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In this comparative study of Angela Carter’s “The Lady of the House of Love” (1979) and Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) eating habits, relation to the domestic and to (ir)rationality are examined in the female and male characters in both works to show how their authors create gender hybridity. Drawing upon Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire (1985), the article proposes that the hybridity reproduces patriarchal transfer of power.
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Ewa Kowal
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A new approach to the transformations of the matrices of linear continuous-time systems to their canonical forms with desired eigenvalues is proposed. Conditions for the existence of solutions to the problems were given and illustrated by simple numerical examples.
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Tadeusz Kaczorek

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Białystok, Poland
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The present paper analyses the self-portrait of Isabelle Eberhardt emerging from the letters she wrote to three men: her brother Augustin de Moerder, her friend Ali Abdul Wahab and her husband Slimène Ehnni. The paper is divided into three parts. The first one discusses her desire of Orient, the second shows her will of annihilating herself and the last one focuses on the power of the desert which helps the writer to find the desired calm.

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Małgorzata Sokołowicz
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Bertrand Russell is known primarily as a logician, philosopher of mathematics, and analytical philosopher. However, a significant part of his life was devoted to world peace: he was an active pacifist from 1901 until his death. This article shows him in this role. Russell’s pacifist activities included not only participation in demonstrations and organizations, but also educational activities. He dealt with issues of education as a theorist and a practitioner. He organized his educational endeavour round the question of how to educate a pacifist and at the same time help her/him remain a free and creative woman/man.
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Magdalena Środa

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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In this study we examine the relationship between the perception of being objectified in the workplace and the self-assessment of worth on a personal level, i.e. social desirability and social utility. This relationship is thought to be mediated by self-objectification in the workplace. 241 participants responded to an online questionnaire to measure these different variables. The results confirm a negative relationship between the perception of being objectified and the people’s worth, as well as mediation through self-objectification. This phenomenon could describe a deleterious spiral where the worker, through the internalization of a low social value, contributes to their dehu-manization at work.
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Pierre De Oliveira
Auzoult Auzoult

  1. Université de Bourgogne, France
  2. Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté, France
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This article analyses the disorder in functioning of will by the example of characters from a few texts of French symbolism. On the basis of experimental psychology research described in Les Maladies de la volonté of Th. Ribot, there are discussed the example of people which unfulfilled or obsessive desires point to weakening of will due to the lack or excess of impulse. So next to the characters of aboulic individuals created by T. de Wyzewa i J. de Tinan, in the texts of Villiers de L’Isle-Adam and M. Schwob we can see people pursuing at any cost the achievement of power, or the confirmation of oneself uniqueness.

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Anna Opiela-Mrozik
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Zola's novel world can be seen as a play of forces that takes place in a strictly defined spatial configuration between aspirational characters striving to realize their desires; the body in motion becomes their expressive medium. Always semantically marked, movement is not only understood as the hero's movement between points in space. In this analytical perspective, based on the body of La Curée et L`Argent, the movement becomes the embodiment of the will / desire, the transformation of thought into action, what is potential into real.

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Jolanta Rachwalska von Rejchwald
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Roger Scruton repudiates the idea that civil liberty is a natural and unconditionally desirable state of citizenry, while subjection is something degrading and unnatural. He characterizes the conservative political system as a ‘rule by institutions’ supported by a theory of nature and a theory describing the functioning of institutions. National politics results from operations of social and political institutions which have grown out of traditional arrangements, respect raison d’État, and are governed by offices. The author argues that this is a sound interpretation of essential political arrangements, if it can solve the problem of political reconstruction after a period of decline or disintegration. As a matter of fact Scruton offers such a solution in his analysis of various forms of liberalism, one of which he seems to identify with conservatism.

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Jacek Hołówka
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In this investigation, high specific strength precipitation hardenable alloy AA7068-T6 was joined using friction stir welding. Experiments were carried out using the three factor-three level central composite face-centered design of response surface methodology. Regression models were developed to assess the influence of tool rotational speed, welding speed, and axial force on ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the fabricated joints. The validity of the developed models was tested using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), actual and adjusted values of the regression coefficients, and experimental trials. The analysis of the developed models together with microstructural studies of typical cases showed that the tool rotational speed and welding speed have a significant interaction effect on the tensile strength and elongation of the joints. However, the axial force has a relatively low interaction effect with tool rotational speed and welding speed on the strength and elongation of the joints. The process variables were optimized using the desirability function analysis. The optimized values of joint tensile strength and elongation – 516 MPa and 21.57%, respectively were obtained at a tool rotational speed of 1218 rpm, welding speed of 47 mm/ min, and an axial force of 5.3 kN.
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  5.  P. Goel, A.N. Siddiquee, N.Z. Khan, M.A. Hussain, Z.A. Khan, M.H. Abidi, and A. Al-Ahmari, “Investigation on the effect of tool pin profiles on mechanical and microstructural properties of friction stir butt and scarf welded aluminium alloy 6063,” Metals, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 74, 2018.
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M.D. Bindu
P.S. Tide
A.B. Bhasi
K.K. Ramachandran

  1. Division of Mechanical Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Trissur, Kerala, India
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A novel methodology was implemented in the present study to concurrently control power conversion efficiency (η) and durability (D) of co-sensitized dye solar cells. Applying response surface methodology (RSM) and Desirability Function (DF), the main influential assembling (dye volume ratio and anti-aggregation agent concentration) and operational (performance temperature) parameters were systematically changed to probe their main and interactive effects on the η and D responses. Individual optimization based on RSM elucidated that D can be solely controlled by changing the ratio of vat-based organic photosensitizers, whereas η takes both effects of dye volume ratio and anti-aggregation concentration into account. Among the studied factors, the performance temperature played the most vital role in η and D regulation. In particular, however, multi-objective optimization by DF explored the degree to which one should be careful about manipulation of assembling and operational parameters in the way maximization of performance of a co-sensitized dye solar cell.

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M. Hosseinnezhad
A. Shadman
M. Reza Saeb
Y. Mohammadi
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The first part of the paper concentrates on the motive of desire, strictly related to the concept of will, in two stories from Les Ombres sanglantes [The Bloody Shadows] (1820) by J. P. R. Cuisin. Afterwards, the theme of power, considered firstly in the physical aspect and then in its supernatural dimension, is analyzed in further four stories. The article concludes with thoughts on the literary objectives of Cuisin’s book and on its potentially caricatural side.

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Łukasz Szkopiński
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This analysis of selected novels and short stories by Józef Bogdan Dziekoński – Pająk [ The Spider], Siła woli [ Willpower], Piosnka [ A Simple Song], and Wyzwolenie zapaleńca [ The Liberation of Enthusiast] – shows that they share similar narrative structure based on the interception of messages sent by the narrator to an absent ideal recipient by an eaves-dropping intruder who gradually displaces the original addressee. Working within the framework of a romance story Dziekoński develops a philosophy of desire which accepts incompleteness, contingency and disillusionment. They combine in an affirmation of life and an opposition to morbid phantasies or the idea of irreplaceability of love in the myth of l'amour tristanien.
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Ewa Wojciechowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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This article is an attempt to identify the main themes in the literary work of Zygmunt Haupt, a Polish writer, journalist and painter, who emigrated to the United States in the aftermath of World War II. His writings show a keen awareness of the issue of absence/presence and the related problems of memory traits, identity and literary representation. Drawing on the psychoanalytical criticism of Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva and the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, this reading of Haupt’s fi ction, especially his short stories (whose collected edition was published in 2007 under the title The Basque Devil), is a critical reassessment of his work. As a storyteller he excels in the depiction of scenes of terror, desire and the uncanny. The article argues Haupt’s work represents not only a remarkable literary achievement but also offers an interesting study case for critics whose approach is founded on literary theory, psychoanalysis and anthropology.

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Michał Zając
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This article examines Słowacki’s preoccupation with eroticism in some of his works and in his correspondence. The first part focuses on his poem ‘In Switzerland’ in which the relationship between the characters is shrouded in ambiguity and the sexual theme is treated in an elliptical manner. Beatrix Cenci, a Romantic drama showing the fi lthy, predatory aspects of sexuality and eroticism, is analysed in the second part of the article. It is followed by a discussion of Słowacki’s correspondence with Leonard Niedźwiecki, conducted in French. The article examines the ways in which the choice of the French language appears to have infl uenced the poet’s articulation of his intimate experiences and desires.

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Magdalena Ciechańska
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This article deals with the expansion of the culture of quixotry in Polish fiction of the 2010s. Although Tomasz Wiśniewski, Natalka Suszczyńska, Dorota Kotas and Wit Szostak, notable representatives of this new trend, on the whole make no reference to Don Quixote, their novels do display certain characteristic features of the quixotic discourse, i.e. the story is centred on a character with an unconventional perception of reality and the primacy of imagination in relations between the individual and society. The imagination that drives these novels moves both upwards, opening to the characters a prospect of vertical ‘Gothic’ ascent, and sideways, helping the characters to explore various ways of life and to adapt in the horizontal real world (cf. Dawid Kujawa, ‘Dzieci skitrane na tyłach katedry’ [Children hidden at the back of the cathedral], “Stoner Polski”, 2022). In the texts of younger writers the vertical vector is often associated with the desire to transcend the condition of depressive precarity and the logic of the capitalist system).
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Michał Koza

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ

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