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The explosive rise of wireless services necessitates a network connection with high bandwidth, high performance, low mistakes, and adequate channel capacity. Individual mobile users, as well as residential and business clusters are increasingly using the internet and multimedia services, resulting in massive increases in the internet traffic demand. Over the past decade, internet traffic has grown significantly faster than Moore’s law predicted. The current system is facing significant radio frequency spectrum congestion and is unable to successfully transmit growing amounts of (available) data to end users while keeping acceptable delay values in mind. Free space optics is a viable alternative to the current radio frequency technology. This technology has a few advantages, including fast data speeds, unrestricted bandwidth, and excellent security. Since free space optics is invisible to traffic type and data protocol, it may be quickly reliably and profitably integrated into an existing access network. Despite the undeniable benefits of free space optics technology under excellent channel conditions and its wide range of applications, its broad use is hampered by its low link dependability, especially over long distances, caused by atmospheric turbulence-induced decay and weather sensitivity. The best plausible solution is to establish a secondary channel link in the GHz frequency range that works in tandem with the primary free space optics link. A hybrid system that combines free space optics and millimeter wave technologies in this research is presented. The combined system offers a definitive backhaul maintenance, by drastically improving the link range and service availability.
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  1. Chowdhury, M. , Hasan, M. K., Shahjalal, M., Hossan, M. T. & Jang, Y. M. Optical wireless hybrid networks: trends, opportunities, challenges, and research directions. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutor. 22, 930–966 (2020). https://doi.org10.1109/COMST.2020.2966855
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  3. Ford, R. et al. Achieving ultra-low latency in 5G millimeter wave cellular networks. IEEE Commun. Mag. 55, 196–203 (2017). https://org/10.1109/MCOM.2017.1600407CM
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Authors and Affiliations

Isanaka Lakshmi Priya
Murugappa Meenakshi

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai 600025, India
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As the corporate culture and re/setting of employer – employee relations is crucial due to changes in workplace due to impact of COVID-19, this article aims to identify types of organizational culture, and to find impact on the implementation of HR activities and employer branding, including classification of organizations by their defined strategies. A model of organizational culture, including its systematic relationships, is proposed and tested using a sample of 402 organizations across sectors operating in the Czech Republic as a characteristic economy in Central Eastern European region. This model includes different dimensions of internal brand management and manifestations of organizational culture. Data are analyzed using bivariate and multivariate statistics. Identification of a suitable type of organizational culture leads towards successful employer branding and work engagement; brand identification and communication directly raise positive perception of organizational culture. Three major areas of use of organizational culture and branding have been identified: re-setting of personnel processes depending on the change of organization’s size, on the decline in labor productivity and on organizational mergers, changes in scope of business and in market position. The results suggest that orientation on employee engagement is a better predictor of (positive) organizational culture than increase in productivity. Furthermore, the results explain supportive roles of organizational culture towards customers and employees. The results extend theory by empirical analysis of organizational culture and internal brand management from the employers’ perspective.
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Hana Urbancová
Lucie Depoo

  1. University of Economics and Management, Department of Human Resources
  2. University of Economics and Management, Department of Management
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Contemporary approaches to Poland’s Western and Northern Territories revolve around the concept of “postmigration communities”, or more broadly —“postmigration”, understood as a significant feature (or set of features) of community and social phenomena. These terms are present not only in academic discourse, but also in discussions on local identity. They are also an essential element of their symbolic status. Based on field research in the Głowczyce commune in Pomerania, the author tackles the issue of inhabitants’ attitudes towards breaking the historical and cultural continuity and the formation of the community from scratch, as well as the role of postmigration in shaping the symbolic status of the place. The article shows the capacity of the term “postmigration”. In residents’ statements, postmigration appears unnamed, as a problem, a challenge, and an asset. Attitudes towards postmigration reveal diverse attempts to cope with the break in historical and cultural continuity, which turns out to still be a significant element of identity processes taking place in the community in question.
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Karolina Ciechorska-Kulesza

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański
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O b j e c t i v e s: Patient-centered care (PCC) is associated with better doctor-patient relationships, resulting in a decrease in symptoms, hospitalizations and health costs. However, studies analyzing factors infl uencing patient-centered attitudes show ambiguous results. The purpose was to assess the impact of the Clinical Communication Course (CCC) in Jagiellonian University, Cracow and other factors on Patient-Centered Attitudes (PCA) and Attitude toward Clinical Skills Learning (CSLA).

M e t h o d s: We retrospectively compared Polish-speakers (CCC+, n = 160), English-speakers (CCCen+, n = 55) aft er the CCC and upperclassmen Polish-speakers without it (CCC–, n = 122). Validated questionnaires to measure PCA (Leeds Attitude Toward Concordance II and Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS)) and for CSLA (Communication Skills Attitude Scale with negative subscale (CSAS-N)) were used. The higher the scores, the more PCA, and negative CSLA respectively. Students completed questionnaires and answered questions regarding age, sex, motivation to study (coded as humanitarian — MotHUM, financial — MotFIN, combination — MotMIX) and considered specialization — coded as with more human contact (family medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics — SpecHUM) and others (SpecNHUM). Statistics were prepared in R.

R e s u l t s: CCC+ scored higher in PPOS (2.91 vs. 2.74; p = 0.003) than CCC– and higher in CSAS-N than CCCen+ (31.22 vs. 28.32; p = 0.004). In CCC+ SpecHUM scored lower than SpecNHUM in PPOS (2.65 vs. 2.94, p = 0.012). MotFIN scored higher then MotMIX in PPOS (3.01 vs. 2.7, p = 0.036). Correlations were statistically significant.

C o n c l u s i o n: CCC improved PCA in CCC+. Th ey showed more negative CSLA than CCCen+. Among CCC+, surprisingly, SpecNHUM presented more PCA than SpecHUM as well as MotFIN compared to MotMIX.

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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Pers
Stanisław Górski
Agata Stalmach-Przygoda
Łukasz Balcerzak
Magdalena Szopa
Aleksandra Karabinowska
Jolanta Świerszcz
Ian Perera
Grzegorz Cebula
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Good quality communication in the family is a source of positive relations among its members. It is the most important characteristic of a well-functioning family. Very interesting perceptions of communication in the family are held by high achieving students. In those young people, communication in the family correlates negatively with their high grade point average. Also, they evaluate positively communication in the family as a whole but less positively one-to-one verbal interactions with the mother and the father. This observation is explained by the fact that the family forms a system. Moreover, communication is associated with positive relationships and attitudes such as acceptance and autonomy, but correlates negatively with control, over-demanding behaviour, and inconsistency in the parents of high achieving students.

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Andrzej Edward Sękowski
Sylwia Gwiazdowska-Stańczak
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Drinking fresh water, turning the lights on, travelling by tram, calling our family, or getting a medical treatment are usual activities, but the underlying SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems like CIS (Critical Infrastructure Systems), ICS (Industrial Control Systems) or DCS (Distributed Control Systems) were always the target of many types of attacks, endangered the above mentioned simple activities. During the last decades because of the fast spread of the internet based services and the continuous technical development these systems become more vulnerable than ever. Full reconstruction and innovative changes in older SCADA systems has high cost, and it is not always rewarding. Communication protocols as Modbus (1979) serve as a main basis for SCADA systems, so security of Modbus has a major impact of the security of SCADA systems. Our paper raises and answers questions about the security of the Modbus RTU protocol. We focus on the serial Modbus protocol, because in that method we found many unsolved problems, like lack of authentication of the participants, lack of secure channel and so on. The aim of this paper to propose a secure communication alternative for Modbus RTU @ RS485 wire. The main advantage of the proposed method is the coexistence with traditional slaves and bus systems and only software update is necessary
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Authors and Affiliations

Éva Ádámkó
Gábor Jakabóczki
Szemes Péter Tamás
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English textbook authors generally take the “safe”, conventional approach’ to their topics. Meant to appeal to a heterogeneous, globalized market, textbooks avoid taboo and conflict, thus excluding broad areas of deeply universal human experiences. Using the example of “death” as an obvious “taboo” subject, this paper discusses the potential value of addressing controversial issues in language classrooms, as they encourage authentic communication and involvement.
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Halina Majer
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In the present dynamic environment, manufacture are required to reduce product development

cycle time and enhance product quality. To meet such challenges many business

are developing closer relationships with their business partner through application of interorganisational

system. Electronic data interchange (EDI) providing a structured form of

communication and has become very popular vehicle for electronic communication. Since

the EDI concept was popularised in 1990, there is a growing recognition by practitioners

and academics. The aim of this study is to perform an analysis of EDI research, give the

current discussion regarding the trends and note the suggestions for the future directions

of EDI research in the manufacture. In this paper, we provide a wide coverage of excessively

citations on EDI from 1990 to 2017 from good references in this area. The papers are

classified into EDI implementation strategy, EDI adoption, EDI integration, EDI in supply

chain and EDI in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The study results of this literature

review are expected to assist development of EDI research especially the implementation of

EDI on production outsourcing as one of supply chain activities.

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Rika Yunitarini
Purnomo Budi Santoso
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Agnieszka Kloch
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Based on real-time multi-domain communication signal analysis architecture, a high-efficiency blind carrier frequency estimation algorithm using the power spectrum symmetry of the measured modulated signal is presented. The proposed algorithm, which utilizes the moving averaged power spectrum achieved by the realtime spectrum analysis, iteratively identifies the carrier frequency in according to the power difference between the upper sideband and lower sideband, which is defined and revised by the estimated carrier frequency in each iteration. When the power difference of the two sidebands converges to the preset threshold, the carrier frequency can be obtained. For the modulation analysis, the measured signal can be coarsely compensated by the estimated result, and the residual carrier frequency error is eliminated by a following carrier synchronization loop. Compared with previous works, owing to the moving averaged power spectrum normalization and the smart iterative step variation mechanism for the two sidebands definition, the carrier frequency estimation accuracy and speed can be significantly improved without increasing the computational effort. Experimental results are included to demonstrate the outstanding performance of the proposed algorithm.

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Qian Wang
Xiaomei Yang
Xiao Yan
Kaiyu Qin
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In this paper, some issues of building a reliable, distributed measurement system for monitoring of water quality in reservoir Lake Dobczyckie are presented. The system is based on a measurement station that has the shape of a floating buoy which is supposed to be at anchor on the reservoir. Wireless data transmission problems that were encountered during the development of the buoy, modeling a radio link, and measurements of actual signal strength on the reservoir are discussed. A mathematical approach to procedures of early situation assessment was conducted, and specialized procedures were designed for measurement stations of the system. It is also discussed how such computations can improve a qualitative assessment of system performance in terms of real-time messaging

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Bogdan Dziadak
Łukasz Makowski
Andrzej Michalski
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Paper deals with the new localizer GLOP2 designed for detection of the miners trapped in underground hard coal mines. The results of a field test conducted in coal mine BOBREK show that the presented localizer allows for efficient measurement of the distance between a trapped miner and the rescuer in the range of up to 15 m.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Burnos
Janusz Gajda
Piotr Maj
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Touch-trigger probes for CNC milling machines usually use wireless communication in the radio or IR band. Additionally they enable triggering signal filtering in order to avoid false triggers of the probe. These solutions cause a delay in trigger signal transmission from the probe to the machine tool controller. This delay creates an additional pre-travel component, which is directly proportional to the measurement speed and which is the cause of a previously observed but not explained increase of the pre-travel with the increase of the measurement speed. In the paper, a method of testing the delay time of triggering signal is described, an example of delay time testing results is presented and the previous, unexplained results of other researchers are analysed in terms of signal transmission delay.
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Michał Jankowski
Adam Woźniak
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The significance of the famous Shannon's publication "A mathematical theory of communication" is discussed. The author states that this theory was a breakthrough for the times it was created. The present-day communications is so highly developed, that some old maxims should be up-dated, particularly the definition of the lower bound of signal reception. The author claims that this bound is no longer a constant value, ln(2), as the Shannon's theory states, but depends on many factors such, as the ratio of bandwidth-to-information transmission rate, the class of a receiver (adaptive, cognitive, MIMO1), the kind of reception system (on-line or off-line), and - of course - on the characteristics of noise, including entropy. Then, an absolute limit (Eb/N0)abs = 0 is suggested. An example of an advanced adaptive system approaching this bound is given.

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J. Pawelec
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The presented paper concerns the issues of communication networks applied to monitoring and control of reactive power compensator for small hydroelectric plants installed in areas distant from urban agglomerations. Ethernet, CAN, Modbus and GPRS transmission protocols has been used. Industrial programmable controller as a data collector has been used also.

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Remigiusz Olesiński
Paweł Hańczur
Janusz Wiśniewski
Włodzimierz Koczara
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In the assembly industry, almost all components are outsourced or transferred to other

parties, in order to meet the need for supply. This is referred as outsourcing of production.

The outsourcing of assembly product components is based on a relationship model

between the contractor and the industry. However, there is no relationship or communication

pattern between the contractor or supplier and the assembler. Hence, in order to

accelerate line production and overcome problems with assembly components, the communication

path is shortened by providing a direct communication channel between the

assembler and the supplier or contractor, in order to communicate any problems that arise

during the assembly process by internal communication within the industry. The purpose

of this study is the design and development of a web-based software application electronic

data interchange (EDI) that can be used as a tool for communication between the assembler

and supplier. The EDI application provides formal communication between the assembly

industry and the contractor providing the components or parts needed in the assembly process.

The main purpose of using EDI technology is to help the assembler to communicate

the relevant documents to suppliers quickly, accurately and efficiently. The documents to

be communicated are in the form of reports or claims, and are related to non-conformities,

errors and component difficulties arising during the assembly process. This research novelty

is providing direct communication between assembly and supplier by using EDI application

that can give contribution in manufacturing area so it can accelerate the line production in


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Authors and Affiliations

Rika Yunitarini
Pratikto Pratikto
Purnomo Budi Santoso
Sugiono Santoso
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The article presents empirical material obtained in sociological surveys conducted in the Wejherowo area in the year 2014. The purpose of the survey was to record the residents’ opinions on the needs and problems relating to selected functioning aspects of the town and its downtown district, the perception and valuation of the area, the town’s revitalization investments, both planned and in progress, and the perception of the changes taking place in selected spheres of the town’s life. The survey reveals that the dwellers of Wejherowo are capable of responding to the problems the town faces in intellectual and personal dimensions, they follow the postulates related to the ideas and concepts of a creative town more or less consciously, and have a preference for the town ensuring access to the broadly construed culture and entertainment. This encapsulates a vision of developing town cultures, with the focal point evidently shifted from the concept of a town as a place accumulating specimens of architecture and a symbolic space to the town construed as a complex of better facilities and solutions which make everyday life more convenient. More frequently than ever before, town identity becomes the function of negotiations between what is local and what is global. The quality of town life and the features of its ‘town-like character’ appear to be the outcome of continuous and subtle dialectics between the residents and the physical form in which they live, i.e. the town.

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Małgorzata Dymnicka
Jarosław Załęcki
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The tale of human progress is also a story of advancements in media technologies. But should we necessarily greet the changes now on the horizon with optimism?
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Piotr Celiński

  1. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
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Why is it that people can end up interpreting what is being said to them in such different ways? A lot depends on whether they happen to be in a good or bad mood.

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Agnieszka Piskorska
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The Polish language is slowly disappearing among the Polish community in Ukraine’s Rivne Oblast. This is due to the influence of the clergy and the emigration of the younger generation.

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Pavlo Levchuk
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We all gesture as we talk, albeit mostly unconsciously. The gestures we produce support and supplement what we are saying. In different cultures, however, the very same gestures may carry very different meanings.
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Maciej Rosiński

  1. Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw

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