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As of the spring of 2017, the HAŁDY Database is available on the Polish Geological Institute – NRI website. The geodatabase contains information and data on waste mineral raw materials collected on old heaps, industrial waste stock-piles and in post-mining settlers, from the Polish part of the Sudety Mountains. The article presents the types of data and information contained in the geodatabase and the methodology for their collection. As a result of four-year research works, field reconnaissance, archives and geological basic research, 445 objects of former mining and mineral processing were inventoried. There are 403 mine heaps, 16 industrial settlers, 23 stock-piles and 3 external dumps. These are mainly objects after coal mining and metal ores, including post-uranium. The greatest opportunities for the economic use of waste are associated with coal sludge accumulated in settlers of the liquidated Lower Silesian Coal Basin. The material from stone heaps after polymetallic, iron and fluorite ore mining is also easy to use. The issue of the economic use of post-flotation copper ore waste or the recovery of metals (including gold) from dumps of arsenic mining remains open. The limitation here is the efficiency of metal recovery technologies and environmental restrictions. Some of the objects are located in protected areas, which excludes the possibility of waste management. Some stock-piles and heaps should be carefully reclaimed and covered by environmental monitoring, due to their harmful impact on environmental components.

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Cezary Sroga
Stanisław Z. Mikulski
Wojciech Bobiński
Marek Adamski
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The Sudety Mountains are located close to industrial areas of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic and are the most polluted Polish mountains, Among air pollutants such as SO2 NO,, fly ashes from local and transboundary power plants emission have a significant input. In determination of soil pollutants, magnetic susceptibility measurements find application. The use otmagnetic measurements as a proxy lor chemical methods is possible because air pollutants and magnetic particles arc interrelated. The major sources or air pollution in the Sudety Mountains arc fly ashes from burning process of fossil fuels. This paper presents content and distribution of heavy metals in soil profiles, depending on their natural or industrial origin and the results of magnetic susceptibility measurements.
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Adam Łukasik
Zygmunt Strzyszcz
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The study was conducted on the Biała Lądecka River which is a mountain river. It is similar to many European mountain rivers in terms of hydromorphology and catchment management. The aim of this study was to determine the bioconcentration factors of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn) in Ranunculus aquatile (L.) Dumort., Fontinalis antipyretica (L. ex Hedw.), and Lemanea fluviatilis (L.) C.Ag. The content of metals in water, sediment, and submerged plants was determined. The metal concentrations in plants can be arranged as follows: Hg < Cd < Cr < Ni < Cu < Pb <Zn. The highest concentrations of Hg, Ni, Cr, and Cu were observed in F. antipyretica, but the highest concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Zn were in R. aquatile. L. fluviatilis always contained the least amounts of heavy metals. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were lowest in L. fluviatilis and highest in F. antipyretica. Among the analyzed metals, plants accumulated the highest amount of Zn, and the least of Hg. The BCFs for Zn were from 24111 (in L. fluviatilis) to 97574 (in R. aquatile), and BCFs for Hg were from 29 (in L. fluviatilis) to 226 (in F. antipyretica).

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Przemysław Pokorny
Joanna Pokorny
Wojciech Dobicki
Magdalena Senze
Monika Kowalska-Góralska
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The paper characterises the method of estimating the size of the areas supplying radon to radon groundwater intakes. It is presented on the example of the intakes of radon groundwaters and radon acidulous waters of Lądek Zdrój, Świeradów Zdrój and Kowary. The results of appropriate calculations prove that the volume of rocks supplying radon to the groundwaters of particular intakes oscillates from over ten to several hundred thousand cubic metres. Considering the depth of the zone where radon saturation of these waters takes place, the area supplying this gas to particular intakes varies from several hundred to several thousand square metres. The largest areas of radon-222 supply are characteristic of the most discharge springs, while the smallest ones belong to the springs of low discharge, especially the intakes of groundwater mixture, where only one component supplies large quantities of radon-222. The recharge areas of groundwaters in which
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Tadeusz Andrzej Przylibski

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