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The European Union aspires to pursue an ambitious climate policy. The energy sector is a key tool to ensure success in this area. At the same time, excessively ambitious targets can be a serious problem for individual member states. The aim of the article is to analyze the possibilities available to the Polish energy sector in the context of the assumed EU climate neutrality goals by 2050.

The analyzed research problem concerns, in particular, two areas of strategic importance for Poland: the coal sector and the renewable energy sources sector. The role of the former should be significantly reduced in the coming decades, while the position of the latter should be substantially strengthened. The juxtaposition of these challenges with the Polish economic, social and techno- logical realities is the main subject of analysis in this text. The method of system analysis with elements of a decision-making approach will be used. This will allow for an effective analysis and review at the research level of the most important problems and challenges faced by Poland in light of the necessary adjustments to be made in order to achieve the priorities assumed by the European Union.

The hypothesis of the article is that Poland is able to effectively meet European climate targets, although the implementation of this challenge requires decisive action on the part of the government, as well as an adequate response from investors and society. To this end, appropriate actions must be undertaken at both a strategic and operational level.

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Krzysztof Tomaszewski
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The study was conducted to identify significant predictors of psychological distress in the group of young Polish adults during COVID-19 epidemic outbreak. The web-based cross-sectional survey was applied to 975 Polish respondents (755 female, 77.44%) aged 18-35 years. They were divided into two age groups: younger (18-25) and older (25-35). All participants completed: General Functioning Questionnaire (GFQ), COVID-19 Risk Perception Scale (C-RPS), State Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S), and General Sense of Threat to Life Scale (GSTLS). The Polish adults aged 18-25 years manifested significantly higher psychological distress, state anxiety, and a sense of threat to life, but they perceived less risk in COVID-19 epidemic compared to older participants. Risk perception and a sense of threat to life were indirectly related to state anxiety and psychological distress. Significant predictors of psychological distress in the group of young adult Poles during the COVID-19 epidemic are: state anxiety, risk perception, and a sense of threat to life, where risk perception and a sense of threat to life mediate the relation between state anxiety and psychological distress.
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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Mirucka
Urszula Bielecka
Maria Mirucka
Natalia Kępińska

  1. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  2. University of Bialystok, Białystok, Poland
  3. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  4. SWPS University, Warsaw, Poland
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The epidemic process of COVID-19 in the world developed rapidly. The situation with mor-bidity, despite the establishment of quarantine, the introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures, and vaccination, remains difficult. The results of research on the influence of meteorological factors on the dynamics of the incidence of COVID-19, hospitalization, and mortality are ambiguous and contradictory. The purpose of this study is to analyze the indicators of morbidity, hospitalization, and mortality from COVID-19 in Ukraine, and to establish the level of influence of meteorological factors on them. A high variation in morbidity, hospitalization, and mortality rates was observed in Ukraine, in 2020–2021. A total of 3 waves of disease growth were established. The curve of hospitalization indicators of patients with COVID-19 had a correlation dependence on the incidence curve r = 0.766 (р <0.05), the maximum rates of hospitalization and mortality were registered in September–December 2021. A direct strong correlation was established between the frequency of registration of cases of COVID-19 and mortality — r = 0.899 (р <0.05). Most cases of COVID-19 were registered in the cold season, the least in June–August. Inverse correlations of moderate strength were established between the indicators of morbidity, hospitalization, and mortality and air temperature levels (–0.370< r <–0.461). Direct correlations of average strength (0.538< r <0.632) were established with the levels of relative air humidity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alla Podavalenko
Nina Malysh
Viktoriya Zadorozhna
Kateryna Zhuk
Galina Zaitseva
Inna Chorna

  1. Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology, Disinfectology and Occupational Diseases of Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  2. Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
  3. State Institution “Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after L.V. Gromashevsky National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
  4. State Institution “Sumy Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
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Bovine parvovirus (BPV), bovine coronavirus (BCoV) and bovine parainfluenza virus (BPIV) are common etiologies causing gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in dairy herds. However, there are few reports on the synchronous detection of BPV, BCoV and BPIV. The present article aimed to develop a quick and accurate RT-PCR assay to synchronously detect BPV, BCoV and BPIV based on their specific probes. One pair universal primers, one pair specific primers and one specific probe was designed and synthesized. After the concentrations of primer and probe and annealing temperature were strictly optimized, the specificity, sensitivity and repeatability of the established triplex probe qRT-PCR were evaluated, respectively. The results showed the recombinant plasmids of pMD18-T-BPV, pMD18-T-BCoV and pMD18-T-BPIV were 554bp, 699bp and 704bp, respectively. The optimal annealing temperature was set at 45.0°C for triplex qRT-PCR. The triplex probe qRT-PCR can only synchronously detect BPV, BCoV and BPIV. Detection sensitivities were 2.0×102, 2.0×102 and 2.0×101 copies/μL for BPV, BCoV and BPIV, being 1000-fold greater than that in the conventional PCR. Detection of clinical samples demon- strated that triplex probe qRT-PCR had a higher sensitivity and specificity. The intra-assay and inter-assay coefficient of variation were lower than 2.0%. Clinical specimens verified that the triplex qRT-PCR had a higher sensitivity and specificity than universal PCR. In conclusion, this triplex probe qRT-PCR could detect only BPV, BCoV and BPIV. Minimum detection limits were 2.0×102 copies/μL for BPV and BCoV, and 2.0×101 copies/μL for BPIV. The sensitivity of this triplex probe qRT-PCR was 1000-fold greater than that in the conventional PCR. The newly qRT-PCR could be used to monitor or differentially diagnose virus infection.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Geng
Y. Niu
L. Wei
Q. Li
Z. Gong
S. Wei

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