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The results of bearing capacity, deformability and fracture toughness of reinforced concrete beams with the external reinforcement in the form of steel cut and stretchy sheet, obtained due to the conducting of the experiment and mathematical simulation which were made of concrete of C40/50 class are given in the article. Mathematical simulation of beam structures is done on the basis of the deformation model which allows to conduct calculations of the unified methodological positions of different elements with diverse configuration of cross section and reinforcement as well as take into consideration elastic and plastic properties of concrete and reinforcement, assessing the actual stress-strain state of sections of reinforced concrete elements at different loading levels, including ultimate one. The deformation model is based on the actual diagrams use of concrete and reinforcement materials deformation and conditions of efforts balance in the normal section and hypothesis of flat sections. The theoretical value of bearing capacity and deformability, obtained as a result of the mathematical simulation was compared to the experimental data. The satisfactory coincidence of the mathematical calculation of bearing capacity, deformability, fracture toughness and experimental data gives an opportunity to use the algorithm not only for beam structures with bar reinforcement but also for beam structures with the external reinforcement in the form of steel cut and stretchy sheet.
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Sofiya Burchenya
Shmyh Roman
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Casting industry has been enriched with the processes of mechanization and automation in production. They offer both better working standards, faster and more accurate production, but also have begun to generate new opportunities for new foundry defects. This work discusses the disadvantages of processes that can occur, to a limited extend, in the technologies associated with mould assembly and during the initial stages of pouring. These defects will be described in detail in the further part of the paper and are mainly related to the quality of foundry cores, therefore the discussion of these issues will mainly concern core moulding sands. Four different types of moulding mixtures were used in the research, representing the most popular chemically bonded moulding sands used in foundry practise. The main focus of this article is the analysis of the influence of the binder type on mechanical and thermal deformation in moulding sands.
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A. Grabarczyk
K. Major-Gabryś
J. Jakubski
St.M. Dobosz
D. Bolibruchová
R. Pastirčák

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Department of Moulding Materials, Mould Technology and Foundry of Non-ferrous Metals, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. University of Zilina, Žilinská Univerzita v Žiline, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Žilina, Slovak Republic
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Small as they are, such deformation structures occur in extensive clusters. They can provide valuable geological information and may pose a challenge for prospecting engineers.
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Piotr Strzelecki

  1. Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków
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The paper presents research results on the selection of parameters for the asymmetric rolling process of bimetallic plates 10CrMo9-10 + X2CrNiMo17-12-2. They consisted in determining the optimum parameters of the process, which would be ensured to obtain straight bands. Such deformation method introduces in the band the deformations resulting from shear stress, which affect changes in the microstructure. But their effect on the structure is more complicated than in the case of homogeneous materials. It has been shown that the introduction of asymmetric conditions into the rolling process results in greater grain refinement in the so-called hard layer. There was no negative effect on the structural changes in the soft layer observed.

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D. Rydz
B. Koczurkiewicz
G. Stradomski
T. Garstka
J. Wypart
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Coal mining activities carried out for 200 years in Upper Silesia have had a negative effect on buildings. T his impact is in all cases related with continuous deformations of the surface and in certain cases with discontinuous deformations (mostly cave-ins), changes in water relations and mining tremors. T he paper presents an evaluation of the impact of a mining activity on a building situated in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. T he building was affected by continuous deformations and mining tremors. Calculations were made of the values of deformation rates by means of Budryk–Knothe’s theory, which were partly verified on the basis of the results from geodetic measurements. An analysis of the velocity and acceleration of basement vibrations caused by mining-induced tremors was also conducted. T he conclusions included a high consistency between the results obtained on the basis of calculations and the values obtained by means of PGA and PGV measurements. In the case of tremors with the highest energy in the hipocentrum, there an empirical formula allowing for calculation of PGA value in given geological and mining conditions was also proposed. T he application range of the formula mentioned above is obviously limited only to the conditions in consideration. The presented conclusions indicate that at present, sufficiently precise methods, allowing for calculations for practical purposes, not only of deformation indices’ values, but also of PGV and PGA values, presently exist.

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Piotr Strzałkowski
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This article deals with the design of slewing rings (slewing bearings). A fully parametric, 3D virtual model of a ball slewing ring with four-point contact was created in the PTC/Creo Parametric CAD system. This model was subsequently used for finite-element analysis using Ansys/Workbench CAE software. The purpose of the FEM analysis was to determine the axial stiffness characteristics. Results of FEM analysis were experimentally verified using a test bench. At the end of the article, we present the nomograms of the deformation constant for different pitch diameters, rolling element diameters and contact angles.
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  1.  Y. Guo and R.G. Parker, “Stiffness matrix calculation of rolling element bearings using a finite element/contact mechanics model”, Mech. Mach. Theory 51, 32–45 (2012).
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  4.  R. Skyba, S. Hrček, L. Smetanka, and M. Majchrák, “Stiffness analysis of slewing bearings”, IOP Conf. Ser: Mater. Sci. Eng. 393, 012060 (2018).
  5.  P.P. Hou, L.Q. Wang, and Q.Y. Peng, “Vibration analysis of ball bearing considering waviness under high speed and an axial load”, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci. 68(3), 517–527 (2020).
  6.  P. Ding, H. Wang, Y.F. Dai, J. Chen, H. Zhang, and F.Z. Sun, “MDCCS Based Multistage Life Prediction of Slewing Bearing with a Novel Performance Description: an Improved Variational Mode Decomposition Approach”, Exp. Tech. 43, 341–358 (2019).
  7.  Y. Zhang, B. Fang, L. Kong, and Y. Li, “Effect of the ring misalignment on the service characteristics of ball bearing and rotor system”, Mech. Mach. Theory 151, 103889 (2020).
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Authors and Affiliations

Slavomir Hrcek
Robert Kohar
Jan Steininger

  1. University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Design and Machine Elements, Slovak Republic
  2. University of Zilina, Institute of Competitiveness and Innovations, Slovak Republic
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Currently available field rock mass deformability determination methods are rather difficult to perform, due to their complexity and a time-consuming nature. This article shows results of a suitability assessment of a Pen206 borehole jack (a hydraulic penetrometer) for field rock mass deformability measurements. This type of the borehole jack is widely used in Polish hard coal mining industry. It was originally intended only for quick rock mass strength parameters determination. This article describes an analysis and scope of basic modifications performed mainly on a borehole jack head. It includes discussion of results with possible directions for future development of the device.

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Rafał Pierszalik
Sylwester Rajwa
Andrzej Walentek
Krzysztof Bier
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Water is the main source of daily life for everyone and everywhere in the world. Sufficient water distribution depends on the place and design of water tank in certain areas. Water storage tanks are relatively flexible structures and they can tolerate greater settlements than other engineering structures. Deformation of tanks may cause severe damages to tank or even loss of life and injury to people, so monitoring the structural deformation and dynamic response of water tank and its supporting system to the large variety of external loadings has a great importance for maintaining tank safety and economical design of manmade structures. This paper presents an accurate geodetic observations technique to investigate the inclination of an elevated circular water tank and the deformation of its supporting structural system (supporting columns and circular horizontal beams) using reflector-less total station. The studied water tank was designed to deliver water to around 55000 person and has a storage capacity about 750 m3. Due to the studied water tank age, a non-uniform settlement of tank foundation and movement of pumps and electric machines under tank’s body will cause stress and strain for tanks membrane and settlement of sediments. So the studied water tank can tend to experience movement vertically, horizontally or both. Three epochs of observations were done (July 2014, September 2014 and December 2014). The results of the practical measurements, calculations and analysis of the interesting deformation of the studied elevated tanks and its supporting system using least squares theory and computer programs are presented. As a results of monitoring the water storage tank, circular reinforced concrete beams and columns at three monitoring epochs. The body of water storage tank has an inclination to the east direction and the value of inclination is increased with the time.

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Zaki Zeidan
Ashraf A.A. Beshr
Sara Sameh
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It is an established fact that when roads are planned and constructed, consideration needs to be given to ensuring the strength of the road surface. It is, however, also the case that when an existing road is being rebuilt or is under maintenance, its base may need to be fortified to increase the road’s vehicle-carrying capacity. The base may, for example, contain a high proportion of weak soil that would be difficult, time-consuming, and costly to remove. This paper aims to investigate the efficacy of using sand-filled piles to reduce road deformation. Experiments conducted on sponge samples confirm that there is a relationship between the total area of sand-filled piles and relative reduction in deformation. It finds that the relationship is non-linear, but that the relationship can be made linear by adjusting the area of sand-filled piles. When the area of sand-filled piles increases from 7.8% to 19.4%, the deformation module can change by up to 100%. Relative reduction in deformation can change from 14% to 45.5% when the area of sand-filled piles increases from 7.8% to 11.7%. The maximum reduction in deformation – 92.4% - occurs when the area of sand-filled piles exceeds 19.5%. Changing the loads borne also affects the deformation module. This paper found that when there was a 10 to 15kg load, and the number of sandfilled piles was increased, there was a change in the deformation module by 380-470%. When there was only a 5kg load on the sample, and the number of sand-filled piles was increased, there was a change in the deformation module by up to 1217%.
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Sami Mohammed Ayyad
Omar Asad Ahmad

  1. Amman Arab University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Department; Amman, Jordan Street–Mubis, 11953, Jordan,
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Underground mining extraction causes the displacement and changes of stress fields in the surrounding rock mass. The determination of the changes is extremely important when the mining activity takes place in the proximity of post-flotation tailing ponds, which may affect the stability of the tailing dams. The deterministic modeling based on principles of continuum mechanics with the use of numerical methods, e.g. finite element method (FEM) should be used in all problems of predicting rock mass displacements and changes of stress field, particularly in cases of complex geology and complex mining methods. The accuracy of FEM solutions depends mainly on the quality of geomechanical parameters of the geological strata. The parameters, e.g. young modulus of elasticity, may require verification through a comparison with measured surface deformations using geodetic methods. This paper presents application of FEM in predicting effects of underground mining on the surface displacements in the area of the KGHM safety pillar of the tailing pond of the OUOW Żelazny Most. The area has been affected by room and pillar mining with roof bending in the years 2008-2016 and will be further exposed to room-and-pillar extraction with hydraulic filling in the years 2017–2019.

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Ewa Warchała
Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski
Paweł Stefanek
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Hydrocarbon production under certain geological conditions of these deposits can cause surface subsidence and deformation of the terrain surface. Such deformations appear as subsidence troughs of considerable range and the magnitude of the subsidence depending on the total thickness of the reservoir, compaction properties of reservoir and on the number of other factors. In the past there have been widely recognized magnitudes of the subsidence up to 9 meters. The stress zones in the subsidence trough may affect the buildings and surface structures. However there have been well known some cases of destroyed boreholes or pipelines belonging to the gas or oil mine. Therefore there is a requirement to analyze the possibility of occurrence unfavorable phenomenon on the ground surface, to monitor surface deformations during production and to protect surface infrastructure located in the range of mining influences. In the paper the issue of surface subsidence caused by hydrocarbon production has been presented. The cause - effect relationship between the compaction of thereservoir rock and the subsidence of surface area has been assumed. The prediction model base on the influence function and on the superposition of elementary influences. For the purpose of building damage protection a new model of risk assessment has been developed. This model base on the elements of fuzzy logicallows to incorporate in the analysis the quantitative and qualitative factors that contribute to the risk of building damage. Use of the fuzzy logic made it possible to obtain one value which clearly discriminate the risk of buildings damage. However, risk analyzes of damage to the large number of buildings has been required additional tools. The spatial analysis has been made by using GIS. The subjects of the paper have been illustrated with a practical example.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Hejmanowski
Agnieszka Malinowska
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Deformed wing virus (DWV) is one of the most widespread viral infections of European honey bee Apis mellifera L. worldwide. So far, this is the first study which tested the effect of different ratios of synthetic protein to fat (P : F) diets on the health of broodless nurseaged honey bees in the laboratory. The aim of the current study was to determine the load of DWV in the whole body of A. mellifera that were fed different ratios of P : F diets (25 : 1, 10 : 1, 5 : 1, 1 : 1, 1 : 5, 1 : 10, 1 : 12.5 and 1 : 0 as a control). The methods involved feeding bees the tested diets for 10 days and then measuring the virus titre using qPCR technique. The results showed that DWV concentration decreased as the fat content of diets consumed increased. The copy number of viral genomes declined from 7.5 × 105 in the zero-fat diet (1 : 0) to 1.6 × 102 virus genomes in 1 : 12.5 (P : F). We can conclude that there is a positive relationship between fat diets and bee immunity and overall results suggest a connection between fat diet and bee health, indicating that colony losses can be reduced by providing a certain protein and fat supplemental feeding.
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Authors and Affiliations

Baida Mohsen Alshukri
Mushtaq Talib Al-Esawy
1 2

  1. Plant Protection Department, University of Kufa, Najaf Governorate, Iraq
  2. Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
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Hot deformation of metals is a widely used process to produce end products with the desired geometry and required mechanical properties. To properly design the hot forming process, it is necessary to examine how the tested material behaves during hot deformation. Model studies carried out to characterize the behaviour of materials in the hot deformation process can be roughly divided into physical and mathematical simulation techniques.
The methodology proposed in this study highlights the possibility of creating rheological models for selected materials using methods of artificial intelligence, such as neuro-fuzzy systems. The main goal of the study is to examine the selected method of artificial intelligence to know how far it is possible to use this method in the development of a predictive model describing the flow of metals in the process of hot deformation.
The test material was Inconel 718 alloy, which belongs to the family of austenitic nickel-based superalloys characterized by exceptionally high mechanical properties, physicochemical properties and creep resistance. This alloy is hardly deformable and requires proper understanding of the constitutive behaviour of the material under process conditions to directly enable the optimization of deformability and, indirectly, the development of effective shaping technologies that can guarantee obtaining products with the required microstructure and desired final mechanical properties.
To be able to predict the behaviour of the material under non-experimentally tested conditions, a rheological model was developed using the selected method of artificial intelligence, i.e. the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS).
The source data used in these studies comes from a material experiment involving compression of the tested alloy on a Gleeble 3800 thermo-mechanical simulator at temperatures of 900, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150oC with the strain rates of 0.01 - 100 s-1 to a constant true strain value of 0.9.
To assess the ability of the developed model to describe the behaviour of the examined alloy during hot deformation, the values of yield stress determined by the developed model (ANFIS) were compared with the results obtained experimentally. The obtained results may also support the numerical modelling of stress-strain curves.

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Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Mrzygłód
A. Łukaszek-Sołek
Izabela Olejarczyk-Wożeńska
K. Pasierbiewicz

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Cracow, Poland
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Biocompatibility, biodegradability and non-toxicity are the main attributes of any material to be used in biomedical applications. Among all the potential stimuli, pH, salt and temperature exist naturally in the internal environment of the human body. Hence internal stimuli responsive hydrogels can be exploited for specific drug delivery and tissue replacement. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is the world’s largest volume synthetic polymer, produced for its excellent chemical resistance, physical properties and complete biodegradability, which has resulted in broad practical applications. PVA could be considered a suitable host material due to its good thermo-stability, chemical resistance and film-forming ability. It is also an important material because of its large-scale applications. Novel data analysis techniques were developed to analyze the response of PVA to external stimuli, including temperature and/or pH. The presented non-contact method shows that the PVA polymer gel, physically cross-linked by freezing and thawing, shrinks and swells under the influence of temperature, which is a reversible phenomenon. Under the given conditions, such as temperature, pH and mechanical load, the dominant factor affecting the swelling or contraction of the hydrogel is the change in the temperature of the liquid in which the PVA hydrogel sample is immersed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kazimierska-Drobny

  1. Department of Mechatronics, Bydgoszcz Kazimierz Wielki University, Kopernika 1 street, 85-074 Bydgoszcz, Poland
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When the in-wheel motor is working, it will be affected by gravity, centrifugal force and electromagnetic force. These three kinds of mechanical loads will affect the mechanical stress characteristics of the in-wheel motor, and then affect the reliability of the in-wheel motor structure. In order to understand the influence of the above loads on the mechanical stress of the in-wheel motor, this paper takes a 15-kWbuilt-in permanent magnet in-wheel motor as the research object. Based on the establishment of the electromagnetic field and structure field coupling analysis model of the in-wheel motor, the mechanical stress of the in-wheel motor under different mechanical loads under rated and peak conditions are calculated and analyzed, and the influence of different mechanical loads on the stress and deformation of the in-wheel motor are studied. The research results show that, regardless of the rated operating condition or the peak operating condition, the in-wheel motor has the largest mechanical stress and deformation under the combined action of centrifugal force and electromagnetic force, and the smallest mechanical stress and deformation under the action of gravity only; under the same load (except for the case of gravity only), the stress and deformation of the in-wheel motor under the peak operating condition are larger than those under the rated operating condition; and the maximum stress and deformation of the in-wheel motor appear at the rotor magnetic bridge and the inner edge of the rotor, respectively, so the rotor is an easily damaged part of the in-wheel motor.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jie Xu

  1. Shandong University of Technology, School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, China
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Machines utilising renewable energy constantly undergo research aimed at raising their efficiency. One of them is a Savonius wind turbine, where scientists propose adjustments to improve its aerodynamic properties. At present, their assessment is usually performed by means of transient computational fluid dynamics simulations with two- or threedimensional models. In this paper, the overset (chimera) mesh approach was applied to investigate the performance of a Savonius wind turbine equipped with deformable blades. They were continuously deformed during rotation by a dedicated mechanism to increase a positive torque of the advancing blade, and meanwhile, decrease a negative torque of the returning blade. A quasi-two-dimensional model with a two-way fluid-structure interaction method was applied, where the structural solver determined blade deflection caused by the predefined deformation mechanism and aerodynamic loads, whereas the coupled computational fluid dynamics solver determined the transient flow. The deformable blades rotor performance was calculated and compared with a conventional rigid Savonius turbine, both simulated using the overset mesh approach. The average value of the power coefficient achieved a 55% rise in the case of deformable blades turbine. Additionally, to validate the overset method, its results were compared with the classical sliding mesh method for a conventional rigid rotor.
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Authors and Affiliations

Emil Marchewka
Krzysztof Sobczak
Piotr Reorowicz
Damian Stanisław Obidowski
Krzysztof Jóźwik

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Turbomachinery, Wólczanska 219/223, 90-924 Łódz, Poland
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The article is focused on the most recent investigations of glaciotectonic structures in high escarpment exposures of the Vistula valley from Dobrzyń to Kuzki in the western part of the Płock Basin. Deformations involve Neogene and occasionally the Lower Pleistocene deposits and they are not expressed as landforms. Structural investigations and analysis of archival geological data provided new information on the origin of large-scale shear structures. Results obtained are clearly contrary to the concept of Brykczyński (1982) regarding valley-side glaciotectonics in the Płock Basin. An emergence of the extensive zone of serial thrust structures of significant amplitude (up to 100–150 m) was found to have not been controlled by a palaeovalley. A driving mechanism is interpreted as a gravity spreading in front of ice sheets advancing from north-northeast during the South Polish Complex (Dorst-Elsterian).

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Małgorzata Roman
Rafał Żuk
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In-situ thermal upgrading modification technology is of great significance to lignite utilisation cleanly. It is an extremely complex multi-field coupling process. Therefore, it is necessary to study the physical properties of lignite under the thermo-mechanical coupling function. In this paper, the lignite pore evolution characteristics under thermal-mechanical co-function have been obtained at different scales based on experimental results. The mechanisms also have been deeply studied. The results indicated that lignite total porosity first increased and then decreased as the temperature increased from 23°C to 400°C under the triaxial stress of 7 MPa. The maximum value of 21.64% for the total porosity of lignite was observed at 200°C. Macropores were dominant when the temperature was lower than 100°C, while visible pores were dominant when at temperatures ranging from 100~400°C. The thermal weight loss and deformation characteristics of lignite were further studied using a thermal-mechanical testing platform. The weight loss and deformation process could be divided into three stages, namely the slow, rapid, and relatively slow stages. After being continuously pyrolysed for 5 hours at a temperature of 400°C, the maximum weight loss rate of lignite was 52.38%, the maximum axial linear strain was 11.12%, and the maximum irrecoverable radial strain was 18.79%. The maximum axial thermal deformation coefficient of lignite was −2.63×10 −4−1 at a temperature of 289°C. Macro-deformation and component loss were the main mechanisms of lignite structure evolution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Weidong Yu

  1. Shanxi Institute of Energy, China
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The subject of the work is a five-layered composite beam with clamped ends subjected to a uniformly distributed load along its length. Two analytical models of this beam are developed with consideration of the shear effect. The first model is formulated on the basis of the classical zig-zag theory. Whereas, the second model is developed using an individual nonlinear shear deformation theory with consideration of the classical shear stress formula (called Zhuravsky shear stress). The system of two differential equations of equilibrium for each beam model is obtained based on the principle of stationary total potential energy. These systems of equations are exactly analytically solved. The shear effect function and the maximum deflection are determined for each of these two beam models. Detailed calculations are carried out for exemplary beams of selected dimensionless sizes and material constants. The main goal of the research is to develop two analytical models of this beam, determine the shear effect function, the shear coefficient, and the maximum deflection in the elastic range for each model, as well as to perform a comparative analysis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Magnucki

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network, Poznan Institute of Technology, Poznan, Poland
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The deformation properties of rocks play a crucial role in handling most geomechanical problems. However, the determination of these properties in laboratory is costly and necessitates special equipment. Therefore, many attempts were made to estimate these properties using different techniques. In this study, various statistical and soft computing methods were employed to predict the tangential Young Modulus (Eti, GPa) and tangential Poisson’s Ratio (vti) of coal measure sandstones located in Zonguldak Hardcoal Basin (ZHB), NW Turkey. Predictive models were established based on various regression and artificial neural network (ANN) analyses, including physicomechanical, mineralogical, and textural properties of rocks. The analysis results showed that the mineralogical features such as the contents of quartz (Q, %) and lithic fragment (LF, %) and the textural features (i.e., average grain size, d50, and sorting coefficient, Sc) have remarkable impacts on deformation properties of the investigated sandstones. By comparison with these features, the mineralogical effects seem to be more effective in predicting the Eti and vti. The performance of the established models was assessed using several statistical indicators. The predicted results from the proposed models were compared to one another. It was concluded that the empirical models based on the ANN were found to be the most convenient tools for evaluating the deformational properties of the investigated sandstones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ekin Köken

  1. Abdullah Gul University, Nanotechnology Engineering Department, 38170, Kayseri, Turkey
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The forming limit of AZ31 alloy, a representative Mg-Al-Zn-based wrought alloy, and the effect of severe plastic deformation (SPD) by examining the microstructure change caused by dynamic recrystallization led by high temperature and high dislocation density at 300℃ using a biaxial alternate forging (BAF) were investigated in this study. As a result of BAF test for AZ31 Mg alloy, significant cracks on the ends of workpieces occurred after 7 passes. The microstructure of as-extruded specimen showed the non-uniform distribution of the relatively coarse grains and the fine grains considered to be sub-grains. However, as the number of passes increases, the area of coarse grains gradually disappeared and the fine grains became more dominant in the microstructures. The result of tensile test for workpieces with each forging pass showed an increase in strength depending on pass number was shown with a slight increase of elongation. The Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) results exhibited that, the microstructure showed the presence of coarse grains and twins after only 1 pass, while the grains appeared to be significantly refined and uniformly distributed after 3 pass, at which the strength and elongation began to increase, simultaneously.
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Young-Chul Shin
Seong-Ho Ha
Abdul Wahid Shah

  1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Molding & Metal Forming R&D Department, 156 Gaetbeol-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 21999, Republic of Korea
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This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of severe plastic deformation (SPD) by extrusion combined with reversible torsion (KoBo) method on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-5Cu and Al-25Cu alloys. The extrusion combined with reversible torsion was carried out using reduction coefficient of λ = 30 and λ = 98. In this work, the microstructure was characterized by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Compression test and tensile test were performed for deformed alloys. The binary Al-5Cu and Al-25Cu alloys consist of the face cantered cubic (FCC) α phase in the form of dendrites and tetragonal (C16) θ-Al2Cu intermetallic phase observed in interdentritic regions. The increase of Cu content leads to increase of interdentritic regions. The microstructure of the alloys is refined after applying KoB deformation with λ = 30 and λ = 98. Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) of Al-5Cu alloy after KoBo deformation with λ = 30 and λ = 98 reached about 200 MPa. UTS for samples of Al-25Cu with λ = 30 and λ = 98 increased compared to Al-5Cu alloy and exceed 320 MPa and 270 MPa respectively. All samples showed increase of plasticity with increase of reduction coefficient. Independently of reduction coefficient, the compressive strain of Al-5Cu alloys is about 60%. The Al-25Cu alloy with λ = 98 showed the value of compressive strain exceed 60%, although for this same alloy but with λ = 30, the compressive strain is only 35%.

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K. Rodak
A. Brzezińska
J. Sobota
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The paper presents the effect of deformation temperature on the mechanical stability of retained austenite in a multiphase TRIP steel. Series of static tensile tests were carried out in the temperature range –20 to 140°C in order to simulate the temperatures occurring during stamping process of automotive steel sheets and conditions of their exploitation. Samples deformed at 20°C and 60°C showed the best combination of strength and ductility. It was related to the gradual transformation of retained austenite into martensite. Obtained results revealed that the intensity of TRIP effect is significantly related to the deformation temperature. The amount of retained austenite, which transformed into martensite during plastic deformation decreases as the deformation temperature increases. It was also found that the stability of retained austenite depends on its morphology. The obtained results showed the relationship between deformation temperature and the stability of retained austenite. The chemical composition and microstructure of multiphase steels dedicated to the automotive industry should be designed for providing the maximum TRIP effect at the specific deformation temperatures.

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A. Skowronek
A. Kozłowska
A. Grajcar
M. Morawiec
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To comprehensively investigate the diversity of a chamfer technology and a convex roll technology under the same soft reduction process (i.e., section size, reduction amount, casting speed and solid fraction), a three-dimensional mechanical model was developed to investigate the effect of the chamfer profile and roll surface profile on the deformation behavior, cracking risk, stress concentration and reduction force of as-cast bloom during the soft reduction process. It was found that a chamfer bloom and a convex roll can both avoid the thicker corner of the as-cast bloom solidified shell, and significantly reduce reduction force of the withdrawal and straightening units. The convex profile of roll limits lateral spread along bloom width direction, therefore it forms a greater deformation to the mushy zone of as-cast bloom along the casting direction, the tensile strain in the brittleness temperature range (BTR) can obviously increase to form internal cracks. The chamfer bloom is much more effective in compensating the solidification shrinkage of mushy zone. In addition, chamfer bloom has a significant decrease of tensile strain in the brittleness temperature range (BTR) areas, which is expected to greatly reduce the risk of internal cracks.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nanfu Zong
Tao Jing
Yang Liu

  1. Tsinghua University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100084, China
  2. Jiangsu Changqiang Iron and Steel Corp., Ltd., Jiangsu 214500, China

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