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The article include the consideration of social functions of higher education for indigenous minorities living in the Arctic. Particular emphasis was placed on reconstructing educational practices and the language policy that is implemented toward indigenous minorities in Alaska, Canadian Arctic, Greenland, northern regions of Scandinavia and Northern Russia. An attempt was made at examining the relationship between higher education, language policy, and the development of ethnic identity.
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Tomasz Gmerek
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The article is devoted to a study of the dynamics of linguistic and cultural assimilation of migrants from the Boyko region to the Donetsk region in Ukraine and the establishment of relevant factors that contributed to this process or delayed it. The research was carried out on the material of two centres of compact resettlement of the Boykos, who found themselves in different linguistic, cultural and social conditions. The author focuses on the role of the presence/absence of the dominant dialect of the recipient microsociety, the degree of linguistic and cultural affinity between the migrants and the host microsociety, the conflictogenicity of the situation, the language of education and the language of the city in the process of the assimilation of the migrants and their descendants.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lyubov Frolyak

  1. Люблін, Університет Марії Кюрі-Склодовської в Любліні

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