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Recently there has been a significant debate about the possible implementation of a centralized capacity mechanism in Poland. Despite the fact that capacity adequacy is currently being discussed at the national level as a long-term issue, the lack of sufficient capacity and insufficient demand flexibility has already been observed on a number of occasions. In July 2016, the Polish Ministry of Energy expressed its support for the implementation of a market-wide capacity mechanisms. In view of these recent events, the aim of this paper is to shed some light on the possible implementation of a capacity market in Poland. The paper presents a brief overview of the key problems that the Polish power sector faces and provides a comparative analysis between some of the main elements of the Polish capacity market proposal and the GB capacity market.
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Pablo Benalcazar
Patryk Nalepka
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This paper presents an experimental analysis of flexural capacity and deformability of structural concrete slabs prepared as composite members consisting of two concrete layers made of reinforced ordinary concrete (N) and fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC). The reinforced concrete composite slabs used in the tests were prepared in the dimensions of 600 x 1200 x 80 mm. The basis was composed of two layers consisting of SFRC, one as the top layer, and one as ordinary concrete. The results of the analysis confirm a significant improvement of structural properties of the composite slab in comparison to the slabs prepared wholly of ordinary concrete.

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B. Sadowska-Buraczewska
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The paper investigates the supply structure of the capacity market in Poland in the coming years. The results of the capacity auctions conducted in 2018 are analyzed for this purpose. Three auctions were held at that time. The products traded in the capacity market are capacity obligations for the following years: 2021, 2022 and 2023. The auctions were organized in accordance with (i) he Act of December 8, 2017 on the Capacity Market and the (ii) Capacity Market Regulations published by the Polish Power Grid. The source of data used in this study is the official information of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office on the final results of the main auctions for 2021–2023 delivery periods. The list of the capacity suppliers who won capacity auctions contains the type of capacity market units, the volume of capacity obligations, the duration of capacity agreements and the business name of the capacity suppliers. The conducted analysis indicates that the auction for 2021 was won mainly by existing units (45.81%) and refurbishing units (33.51%). In subsequent years, the share of existing generating units is significantly higher and amounts to 91.67% for 2022 and 84.54% for 2023. The results of the study carried out in this paper also show that one energy company, being the owner of power generating daughter companies, has a very high share in these capacity auctions. The PGE Capital Group contracted 51.95% for 2021, 69.92% for 2022 and 64.44% for 2023 of the total capacity obligation. The volume amounts to over 70% of their total installed capacity.

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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Komorowska
Jacek Kamiński
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MIMO technology has become very popular in a wireless communication system because of the many advantages of multiple antennas at the transmitting end and receiving end. The main advantages of MIMO systems are higher data rate and higher reliability without the need of extra power and bandwidth. The MIMO system provides higher data rate by using spatial multiplexing technique and higher reliability by using diversity technique. The MIMO systems have not only advantages, but also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage of MIMO system is that the multiple antennas required extra high cost RF modules. The extra RF modules increase the cost of wireless communication systems. In this research, the antenna selection techniques are proposed to minimize the cost of MIMO systems. Furthermore, this research also presents techniques for antenna selection to enhance the capacity of channel in MIMO systems.

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Dalveer Kaur
Neeraj Kumar
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An efficient system of micropropagation via somatic embryogenesis from root-derived callus was established in

Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Twenty-six callus lines were induced on MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962)

medium supplemented with combinations of NAA (0, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L) plus BA (0, 1 and 2 mg/L), or 2,4-D

(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L) plus TDZ (0, 1 and 2 mg/L). Subsequently, two types of somatic embryos were obtained

from callus cultures and named S-type and I-type embryos. The S-type embryos were obtained from an 18-monthold

callus line which was induced and maintained at 2 mg/L TDZ and 0.1 mg/L 2,4-D near the end of each period

of the subculture. These embryos have a developmental barrier, which did not pass through the torpedo stage

and could be overcome by a supplement of 2 or 5 mg/L BA. The I-type embryos were induced from 3-month-old

callus when transferred onto induction media, i.e., MS supplemented with TDZ (2 and 5 mg/L) plus 2,4-D (0 and

0.1 mg/L). The significantly highest response, i.e., 13.3 embryos per callus clump was obtained at 2 mg/L TDZ.

In this study, the results reveal that TDZ has a crucial effect on embryogenic callus induction, proliferation and

subsequent somatic embryogenesis.

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Yi-Chieh Wang
Meng-Ze Lin
Bin Huang
Hsiao-Hang Chung
Jen-Tsung Chen
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With the upcoming implementation of the centralized capacity market in Poland, capacity auctions will be organized where domestic power companies will offer their available capacities. It is assumed that bidding will be auctioned according to the so called descending clock auction system with uniform-price (Pay-as-Clear), which will lead to the market equilibrium price. Some analysts, however, are of the view that it is more appropriate to organize capacity auctions in the Pay-as-Bid formula, as this system should lead to lower prices that those of Pay-as-Clear, hence lower costs of capacity purchase. However, this opinion does not confirm the practice – theoretical considerations do not take into account such important factors as the behavior of market players and the tendency of bidders to accept a higher risk or the lack of access to advanced analyses, and thus better information for all market participants. This paper presents a hypothetical calculation of the prices in the centralized capacity market using Monte Carlo simulations. The results of the study confirm that the price level for the Pay-as-Bid system, due to the asymmetry of information and the level of concentration of the power generation sector in Poland would lead to higher prices than for the Pay-as-Clear system on average by approximately 2.5%. The implementation of the PAB system would, therefore, be less efficient to electricity consumers.

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Piotr W. Saługa
Jacek Kamiński
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For majority of running waters point pollution sources are the main sources of pollution. Knowing the water self-purification capacity one can modify the quality of waters through proper management of the discharged pollutants. This study focuses on identifying such solutions for pollutant discharge into the Kłodnica and Bytomka rivers, which would allow for achieving at least the Ill class of surface water quality. Simulation of selected wastewater management scenarios was carried out. The best solutions for the water environment were identified. Only environmental effects which resulted in improvement of the water quality were analyzed. The economical aspect of actions, the undertaking ofwhich is indispensable for achieving the assumed goal, was not taken into account. The selection of the best solutions considering the cost effectiveness cannot be made until a feasibility study for particular undertakings has been completed. Sal i nity and biodegradable pollutants determined by BOD coefficient were taken into consideration. The simulation was carried out using an integrated simulation model IRM (Integrated River Model). In order to protect the river from excessive salinity the optimum solution for the Bytomka River would be desalination, whereas for the Kłodnica River- directing salty mining waters outside its catchment. For protection from biodegradable pollutants the only solution would be tightening the effectiveness criteria for municipal wastewater treatment. Meeting the minimum standards for wastewater treatment, currently obligatory in municipal wastewater treatment plants, will not ensure the assumed water purity level in these rivers.
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Rudolf Bujok
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Capacity remuneration mechanisms have been imposed globally in order to ensure capacity adequacy and prevent a sharp increase in electricity prices in the long-term. The main causes of their introduction are to provide financial support for companies to generate electricity or reduce consumption in peak demand and ensure sufficient incentives for potential investors. The paper aims to review the capacity remuneration mechanisms introduced in various countries. The following mechanisms are discussed: capacity payment, strategic reserve, reliability options, capacity obligations, and capacity auctions. The paper indicates the main advantages of mechanisms and key challenges related to their introduction and operation as well. The paper contributes to the existing literature by extending and updating the knowledge on the capacity remuneration mechanisms in various energy markets. The results indicate that the most complex schemes are market mechanisms. Regardless of the nature of the traded good (call options, certificates, capacity obligation), the second market structure must be introduced and managed. Consequently, the obligations are imposed on (i) the regulatory body (regulator or transmission system operator), generation companies (or demand-side response), trading companies, and consumers. The other challenge of the implementation of various CRMs is related to the transparent treatment of all technologies. All CRMs should be technologically neutral, but ultimately, some units are more favorable due to their greater impact on the reliability of the power system.
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Aleksandra Komorowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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Planning in a mining enterprise is a complex and multifaceted action. For this reason, it is necessary to provide its proper organisation and adjust it to the specific conditions of conducting underground mining extraction. The prepared plans must make up a cohesive internal system, unambiguously determining the manner, range and safety requirements of the conducted extraction. In the most general manner, the various types of plans developed by organisational units of mining enterprises can be divided based on the timeframe, type, scope and object of planning. These are strategic plans, tactical plans and subject-based plans. The aim of the article is to present the issue of production planning in a mining enterprise and for the preparation of such a plan, first and foremost, information about, among other things, applicable legal regulations, market conditions and the specificity of a mining enterprise are necessary. Underground extraction of black coal deposits must be conducted while respecting the rules of sustainable development which satisfies current needs, without compromising the ability to satisfy the needs of future generations. Due to the specific nature of mining production, manifested, among other things, by such features as the diversity of conditions for conducting the activity, resulting from the changing geological-mining conditions of the deposit, low flexibility of the production process, associated with the impossibility to conduct alternative production and a very long-lasting investment process, planning the course and magnitude of production in a mining enterprise must proceed with the highest possible diligence. One should take into account a wide range of presented environmental, organisational and technical conditions, deciding about the safety and correctness of the course of the assumed production activities. However, in order to make them economically feasible and produce satisfying results in that regard, it is also necessary to analyse them carefully with respect to financial outcomes
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Patrycja Bąk
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The paper presents the results of the research whose aim was to establish the sensitivity degree of Betu/a pendula pollen, seeds and seedlings in the adverse conditions of the zinc-lead waste from "Silesia" Steelworks in Katowice. The pollen and the seeds of the birch (from the dump and unpolluted region - Mirów) were tested by taking into condition: pollen capacity and seeds germination capacity. For the pot cultures metallurgical wastes and the soil from Mirów were placed in plastic boxes. For each kind of seeds a different soil variant was applied: Dump soil, Soil from Mirów, Garden soil (control group), 8 seeds were put into each box (total number of seeds for each variant was 96). The seeds of Betu/a pendula growing on smelter waste dumps had been collected in the vicinity of the dumps. The results of the experiment showed that the soil pollution has a significant impact on generative phase of Betu/a pendula.
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Izabella Franiel
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Paper presents the results of evaluation of heat resistance and specific heat capacity of MAR-M-200, MAR-M-247 and Rene 80 nickel

superalloys. Heat resistance was evaluated using cyclic method. Every cycle included heating in 1100°C for 23 hours and cooling for 1

hour in air. Microstructure of the scale was observed using electron microscope. Specific heat capacity was measured using DSC

calorimeter. It was found that under conditions of cyclically changing temperature alloy MAR-M-247 exhibits highest heat resistance.

Formed oxide scale is heterophasic mixture of alloying elements, under which an internal oxidation zone was present. MAR-M-200 alloy

has higher specific heat capacity compared to MAR-M-247. For tested alloys in the temperature range from 550°C to 800°C precipitation

processes (γ′, γ′′) are probably occurring, resulting in a sudden increase in the observed heat capacity.

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R. Przeliorz
M. Góral
P. Gradoń
F. Binczyk
T. Mikuszewski
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Grey cast iron belongs to materials for casting production, which have wide application for different industry branches. Wide spectrum of

properties of these materials is given by the structure of base metal matrix, which can be influenced with heat treatment. Processes of

annealing can be applied for grey cast iron without problems. During heat treatment processes, where higher cooling rates are used, the

thermal and structural strains become important. Usage and conditions of such heat treatment for grey cast iron castings of common

production are the subject of evaluation of this article.

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Š. Eperješi
J. Malik
I. Vasková
D. Fecko
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Culture gas atmosphere is one of the most important factors affecting embryo development in vitro. The main objective of this study was to compare the effects of CO concentration on the subsequent pre-implantation developmental capacity of pig embryos in vitro, including embryos obtained via parthenogenesis, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Pig embryos were developed in four different CO2 concentrations in air: 3%, 5%, 10%, or 15%. The cleavage rate of pig parthenogenetic, IVF, or ICSI embryos developed in CO2 concen- trations under 5% was the highest. There were no significant differences in the oocyte cleavage rate in ICSI embryos in CO2 concentrations under 3% and 5% (p>0.05). However, as CO2 levels increased (up to 15%) the blastocyst output on day 7, from parthenogenetic, IVF, and ICSI em- bryos, decreased to 0%. These findings demonstrate that CO2 positively affects the developmen- tal capacity of pig embryos. However, high or low CO2 levels do not significantly improve the developmental capacity of pig embryos. The best results were obtained for all of the pig embryos at a 5% CO2 concentration.

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L. Zhang
Z. Lin
Y. Bi
X. Zheng
H. Xiao
Z. Hua
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The evaluation of threats connected with the presence of methane in coal seams is based on our

knowledge of the total content of this gas in coal. The most important parameter determining the potential

of coal seams to accumulate methane is the sorption capacity of coal a. It is heavily influenced by the

degree of coalification of the coal substance, determined by the vitrinite reflectance R0 or the content of

volatile matter V daf. The relationship between the degree of coalification and the sorption capacity in the

area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) has not been thoroughly investigated, which is due to the

zonation of methane accumulation in this area and the considerable changeability of methane content in

various localities of the Basin. Understanding this relationship call for in-depth investigation, especially

since it depends on the analyzed reflectance range. The present work attempts to explain the reasons for

which the sorption capacity changes along with the degree of coalification in the area of Jastrzębie (the

Zofiówka Monocline). The relationship between parameters R0 and V daf was investigated. The authors

also analyzed changes of the maceral composition, real density and the micropore volume. Furthermore,

coalification-dependent changes in the sorption capacity of the investigated coal seams were identified.

The conducted analyses have indicated a significant role of petrographic factors in relation to the accumulation

properties of the seams located in the investigated area of USCB.

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Katarzyna Godyń
Barbara Dutka
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The practice capacity of a railway junction depends, in addition to the effective operation’s conditions, by the potential risk factors related to the design plan of the railway station. With the aim of an approach based on the “fuzzy sets” it is possible to determine the numeric value of the practice capacity by the logic – qualitative relations between the features of the railway junction and the potential risk factors. This methodology permits to try out the absolute value of a suitable vector β, (less then the unit) for the utilization of the theoretic capacity in conditions of maximum reliability of the system related to the aspect of safety (technique “fail safe”).

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F. Corriere
D. Di Vincenzo
M. Guerrieri
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The paper provides a solution to the problem of dimensioning decisive bars on the basis of the conditions of meeting the recommended reliability classes [9] of statically determinate structures composed of n members. A theorem was formulated:if a statically determinate structure composed of n decisive members is to attain the reliability greater than, or equal to, the recommended relia-bility p = 1 – q, it is necessary and suffi cient that the damage frequency sum qᵢ of decisive members is smaller than the admissible damage frequency q of thestructure: ∑qᵢ < q. On the basis of this theorem, s coeffi cients that recommend increase of the load bearing capacity of the decisive bars in a statically determinate structure constructed in order to meet the recommended class [9] of the structure reliability, are estimated and presented in a tabular form.

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Z. Kowal
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In the paper, a choice criterion between flower roundabouts and double-lane roundabouts is proposed, focusing on operational benefits that can derive from one scheme over the other, and outlining a general framework for benefit-cost analysis. In order to assess operational benefits of innovative roundabouts over modern roundabouts, a comparative analysis was made. Capacity was estimated using gap-acceptance models. In detail, assuming the dichotomic shifted negative exponential distribution to model headways in circulating streams, the Hagring formula was adjusted to obtain entry capacity estimations at roundabout approaches where entering vehicles face one or two conflicting flows. Based on the control delay, the suitability domains and indifference areas were constructed. Thus, a sensitivity analysis to changes in traffic demand for operational benefits of flower roundabouts over double-lane roundabouts was carried out and discussed. At last, evidence for new installations and conversion of existing roundabouts can be found.

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O. Giuffrè
A. Granà
T. Giuffrè
R. Marino
S. Marino
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The road pollutant emissions, above all in urban context, are correlated to many infrastructural parameters and to traffic intensity and typology. The research work on road junction geometry, carried out in European research centres, has recently allowed to design new road intersection types which are of undoubted interest, especially in terms of traffic functionality and safety, like the fl ower roundabouts (in which right-turn manoeuvres do not confl ict with the circulating flow). The main objective of this paper is to propose a model for the estimation the capacity, delay, levels of service and the pollutant emissions into flower roundabouts. A comparative analysis between conventional roundabout and flower roundabout has been carried out in terms of CO, CO₂, CH₄, NO, PM₂,₅ and PM10 vehicular emissions, evaluated by mean of COPERT Software which is developed as a European tool for the calculation of emissions from the road transport sector.

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F. Corriere
M. Guerrieri
D. Ticali
A. Messineo
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The paper presents the method of probabilistic optimisation of load bearing capacity and reliability of statically indeterminate bar structures, and of coupling of members in kinematically admissible failure mechanisms (KAFM), which contain minimal critical sets of elements (MCSE). The latter are characterised by the fact that if only a single element is operational, the whole set is operational too. A method of increasing load bearing capacity and reliability of KAFM built from bars dimensioned in accordance with the code is presented. The paper also shows estimation of load bearing capacity and reliability of KAFM of the optimised structures containing elastic-plastic bars with quasi-brittle connections with nodes. The necessity of increasing connection of load bearing capacity and reliability in relation to bar reliability in order to prevent bars from being excluded from MCSE due to connection fracture is estimated.

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Z. Kowal
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In this study, a theoretical model is presented to investigate the performance of a thermoelectric (TE) radiant cooling system combined with photovoltaic (PV) modules as a power supply in a building with an ambient temperature reaching more than 45ºC. The combined system TE/PV performance is studied under different solar radiation by using the hourly analysis program and photovoltaic system software. The thermal and electric characteristics of TE are theoretically investigated under various supplied voltages using the multi-paradigm programming language and numerical computing environment. Also, a theoretical analysis of heat transfer between the TE radiant cooling system and an occupied zone from the side, and the other side between the TE radiant cooling system and duct zone is presented. The maximum power consumption by TE panels and building cooling load of 130 kW is predicted for May and June. The 145 units of PV panels could provide about 50% of the power required by TE panels. The thermal and electric characteristics of TE panels results show the minimum cold surface temperature of 15ºC at a supplied voltage between 6 V and 7 V, and the maximum hot surface temperature of 62ºC at a supplied voltage of 16 V. The surface temperature difference between supplied current and supplied power increases as supplied voltage increases. At a higher supplied voltage of 16 V, the maximum surface temperature difference between supplied current, and supplied power of 150ºC, 3.2 A, and 48 W, respectively. The cooling capacity increases as supplied voltage increases, at a surface temperature difference of –10ºC and supplied voltage of 16 V, the maximum cooling capacity is founded at about 60 W. As supplied voltage decreases the coefficient of performance increases. The maximum coefficient of performance is about 5 at the surface temperature difference of –10ºC and supplied voltage of 8 V.
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Israa Ali Abdulghafor
Mohannad Jabbar Mnati

  1. Middle Technical University, Institute of Technology Baghdad, Al-Za’franiya, 10074, Baghdad, Iraq
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Changes in capacity of water reservoir Cedzyna during its exploitation since 1972 till 2003 are presented in the paper. Analyses were based on cross sections of the reservoir’s basin from before its fulfillment (1967) and those measured with the echo sounder Ceeducer in 2003. Silting of reser-voir was predicted based on empirical methods. The volume of reservoir was found to decrease by 112.8 thousand m3 during 31 years of its exploitation and reservoir’s life span was assessed at 685 years. An error analysis was additionally made of calculating the surface area of a cross section at varying number of sounding sites. It was found that there was no need to note too many coordinates and depths and for the Cedzyna reservoir the distance between measurement sites up to 16 m was sufficient.

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Jarosław Bodulski
Jarosław Górski
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Reservoirs have a very important function in providing multi-sector water requirements. In the future, reservoirs not only serve to store and available water can also be used as disaster mitigation instruments. The completeness of hydrological measurements in reservoirs can be expanded more widely for climate change mitigation. The reliability of the reservoir capacity varies greatly depending on the El-Nino character that occurs among them El-Nino is weak, moderate, strong and very strong. The El-Nino characteristic is very influential on the period of water availability, the increase of evaporation capacity and decrease of reservoir capacity. Analysis of the reliability of the reservoir volume due to El-Nino using the Weibull equation. The deficit reservoir was calculated using the concept of water balance in the reservoir that is the relationship between inflow, outflow, and change of storage at the same time. Based on the results of the analysis showed that the evaporation increase and the decrease of reservoir capacity had a different pattern that is when the evaporation capacity started to increase at the same time the reservoir capacity decreased significantly. The correlation coefficient between evaporation capacity increase and decrease of reservoir water capacity are consecutively –0.828, –0.636, and –0.777 for El- Nino weak, moderate and very strong respectively. At the reservoir capacity reliability of 50% reservoir has a significant deficit. When weak El-Nino the deficit is 2.30∙106 m3, moderate: 6.58∙106 m3, and very strong 8.85∙106 m3.

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Ussy Andawayanti
I Wayan Yasa
Mohammad Bisri
Mochamad Sholichin

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