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The successful application of a multi-clusteringbased neighborhood approach to recommender systems has led to increased recommendation accuracy and the elimination of divergence related to differences in clustering methods traditionally used. The Multi-Clustering Collaborative Filtering algorithm was developed to achieve this, as described in the author’s previous papers. However, utilizing multiple clusters poses challenges regarding memory consumption and scalability. Not all partitionings are equally advantageous, making selecting clusters for the recommender system’s input crucial without compromising recommendation accuracy. This article presents a solution for selecting clustering schemes based on internal indices evaluation. This method can be employed for preparing input data in collaborative filtering recommender systems. The study’s results confirm the positive impact of scheme selection on the overall recommendation performance, as it typically improves after the selection process. Furthermore, a smaller number of clustering schemes used as input for the recommender system enhances scalability and reduces memory consumption. The findings are compared with baseline recommenders’ outcomes to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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Urszula Kużelewska

  1. Faculty of Computer Science, Bialystok Uni-versity of Technology, Wiejska 45a, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
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The term extreme rainfall refers to an event during which the thresholds of various hydrological and geomorphic processes are exceeded. The frequency of extremes varies in different climatic zones and in time. The clustering of extreme events happens when the extremes are repeated every 2–3 years, every year or even several times a year. Such clusterings disturb the equilibrium of slope and river channel systems and are separated by periods of stability and recovery. The occurences of clusters are exemplified by present – day processes, historical records and geological records. On this base a model of phases with frequent and rare clusterings during the Holocene was constructed.
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Leszek Starkel
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Clusters belong to the regional innovation system, which led to the formulation and implementation of the cluster-based policy in many countries. The positive impact of clusters on the competitiveness of regions was confirmed by empirical studies. Absence of clusters means retardation in a regional development. The implementation of cluster policy supporting coopetition into the scope of principled regional policy assumptions seems urgent. In this way effective conditions for the formation of growth poles around industries specific for a given region will be developed and, consequently, the economic specialization of individual regions will be achieved. Observation of the benefits resulting from the functioning of clusters in the region, taking into account their possible negative impact, will allow to determine the specificity of regional development policy based on clusters. These problems indicated above are the subject of this study, based on the Polish and foreign literature available on the subject employing the desk research method.

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Sylwia Guzdek
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The article deals with the issue of formation and functioning of rural tourism clusters in Ukraine. Here, formation of cluster structures in rural tourism is at its initial stage. Analysis of existing clusters resulted in their classification into groups based on the criterion of specialization: lodging and food (farmsteads), agritourist and local history tourism clusters. Analysis of the main research models for the creation and analysis of rural tourism clusters functioning has been performed. A multilevel universal model of the rural tourism clusters with basic structural levels (basic, affiliate and accompanying) has been proposed for scientific and practical purposes. This model was used to form two cluster initiatives in the ethnographic region of the Ukrainian Carpathians – in the Boykivshchyna. The need to use foreign experience in rural tourism cluster research has been emphasized.

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Marta Malska
Lidiya Dubis
Yuriy Zinko
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Wireless sensor network is a dynamic field of networking and communication because of its increasing demand in critical Industrial and Robotics applications. Clustering is the technique mainly used in the WSN to deal with large load density for efficient energy conservation. Formation of number of duplicate clusters in the clustering algorithm decreases the throughput and network lifetime of WSN. To deal with this problem, advance distributive energy-efficient adaptive clustering protocol with sleep/wake scheduling algorithm (DEACP-S/W) for the selection of optimal cluster head is presented in this paper. The presented sleep/wake cluster head scheduling along with distributive adaptive clustering protocol helps in reducing the transmission delay by properly balancing of load among nodes. The performance of algorithm is evaluated on the basis of network lifetime, throughput, average residual energy, packet delivered to the base station (BS) and CH of nodes. The results are compared with standard LEACH and DEACP protocols and it is observed that the proposed protocol performs better than existing algorithms. Throughput is improved by 8.1% over LEACH and by 2.7% over DEACP. Average residual energy is increased by 6.4% over LEACH and by 4% over DEACP. Also, the network is operable for nearly 33% more rounds compared to these reference algorithms which ultimately results in increasing lifetime of the Wireless Sensor Network.
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Shankar D. Chavan
Shahaji R. Jagdale
Dhanashree A. Kulkarni
Sneha R. Jadhav

  1. Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune
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The major underlying principle of the present paper is that, in opposition to the viewpoint of emotions as discrete entities, emotions are represented as clusters in conceptual space. The graded structure and fuzzy boundaries inherent in the prototype-periphery nature of these clusters dictate that the meaning of a specific emotion is governed by both inter- and intra-cluster relationships and their interactions. In addition to these relationships and interactions the paper examines both external and internal affects to compare and contrast the FEAR, COMPASSION, LOVE/JOY, and PRIDE clusters in British English and Polish. The three specific methods employed to analyze these are the GRID instrument, an online emotions sorting task, and a corpus-based cognitive linguistic methodology.

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Paul A. Wilson
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk
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The main research question in this article concerns the factors responsible for development of Brandenburg in the last 15 years, which enable to divert the region from its previous development model. For answering this question the method of individual, in-depth interviews with the main actors on the regional scene was used, supported by desk research and statistical data analysis. The development of Brandenburg was strongly infl uenced by external factors as consequences of functioning under the conditions of centrally planned economy and façade democracy (as GDR), the unifi cation of Germany, the necessity of transformation and restructuring with strong support of external funding, finally moving the capital city of Germany to Berlin. However of crucial importance was a conscious, pragmatic and consistently implemented policy of the regional authorities based on the idea of territorial and sectoral concentration (instead of the idea Gieβkanneprinzip).

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Anna Dąbrowska
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The development of electromobility is a challenge for the power system in both technical and economic-market terms. As of today, there are no analyses to determine the power necessary to supply the planned infrastructure and to estimate the incentives and economic benefits resulting from the modification of the settlement method. The document determining the legal regulations and the obligation to build vehicle charging stations for specific municipalities is the Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels. This act estimates that the development of electromobility, due to the specifics including not only individual vehicles, will take place in certain areas. The places which in the first stage will be dedicated to the potential implementation of the concept of electromobility will be municipalities covering large agglomerations. In addition, due to the local aspect, the development of electromobility may take place in the areas of energy clusters’ initiatives, which, using the policy of increasing energy awareness, are aimed at energy production from local renewable energy resources. The planned development of electromobility assumes a systematic increase in the number of electric cars caused by the introduction of support systems. The dynamization of this sector will cause an increase in the demand for electricity. Due to power system reasons, an important factor determining the level of energy consumption depending on the time of day may be an appropriate shape of the pricing for the charging service. Appropriate price list stimulation can affect the behavior of recipients, causing the charging of cars in the off-peak of electricity demand. The aim of the article is to characterize the scale of the phenomenon of electromobility in the context of the emergence of a charging points infrastructure along with the possibility of price-setting stimulation affecting the profile of energy demand. It is also important to consider the challenges and responsibilities of municipalities and energy clusters from the perspective of introducing electromobility.

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Kinga Bojda
Maciej Sołtysik
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An analysis of the power system functioning and the behaviors of the energy market participants allows the trends taking place within years to be identified, including these associated with the evolution of the electric energy and power demand profiles. The problems of balancing the peak power demand are of both a short and long term nature, which implies the need for changes in the electricity generation sector. Apart from the existing “silo-type” generation units, the construction of distributed energy sources implemented in the civic formula in the framework of self-sufficient energy communes and energy clusters is becoming increasingly important. Support for these programs is realized both at the legislative level, as well as within dedicated competitions and ministerial activities. The financial support carried out by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Regional Operational Programs is also noticeable. One of the activities aimed at spreading the idea of clustering was the competition for certified energy clusters, conducted by the Ministry of Energy. The goal of the contest was the promotion and development of the distributed energy sector, which could be used for the improvement of energy security in the local manner and constitute a basis for the knowledge necessary in planning and developing the state’s energy policy. The paper presents a synthetic analysis of the results of the competition for a certified energy cluster from the perspective of planning and operational needs related to the functioning of the power system. Further, the information about the investment plans of new generation capacities, including their breakdown with respect to type, achievable power and costs has been provided. Also, the balancing of the demand for electric energy by own generation within the energy clusters has been characterized for three time perspectives

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Maciej Sołtysik
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In spite of technological, logistic and economic difficulties, interest in renewable energy sources in the world is consistently increasing. This trend is also observed in Poland, mainly due to the urgent need to tackle the problem of climate change, which is caused by the increasing concentration of gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere. The paper presents a short script of the issue of estimating renewable energy resources in Poland in the context of creating local low carbon economy plans at the level of municipalities/counties where RES sources should be taken into account. The author proposed an individual approach to estimate the potential of RES, taking the local conditions and the short characteristics of the small and medium companies sector in Poland into account. These companies have a great application potential to increase the share of renewable energies and to improve energy efficiency in their business. The actions, which are taken by the Ministry of Energy in the field of civil energy development, enhancing local energy security and the sustainable development of renewable energy resources support the development of energy clusters covering one district or five municipalities. In the article, the author presents data on the number of companies possessing a concession for generating electricity in RES installations in the power range from 40 kW to 200 kW. These companies can largely be the nucleus for creating a local cluster in which microgrids will be a key element.

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Tomasz Mirowski
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Wireless sensor network (WSN) is assortment of sensor nodes proficient in environmental information sensing, refining it and transmitting it to base station in sovereign manner. The minute sensors communicate themselves to sense and monitor the environment. The main challenges are limited power, short communication range, low bandwidth and limited processing. The power source of these sensor nodes are the main hurdle in design of energy efficient network. The main objective of the proposed clustering and data transmission algorithm is to augment network performance by using swarm intelligence approach. This technique is based on K-mean based clustering, data rate optimization using firefly optimization algorithm and Ant colony optimization based data forwarding. The KFOA is divided in three parts: (1) Clustering of sensor nodes using K-mean technique and (2) data rate optimization for controlling congestion and (3) using shortest path for data transmission based on Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique. The performance is analyzed based on two scenarios as with rate optimization and without rate optimization. The first scenario consists of two operations as kmean clustering and ACO based routing. The second scenario consists of three operations as mentioned in KFOA. The performance is evaluated in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio, energy dissipation and residual energy analysis. The simulation results show improvement in performance by using with rate optimization technique.
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Savita Sandeep Jadhav
Sangeeta Jadhav

  1. Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, India
  2. Army Institute of Technology, Dighi Hills, Pune, India
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This article presents a consistent solution of Transmit Power Control in centralized (clustered) wireless network with and without jamming. Depending on the policy assumed, appropriate solutions are applied to minimize the power used in a system or to satisfy expected Quality of Service. Because of specific nature of the system there is no optimal solution which can be applied in practice. Correctness and effectiveness of four proposed Transmit Power Control algorithms was presented in the form of computer simulation results in which the system capacity, mean power used and the number of successful links were described.

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Jarosław Michalak
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The necessity of developing the production of biogas and digestate at Ukrainian sugar factories focused on the further sale of biomethane in the energy market and for its own needs is substantiated, which will partially ensure the energy security of the state under martial law. The volumes of sugar beet cultivation are determined, and the potential volumes of biogas production from the waste of Ukrainian agro-industrial complexes are investigated. A model of the functioning of a production bioenergy cluster based on a sugar factory has been developed and proposed. As a result of the study, it was found that a tangible way to increase the level of energy autonomy of the processing industry of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is the production of biogas by anaerobic digestion and its subsequent purification to the state of biomethane. To produce this type of biofuel, the use by-products of agriculture, agro-industrial processing enterprises, and organic waste from territorial communities where sugar factories are located is advisable. At the same time, as the analysis of resource potential shows, modern methane generation technologies allow using a wide range of biomass as a raw material base, which can be obtained both from production activities (non-core (non-target) products) and from household waste in general, which is one of the methods of solving the problems of their utilization. It has been determined that the use of advanced technologies for the transportation of liquid digestate and its injection will reduce the cost of application, increase the absorption in the soil, and the use of biodiesel will reduce transportation costs.
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Yaroslav Hontaruk
Irina Furman
Valerii Bondarenko
Alla Riabchyk
Oleksandr Nepochatenko

  1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  3. Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
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This paper introduces a novel approach to building network cluster structures, based on the modified LEACH algorithm. The proposed solution takes into account the multitasking of the network infrastructure, resulting from various functions performed by individual nodes. Therefore, instead of a single head, dedicated to a given cluster, a set of heads is selected, the number of which corresponds to the number of performed functions. Outcomes of simulations, comparing the classical and the multifunctional approach, are presented. The obtained results confirm that both algorithms deliver similar levels of energy consumption, as well as efficiency in terms of the number of individual nodes discharged.
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A. Paszkiewicz
C. Ćwikła
M. Bolanowski
M. Ganzha
M. Paprzycki
M. Hodoň

  1. Department of Complex Systems, Rzeszow University of Technology, Al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, Rzeszów 35-959, Poland
  2. Rzeszow University of Technology, Al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, Rzeszów 35-959, Poland
  3. Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Newelska 6, Warszawa 01-447, Poland
  4. Department of Technical Cybernetics, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
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This paper details a hardware implementation of a distributed Θ(1) time algorithm allows to select dynamically the master device in ad-hoc or cluster-based networks in a constant time regardless the number of devices in the same cluster. The algorithm allows each device to automatically detect its own status; master or slave; based on identifier without adding extra overheads or exchanging packets that slow down the network. We propose a baseband design that implements algorithm functions and we detail the hardware implementation using Matlab/Simulink and Ettus B210 USRP. Tests held in laboratory prove that algorithm works as expected.

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Mohammed El Khattabi
Jelloul Elmesbahi
Ahmed Errami and Omar Bouattane Mohammed Khaldoun
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Ukraine’s commitments under the international framework agreements to reduce CO 2 emissions and the Global Climate Change Initiative provide the basis for the implementation of bioeconomy mechanisms in the country’s Energy Development Strategy until 2035. One of the goals of this strategy is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and switch to alternative fuels. The agriculture of Ukraine is assigned the leading role in ensuring the replacement of fossil fuels with biomass of plant origin. The bioenergy potential of the agro-industrial sector of the economy requires extensive research in order to determine and integrate it into the country’s energy sector. The essential characteristics of energy efficiency in the context of the cluster model of organizing the activities of enterprises for the production of biofuel as stable interactions of geographically concentrated economic entities are investigated in this article. Peculiarities of introduction of bioenergy clusters as stable interactions of geographically concentrated business entities (enterprises, suppliers and organizations, including scientific institutions, etc.) have been determined according to a pre-defined and agreed development strategy for all participants without exception at the stage of formation of which the competitive environment is supported taking into account the energy, ecological and socio-economic parameters of the sustainable development of territories. A model of a territorial bioenergy cluster for the production of biofuels from crops and waste was formed and the advantages of creating bioenergy clusters were analyzed. Furthermore, a matrix of a PEST analysis of the formation of bioenergy clusters in Ukraine was formed.
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Natalia Pryshliak
Valerii Bondarenko
Serhii Sokoliuk
Oleksandr Brovarets

  1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  2. Department of Marketing and International Trade, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  3. Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine
  4. Kyiv Institute of Business and Law, Kyiv, Ukraine
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Economic development is strictly dependent on access to inexpensive and reliable energy sources based on diversified primary fuels. The strategic framework for the construction of the energy mix is defined in the Energy Policy of the State, the content of which, in terms of its mandatory elements, has been specified in the Energy Law. The task of the Energy Policy of the State is to create the shape of the future power sector, including designing the most advantageous regulatory, system and technical solutions guaranteeing the appropriate level of energy security of the country, monitoring of the system’s evolution and also designing and implementing changes aimed at the optimization of the functioning mechanisms. The vision of the development of the power system at the global level should also reflect changes in the formation of dispersed civil energy structures. Unfortunately, the results of the conducted analyses reveal existing imperfections of the data acquisition and information system, which should be used in the planning process. This issue is particularly important from the perspective of the dynamically developing concept of the energy self-sufficiency of communes and the emergence of energy clusters. The present paper describes the functioning of strategic planning in the field of the electric power system with an illustration of the improperly functioning mechanisms of information transfer in the context of the advancement of dispersed civil energy structures.

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Maciej Sołtysik
Sylwia Całus
Marcin Malec
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Pollution, climate change and energy security are significant problems. Climate-disrupting fossil fuels are being replaced by clean and non-depletable sources of energy. It requires major changes to energy infrastructures and strong support for promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. Renewable energy is emerging as a driver of inclusive economic growth and reinforcing energy security. Public entities have to promote renewable energy development by implementing cost-effective national support schemes. By acting at national-level, several barriers to public and private investments could be tackled, addressing the lack of coordination between various authorising bodies at national level and stimulatng the administrative capacity to implement energy projects. It should be effective in promoting transparency for investors and others economic operators. In Poland there is a lack of regulatory policies creating incentives for decentralised energy. Market-based support schemes are still needed for small-scale self-consumption system. Currently operating solutions have been shown in the contrast of the ones applied abroad. The development of clean energy technologies depends on many factors. The author identified few most important ones, mainly financial, regulatory issues, social, environmental and characterized them in this work. The article presents the recommendations of regulatory framework and some proposals for energy cluster based policy’s tools, the introduction of which would significantly facilitate the wider renewable energy uses in Poland.

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Joanna Gronkowska
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The article deals with the patterns of segmental adaptation of Polish voiceless affricates in initial and fi nal CC (consonant + consonant) clusters by native speakers of English. The data have been collected in an online loanword adaptation experiment in which 30 native speakers of Southern British English reproduced Polish words containing such sequences. The major problem posed by the data is the divergent adaptation of the post-alveolar /͡tʂ/ vs. the pre-palatal /͡tɕ/, with the former substituted mainly with the coronal plosive [t] and the latter realised as the palato-alveolar affricate [͡tʃ]. It is argued that these patterns of nativisation are due to the highlyranked IDENT-IO[dist] constraint, which militates against the modifi cation in the value of the feature [distributed]. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the experimental results provide evidence in favour of the fundamental assumptions underlying the phonological approach to loan assimilation, namely the phonological input view as well as the faithful perception view.

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Marek Radomski
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Research concerning changes or chosen chemical elements concentration in alluvial sediments was conducted in the lower course or the Obra river valley. The analyses of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ca, Mg and K concentration were done in a fragment or vertical profile, which was characterized by variable lithology. On the basis of statistical analysis (cluster analysis) an attempt was made to distinguish geochemical groups of alluvial sediments of the Obra river valley. Six geochemical groups, which represent reductive conditions within peat deposits, the environment ofllood sediments (inserts of fine sands within peats and sandy silts in the top of the profile) and the environment or river bed sediments (fine sands in the bottom part ofthe profile), were singled out. Results of the study show that it is possible to distinguish the above mentioned depositional environments on the basis of variations of sediments' chemical constitution.
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Marcin Słowik
Tadeusz Sobczyński
Zygmunt Młynarczyk
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The study investigates the use of speech signal to recognise speakers’ emotional states. The introduction includes the definition and categorization of emotions, including facial expressions, speech and physiological signals. For the purpose of this work, a proprietary resource of emotionally-marked speech recordings was created. The collected recordings come from the media, including live journalistic broadcasts, which show spontaneous emotional reactions to real-time stimuli. For the purpose of signal speech analysis, a specific script was written in Python. Its algorithm includes the parameterization of speech recordings and determination of features correlated with emotional content in speech. After the parametrization process, data clustering was performed to allows for the grouping of feature vectors for speakers into greater collections which imitate specific emotional states. Using the t-Student test for dependent samples, some descriptors were distinguished, which identified significant differences in the values of features between emotional states. Some potential applications for this research were proposed, as well as other development directions for future studies of the topic.
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Zuzanna Piątek
Maciej Kłaczyński

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics, Cracow, Poland
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The purpose of the work was to determine the relationship between the of the water quality parameters in an artificial reservoir used as cooling ponds. Multivariate methods, cluster analysis and factor analysis were applied to analyze eighteen physico-chemical parameters such as air and water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, visibility of the Secchi disk, concentrations of total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, phosphate, concentrations of calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates and total dissolved salts, pH, chemical oxygen demand and electric conductivity from 2002-2017 to investigated cooling water discharge. Hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) allowed identified five different clusters that reflect the different water quality characteristics of the water system. Similar results were obtained in exploratory factor analysis, five factors were obtained with 65.96% total variance. However, confirmatory factor analysis showed that four latent variables: salinity, temperature, eutrophication, and ammonia provide better fit to the data than a five-factor structure. Correlations between latent variables temperature, eutrophication and ammonia show a significant effect of temperature on the transformation of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Mazierski
Maciej Kostecki

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) acquired a lot of attention due to their widespread use in monitoring hostile environments, critical surveillance and security applications. In these applications, usage of wireless terminals also has grown significantly. Grouping of Sensor Nodes (SN) is called clustering and these sensor nodes are burdened by the exchange of messages caused due to successive and recurring re-clustering, which results in power loss. Since most of the SNs are fitted with nonrechargeable batteries, currently researchers have been concentrating their efforts on enhancing the longevity of these nodes. For battery constrained WSN concerns, the clustering mechanism has emerged as a desirable subject since it is predominantly good at conserving the resources especially energy for network activities. This proposed work addresses the problem of load balancing and Cluster Head (CH) selection in cluster with minimum energy expenditure. So here, we propose hybrid method in which cluster formation is done using unsupervised machine learning based kmeans algorithm and Fuzzy-logic approach for CH selection.
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Authors and Affiliations

Basavaraj M. Angadi
Mahabaleshwar S. Kakkasageri

  1. Faculty of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkote, Karnataka, INDIA

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