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In the Central Caucasus region, the intense process of deglaciation is identified as caused by cryoconite formation and accumulation. The fine earth materials were collected on the surfaces of Skhelda and Garabashi glaciers as well as from zonal soils of Baksan Gorge and were studied in terms of chemical, particle-size, and micromorpholo-gical features. Supraglacial sediments are located at the glacial drift area of material and, thus, due to transfer of these sediments to the foothill area, their fine earth material can affect micromorphological and chemical characteristics of adjacent zonal soils. Thin sections of mineral and organo-mineral micromonoliths were analyzed by classic micromorphological methods. Data obtained showed that the weathering rates of cryoconite and soil minerals are different. The cryoconite material on the debris-covered Skhelda Glacier originated from local massive crystalline rocks and moraines, while for Garabashi Glacier the volcanic origin of cryoconite is more typical. Soils of Baksan Gorge are characterized by more developed microfabric and porous media, but their mineralogical composition is essentially inherited from sediments of glacial and periglacial soils. These new data could be useful for understanding the process of evolution of the mineral matrix of cryoconite to the soil matrix formed at the foot of the mountain.
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Authors and Affiliations

Evgeny Abakumov
Rustam Tembotov
Ivan Kushnov
Vyacheslav Polyakov

  1. Saint-Petersburg State University, 7/9 University Embankment, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia
  2. Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories, Russian Academy of Sciences, 37a, I. Armand Street, Nalchik, 360051, Russia
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The talus slopes occur in all climatic zones on the Earth. These forms are sensitive to climate fluctuations, therefore they may be indicators of changes in the environment and contain the record of the geomorphological events after the deglaciation period. Both in the past and nowadays, slopes in area of the High Arctic have been developing in the specific conditions of periglacial zone. This is caused by simultaneously occurring different processes of weathering and deposition. The article presents the methodological approach and the results of the sedimentological measurements and geomorphological studies of the eight talus cones located in SW Spitsbergen. The study was conducted in the non-glaciated valley near the Stanislaw Baranowski Polar Station in Spitsbergen. The aim of the investigation was to determine the modern mechanisms of material transport on talus slopes and their impact on relief of slope surface in the polar environment. The obtained results and literature data allowed to indicate four separate zones of talus slope environment and develop a conceptual model for talus slope development in the Brattegg Valley, SW Spitsbergen.
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Krzysztof Senderak

  1. Institute of Geography and Regional Development, University of Wroclaw, Pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wroclaw, Poland
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This paper reports on a morphometric analysis of land-terminating glaciers on southern and western Spitsbergen in the years 1936–2014. An attempt was made to estimate the deglaciation rate and the scale of its acceleration in the 21st century in the conditions of Arctic amplification. Satellite scenes and topographic map sheets were used for the study and were analyzed by means of remote sensing and GIS methods. The study covered 2000–2014 years and concluded that surface recession accelerated on average by a factor of 2.75 compared to the 1936–2000 period, while linear recession was 2.2 times faster. The greatest increase in the deglaciation rate can be observed in the case of glaciers faced to N and W sectors. The deglaciation process is the most advanced in the central part of the island, where small, compact mountain glaciers predominate. In recent years, a slowdown in the deglaciation processes in these glaciers was observed. The studies demonstrate that the deglaciation rate was mainly influenced by the basin relief determining the glacier geometry. The resultant fractal nature of the ice cover makes it highly vulnerable to the disintegration of complex glacial systems into smaller ones due to glacier thinning and the separation of outlets. The acceleration of the deglaciation rate in turn is modified by the climate factor, especially the impact of warming air masses from the N and W sectors where seas are becoming increasingly ice-free and, consequently, have an increasing heat capacity.
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Joanna Ewa Szafraniec
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Twelve glaciers, representing various types, were investigated between 2000 and 2005, in a region adjacent to the northern reaches of Billefjorden, central Spitsbergen ( Svalbard ). On the basis of measurements taken using reference points, DGPS and GPS systems, analyses of aerial photographs and satellite images, geomorphological indicators and archival data their rates of deglaciation following the “Little Ice Age” (LIA) maximum were calculated variously on centennial, decadal and annual time scales. As most Svalbard glaciers have debris-covered snouts, a clean ice margin was measured in the absence of debris-free ice front. The retreat rates for both types of ice fronts were very similar. All studied glaciers have been retreating since the termination of the Little Ice Age at the end of 19th century. The fastest retreat rate was observed in the case of the Nordenskiöldbreen tidewater glacier (mean average linear retreat rate 35 m a-1). For land-terminating glaciers the rates were in range of 5 to 15 m a-1. Presumably owing to climate warming, most of the glacier retreat rates have increased several fold in recent decades. The secondary factors influencing the retreat rates have been identified as: water depth at the grounding line in the case of tidewater glaciers, surging history, altitude, shape and aspect of glacier margin, and bedrock relief. The retreat rates are similar to glaciers from other parts of Spitsbergen . Analyses of available data on glacier retreat rates in Svalbard have allowed us to distinguish four major types: very dynamic, surging tidewater glaciers with post-LIA retreat rates of between 100 and 220 m a-1, other tidewater glaciers receding of a rate of 15 to 70 m a-1, land terminating valley polythermal glaciers with an average retreat of 10 to 20 m a-1 and small, usually cold, glaciers with the retreat rates below 10 m a-1.

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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Rachlewicz
Witold Szczuciński
Marek Ewertowski

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