Bhatti Muhammad Umar
Nasir Idrees Ahmad
Husnain Tayyab
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Stem base health of spring barley cultivated under organic, integrated and conventional systems and fungal communities were studied. A worst plant health status was observed in the organic system. The macroscopic and subsequent mycological analyses revealed the occurrence of Bipolaris sorokiniana and Fusarium spp. The incidence of B. sorokiniana on stem bases was clearly dependent on a farming system, and the highest incidence of this pathogen was observed in the organic system. Also, in that system, Fusarium spp. were isolated more numerously in the beginning of tillering, but in dough stage B. sorokiniana was the most prevalent pathogen, and Fusarium spp. were more numerous in integrated and conventional systems. It is worth to note that organic conditions could be favourable to Gliocladium spp. Because of growing interest in ecology, excluding the use of pesticides and increasing popularity of biological disease control, these antagonistic fungi could be useful in organic systems.

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Anna Baturo
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Novel tendinopathy treatment protocols should be assessed for safety. The goal of this work was to compare differences in selected systemic inflammatory marker concentrations after two treatment protocols for collagenase induced Achilles tendinopathy in sheep. 14 sheep (aged 5 and 6 years, Polish Mountain Sheep breed, weight 60-70kg) were injected with bacterial collagenase type 1A-S (Clostridium histolyticum, C-5894, Sigma Aldrich, Poznań, Poland) bilaterally to Achilles tendons. Subsequently, the animals were injected with Platelet Rich Plasma (7 sheep) or Adipose Derived Stem Cells (7 sheep) to induced tendinopathy foci. Left limbs of all sheep were additionally treated with Radial Pressure Wave Therapy (RPWT) focused above the tendinopathy origins. Treatment progress was controlled by ultrasound scans, and tendon samples were taken on the 126th day of the experiment. Serum Amyloid A (SAA) concentration showed mild elevation before the experiment (2 sheep from group I, 4 sheep from group II) and two days after the intratendinous growth factors injection ( 4 sheep from group I, 3 sheep from group II) combined with RPWT (mean 22,63 mg/L and 53, 6 mg/L respectively). Haptoglobine (Hp) concentration increased from 0 to 0,01 g/L in 2 animals from group I two days after injection. These values declined to 0 during the course of the treatment. Fibrinogen (Fb) concentrations were within reference levels throughout the research, although mild elevation was observed before the treatment course in 6 sheep from group I and 1 sheep from group II. In conclusion, addition of RPWT to growth factors injections in the treatment of yatrogenic Achilles tendinopathy in sheep did not induce systemic inflammatory response.

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M. Facon-Poroszewska
Z. Kiełbowicz
P. Prządka
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Cell culture transplantation is very promising in the treatment of various diseases. Cells obtained from a number of sources have been analysed to provide a basis for further studies in the area of regenerative medicine. The objective of the study was to compare morphological and phenotypic changes in cat adipose tissue and bone marrow cell cultures from the first to fifth passages. Adipose tissue and bone marrow were used to obtain cell cultures (coming from 3 cats) using standard methods with own modification. Phenotype changes were monitored by CD-marker identification and CD pan-keratin. The cytogenetic analysis was performed on 50 metaphase plates of cell cultures from the first to fifth passage. Cytogenetic assays showed that the adipose tissue cell culture (ATCC) at all passages was more stable than the bone marrow cell culture (BMCC).

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A. Mazurkevych
M. Malyuk
V. Kovpak
O. Kovpak
Y. Kharkevych
A. Jakubczak
M. Gryzinska
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O b j e c t i v e: The main goal of our studies was to investigate the eff ect exerted by pulsed electromagnetic filed (PEMF) on adipocytokines secretion in cell culture supernatants from rat adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) grown on varied energy-rich diet. Off spring and adult animals were randomly selected for two types of experimental diets: low (LF) or high fat (HF) diet for 7 weeks. After the diet period, serum glucose level was measured, ADSCs were isolated from adipose tissues from different locations. ADSCs from all experimental groups were exposed to PEMF, supernatants collected and adipokines level was determined.

R e s u l t s: HF diet feed in pups/adult animals elevated blood glucose level and increased the level of adiponectin (Apn) and leptin of both genders and age measured in serum. ADSCs cell cultures originated from female pups on LF diet and exposed to PEMF released large amounts of Apn. PEMF effect exerted on Apn release was also observed in ADSCs isolated from male pups HF diet. ADSCs from female pups on LF diet exposed to PEMF released smaller amounts of leptin in comparison to cell cultures without PEMF treatment. PEMF exposure of ADSCs cell cultures originated from female adults on LF diet decreased release of Apn, contrary adult male on LF diet ADSCs under PEMF treatment produced more leptin. PEMF treated male HF diet-originated ADSCs cultures released significantly more leptin than controls.

C o n c l u s i o n: Our results suggest that PEMF exposure is responsible for metabolic physiological balance effects obtained in ADSCs cultures originating from adult animals on HF diet.

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Agnieszka Baranowska
Beata Skowron
Krzysztof Gil
Jolanta Kaszuba-Zwoińska

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