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This paper presents an innovative solution for increasing life of lead-acid batteries used in a glider launcher. The study is focused on upgrading a charging system instead of a costly full replacement of it. Based on literature review, the advanced three-stage charging profile was indicated. The new topology of the power converter was proposed and a simulation model was developed. A simulation study was performed which leads to a conclusion that the suggested solution can be successfully applied to the studied device. As a result, the conclusion of this work is the recommendation for modification of the launching system with an additional converter enabling 3 stage charging.

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Wojciech Aleksander Rosiński
Szymon Potrykus
Michal Sergiusz Michna
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The use of lithium-ion battery energy storage (BES) has grown rapidly during the past year for both mobile and stationary applications. For mobile applications, BES units are used in the range of 10–120 kWh. Power grid applications of BES are characterized by much higher capacities (range of MWh) and this area particularly has great potential regarding the expected energy system transition in the next years. The optimal operation of BES by an energy storage management system is usually predictive and based strongly on the knowledge about the state of charge (SOC) of the battery. The SOC depends on many factors (e.g. material, electrical and thermal state of the battery), so that an accurate assessment of the battery SOC is complex. The SOC intermediate prediction methods are based on the battery models. The modeling of BES is divided into three types: fundamental (based on material issues), electrical equivalent circuit (based on electrical modeling) and balancing (based on a reservoir model). Each of these models requires parameterization based on measurements of input/output parameters. These models are used for SOC modelbased calculation and in battery system simulation for optimal battery sizing and planning. Empirical SOC assessment methods currently remain the most popular because they allow practical application, but the accuracy of the assessment, which is the key factor for optimal operation, must also be strongly considered. This scientific contribution is divided into two papers. Paper part I will present a holistic overview of the main methods of SOC assessment. Physical measurement methods, battery modeling and the methodology of using the model as a digital twin of a battery are addressed and discussed. Furthermore, adaptive methods and methods of artificial intelligence, which are important for the SOC calculation, are presented. In paper part II, examples of the application areas are presented and their accuracy is discussed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcel Hallmann
Christoph Wenge
Przemyslaw Komarnicki
Stephan Balischewski

  1. Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  2. Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg, Germany
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Climate change is driving the transformation of energy systems from fossil to renewable energies. In industry, power supply systems and electro-mobility, the need for electrical energy storage is rising sharply. Lithium-based batteries are one of the most widely used technologies. Operating parameters must be determined to control the storage system within the approved operating limits. Operating outside the limits, i.e., exceeding or falling below the permitted cell voltage, can lead to faster aging or destruction of the cell. Accurate cell information is required for optimal and efficient system operation. The key is high-precision measurements, sufficiently accurate battery cell and system models, and efficient control algorithms. Increasing demands on the efficiency and dynamics of better systems require a high degree of accuracy in determining the state of health and state of charge (SOC). These scientific contributions to the above topics are divided into two parts. In the first part of the paper, a holistic overview of the main SOC assessment methods is given. Physical measurement methods, battery modeling, and the methodology of using the model as a digital twin of a battery are addressed and discussed. In addition, adaptive methods and artificial intelligence methods that are important for SOC calculation are presented. Part two of the paper presents examples of the application areas and discusses their accuracy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcel Hallmann
Christoph Wenge
Przemyslaw Komarnicki

  1. Magdeburg–Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  2. Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg, Germany

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