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In communist Poland in the 1950s, “comrade” Gianni Rodari was one of the most frequently translated authors: his works were published in the press and in book form. The aim of this paper is to investigate the first Polish edition of Tile of Cipollino. The novel was translated into Polish by Zofia Ernst in 1954, based on its first Italian edition (1951), significantly different from the next version – in 1957 the novel was modified by the author himself and is now known as Adventures of Cipollino. The paper focuses on the translation challenges and strategies employed by the translator and on issues related to presumed censorship.
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Ewa Nicewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Polska
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Children’s literature was the focus of much attention in post‑revolutionary Russia: new magazines, publishing houses, bulletins were founded which sparked debate both around the role of detskaya literatura and the reform of the education system. Also amongst Russian émigrés there was a felt need to provide “new books for younger readers” and intense discussions took place. Translated books played an important role within this “new canon” of children’s literature. This article focuses on the work of the writer Nina Petrovskaya, as a cultural mediator and translator of Italian children’s literature into Russian, investigating, in particular, her version of Luigi Bertelli’s Ciondolino.
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Bianca Sulpasso

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
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In 1914 the Russian authorities in Warsaw granted Przyjaciel Młodzieży and Przyjaciel Dzieci, two weeklies addressed to young people and children respectively, a permission to continue publication in wartime. While each magazine tried to hold on to its established format and content, room had to made for some topical items on politics and the war, carefully adapted to the perceptions of the juvenile audience. It not clear what happened to the two children’s magazines after the Russians were driven out of Warsaw by German troops in August 1915. All we can sure of is that their last printed editions were dated 23 October 1915.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)
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In post-humanist studies of identity, otherness and exclusion – conducted within the de-anthropocentrism of the humanities – questions arise about the condition of non-human subjects (animals, plants, things) that gain the cultural and social status of Others. As non-human entities, they have a socializing value, cement interpersonal relations, attract people to certain places. They have performative, integrative and co-creating abilities. The posthumanistic “turn towards things” opens the room for the construction of their social (auto) biographies, a development which already has been taking place in contemporary children’s literature. The problem of the creation of (auto)biographies of non-human subjects is presented in this article on the example of the picture book Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear by Tomi Ungerer. The artist gives the non-anthropomorphized plush toy the status of a non-human subject and an active actor of social life as a medium of unoffi cial memory of the Holocaust. Ungerer consciously and innovatively uses the key determinants of the posthuman discourse, including intimate childhood experiences.

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Katarzyna Slany
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This article portrays a pair of artistically gifted women, Wanda Młodnicka née Monné (1850–1923) and her daughter Maryla Wolska (1873–1930), each with a diverse range of interests, including painting, music, and, first and foremost, literature. Their achieve-ment (both original works and translations) achievement has been largely forgotten. This article attempts to find out what inspired the two women, to identify those points of their artistic endeavor they had in common and those that determined their individual profiles, while paying special attention to the mother-daughter relationship.
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● Niklewicz Anna, Pamięć i zapomnienie w poezji Maryli Wolskiej, „Ruch Literacki” 2016, z. 1, s. 91–109.
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● Zabawa Krystyna, Od powiastki do baśni – Andersen według Wandy Młodnickiej i Aleksandra Szczęsnego, [w:] Andersenowskie inspiracje w kulturze i literaturze polskiej, red. H. Ratuszna, V. Wróblewska, Toruń 2017, s. 95–110.
● Zabawa Krystyna, Powiastki dla dzieci Wandy Młodnickiej – „stary” gatunek i zapomniana autorka, [w:] „Stare” i „nowe” w literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży. Małe formy narracyjne, red. B. Olszewska, O. Pajączkowski, Opole 2017, s. 31–43.
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Krystyna Zabawa

  1. Akademia Ignatianum, Kraków

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