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The thrust of this article is to examine a contemporary international arbitration process in commercial and investment cases, specifically the interplay of common law and civil law elements in the taking of evidence. It begins with a survey of the provisions of the most popular international arbitration instruments, including international arbitration rules and IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration. Following the discussion of some relevant examples of international arbitration instruments, the author tries to answer the question whether these instruments, in their current form, support the popular thesis that the international arbitration process has become largely harmonized. In trying to verify this thesis, the article also goes beyond the text of international arbitration instruments and considers the influence of the cultural biases of international arbitration actors.
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Konrad Czech
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This is a review article about historical evidences and new methodological proposals presented at the Congress Polish Historians in Olsztyn (2009), edited by Jolanta Kolbuszewska and Rałaf Stobiecki.
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Andrzej Radomski
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The article is devoted to some critical problems of using Bayesian networks for solving practical problems, in which graph models contain directed cycles. The strict requirement of the acyclicity of the directed graph representing the Bayesian network does not allow to efficiently solve most of the problems that contain directed cycles. The modern theory of Bayesian networks prohibits the use of directed cycles. The requirement of acyclicity of the graph can significantly simplify the general theory of Bayesian networks, significantly simplify the development of algorithms and their implementation in program code for calculations in Bayesian networks..
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[1] A. Nafalski and A.P. Wibawa, “Machine translation with javanese speech levels’ classification,” Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, vol. 6, no 1, pp 21-25, 2016.
[2] Z.Omiotek and P. Prokop, “The construction of the feature vector in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis based on the fractal analysis of CT chest images,” Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 16-23, 2019.
[3] A. Litvinenko, O. Mamyrbayev, N. Litvinenko, A. Shayakhmetova, “Application of Bayesian networks for estimation of individual psychological characteristics,” Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, vol. 95, no. 5, pp. 92-97, 2019
[4] X.Q. Cai, X.Y. Wu, X. Zhou, “Stochastic scheduling subject to breakdown-repeat breakdowns with incomplete information,” Operations Research, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1236–1249, 2009. doi: 10.1287/opre.1080.0660
[5] K.W. Fornalski, “The Tadpole Bayesian Model for Detecting Trend Changes in Financial Quotations,” R&R Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 117–122, 2016.
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[10] F.V. Jensen, T.D. Nielsen “Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs,” Springer, 2007.
[11] D. Barber, “Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning,” 2017, 686 p. staff/D.Barber/ textbook/020217.pdf
[12] R.E. Neapolitan “Learning Bayesian Networks,” 704p.,%20Richard).pdf
[13] O. Mamyrbayev, M. Turdalyuly, N. Mekebayev, and et al. “Continuous speech recognition of kazakh language», AMCSE 2018 Int. conf. On Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering, Rom, Italy, 2019, vol. 24, pp. 1-6.
[14] A. Litvinenko, N. Litvinenko, O. Mamyrbayev, A. Shayakhmetova, M. Turdalyuly “Clusterization by the K-means method when K is unknown,” Inter. Conf. Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering. Rome, Italy, 2019, vol. 24, pp. 1-6.
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[19] N. Litvinenko, A. Litvinenko, O. Mamyrbayev, A. Shayakhmetova “Work with Bayesian Networks in BAYESIALAB,” Almaty: IPIC, 2018, 311 p. (in Rus). ISBN 978-601-332-206-3.

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Assem Shayakhmetova
1 2
Natalya Litvinenko
Orken Mamyrbayev
Waldemar Wójcik
4 5
Dusmat Zhamangarin

  1. Institute of Information and Computational Technology, 050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  2. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  3. Information and Computational Technology, 050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  4. Institute of Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty
  5. Lublin Technical University, Poland
  6. Kazakh University Ways of Communications, Kazakhstan
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The paper examines the special historiographic evidence: the lost last book of the well‑known Polish historian and methodologist Professor Jerzy Topolski entitled “New Methodology of History”. Only its working outline in the form of an extensive table of contents has survived, but this does not prevent the author from making interesting hypotheses as to its meaning.
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Jan Pomorski

  1. Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin
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This article examines the autobiographical quotations of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra that are corroborated directly and indirectly by both old and newly discovered documents which contain references to the writer and his relatives. It is worth bearing in mind that some of that evidence was for long ignored, or allowed to fade into oblivion, or, sometimes, misinterpreted. Even some 20th-century scholars acclaimed for their richly documented biographies of the author of Don Quixote, appear not to have taken account of that resource, while insisting that there are still many unsolved enigmas in Cervantes' life. Undoubtedly, his life, like that of any genius, continues to exert an irresistible fascination even though its exploration is fraught with countless hazards, not least because of the complex interrelationships between his own texts and all kinds of documentary evidence supplied by historical research. The latter, the article claims, constitutes not only an invaluable treasure for any pursuit of the truth about Cervantes but also a solid base for a comprehensive account of his life and work.
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Krzysztof Śliwa

  1. Académico correspondiente de la Real Academia de Córdoba y Académico correspondiente de la Real Academia de Toledo
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Psychotherapy as an evidence-based clinical practice is a relatively young field. In defining psychotherapy, we will outline a continuum – from the use of psychological methods to improve well-being to psychotherapy as an evidence-based method of treating mental disorders. We discuss the types of outcome research, metaanalyses and recommendations for practice. Based on the example of research program TRAKT on psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy PTSD conducted in Poland, we will point out important questions of modern psychotherapy regarding the interpretation of research results, patient safety, personalization of treatment and ways of development and its place in the mental healthcare.
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Agnieszka Popiel
Bogdan Zawadzki

  1. Centrum Badań Klinicznych i Doskonalenia Psychoterapii,Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet SWPS
  2. Wydział Psychologii, UniwersytetWarszawski
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In the article the author discusses peculiarities of three areas of psychologists’ professional activity: conducting scientific research, educating new generations of psychologists, and having a private practice. He particularly stresses the significance of empirical testability of theories for correct and ethical assessment practice (according to Evidence-Based Assessment standard) and therapeutic practice (according to Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology standard). The author also explores the cultural immersion of psychological activity.

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Jerzy Marian Brzeziński
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In order to solve the problem of misjudgment caused by the traditional power grid fault diagnosis methods, a new fusion diagnosis method is proposed based on the theory of multisource information fusion. In this method, the fault degree of the power element is deduced by using the Bayesian network. Then, the time-domain singular spectrum entropy, frequencydomain power spectrum entropy and wavelet packet energy spectrum entropy of the electrical signals of each circuit after the failure are extracted, and these three characteristic quantities are taken as the fault support degree of the power components. Finally, the four fault degrees are normalized and classified as four evidence bodies in the D-S evidence theory for multifeature fusion, which reduces the uncertainty brought by a single feature body. Simulation results show that the proposed method can obtain more reliable diagnosis results compared with the traditional methods.
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[1] Yao Yuantao, Wang Jin, Xie Min, Hu Liqin and Wang Jianye, ”A new approach for fault diagnosis with full-scope simulator based on state information imaging in nuclear power plant”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 141, 1-9.
[2] Lei Koua, Chuang Liua, Guo-wei Caia, Zhe Zhangb, ”Fault Diagnosis for Power Electronics Converters based on Deep Feedforward Network and Wavelet Compression”, Electric Power Systems Research, 2020, 185, 1-9.
[3] Haibo Zhang, Kai Jia, Weijin Shi, Jianzhao Guo, Weizhi Su and Li Zhang, ”Power Grid Fault Diagnosis Based on Information Theory and Expert System”, Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA,, 2017, 29(8), 111-118.
[4] Jianfeng Zhou, Genserik Reniers and Laobing Zhang, ”A weighted fuzzy Petri-net based approach for security risk assessment in the chemical industry”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 174, 136-145.
[5] Sen Wang and Xiaorun Li, ”Circuit Breaker Fault Detection Method Based on Bayesian Approach”, Industrial Control Computer, 2018, 31(4), 147-151.
[6] Kaikai Gu and Jiang Guo, ”Transformer Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Compact Fusion of Fuzzy Set and Fault Tree”, High Voltage Engineering , 2014, 40(05), 1507-1513.
[7] Jun Miao, Qikun Yuan, Liwen Liu, Zhipeng You and Zhang Wang, ”Research on robot circuit fault detection method based on dynamic Bayesian network”, Electronic Design Engineering, 2020, 28(9), 184- 188.
[8] Bangcheng Lai and Genxiu Wu, ”The Evidence Combination Method Based on Information Entropy”, Journal of Jiangxi Normal University (Natural Science), 2012, 36(5), 519-523.
[9] Libo Liu, Tingting Zhao, Yancang Li and Bin Wang, ”An Improved Whale Algorithm Based on Information Entry”, Mathematics in practice and theory, 2020, 50(2), 211-219.
[10] Juan Yan, Minfang Peng, et al., ”Fault Diagnosis of Grounding Grids Based on Information Entropy and Evidence Fusion”, Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA, 2017, 29(12),8-13.
[11] Ershadi, Mohammad Mahdi and Seifi, Abbas, ”An efficient Bayesian network for differential diagnosis using experts’ knowledge”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2020, 13(1), 103-126.
[12] Guan Li, Zhifeng Liu, Ligang Cai and Jun Yan, ”Standing-Posture Recognition in Human–Robot Collaboration Based on Deep Learning and the Dempster–Shafer Evidence Theory”, Sensors, 2020, 20(4), 1- 17.
[13] Xiaofei He, Xiaoyang Tong and Shu Zhou, ”Power system fault diagnosis based on Bayesian network and fault section location”, Power system protection and control, 2010, 38(12), 29-34.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xin Zeng
1 2
Xingzhong Xiong
1 3
Zhongqiang Luo
1 3

  1. School of Automation and Information Engineering, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Yibin, China
  2. Artificial Intelligence Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Yibin, China
  3. Artificial Intelligence Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Universityof Science and Engineering, Yibin, China
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The quick leakage alarm and the accurate concentration prediction are two important aspects of natural gas safety monitoring. In this paper, a rapid monitoring method of sensor data sharing, rapid leakage alarm and simultaneous output of concentrations prediction is proposed to accelerate the alarm speed and predict the possible impact of leakage. In this method, the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory is used to fuse the trend judgment and the CUSUM (cumulative sum) and the Gauss-Newton iteration is used to predict the concentration. The experiment system based on the TGS2611 natural gas sensor was built. The results show that the fusion method is significantly better than the single monitoring method. The alarm time of fusion method was more advanced than that of the CUSUM method and the trend method (being averagely, 10.4% and 7.6% in advance in the CUSUM method and the trend method respectively). The relative deviations of the predicted concentration were the maximum (13.3%) at 2000 ppm (parts per million) and the minimum (0.8%) at 6000 ppm, respectively.
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[1] P. Lustenberger, F. Schumacher, M. Spada, P. Burgherr, and B. Stojadinovic, ”Assessing the performance of the European natural gas network for selected supply disruption scenarios using open-source information”, Energies 12, 1–28 (2019).
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Authors and Affiliations

Rongli Li
Yuexin Fan

  1. Faculty of Sanjiang University, Nanjing, China
  2. Faculty of Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China
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The paper examines the special historiographic evidence: the lost last book by the well-known Polish historian and methodologist Professor Jerzy Topolski entitled “Methodology of History at the Beginning of the 21st Century”. Only its working outline in the form of an extensive table of contents has survived, but this does not prevent the author from making interesting hypotheses as to its meaning.

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Jan Pomorski
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The aim of this paper is to exploit the informative nature of datasets that can be created from corpus-based software to explore specific phenomena in early modern specialized discourse, and to corroborate the adoption of the same software for historical analysis. Particular relevance will be devoted to the special nature of historical evidence, which has caused critical issues in the reliability of the data collected for the purpose of historical investigation of English. Spelling variation, in this sense, is one of the most crucial problems of Early Modern English, and this has often affected the reliability of data to be collected via software, especially when statistical findings are involved. The normalisation of historical texts has contributed enormously to make texts better readable for historical corpus analysis; and, consequently, to improve the accuracy and manipulation of data. Moreover, several tools used in corpus linguistics have benefited from the normalisation of spelling variants in the same terms, e.g. part-of-speech taggers for historical variety. This case study will attempt to explore the data retrievable from corpus-based software like VARD, #LancsBox and CQPweb, and to use them to corroborate a preliminary analysis of early modern economics discourse in two treatises written by Gerard Malynes in 1601 and 1623.
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Malynes, Gerard, fl. 1586-1641., 2004, A treatise of the canker of Englands common wealth Deuided into three parts: wherein the author imitating the rule of good phisitions, first, declareth the disease. Secondarily, sheweth the efficient cause thereof. Lastly, a remedy for the same. By Gerrard De Malynes merchant., Oxford Text Archive,
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Remo Appolloni

  1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
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This article provides an overview of the approach taken by the International Court of Justice and its predecessor, the Permanent Court of International Justice, to questions of municipal law. Beginning with an outline of the theoretical framework, it discusses the conventional position that domestic law is a factual issue for the Court, before considering the ways in which the two Courts have utilised municipal law. It also considers to what extent the Court employs domestic law in ascertaining international legal rules.
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Peter Tomka
Jessica Howley
Vincent-Joël Proulx
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The main topic of this article is retroactive application of procedural criminal law. In this text the question will be posed – and answered – whether the application of a new procedural provision that entered into force in the course of an ongoing proceeding should in that proceeding be considered as retroactive and in what scope or/and under what conditions can such retroactivity be allowed for. As will be shown the solutions in national jurisdictions differ according to the common law – continental law states divide. This problem will be discussed in the light of a decision in the ICC Ruto and Sang case. In this case the ICC Appeals Chamber had to answer several questions pertaining to the temporal application of new procedural provisions. Firstly, the Chamber had to decide whether a general ban on the retroactive application of substantive law should also apply to procedural criminal law. Secondly, the ICC Appeals Chamber had to analyze the criteria according to which it would evaluate whether the change of rules of criminal procedure in the course of an ongoing trial was to be considered as having a retroactive effect, and whether the change in the rules of admission of evidence could be considered detrimental to the accused. Thirdly, it will be shown that the ICC Appeals Chamber has chosen the common law concept of “due process rights” rather than the idea of “intertemporal rules” known from the continental doctrine, and why it chose to do so.

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Hanna Kuczyńska

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