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Too much liberty to produce and consume will lead the human race to ruin; the clothing industry is unfortunately increasingly contributing to this – says Magdalena Płonka from the University of Economics and Human Sciences (AEH) in Warsaw.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Płonka

  1. University of Economics and Human Sciences (AEH) in Warsaw
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The effect of total energy consumption and electric energy consumption on cumulated noxiousness index (SWU) value of coke production process, steel rolled goods and PVC windows profiles is presented in the paper. Using the sequential analysis it was proved that in SWU of the prediction process, from the stage of law materials to the final product, the onerousness connected with energy consumption amounts from 70% up to 81%, whereas that connected with electric energy directly or indirectly consumed - from 60% up to 77%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agata Malina
Jan Konieczyński
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In this study, heavy metals pollutions in waters, soils and vegetables were investigated from farms, near oil refinery in south of Tehran city, Iran (Shahre Ray). The most important heavy metals in Iranian oil are vanadium, cobalt, nickel, arsenic and mercury (V, Co, Ni, As, Hg). In this region, the concentration of heavy metals in soils, well waters and leafy edible vegetables were evaluated in ten different points of farms. Geographic information systems (GIS) were used to estimate the levels of heavy metals concentration at unmeasured locations. After sample preparation, concentrations of heavy metals in vegetables, soils and waters were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Five different leafy edible vegetables from farms, i.e., Persian leek, dill, parsley, spinach and radish were sampled in spring, summer and autumn 2012. In vegetables and well water samples, the concentrations of V, Ni and Co were above the permissible limit of heavy metals as compared to WHO guidelines and the concentrations of these metals in agricultural soils were found to be lower in accordance to soil references. The industrial waste waters had high concentration of heavy metals in this area. In consequence, the results of this study indicate that industrial waste water can cause pollution in well waters and edible vegetables. So, this region is not suitable for cultivation and growing vegetables.

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Authors and Affiliations

Hamid Shirkhanloo
Seyed Alireza Hajiseyed Mirzahosseini
Nasrin Shirkhanloo
Seyyed Ali Moussavi-Najarkola
Hadi Farahani
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The increasing demand for noble metals boosts their price. In order to meet the increasing demand for elements, a number of technologies are being developed to recover elements already present in the environment.Traffic-related metal pollution is a serious worldwide concern. Roadside soils are constantly subjected to the deposition of metals released by tailpipe gases, vehicle parts, and road infrastructure components. These metals,especially platinum group elements from catalytic converters, accumulating in the soil pose a risk both for agricultural and residential areas. Phytomining is suggested as a novel technology to obtain platinum group metals from plants grown on the contaminated soil, rock, or on mine wastes. Interest in this method is growing as interest in the recovery of rare metals is also increasing. Based on the research of many authors, the sources and amounts of noble metals that accumulate in soil along communication routes have been presented. The paper presents also plants that can be used for phytomining.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Gawroński
Grzegorz Łutczyk
Wiesław Szulc
Beata Rutkowska

  1. Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Poland
  2. Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad, Poland
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The area of the Coastal Landscape Park (CLP) due to its location is extremely attractive touristi carea. In the summer season, a significant increase in population density is observed, which influences surface water quality. Large numbers of tourists generate an increased amount of municipal wastewater, being treated in local treatment plants and discharged into rivers and streams. The paper presents preliminary research from summer 2016 on three watercourses ending in the Baltic Sea: Piaśnica, Karwianka and Czarna Wda rivers. It is a part of a long-term project conducted in CLP to assess surface waters quality. The scope of research included measurements of in situ parameters (temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen). Chemical Oxygen Demand was determined using a spectrophotometer. Ion chromatography was used to determine ions concentrations (including biogenic compounds). Sanitary state of watercourses was assessed based on fecal coliforms abundance, which number was determined by the cultivation method. The determination of microbiological parameters such as: prokaryotic cell abundance expressed as total cells number (TCN), prokaryotic cell biovolume expressed as average cell volume (ACV), the prokaryotic biomass (PB) and prokaryotic cell morphotype diversity was determined using epifluorescence microscopy method. Results showed that water quality of Piaśnica and Czarna Wda rivers were affected by discharged treated wastewater. In the case of Karwianka River, the main pollution source could be surface runoff from fields and unregulated sewage management in this area. The conducted research confirmed the urgent need for better protection of this area to conserve both its ecosystem and value for tourism.
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Authors and Affiliations

Emilia Bączkowska
Agnieszka Kalinowska
Oskar Ronda
2 3
Katarzyna Jankowska
Rafał Bray
Bartosz Płóciennik
Żaneta Polkowska
3 2

  1. Department of Water and Wastewater Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
  2. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
  3. EkoTech Center, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
  4. Costal Landscape Park, Wladyslawowo, Poland
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In the context of China’s new infrastructure construction developing rapidly, this paper explores the sustainable new infrastructure green development pattern. We establish qualitative and quantitative indicators for green technology innovation (GTI) at both the societal macro level and enterprise micro level, capturing the multidimensional nature of China’s green innovation dynamic. Additionally, we create an indicator system for China’s new infrastructure investment intensity (NTI) across three areas: information infrastructure, integration infrastructure, and innovation infra-structure. Using provincial panel data from 2010 to 2020, we construct a coupling coordination degree model (CCDM) to examine the level of coordination between NTI and GTI. Our findings reveal that: the degree of coordination between NTI and GTI follows a U-shaped curve, with both subsystems remaining far from highly coordinated during rapid development; the coupling level of NTI and GTI in China is currently at a near dissonance level overall; the degree of coupling and coordination between NTI and GTI is mainly influenced by policies, and the coupling level is higher on the enterprise side than on the societal side; the two parameters (α-NTI and β-GTI) widely used in prior studies have less of an effect on the coordinated coupling system than other factors considered herein.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kunjie Zhu
Simin Yang

  1. Department of Economics and Trade, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Hunan, China.
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The study was carried out in the area of three dam reservoirs: Blizne and Maziarnia (Voivodeship of Podkarpackie) and Nielisz (Voivodeship of Lublin). The main parameter differentiating the reservoirs was the water retention time and the manner of water discharge from the reservoirs. Three test sites were designated in the area of each reservoir: in the river zone of the reservoir, in the central part of the reservoir, and near the reservoir dam. At these sites, the concentrations of suspended sediment in the water and the content of organic matter in it, the concentrations of total phosphorus and total nitrogen, as well as chlorophyll a were monitored. In addition, two control sites were established: on the river upstream of the reservoir and on the river downstream of the dam, respectively. At these points, the concentrations of suspended sediments in the water and their organic matter content were recorded. The obtained results of the study and multivariate analysis of the data showed that morphometric parameters (including water retention time) of reservoirs and the method of water discharge influence water quality in downstream rivers. It was found that by using lower discharge and ensuring a sufficiently long retention time of water in the reservoir, it is possible to effectively limit the negative aspects of hydrotechnical structures’ impact on the natural environment.
In practice, the observed relationships may constitute an important and missing link in the aspect of minimising undesirable side effects of this type of hydrotechnical objects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maksymilian Cieśla
Renata Gruca-Rokosz

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Department of Environmental and Chemistry Engineering, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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The impact of using rubber hydraulic hoses with a shortened service life on environmental pollution has not yet been raised in the scientific national literature. Most researchers focus on the analysis of used engine oils or contaminated fluid in hydraulic systems, rather than on their direct environmental impact. For some time now, the European market has seen an increase in imports of cheap rubber hydraulic hoses from countries outside the Community. There is a potential risk of negative environmental impacts from the use of these hoses if they do not meet appropriate quality standards. The study examined samples of hydraulic hoses purchased directly from the manufacturers or traders of rubber hydraulic hoses from countries outside the European Union. The products were tested for compliance with PN-EN 853:2015-05 and PN-EN 857:2015-05. Out of 14 fully tested hydraulic hoses, only 2 were found to comply with the applicable European standards. The results encourage further research to determine the impact of rubber hydraulic hoses with reduced service life on environmental and economic costs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Orczykowski
Jakub Korniluk
Robert Sobków
Łukasz Sobków

  1. Bydgoskie Zakłady Przemysłu Gumowego “STOMIL” S.A., Toruńska St, 155, 85-950 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. WSHiU Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Poznaniu, 28 Czerwca 1956 r. St, 217/219, 61-485 Poznań, Poland

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