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Artykuł dotyczy postaw Polaków wobec demokracji – jej normatywnych wizji i ocen funkcjonowania. Czterolecie 2015–2019 to szczególny okres polskiej demokracji, przez kompetentnych obserwatorów krytycznie traktowany z różnych powodów. Z tego względu praca ma charakter głównie eksploracyjny. Postawiono trzy pytania badawcze: (1) czy determinanty normatywnych wizji demokracji i ocen jej funkcjonowania zmieniły się w omawianym okresie; (2) Jak różne „klasy” demokratów współwystępują z podziałami politycznymi i zróżnicowaniem społecznym; (3) Jaki jest zakres akceptacji autorytarnych wizji demokracji w świadomości Polaków. Wyniki wskazują z jednej strony na identyczny stosunek do ideału demokracji i ogólną ocenę jej funkcjonowania w latach 2015–2019, a zarazem na znaczne różnice w jej determinantach. Miejscami są one oczekiwane i logiczne, bywają też zaskakujące. Obecny poziom satysfakcji z demokracji w znacznej mierze przypisać można właśnie postawom i ocenom, które albo nie odnoszą się do demokracji (‛fałszywa świadomość’), albo są wynikiem entuzjastycznego uniesienia związanego z identyfikacją polityczną badanych.

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Michał Kotnarowski
Radosław Markowski
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Artykuł rozpoczyna się od rekonstrukcji dyskursu o kryzysie demokracji i reakcji wywoływanych przez ten rodzaj narracji. Następnie omówiono ideę protestu miejskiego, wskazując na dwoiste oblicze obywateli miasta i ambiwalentne reakcje miast na zjawisko dekapilaryzacji władzy. Aby ukazać złożoność i różnorodność opisywanego zagadnienia, autor przywołuje przykłady miejskiego populizmu i reakcji na to zjawisko (między innymi w miastach Polski, Kanady, Włoch, Holandii, Niemiec). Autor w tekście wskazuje, że odpowiedź miast na populizm i kryzys demokracji wzmacnia lub osłabia tendencje autorytarne, zarówno w przypadku działań instytucjonalnych (związanych z tworzeniem i realizacją lokalnej polityki), jak i pozainstytucjonalnych (związanych ze sferą aktywizmu mieszkańców).

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Maciej Kowalewski
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The article presents a particular mechanism of political decision making in contemporary democratic systems. It is called here ‘ad hoc democracy’. This notion refers to the phenomenon of making political decisions (that are general and abstract) on the basis of premises that are individual and situational. After defining ad hoc democracy, the author reconstructs a typical scenario of the phenomenon, demonstrates selected examples of ad hoc democracy and discusses its main consequences. The analysis of ad hoc democracy construction process follows. The main cause of ad hoc democracy is defined as the interference of internally inconsistent logic of actions taken by three types of actors in political sphere: media, society (treated as an audience) and political decision-makers. In the last part of the article it is hypothesized that the systems experiencing rapid social changes and democratization processes are particularly prone to the emergence of ad hoc democracy. The hypothesis is justifi ed and substantiated by referring to an example of Poland during the systemic transformation process.

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Wiktor Szewczak
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The author supports the claim that attempts to formulate a universal definition of the term “populism” are not worthwhile, because the sense of the term is usually determined by a specific social context. Understanding the utopian nature of populism provides a better understanding of the utopian nature of democracy and allows for a humble departure from dreams of a perfect social order, because, as has been shown in numerous survey studies, the contemporary shift of social mood, attitudes, and opinions toward some version of populism is a relatively simple consequence of the deficiencies of democracy in its neoliberal version.

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Kazimierz W. Frieske
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O znaczeniu prawdy, roli fikcji i skutkach życia w kulturze nadmiaru oraz o kryzysie demokracji mówi prof. dr hab. Stanisław Filipowicz, wiceprezes Polskiej Akademii Nauk.

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Stanisław Filipowicz
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Artykuł kontynuuje zapoczątkowaną w numerze 3/2020 „Studiów Socjologicznych” prezentację paradygmatu demokratycznego elityzmu. Skupia się na dwóch ogólnych zagadnieniach: roli elit w zmianie systemu politycznego oraz na relacjach między elitą a masami. W pierwszej kwestii najwięcej uwagi poświęcono koncepcji porozumienia elit Michaela Burtona i Johna Higleya, którą autorzy uważają za najlepszą drogę ku demokracji. Stwarza bowiem warunki wszystkim wiodącym siłom politycznym na przeżycie politycznego kryzysu, co stabilizuje środowisko polityczne i zwiększa szanse dojścia do skonsolidowanej demokracji. Zagadnienie relacji między elitami a masami, wspólne dla teorii elit i teorii demokracji, opisane jest poprzez wskazanie na personalizację polityki i podkreślenie zmian, jakie w procesach reprezentacji politycznej nastąpiły w ostatnich dekadach, gdy model demokracji partyjnej zaczął słabnąć. Prowadzić to może do „demokracji widowni” lub „demokracji liderów”. Ogólna konkluzja jest taka, że tezy demokratycznego elityzmu w znacznej mierze zostały inkorporowane do teorii reprezentatywnej demokracji.
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4. Borchert, Jens. 2010. ‘They Ain’t Making Elites Like They Used To’: The Never Ending Trouble with Democratic Elitism. In: H. Best, J. Higley, eds. Democratic Elitism: New Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 25–41.
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12. Dudek, Antoni. 2014. Reglamentowana rewolucja. Kraków: Znak.
13. Gunther, Richard. 1992. Spain: The Very Model of the Modern Elite Settlement. In: J. Higley, R. Gunther, eds. Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America and Southern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 38–80.
14. Higley, John. 2010. Elites’ Illusions About Democracy. In: H. Best, J. Higley, eds. Democratic Elitism: New Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 79–94.
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20. Jasiewicz-Betkiewicz, Agnieszka, Mikołaj Cześnik, Michał Kotnarowski, Michał Wenzel, Marta Żebrowska-Balas. 2017. Co tam panie w polityce? Struktura potocznej wiedzy politycznej Polaków. Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 4, 27–46.
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Jacek Wasilewski

  1. Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN
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John Rawls’s theory is blamed by political realism for adopting the position of political moralism, i.e. for subordinating politics to morality and understanding political phi-losophy as applied ethics. This article addresses these charges. It addresses a number of issues: How does Rawls understand politics? Does he understand it at all? Does the theory of liberalism realistically describe democracies? What is its normative character? In what sense is it a ‘realist utopia’? By posing these questions this paper analyzes the self‑limiting, restrained character of political liberalism, which is a result of the realistic recognition of the fact of pluralism of reasonable doctrines in modern liberal societies. It is pointed out, however, that liberalism is not conceived as a self‑limiting political liberalism of Rawls, but as a ‘comprehensive doctrine’ that constitutes a unified ideological foundation for modern ‘liberal democracy’. The self‑limitation of liberalism cannot be sustained in this way, however, as is evidenced by the fact that Rawls’s theory attempting to separate the political sphere from the ‘background culture’ has clearly failed.
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Zdzisław Krasnodębski
1 2

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków
  2. Universität Bremen, FB 8 Sozialwissenschaften, Bibliothekstraße 1, 28359 Bremen, Niemcy
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In recent years, interest in the problem of expert knowledge has intensified among social scientists. One of the topics more frequently addressed in this context is the relationship between experts and laypeople. This paper examines this issue from the perspective of the concept of epistemic dependence formulated by John Hardwig. I argue that this concept poses a severe challenge to the vision of scientific inquiry dominant in the scientific literature and to the democratic idea of politics. I examine three strategies encountered in the literature for responding to this challenge: individualist, institutional, and epistocratic. Alvin Goldman advocates the first one, as he presents strategies at the disposal of a layman facing two conflicting expert opinions. The second is the belief in the scientific community’s potential to resolve all controversies and protect non-specialists from confronting them. The third is to eliminate epistemic dependence by including only those with sufficient practical experience in expert discussions. In the end, I conclude that the problem of epistemic dependence has no suitable solution. We should place our hopes only with strategies for circumventing it rather than confronting it.
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Janusz Grygieńć

  1. Instytut Filozofii, Wydział Filozofii i Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 1a, Toruń
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Artykuł prezentuje analizę problematyki zarządzania wielopoziomowego na przykładzie polityki energetycznej Unii Europejskiej. Proces integracji w Europie Zachodniej stanowi złożone zjawisko polityczne, społeczne i gospodarcze. Odpowiednie zarządzanie złożoną strukturą UE jest zarówno próbą skuteczności procesu integracji, jak również ważnym wyzwaniem, od którego zależy przyszłość projektu integracyjnego. Polityka energetyczna stanowi interesujące studium przypadku, na bazie którego można doskonale zaobserwować zarówno możliwości, jakie oferuje model multi-level governance dla jej skutecznego prowadzenia, jak również podstawowe trudności w jego praktycznym wdrażaniu. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, iż koncepcja wielopoziomowego zarządzania mogłaby być bardziej efektywnie realizowana w polityce energetycznej UE, ale są ku temu różnorodne ograniczenia.
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Krzysztof Tomaszewski
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Realised since the 1980’s, the project of the “city rebuilding” presupposes an environmental turn in city reform programmes and policies. & e purpose of this article is to demonstrate, how the agenda of the Country’s City Politics is being inspired by, and assimilates, the ideas of “being together” that have been worked out by city (social) movements. The society has come to be perceived as a source of “innovation”, or as possessing a certain, so far neglected, potential of development. In the governmental agendas, the ideals and claims of the social movements are operationalised” in such a way, as to identify society as a new resource of economic growth. The assimilation of the claims and ideals of the city movements into the governmental agendas becomes part of a new political rationality.

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Małgorzata Jacyno
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Mirosław Kofta
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The idea that everyone should accept the terms of a contract, provided that others do so, is the core normative idea of John Rawls’s doctrine of social justice, presented in his major books: A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism. In the present paper I argue that the principle of reciprocity makes it possible for Rawls to intertwine coherently two competing thought streams in the liberal tradition – the first one focusing on economic equality and the second one rooted in liberty. The idea of reciprocity adopted with the intention of satisfying the ideal of reasonableness in a well‑ordered society is the foundation of a genuine acceptance of the political conception of justice and of the civic ties and civic friendship. However, the historical and cultural analysis supports the conclusion that the Rawls’s project is buttressed by multigenerational experience of the discipline and ethos of the free market economy, which has not been openly endorsed by Rawls. Without support from such experience social solidarity within ethically neutral institutions would be hard to achieve unless it is expressed in terms of communitarian, patriotic or religious values.
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Dariusz Dańkowski SJ

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków
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This article presents a profile of the satirical weekly Szopka (A Puppet Show) published in Warsaw between 1922 and 1925 under the auspices of the National Democracy (ND). Committed to a nationalist ideology, Szopka published cartoons and satirical texts lampooning the alleged enemies of Poland and the Poles. Its favoured technique was to caricature and ridicule its targets, both individuals and institutions. Among them were Józef Piłsudski, his policies and his political associates, the Bolsheviks, the Germans and the Jews. To propagate their nationalist worldview the editors made use of a broad range of persuasion techniques.

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Ewa Maj
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This article presents a frequency analysis of the term 'independence' and examines its uses in discussions of education, economic life and culture in the 1904–1914 issues of Głos Polski, a political weekly associated with the National Democracy, published in Tarnopol (Ternopil).
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„Głos Polski” 1904–1914


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Arkadiusz Maślach

  1. Lublin
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Urban social movements present themselves as an answer to de3 ciencies of local politics. In this way, they situate themselves in agreement with popular diagnoses of crisis of democracy, and propose their own model of involvement in politics. However, is this model a chance for renewal of democracy, or is it just another version of politics understood as an enlightened management? Does it have the potential for broadening the political, or does it stop halfway? Presented article is an attempt in rethinking those questions. First part compares different political languages, in which critiques of contemporary democracy are formulated. Subsequently, Jacques Rancière’s conception is presented, as emphasising egalitarian and emancipatory dimensions of democracy. Examples of rhetorics and actions of urban social movements are considered in this double context of different political languages and radical character of democracy. The problem of ‘deficient political articulation’, which makes urban social movements unable to fully keep the promises they make, is stressed.

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Krzysztof Świrek
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The goal of this paper is to discuss changes implemented in Danish early childhood education influenced by neoliberal ideology, and views concerning the new requirements for teachers (pedagogues) at private and self-owned kindergartens. The paper describes the historical tradition of Danish kindergartens based on children’s free play and democracy, allowing children to develop social skills and cognition through exploration and discovery, and giving practitioners a great deal of autonomy. The new trend in Danish early childhood education is towards detailed planning of work and accountability-based-assessment, which contradicts the traditional philosophy. It pushes teachers to create programs that develop children’s readiness for school and to implement teaching methods based on educational standards mandated by the government. The results of this research project, based on interviews conducted with teachers and educational experts, demonstrates the educators’ criticism of this new approach and their attempts to save democracy as a central value in education

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Katarzyna Gawlicz
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The paper discusses political philosophy of Bogusław Wolniewicz. The leading idea of his general philosophy was rationalism of a specific type that he called ‘tychistic’ (meaning ‘based on fate’), or ‘transcendental’ (meaning ‘transgressing the limits of nature by reliance on human reason’). This self-description presents Wolniewicz as an author respecting his Christian background, though personally he did not espouse the complete body of precepts postulated by the Church. As a nonconfessional catholic he spoke in favor of Christian civilization which he identified with Western culture. This led him to the reject of liberalism, libertarianism and leftist ideologies. He wanted to be perceived as a democrat who supported civil and republican democracy based on the virtue of patriotism. He emphasized the essentiality of the possession of its own political state by each independent nation, and the most important circle of loyalty was for him a national community. Thus he undertook to defend a conception of cautious xenophobia that was expurgated of hate but dedicated to the defense of a national territory.

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Jacek Bartyzel
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John Rawls’s idea of the ‘veil of ignorance’ offers an opportunity to reflect on liberal‑democratic freedom of speech. Rawls’s method is to make political rules a priori, i.e. to give them the status of general principles hopefully applicable in most cases of real life. The rules of liberal‑democratic justice are formal in a way that makes them comparable to rules of formal logic. Encouraged by this similarity, we may ask: What logical form should be given to publicly discussed opinions allowed in a liberal democracy – when ‘allowed’ is meant in its legal or moral sense? The opinions expressed in the form of the particular judgment („Some S’s are P’s”) should obviously be always allowed in a public debate. But we must note that liberal democracies of our time tend to be more and more essentialist in the matter of ‘political correctness’. However, it is dangerous for law and political decisions to follow this new form of social prejudice. Liberal democracy turns in such circumstances into ‘ideological democracy’, and therefore becomes one that is no longer ‘liberal’. The opinions expressed in the form of general judgments („All S’s are P’s”) should always be permitted in public debate but only as a rhetorical (or emphatic) way of presenting personal beliefs. We should not try to make a political use of the logical ‘principle of double negation’. In logic, it is natural to assume that „Every S is P” implies that „No S is not‑P”. But in politics every citizen should be allowed to say instead that „Some S’s are not‑P’s”. The rules of law and political correctness must not restrict our freedom in this respect.
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Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, Redakcja „Przeglądu Filozoficznego”, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa

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