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The importance and the role of minerals in the economy of a country or the world is highlighted by the use of the following terms: scarce mineral, critical mineral, and strategic mineral. The validity of the raw material in the economic processes and knowledge about the sources of its acquisition, access barriers, and the shaping of prices on the domestic and international market allow the development of an action strategy. The strategy must take into account the objective of the action, time horizon, the kind of the instruments that need to be used, and the scope of international cooperation. The importance of the raw material for the country is not only the volume of turnover and volume of production obtained thanks to its application. There are also historical, cultural and social reasons for its importance. The authors present arguments for another meaning of the term – mineral criticality. They also point out the linguistic differences between the term “criticality” in Polish and English. They propose to consider water, medicinal raw materials, some rock resources and amber as critical raw materials for various reasons.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Szamałek
1 2
Karol Zglinicki
Sławomir Mazurek

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology Warszawa, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute Warszawa, Poland
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The observation of trends in the demand for minerals is of fundamental importance in the long- -term assessment of prospects for economic development in Poland.
From among 148 minerals analyzed, 42 minerals are indicated as key minerals for the country’s economy, of which 22 were recognized as deficit minerals. These minerals have been the subject of this paper.
For each of these minerals the forecasts of demand by the years 2030, 2040 and 2050 have been made taking the current trends in domestic economy and premises for the development of industries that are main users of these minerals into account. The most promising prospects for growth of domestic demand – with at least a two-fold increase by 2050 – have been determined for manganese dioxide, metallic: magnesium, nickel, silicon, as well as talc and steatite, while an increase by at least 50% have been anticipated for metallic aluminum, tin, metallic manganese, and elemental phosphorus. For natural gas and crude oil growing tendencies have also been predicted, but only by 2030. On the other hand, the most probable decline in domestic demand by 2050 may be foreseen for iron ores and concentrates, bauxite, metallic tungsten, magnesite and magnesia, as well as for crude oil and natural gas, especially after 2040.
It seems inevitable that the deficit in the foreign trade of minerals will continue to deepen in the coming years. By 2030 this will mainly result from the growing importation of crude oil and natural gas, but beyond – by 2050 – further deepening in the trade deficit will be related to the growing importation of many metals as well as of some industrial minerals. After 2040, the negative trade balance can be mitigated by a possible decrease in foreign deliveries of hydrocarbons and iron ores and concentrates.
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Galos et al. 2020 – Galos, K., Burkowicz, A., Czerw, H., Figarska-Warchoł, B., Gałaś, A., Guzik, K., Kamyk, J., Kot- -Niewiadomska, A., Lewicka, E. and Szlugaj, J. 2020. Assessment of current and future demand of the domestic economy for mineral raw materials in the perspective of 2025, 2030. 2040 and 2050 (Ocena obecnego oraz przyszłego zapotrzebowania gospodarki krajowej na surowce w perspektywie 2025, 2030, 2040 i 2050 roku). Commissioned by the PIG-PIB (unpublished typescript in Polish).

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Galos et al. 2021 – Galos, K., Lewicka, E., Burkowicz, A., Guzik, K., Kot-Niewiadomska, A., Kamyk, J. and Szlugaj, J. 2021. Approach to identification and classification of the key, strategic and critical minerals important for the mineral security of Poland. Resources Policy 70, pp. 101900–101913.

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Galos, K. and Szamałek, K. 2011. Assessment of the non-energy minerals security of Poland (Ocena bezpieczeństwa surowcowego Polski w zakresie surowców nieenergetycznych). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 81, pp. 37–58 (in Polish).

Kulczycka et al. 2016 – Kulczycka, J., Pietrzyk-Sokulska, E., Koneczna, R., Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. 2016. Key minerals for the Polish economy (Surowce kluczowe dla polskiej gospodarki) Kraków: MERRI PAS, 164 pp. (in Polish).

Lewicka, E. and Burkowicz, A. 2018. Assessing current state of coverage the mineral raw materials demand of the domestic economy (Ocena obecnego stanu pokrycia potrzeb surowcowych gospodarki krajowej). Przegląd Geologiczny 66(3), pp. 144–152 (in Polish).

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Ministry of Climate and Environment 2021. Mineral Policy of Poland. Project from 6 April 2021 (Polityka surowcowa państwa. Projekt z 6 kwietnia 2021 r.), Warszawa (in Polish).

Nieć et al. 2014 – Nieć, M., Galos, K. and Szamałek, K. 2014. Main challenges of mineral resources policy of Poland. Resources Policy 42, pp. 93–103.

Radwanek-Bąk, B. 2016. Designation of key raw materials for the Polish economy (Określenie surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 96, pp. 241–254 (in Polish).

Radwanek-Bąk et al. 2018 – Radwanek-Bąk, B., Galos, K. and Nieć, M. 2018. Key, strategic and critical minerals for the Polish economy (Surowce kluczowe, strategiczne i krytyczne dla polskiej gospodarki). Przegląd Geologiczny 66(3), pp. 153–159 (in Polish).

Smakowski et al. 2015 – Smakowski, T., Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. eds. 2015. Balance of the mineral economy of Poland and the world 2013 (Bilans gospodarki surowcami mineralnymi Polski i świata 2013). Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 1169 pp. (in Polish).

Statistics Poland (GUS). Statistics of the production and foreign trade (as well as selected data on consumption) of mineral raw materials in Poland in the years 2000–2018.

Szuflicki et al. 2021 – Szuflicki, M., Malon, A. and Tymiński, M. eds. 2021. Balance of mineral raw materials deposits in Poland as of 31 XII 2020 (Bilans zasobów złóż kopalin w Polsce wg stanu na 31 XII 2020 r.). Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 508 pp. (in Polish).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Galos
Ewa Danuta Lewicka
Jarosław Kamyk
Jarosław Szlugaj
Hubert Czerw
Anna Burkowicz
Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska
Katarzyna Guzik

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland

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