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What kinds of states arise when the interaction between particles becomes dominant over the quantum behavior of individual particles in the system?

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Józef Spałek
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The concentration or the partial pressure of oxygen in an environment can be determined using different measuring principles. For high temperature measurements of oxygen, ceramic-based sensors are the most practical. They are simple in construction, exploration and maintenance. A typical oxygen potentiometric sensor consists of an oxygen ion conducting solid electrolyte and two electrodes deposited on the two sides of the electrolyte. In this paper different structures of potentiometric oxygen sensors with a solid state reference electrode were fabricated and investigated. The fabricated structures consisted of oxygen ion conducting solid electrolyte from yttria stabilized zirconia, a sensing platinum electrode and nickel-nickel oxide reference electrode. The mixture of nickel-nickel oxide was selected as the reference electrode because it provides reliable electrochemical potential in contact with oxygen conducting electrolyte. To avoid oxidation of nickel the reference electrode is sealed from ambient and the mixture of nickel-nickel oxide was formed electrochemically from nickel oxide after sealing. The effectiveness of the sealing quality and the effectiveness of nickel-nickel oxide mixture formation was investigated by impedance spectroscopy.

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Katarzyna Dunst
Grzegorz Jasiński
Piotr Jasinski
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Although the majority of people value the idea of helping others, they often take no particular action. In two field studies we investigated the impact of differently justified requests for spontaneous charity donations and for antisocial behavior like stealing. In the experiments, unwatched stands with cookies and money jars were placed on a crowded city square with one of three different notes: (1) detailed prosocial justification, (2) general justification or (3) no justification. After testing almost 500 participants, we show that mere general arguments can both increase prosocial behavior and decrease antisocial behavior. Additionally, detailed prosocial justification augments generosity, causing people voluntarily to pay more than required. We conclude that prosocial (compliance with request) and antisocial (stealing) behavior is guided by automatic processes that track that there is any reason for the request, while generosity is guided by reflective assessment of the justification of the request.
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Sabina Kołodziej
Jakub Łoboda
Aleksandra Święcka
Waldemar Sirko
Michał Białek
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An understanding of the fundamental correlation between grain size and material damping is crucial for the successful development of structural components offering high strength and good mechanical energy absorption. With this regard, we fabricated aluminum sheets with grain sizes ranging from tens of microns down to 60 nm and investigated their tensile properties and mechanical damping behavior. An obvious transition of the damping mechanism was observed at nanoscale grain sizes, and the underlying causes by grain boundaries were interpreted.

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Haneul Jang
Kwangmin Choi
Jaehyuck Shin
Donghyun Bae
Hyunjoo Choi
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Since the 1970s, social psychology has investigated real human behavior to an increasingly smaller degree. The author of the article suggests that the phenomenon of cognitive revolution in psychology naturally boosted the interest of researchers in such phenomena like attitudes, values, social judgments and stereotypes; at the same time, it decreased interest in others important topics like aggression, social influence or altruism. In recent decades, we have also witnessed a growing conviction among social psychologists that explaining why people perform certain actions holds greater importance that demonstrating the conditions under which people really display particular reactions. The key question appears in this situation of whether social psychology remains of science of (real) behavior, and whether the current condiction of the discipline is desirable or rather pathological.

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Dariusz Doliński
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Apart from medical care, medical biological equipment or physical environment biggest impact on our health has our behaviours. According to the Functional Health Model (FMZ) H. Wrony-Polańskiej (2003), pro-health behavior is conditioned by the availability of cognitive and behavioral resources, among which the sense of coherence plays an important role. Aim of the study was assessment of dependence between the sense of coherence and health behaviors of studying students. The study involved 245 second and third year students studying in humanities and science. The study was used the M. Ziarko Health Behavior Questionnaire and the A. Antonovsky SOC-29 Life Guidance Questionnaire. Research analysis has confirmed that there is a statistically significant relationship between health behaviors and the sense of coherence and its components: comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. On the basis of the research conducted and based on the Functional Health Model it can be concluded that an important practical direction is to develop from a young age in healthy children and adolescents a special emphasis on the development of this resource.

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Barbara Pietryga-Szkarłat
Dominika Sznajder
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In this study, energetic behaviors of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-coated zirconium (Zr) powders were investigated using thermogravimetric analyzer-differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC). PVDF-coated Zr powder had 1.5 times higher heat flow than ZrO2-passivated Zr powder. PVDF-coated Zr powder had a Zr-F compound formed on its surface by its strong chemical bond. This compound acted as an oxidation-protecting layer, providing an efficient combustion path to inner pure Zr particle while thermal oxidation was progressing at the same time. PVDF coating layers also made thermal reaction start at a lower temperature than ZrO2-passivated Zr powder. It was obtained that the surface PVDF coating layer evaporated at approximately 673 K, but the surface oxide layer fully reacted at approximately 923 K by DSC analysis. Hence, Zr powders showed enhanced energetic properties by the PVDF-coated process.
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[3] H. Nersisyan, B.U. Yoo, S.C. Kwon, D.Y. Kim, S.K. Han, J.H. Choi, J.H. Lee, Combust. Flame. 183, 22–29. (2017)
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Won Young Heo
Sung Hwa Bae
Injoon Son

  1. Kyungpook National University, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
  2. Kyushu University, Department of Materials Process Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Fukuoka, Japan
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The objective of this study is to investigate the change in partition coefficient with a change in the concentration of the solute in a liquid system consisting of two relatively immiscible solvents. To investigate the changes in the partition coefficients, the data of the partition coefficients at infinite dilution and the ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) data at finite concentrations of the solute should be consistent. In this study, 29 ternary systems that are found in literature and for which the partition coefficients at infinite dilution and the ternary LLE data cannot be predicted accurately by the universal quasi-chemical (UNIQUAC) model are identified. On the basis of this model, some consistent and inconsistent ternary systems are introduced. Three inconsistent systems, namely hexane-butanol-water, CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride)-PA (propanoic acid)-water, and hexane-PA-water, are chosen for detailed analysis in this study. The UNIQUAC activity coefficient model is used to represent these data over a range of concentrations. The results show large errors, exhibiting the inability of this model to correlate the data. Furthermore, some ternary systems in which cross behavior of solutes between two phases observed are identified.

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Akand Islam
Anand Zavvadi
Vinayak Kabadi
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In the present investigation, the morphology of Ti inclusions in high strength tire cord steel was investigated and their precipitation behavior was discussed using a precipitation and growth model. The results show that Ti inclusions mainly exist in the form of TiN. The two-dimensional characterization of Ti inclusions is square-like with sharp edges and corners, while its three-dimensional shape exhibits a cubic or rectangular-prism morphology. The Ti inclusions do not precipitate when the solid fraction of tire cord during solidification is less than 0.987, and their final radius is closely related to the cooling rate and initial concentration product. The higher the cooling speed, the smaller the final radius, when the cooling speed is constant, the final radius of Ti inclusions is mainly determined by the initial concentration product, w[N]0×w[Ti]0. In order to retard the precipitation and growth of Ti inclusions in tire cord steel, the cooling rate and initial concentration product can be taken into consideration.

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Jialiu Lei
Dongnan Zhao
Yongjun Fu
Xianfeng Xu
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To evaluate the role of preovulatory progesterone on canine sexual behavior and the course of proestrus and estrus, seven bitches in spontaneous cycles were treated with aglepristone for temporary elimination of progesterone action. Aglepristone was administered at the dose 10 mg/kg b.m., two times 24 hours apart, beginning in early proestrus when progesterone concen- tration was <0.5 ng/ml. Seven untreated bitches served as a control group. Reproductive sexual behavior (standing behavior, display vulva, tail deviation) was evaluated according to behavioral score. Cytologic, clinical and vaginoscopic examinations and progesterone measurements were used for the determination of proestrus and estrus and estimation of ovulation time.

Although, a similar pattern and magnitude of sexual behavior were observed in both groups, the duration of a total reproductive behavior was significantly extended (28.71 ± 2.06 vs 17.00 ± 2.45, p <0.05) in experimental group; similarly, the length of cytologic estrus (23.86 ± 3.02 vs 11.14 ± 2.41, p <0.05) was prolonged in treated bitches. In contrast, ovulation rate, duration of proestrus did not differ between the groups (p >0.05). We conclude, that during the canine estrus cycle the preovulatory progesterone terminates the duration of reproductive behavior and cytologic estrus.

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K. Bladowska
W. Barański
T.E. Janowski
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The objective of the present research is to develop the novel multi-compaction technology to produce hybrid structure in powder metallurgy (P/M) components using dissimilar Fe-based alloys. Two distinct powder alloys with different compositions were are used in this study: Fe-Cr-Mo-C pre-alloyed powder for high strength and Fe-Cu-C mixed powder for enhanced machinability and lower material cost. Initially, Fe-Cu-C was pre-compacted using a bar-shaped die with lower compaction pressure. The green compact of Fe-Cu-C alloy was inserted into a die residing a half of the die, and another half of the die was filled with the Fe-Cr-Mo-C powder. Then they subsequently underwent re-compaction with higher pressure. The final compact was sintered at 1120°C for 60 min. In order to determine the mechanical behavior, transverse rupture strength (TRS) and Vickers hardness of sintered materials were measured and correlated with density variations. The microstructure was characterized using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope to investigate the interfacial characteristics between dissimilar P/M alloys.

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Min Chul Oh
Hyunjoo Seok
Yeongcheol Jo
Byungmin Ahn
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A three Dimensional finite element model (FEM) incorporating the anisotropic properties and temperature profile of hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement was developed to predict the structural responses of HMA pavement subject to heavy loads typically encountered in the field. In this study, ABAQUS was adopted to model the stress and strain relationships within the pavement structure. The results of the model were verified using data collected from the Korean Highway Corporation Test Road (KHCTR). The results demonstrated that both the base course and surface course layers follow the anisotropic behavior and the incorporation of the temperature profile throughout the pavement has a substantial effect on the pavement response predictions that impact pavement design. The results also showed that the anisotropy level of HMA and base material can be reduced to as low as 80% and 15% as a result of repeated loading, respectively.

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Joonho Choi
Youngguk Seo
Sung-Hee Kim
Samuel Beadles
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The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of Sn addition on the mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg-1Zn-1Zr-xSn (x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 wt.%) alloys prepared by powder-in-tube rolling (PTR) method. The PTR-treated Mg alloys reached 98.3% of theoretical density. The hardness of the alloy increased with Sn addition. Two main intermetallic phases, Mg2Sn and Zn2Zr3, were formed in the alloys. The Mg2Sn intermetallic particles were observed along the grain boundaries, while the Zn2Zr3 particles were distributed in the Mg matrix. The addition of 1 wt. % Sn caused the corrosion potential to shift toward a more positive value, and the resulting alloy exhibited low corrosion current density.

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A. Zakiyuddin
K. Lee
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In this paper the chemo-rheological behavior of aqueous TiC suspension and physical properties of gelcasted green body were investigated. The monomer system used in this project was acrylamide (AM) and methylenebisacrylamide (MBAM). Polymerisation reaction was promoted by the addition of tetramethyl ethylenediamine as a catalyst and ammonium persulfate as a initiator. The effects of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH), polyethylenimine (PEI) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) dispersants on the premix solution containing TiC powder have been studied via observation of the zeta potential and rheological behavior. The optimal amount of TMAH was achieved 0.4 wt.% at pH 9. The chemorheological results showed that the gelation time decreased and viscosity increased with increasing the monomer content, solid loading, initiator amount and temperature. The highest flexural strength of gel casted green body was obtained with 50 vol% solid loading and 25 wt.% monomers content.
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H. Foratirad
H.R. Baharvandi
Ghanadi Maragheh M.
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Animals kept outside their natural environment often suffer from boredom. They don’t hunt or have a chance to conduct their mating rituals, and their natural tendency for physical activity is limited by space. These deficiencies affect their psychological well-being. But when it comes to dogs, we can help them by exploiting their excellent sense of smell.

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Agata Maria Kokocińska
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Mg-0.5Si-xSn (x=0.95, 2.9, 5.02wt.%) alloys were cast and extruded at 593K (320 o C) with an extrusion ratio of 25. The microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast and extruded test alloys were investigated by OM, SEM, XRD and tensile tests. The experimental results indicate that the microstructure of the Mg-0.5Si-xSn alloys consists of primary α-Mg dendrites and an interdendritic eutectic containing α-Mg, Mg2Si and Mg2Sn. There is no coarse primary Mg2Si phase in the test alloys due to low Si content. With the increase in the Sn content, the Mg2Si phase was refined. The shape of Mg2Si phase was changed from branch to short bar, and the size of them were reduced. The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of Mg-0.52Si-2.9Sn alloy at the temperature of 473K (200 o C) reach 133MPa and 112MPa respectively. Refined eutectic Mg2Si phase and dispersed Mg2Sn phase with good elevated temperature stability are beneficial to improve the elevated temperature performance of the alloys. However, with the excess addition of Sn, large block-like Mg2Sn appears around the grain boundary leading to lower mechanical properties.

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Xuesong Fu
Yan Yang
QuanYang Ma
Xiaodong Peng
Tiancai Xu
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Annual and interannual phenomena and canopy behavior of prickly comfrey (Symphytum asperum Lep.) were studied in a 10-year experiment with 25 measurement sessions during the growing season. The results confirm the importance of long-term experiments in studying plant phenomena, biometrics and behavior. Prickly comfrey produced a green canopy each year and growth started very early in spring. Maximum plant height was less than 160 cm. Annual phenomena (growth initiation, seedling phase, flower phase, seed phase, senescent phase), interannual phenomena (initiation and youth, reproduction, new generation formation, plant death) and two population cycles (colonization and expansion) were measured. The duration of annual development up to canopy death can be expressed as x+2x+3x+2x, where x is initial growth. The genetic structure and activity of prickly comfrey promotes generative development of the species. Its age can be measured over a single and several vegetation generations. The ability to change the angle of vertical stem growth after 9 weeks can be considered a functional behavior of prickly comfrey and part of its life strategy. The differences between the organs in the upper and lower parts are very considerable and should be taken into account in morphological descriptions of this species. The upper and lower stems and leaves showed differential growth. Both stem and leaves were densely setose. Old leaves were 3.8 times longer, 4 times broader and 2.4 times thicker than young leaves. Hairs were on average 3 times longer on old than on young leaves. Flowers had contact with pollinators making relatively long visits to them.

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Tadeusz Aniszewski
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The present work discusses results of increased temperature on shape-dimensional changes of a 110 type hose coupling, produced from EN AC-AlSi11 alloy with the use of pressure die casting technology. The castings were soaked for 3.5 h at temperatures 460°C, 475°C and 490°C. The verification of shape-dimensional accuracy of the elements after soaking treatment, in relation to raw casting, was carried out by comparing the 3D models received from 3D scanning. Soaking temperature of about 460°C-475°C results in no significant changes in the shapes and dimensions of the castings, or surface defects in the form of blisters, which can be seen at a temperature of 490°C.

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A. Jarco
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Previous research showed that children can exhibit preferences for social categories already at preschool age. One of the crucial factors in the development of children’s attitudes toward others is children’s observation and imitation of adults’ nonverbal messages. The aim of our study is to examine whether children’s tendency to perceive and follow nonverbally expressed attitudes toward other people is related to ingroup bias, i.e. the tendency to favor one’s own group over other groups. We examined 175 preschool children (age in months: 61–87; M = 72.6, SD = 6.53) presenting them with a video of a conversation between a message sender and a message recipient. The study was conducted in a minimal group paradigm. We found that children accurately identified the message sender’s attitude toward the recipient and also generalized this attitude to other members of the new group. We also found explicit ingroup bias among children from the message sender’s group. However, no generalization of the sender’s attitude to other ingroup members was found. The results are discussed in reference to previous findings on the role of imitation of adult’s non-verbal behavior for the development of social attitudes among children.

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Anna Jurasińska
Marcin Bukowski
Marta Białecka-Pikul
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This research aims to explore the associations of maternal anxiously attached feelings towards the child, parenting stress, and negative parenting among Chinese mothers with school-aged children. 105 Chinese mothers participated in it. The study utilized the modified anxious attachment subscale in Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the Parenting Stress Index, and the subscale of authoritarian parenting in The Short Version of Parenting Style and Dimension Questionnaire. It found that parenting stress played a mediator role in the relationship between parents’ anxiously attached feelings towards a child and negative parenting. These results highlight the importance of intervention programs aiming for parenting stress management.
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Yi Huang

  1. Masaryk University, Czech Republic
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Mimicry has been proven to be responsible for many social consequences linked to social bonding: improved trust, liking, and rapport. This accumulating empirical evidence has mostly been based on experimental designs focused on comparisons between two conditions: an experimental condition involving mimicking behavior versus a control condition in which any movement or direct verbal reaction is withdrawn. Thus, it is unclear whether the observed differences stem from a potential increase in liking, trust, or rapport in the mimicry condition or a decrease thereof when naturally occurring gestures are not present during the interaction. To address this potential confound, we included an additional control condition involving responsiveness (but not mimicry) aimed at increasing both internal and external validity. We found significant differences between the mimicry condition and both control conditions, thereby lending support to the original mimicry-as-a-social-glue hypothesis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Kulesza
Paweł Muniak
Martyna Czekiel
Sylwia Bedyńska
Aleksandra Cisłak

  1. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland

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