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The article is devoted to the study of the national worldview’s peculiarities on the material of names of airspace, celestial bodies and natural elements. The quantitative analysis of common and different meanings of the analyzed lexical units in Ukrainian, German, English and French relating to the person’s characteristics in society is carried out. The greatest number of connotative meanings that characterize the behavior, features of character, appearance and a certain state of a person, show the lexemes water and fire. The lower item takes the use of the lexeme moon, and the lexemes sky and sun are in the last positions. Among the common and different meanings the common meanings prevail quantitatively. In the different meanings with national peculiarity the most belong to French. The use of each of the analyzed names in figurative meanings reveals the meanings with a positive and negative connotation, the meanings with negative connotation prevail. The obtained results are indicative of the importance of the analyzed names for different peoples.
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Larysa Drobakha

  1. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
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The semantics and functioning of ethnonyms in the poem Aeneid by Ivan Kotlyarevsky are covered in the article. It has been established that the text of the poem contains 44 ethnonym names referring to two time-spaces – the ancient (15 ethnonyms) and the early modern time of writing the Aeneid (29 ethnonyms). Ethnonyms are a reflection of inter-ethnic contacts, represent the linguistic picture of the world at the end of the turn of the 19th century. The text contains neutral and expressive ethnonyms, as well as ethnophaulisms. The ethnonyms of the Aeneid implicate the ethno-cultural specificity of peoples and at the same time are the historical and cultural realities of their time. The text contains the names of household items of ethnonymic origin. Literary ethnonyms record the connotative stereotyped images of peoples, in particular, the nearest neighbours of the Ukrainians. Against the background of other peoples, the self-identification of one's own people can be clearly traced, which the author designates with auto-ethnonyms – Cossacks, Our people, Baptized people. Literary ethnonyms reveal the linguistic identity of the author of the Aeneid as an educated Ukrainian who identified himself with the Cossack people.
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Mariana Hdakovych

  1. Львів, Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ
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The subjects of my examination are samples of Silesian surnames derived from the dialectal words determining objects of an animate and inanimate nature. The names of animals were more often used as a base to create the surnames derived from nicknames (derived from appellatives). They were more expressive due to their metaphoric meaning reflecting specific features of people and their evaluations. The signification of botanic (inanimate) nouns used within names was less transparent, however they are thought to refer to an anthropomorphic view of plant behaviour, e.g. dialectal woska/osika [aspen] — trembling. The belief that specific phenomena in nature have supernatural, magic or demonic powers, as well as other difficult to grasp factors, played a very important role in the creation of nicknames and later surnames for the Silesian population. The dialectal “nature” appellatives, which were the source for surnames derived from nicknames, also show that the same dialectal lexeme can have a different meaning in different Polish regions. On the other hand, dialectal lexemes which sound identical in specific Polish regions but differ semantically determine the cultural identity of the micro-speaking country. The same phenomenon can be observed within surnames.

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Małgorzata Magda-Czekaj
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This article addresses the issue of the axiological and derivational specificity of the secondary names of defenders and enemies of Ukraine during the period of the Russian intervention of 2022. Its relevance is due to the need for a comprehensive study of new trends in connotative nomination, as well as the importance of outlining the value orientations of Ukrainians in the critical conditions of the war. The author defines 5 groups of secondary names of persons created during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022: 1) names of soldiers of the Armed Forces; 2) the names of the occupiers; 3) names of Ukrainian politicians; 4) names of politicians from the aggressor side; 5) names of foreign politicians who have supported Ukraine. The author emphasizes that modern Ukrainians use both traditional means of emotional and evaluative nomination, as well as original derivational mechanisms, in particular graphoderivation, a non‐standard combination of word‐forming components, witty convergence of words, etc. For the first time, the author substantiates the connotative derivation as an effective method of verbal psycho‐regulation and worldview self‐presentation of Ukrainians during the Russian aggression, since the names of defenders and enemies in the modern Ukrainian communicative space perform a number of communicative‐pragmatic and psychoregulatory functions: they enable the nomination of persons according to new value criteria, provide an outlet for negative emotions, indicate a cultural and moral superiority over the invaders, define the political position against the background of the enemy’s geopolitical and informational aggression.
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Myroslava Bahan

  1. Kyiv National Linguistic University

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