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Uzasadnieniem dla tak sformułowanego tytułu jest dynamika przemian zachodzących we współczesnej kreacji architektonicznej, której wyrazem są formy niedające się jednoznacznie przyporządkować – zlokalizowane na pograniczu dyscyplin, kontestujące dotychczasowe granice. Głównym przesłaniem pracy jest stwierdzenie, że transgresja w architekturze otwiera nowe możliwości dla działalności architektonicznej. Prowokuje do redefinicji pojęcia architektury oraz roli architekta. To naczelne założenie zainspirowane zosta ło współczesnymi praktykami architektonicznymi, a także ostatnio wydanymi publikacjami podejmującymi problematykę transgresji w architekturze, (np. The Architecture of Transgression, wydaną w ramach prestiżowego czasopisma AD –Architectural Design). Artykuł w zamierzeniu ma skłaniać do refleksji, a co istotniejsze, ma inspirować do dyskusji nad zagadnieniem transgresji we współczesnej działalności architektonicznej.

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Ewelina Woźniak-Szpakiewicz
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Ewa Rondio
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Brasilia. A city that is a utopia. An experiment. A political act. A city that is a symbol and a manifesto. Built because of an idea and boldly cast deep inland. And although it was built in the 1960’s, it still elicits strong emotions. This masterfully planned city was meant to be a model centre and an aesthetic symbol of new modernist thought, as well as the key to the success of Brazil’s young society. Over sixty years have passed since signing the founding act of the city by the socialist and populist Juscelino Kubitschek. How is this urban masterwork, the symbol of Brazilian postmodernism, that once surprised and enchanted the entire world, developing today? What is left of the imaginings and assumptions of functionalists? Can we state that this globally unique experiment was successful?
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Beata Malinowska-Petelenz
Mariusz Twardowski
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The article presents scientific achievements of Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize Laureates in economic sciences in 2019: Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee, and Michael Kremer. The paper describes their contribution to the research on the sources of poverty in the world and the ways of alleviating it, and their contribution to the development of experimental research in social sciences using randomized control trials (RCT). In this context, the authors explain the reasons for growing popularity of this approach in development economics and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

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Dominik Buttler
Jan Szambelańczyk
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According to Bell’s theorem, no local realistic model can reproduce all predictions of quantum mechanics for the EPR-B experiment. Any such model would have to predict both the perfect correlation and breaking the CHSH inequality, but this seems impossible, since to provide the first prediction, the model would have to be deterministic, whereas this would seem to make the second one impossible. A model of the EPR-B experiment is presented, in which this apparent contradiction is expected to be avoided due to a deterministic chaotic mechanism underlying measurements. The model is in the phase of a “black box” model, since this mechanism is not yet specified, but only a corresponding probabilistic response function.
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Jan Czerniawski

  1. Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

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