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The main goal of this article is to compare the opinions of citizens from four European countries (Germany, Great Britain, Spain and Poland) regarding basic income in the broader context, among other things, of welfare regimes these countries represent. Statistical analyses of the Europeans’ attitudes towards basic income are based on interviews carried out in 28 European Union countries. Four countries, representing four different types of welfare regimes that can be found in the literature (the Nordic model has been excluded due to the sample size), and differing in economic welfare as well as historical experiences in regard to socio-economic system formation, have been selected for further analysis. Our analysis is based on special use of the single posthoc test with the Bonferroni adjustment for evaluating cross-country differences in basic income support and use of logistic regression for verifying the within-country impact of particular effects on basic income attitudes. The results of our analysis do not confirm that either the type of welfare regime or the level of social services in particular countries have a significant impact on attitudes toward basic income attitudes. However, we found the clear and direct impact of basic income awareness on supporting the programme.

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Mariusz Baranowski
Piotr Jabkowski
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Over the last 20 years, Polish society’s attitude towards people with disabilities has changed for the better. However, we still have not completely rid ourselves of prejudices, fears, and stereotypes.

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Antonina Ostrowska
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The use of graywater in households has become increasing popular. Socio-economic aspects of graywater vary from one place to another and they need to be investigated in order to predict whether graywater use can be accepted by people. The aim of this study is to investigate the social response in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, toward the reuse of graywater in households.
Results of 511 surveys among residents of the Gaza Strip revealed that about 84% of the interviewed people accepted the idea of using graywater. Knowing that installing a graywater system would cost about USD500.00 per family, people reversed their acceptance of 84% and the rejection rate reached about 90%. The situation returned back to the 84% acceptance rate when it was known that the cost paid by the resident would only be USD50.00, with the rest of the cost to be contributed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The study also revealed that water outage seemed to be the most compelling reason behind the feeling of having a water problem, which is encouraging for the future of graywater use because graywater can be a good alternative during times of water outage.
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Ramadan Alkhatib

  1. Islamic University of Gaza, Faculty of Engineering, P.O. Box 108, Rimal St., Gaza City, Occupied Palestinian Territories
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The purpose of this two-wave longitudinal study was to investigate cross-lagged relations between sexual attitudes, perception of love and sex, and young adults’ relationship status over a period of one year. The current study tested two hypotheses: the first hypothesis assuming that sexual attitudes, perception of love and sex can be predictive of relationship status after a one-year interval; and the second hypothesis assuming that relationship status at T1 can be predictive of sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex after a one-year interval. Results from 117 Polish young adults (94 females and 23 males) aged 20–33 (M = 21.42, SD = 1.79) indicated that the conviction that sex is no longer as much a part of the relationship as it used to be (i.e., Sex is Declining scale) measured in the first assessment was a significant predictor of relationship status after a one-year interval. Furthermore, sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex at T1 were found to be predictive of sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex at T2. In addition, gender at T1 was predictive of instrumentality at T2, while being female at T1 related to higher instrumentality at T2.
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Katarzyna Adamczyk
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On one hand, the development of medicine allows to prolong the life of patients who previously had no chance for survive, on the other hand, though, it condemns some of them and their loved ones to extreme suffering. Fear of suffering is the main reason for a possible wish for euthanasia. The research aimed at measuring the attitude towards euthanasia among doctors and nurses who come in professional contact with terminally ill patients or patients versus the medical personnel who do not come in such contact. The research included: age, profession and workplace as well as personal experience in providing care to the seriously ill. The Attitudes Towards Euthanasia Questionnaire by Głębocka and Gawor was used during the research. The method consists of three scales: Informational Support, Liberal Approach and Conservative Approach. Medical stuff taking care of terminally ill patients were less conservative in their opinions than the participants from the comparative group. The intergroup differences in terms of Liberal Approach towards Euthanasia Scale were not obtained. It turned out that the age fostered the conservative approach, and working at the intensive care units or taking care of an ill relative fostered the reduction of such approach. All the respondents approve the idea of providing the patients and their families with informational support. Working in intensive care units or taking care of terminally ill relatives seems to reduce conservative attitudes towards euthanasia because persons with such experience have personally faced the multifaceted emotional and physical costs of suffering.

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Anna Gawor
Alicja Głebocka
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Evaluative conditioning (EC) is a change in the evaluation of a neutral stimulus due to its pairing with another affective stimulus. Our Experiment 1 (N = 40) was carried out based on Rydell et al. (2006). During the conditioning stage, participants were presented with pictures of faces (CS) and positive or negative information about their behavior (explicit US). The images were preceded by short verbal primes (implicit US) of opposite valence to behavioral information. In Experiments 2 (N = 122) and 3 (N = 100) we provoked the transfer of implicit and explicit attitudes between USs and CSs by using social objects that potentially carry discrepant implicit and explicit evaluations. The data shows an inconsistency between implicit and explicit attitudes towards The results also confirm that those explicitly assessed attitudes are affected only by explicit information. At the same time, implicit attitudes are influenced not only by automatic processes but also by many other processes and information available to one's conscious mind.
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Robert Balas
Adriana Rosocha

  1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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The importance of skin colour is often neglected in empirical studies of negative attitudes towards minori-ties. In this study we use data from the 2014/2015 wave of the European Social Survey to analyse explicitly racist attitudes in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. The data was collected before the refugee crisis of 2015–2016, which gives the study a unique opportunity to analyse these attitudes in three of the countries that were among the most hostile to migrants in the EU. The study demonstrates how theoretical perspectives commonly used in explorations of negative attitudes based on ethnicity may be effectively used to analyse racist attitudes. The results show high levels of racist attitudes in both Hungary and the Czech Republic, despite there being very few non-white immigrants in these countries, while, in Poland, the racist attitudes are less widespread. Realistic threats seem to be of little importance for understanding racist attitudes – in contrast, symbolic threats appear to be very important for understanding them. There is also the surprising result that voters for more moderate political parties are no less racist than voters for the more radical political parties in any of the three countries.
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David Andreas Bell
Zan Strabac
Marko Valenta

  1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Social Work, Norway
  2. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norway
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Freedom and Resentment (1962), written by Peter Frederick Strawson, is one of the most influential papers in 20th century investigations regarding the problem of free will. An interesting criticism of that work was proposed by his son, Galen Strawson, who analyzed and rejected his father’s view, called the theory of reactive attitudes. In my paper I reconstruct the views of Peter Strawson and present counterarguments put forward by Galen Strawson. In the summary I suggest, following Robert Kane, that the disagreement may reflect some important changes in analytic philosophy.

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Jacek Jarocki
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The objective of the research was to investigate the efficiency of selected methods of data fusion from visual sensors used on-board satellites for attitude measurements. Data from a sun sensor, an earth sensor, and a star tracker were fused, and selected methods were applied to calculate satellite attitude. First, a direct numerical solution, a numerical and analytical solution of the Wahba problem, and the TRIAD method for attitude calculation were compared used for integrating data produced by a sun sensor and an earth sensor. Next, attitude data from the star tracker and earth/sun sensors were integrated using two methods: weighted average and Kalman filter. All algorithms were coded in the MATLAB environment and tested using simulation models of visual sensors. The results of simulations may be used as an indication for the best data fusion in real satellite systems. The algorithms developed may be extended to incorporate other attitude sensors like inertial and/or GNSS to form a complete satellite attitude system.
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  1.  E. Babcock, “CubeSat Attitude Determination via Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer and Solar Cell Data,” in 25th AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, 2011, [Online]. Available:
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  3.  T. Nguyen, K. Cahoy, and A. Marinan, “Attitude Determination for Small Satellites with Infrared Earth Horizon Sensors,” J. Spacecr. Rockets, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1466– 1475, 2018, doi: 10.2514/1.A34010.
  4.  Y.T. Chiang, F.R. Chang, L.S. Wang, Y.W. Jan, and L.H. Ting, “Data fusion of three attitude sensors,” in SICE 2001. Proceedings of the 40th SICE Annual Conference. International Session Papers (IEEE Cat. No.01TH8603), 2002, pp. 234–239, doi: 10.1109/SICE.2001.977839.
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Janusz Narkiewicz
Mateusz Sochacki
Adam Rodacki
Damian Grabowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, ul. Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
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The article investigates the phenomenon of code-switching among bilingual speakers – Polish students studying English Philology who switch to English by inserting English words, phrases and even whole sentences while speaking their mother tongue Polish. The study is based on the questionnaire and aims at determining the various reasons and functions of code-switching (CS), the attitudes and the factors which either facilitate or impede its occurrence. The study demonstrates that code-switching constitutes an indispensable part in the respondents’ daily interactions although their attitudes, functions and factors which determine the incidence of code-switching are miscellaneous and vary considerably.
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Adam Pluszczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice
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In recent years, due to the proliferation of inertial measurement units (IMUs) in mobile devices such as smartphones, attitude estimation using inertial and magnetic sensors has been the subject of considerable research. Traditional methods involve probabilistic and iterative state estimation; however, these approaches do not generalize well over continuously changing motion dynamics and environmental conditions. Therefore, this paper proposes a deep learning-based approach for attitude estimation. This approach segments data from sensors into different windows and estimates attitude by separately extracting local features and global features from sensor data using a residual network (ResNet18) and a long short-term memory network (LSTM). To improve the accuracy of attitude estimation, a multi-scale attention mechanism is designed within ResNet18 to capture finer temporal information in the sensor data. The experimental results indicate that the accuracy of attitude estimation using this method surpasses that of other methods proposed in recent years.
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Hailong Rong
Xiaohui Wu
Hao Wang
Tianlei Jin
Ling Zou

  1. Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China
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Implementing energy transformation through the goal of the more extensive use of renewable energy sources is one of the key tasks on the road to slowing adverse climate change. The pace of this transformation is dependent on both the political decisions and social support for the implemented changes. The indicator of the aforementioned support is the Willingness to Pay for Renewable Energy Sources (WTP) declared by residents. The increase of the WTP value influences a more rapid and wider substitution of non-renewable energy sources with renewable energy sources. The goal of this paper is to analyze the determinants of the WTP indicator on the example of residents of Kraków and their perception of the actions aimed at reducing the level of environmental pollution. Research is based on a survey performed on a representative sample of 393 residents of Kraków, Poland. In the surveyed group of residents, the average monthly willingness to pay more for renewable energy was PLN 83.7, i.e. approx. USD 21.47. The WTP differs in a statistically significant manner depending on the type of housing in which the respondents reside. On average, the residents of detached houses or terraced housing declared the WTP value twice as high as the WTP value declared by the residents of apartment buildings or tenement houses.
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Łukasz Mamica

  1. Department of Public Economics, Cracow University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
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The paper presents the characteristics of the attitude that students have towards electric cars and the significance of distinguished attitude elements in creating interest in the purchase of such vehicles. Electric cars are the new type of vehicles that have an electric motor and use the electricity stored in batteries. They are introduced to the market, but for various reasons the volume of sales is not high. So far, it is not sufficiently known how electric vehicles are assessed by Poles. The presented research is an attempt to know what the attitude towards this type of vehicle. The attitude model tested in this research includes three areas: knowledge about them, emotions that they evoke and potential behaviors. The participants were students of Rzeszów University of Technology – a group of young people who are potential consumers of new technologies. The obtained results indicate that electric cars are rather unknown. At the same time, they arouse great interest and their image is very positive. The attitude characteristics towards this type of vehicle is supplemented by perceived limitations: too high of a purchase price, lack of sufficient information about them and unsatisfactory technical parameters, mainly the long time needed to recharge the battery and the insufficiently long distance with one recharge. The interest in the purchase is dependent on positive emotions, and the lack of sufficient information is an obstacle in thinking about buying such a vehicle. Understanding the attitudes of Polish students towards electric cars can be helpful in adapting information about such cars to potential customers, which in turn may affect the level of interest and sales volume.

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Ryszard Klamut
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In the article, the authors propose a typology of political knowledge from online learning activities and test its validity in an empirical qualitative study. The essence of their proposal is that meaningful study of the process of acquiring knowledge (rational analysis of factors modifying attitudes) must take into account both the perspective of the citizen (the demand for information) and an analysis of the publicly available knowledge (the supply of information). The authors distinguish three main methods of acquiring information: heuristic, reflective, and by-product learning. They note the importance of generational factors in shaping the cognitive activity of Internet users. There has been a gradual increase in the importance of source management, with simultaneous alienation and skepticism towards information obtained on the Internet. While the authors’ analysis is restricted to the Internet, their approach is not reductionist in that they consider the internet to be a medium for traditional media and its influence on civic attitudes.

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Michał Wenzel
Maciej Kryszczuk
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‘Return to nature’ has become a buzzword in both scientific and public discourse. The growing interest in this phenomenon calls for the development of reliable tools for scientific research, for example the adaptation of various connectivity to nature (CN) scales developed by researchers from other cultural circles and other countries. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Polish version of the AIMES scale for multidimensional assessment of CN as conceptualized by Ives et al. (2018). Validation studies were conducted using a survey administered on Prolific, an online platform, with a sample of 516 Poles (56% of them women) aged 18-66. The Polish version of AIMES showed high internal consistency (α = .92). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the scale structure consists of a unified second-order factor with five first-order factors: attachment, identity, materialism, experiential, and spiritual. Relevance analysis showed significant positive associations of CN with perception of nature and silence, pro- environmental attitude and behaviour, psychological well-being, gratitude/awe, forgiveness, spirituality, extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness, and a marginal positive association with openness to experience. The results strengthen the psychometric qualities of the AIMES scale, indicating its applicability to the study of CN in Polish contexts.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Surzykiewicz
1 2
Sebastian Binyamin Skalski-Bednarz
1 3
Loren L Toussaint
Łukasz Kwadrans
Anna Kwiatkowska
Karol Konaszewski

  1. Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt, Germany
  2. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  3. University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  4. Luther College, Department of Psychology, Decorah, IA, USA
  5. University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Pedagogy, Katowice, Poland
  6. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Warsaw, Poland
  7. University of Białystok, Faculty of Education, Białystok, Poland
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Previous research showed that children can exhibit preferences for social categories already at preschool age. One of the crucial factors in the development of children’s attitudes toward others is children’s observation and imitation of adults’ nonverbal messages. The aim of our study is to examine whether children’s tendency to perceive and follow nonverbally expressed attitudes toward other people is related to ingroup bias, i.e. the tendency to favor one’s own group over other groups. We examined 175 preschool children (age in months: 61–87; M = 72.6, SD = 6.53) presenting them with a video of a conversation between a message sender and a message recipient. The study was conducted in a minimal group paradigm. We found that children accurately identified the message sender’s attitude toward the recipient and also generalized this attitude to other members of the new group. We also found explicit ingroup bias among children from the message sender’s group. However, no generalization of the sender’s attitude to other ingroup members was found. The results are discussed in reference to previous findings on the role of imitation of adult’s non-verbal behavior for the development of social attitudes among children.

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Anna Jurasińska
Marcin Bukowski
Marta Białecka-Pikul
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The issue of math attitude and math anxiety in STEM students has been till now overlooked. However, the issue occurring in many countries is students’ falling out of the STEM education system during their studies. One of the reasons for this problem may be high math anxiety and a negative math attitude among students. The present study fills a gap in knowledge about this phenomenon among STEM students. 371 Polish STEM students filled questionnaires of math attitude (MASA) and math anxiety (MAQA, SIMA, AMAS). The results are as follow: The mean results show that STEM students have a very positive math attitude in affective and cognitive dimensions and a rather positive math attitude in the behavioral area; On average, STEM students feel very weak anxiety related to math problem solving, weak general math anxiety and math learning anxiety, and a moderate level of math testing anxiety; Among STEM students there are those who present a very negative/negative math attitude and very strong/strong math anxiety; Women feel more intense anxiety related to math problem solving, but there is no gender gap in general math anxiety, math learning and math testing anxiety, and in math attitude. The results suggest that math attitude and math anxiety of STEM students should be monitored. Indeed, not all STEM students have a positive math attitude and feel no math anxiety. Moreover, proper interventions are recommended to decrease math anxiety and improve positive math attitude that in turn may prevent the students’ dropping out from STEM studies.
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Monika Szczygieł

  1. Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland
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The paper focuses on two research objectives. First, it aims to critically examine a reductio ad absurdum argument against incompatibilism whose main themes can be found in Peter F. Strawson’s Freedom and Resentment. The doubts raised about the argument are inspired by a thought experiment based on fictitious Ludovico’s technique described in Anthony Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange. The second objective consists in outlining a version of the compatibilist stance – the version which is immune to Strawson’s objections against the traditional rendering of compatibilism and enables deeper understanding of various possible interpretations of the controversy between compatibilists and their opponents. The proposed position includes a hypothesis on the function of the attitude of participation and the expressivist explications of the concepts crucial for the practice of ascribing moral responsibility. The important feature of the analyses in question is the central role of the states of mind whose content are plans for reactive moral sentiments.

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Adrian Kuźniar
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The most interesting area of ethical considerations by Bertrand Russell belongs to the field of metaethics and concerns the meaning of basic ethical concepts and their epistemological status. In the classic dispute between cognitivism and noncognitivism, Russell has chosen the emotivist position which deprives moral opinions of any cognitive value by treating them as an expression of individual emotive attitudes. Thus, he advocates a kind of subjectivism in ethics, and at the same time he refutes all arguments ascribing to moral phenomena specific objective qualities independent of human attitudes and emotions. He also puts to doubt all sources of morality that have a religious character. His own normative statements concerning metaethical issues are so phrased, however, that a serious methodological doubt arises: Is it possible to practice normative ethics without using an objectivist hypothesis?
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Joanna Górnicka‑Kalinowska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Kra-kowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The article presents Peter F. Strawson’s remarks on the free will debate, which he has presented in the essay ‘Freedom and Resentment’. Strawson avoids taking a stance on the question whether the thesis of determinism is correct. Instead he shows the essential difficulties and far reaching consequences of acknowledging this thesis. He recognizes the inseparable connection between freedom and responsibility in the philosophy after Kant. He consequently questions whether we really understand what it would mean to claim that determinism is true. He focuses on what he calls ‘reactiv attitudes’ triggered by the way in which other people behave toward us. Their behavior evokes emotional reaction in us – gratitude, respect, curiosity, but also distrust, resentment, disappointment. Those emotional responses are not purely subjective and they underlie moral judgments and complicated interpersonal relations. We suspend our reactive attitudes towards animals, very small children or people that we think are mentally ill. Instead we adopt objective (psychiatric, scientific) attitudes towards them. But to acknowledge the thesis of determinism implicates that we should treat all people this way. The paper is not so much concerned with an analysis of advantages and weak points of Strawson’s version of compatibilism, but focuses instead on the originality of his contribution to the debate on free will and on his brilliant treatment of reactive attitudes.

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Karolina Rychter
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In this work, we present a failure detection system in sensors of any robot. It is based on the k-fold cross-validation approach and built from N neural networks, where N is the number of signals read from sensors. Our tests were carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, quadrocopter), where signals were read from three sensors: accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope. Artificial neural network was used to determine Euler angles, based on signals from these sensors. The presented system is an extension of the system that we proposed in one of our previous papers. The improvement shown in this work took place on two levels. The first one was related to improvement of a neural network՚s reproduction quality – we have replaced a recurrent neural network with a convolutional one. The second level was associated with the improvement of the validation process, i.e. with adding some new criteria to check the values of Euler՚s angles determined by the convolutional neural network in subsequent time steps. To highlight the proposed system improvement we present a number of indicators such as RMSE, NRMSE and NDR (Normalized Detection Ratio).

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A. Świetlicka
K. Kolanowski
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The objective of the research was to develop the Attitude Control System algorithm to be implemented in the Earth Observation Satellite System composed of leader-follower formation. The main task of the developed Attitude Control System is to execute attitude change manoeuvres required to point the axis of the image acquisition sensor to the fixed target on the Earth’s surface, while the satellite is within the segment of an orbit, where image acquisition is possible. Otherwise, the satellite maintains a nadir orientation. The control strategy is realized by defining the high-level operational modes and control laws to manage the attitude control actuators: magnetorquers used for desaturation of the reaction wheels and reaction wheels used for agile attitude variation. A six-degree-of-freedom satellite model was used to verify whether the developed Attitude Control System based on PID controllers for actuators performs attitude control in line with the requirements of an Earth Observation System. The simulations done for a variety of combinations of orbital parameters and surface target positions proved that the designed Attitude Control System fulfils the mission requirements with sufficient accuracy This high-level architecture supplemented by a more detailed control system model allowed proving efficient functionalities performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Narkiewicz
Szabolcs Grünvald
Mateusz Sochacki

  1. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Nowowiejska 24, 00-665, Warsaw, Poland
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Landawe is one of the local languages in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is in danger condition because it has only a few speakers. The article aims at describing the maintenance of Landawe language and its correlation to people's attitudes in North Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi. The study used a qualitative and quantitative approaches and sociolinguistics theory. Based on the result, study shows that the use of Landawe language is decreasing. It is affected by both extra and intra-linguistics factors. Maintaining the Landawe language can be done through several steps, namely, a) use of the Landawe language in all conditions, either in family, meeting, or education domain; b) use of the Landawe language in media social, such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and Twitter); and c) use of the Landawe language as competition object in various activities or parties. However, the negative attitude of society toward Landawe language is one of challenges to the maintenance of the language.
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Aslinda and L. Syafyahya 2010. Pengantar Sosiolinguistik. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
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La Yani Konisi
La Aso
Maulid Taembo

  1. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  2. Cultural Studies Faculty, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  3. Education Faculty, Trunojoyo Madura University, Bangkalan, Indonesia
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The paper presents the most overall project of Hungarian dialectology of the past few decades and deals with the partial result of its sociolinguistic survey. The interviews analysed were recorded in Western Hungary as part of the New General Atlas of Hungarian Dialects project between 2007 and 2012. The project, funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and organized by the Geolinguistics Research Group of the Eötvös Loránd University, asked the participants about sociolinguistic issues at several data collection sites in the Hungarian language area, in addition to surveying dialectological phenomena. For example: Do you speak dialects here in this town? Do they speak better here than in the neighboring settlements? Do you speak in the same way in a city or official place as at home, in a family circle? Have you ever been mocked because of your dialect speech? Given that tens of thousands of hours of the recordings have not yet been processed in a systematic and comprehensive way, the first half of the study provides numerical and detailed data on how the planned program of the research group was realized in practice regarding, for the time being, the Western Hungarian data collection sites. The second half of the study presents partial results on the language and dialect awareness, attitudes and use of the respondents by analysing the sociolinguistic interviews recorded in this area. The study provides a more accurate description of the specifics in the archive of the New General Atlas of Hungarian Dialects project, as well as what the recorded data reveal on the linguistic mentality of the Western Hungarian speech community in the beginning of the 21st century. This is just one of the numerous research topics offered by the enormous archive.
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Andrea Parapatics

  1. University of Pannonia

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