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Priority wise channelization of resources is the key to successful environmental management, especially when funds are limited. The study in hand has successfully developed an algorithmic criterion to compare hazardous effects of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) dumping sites quantitatively. It is a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) that has made use of the scaling function to normalize the data values, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for assigning weights to input parameters showing their relevant importance, and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) for aggregating the normalized scores. Input parameters have been divided into three classes namely Resident’s Concerns, Groundwater Vulnerability and Surface Facilities. Remote Sensing data and GIS analysis were used to prepare most of the input data. To elaborate the idea, four dumpsites have been chosen as case study, namely Old-FSD, New-FSD, Saggian and Mahmood Booti. The comparison has been made first at class levels and then class scores have been aggregated into environmental normalized index for environmental impact ranking. The hierarchy of goodness found for the selected sites is New-FSD > Old-FSD > Mahmood Booti > Saggian with comparative scores of goodness to environment as 36.67, 28.43, 21.26 and 13.63 respectively. Flexibility of proposed model to adjust any number of classes and parameters in one class will be very helpful for developing world where availability of data is the biggest hurdle in research based environmental sustainability planning. The model can be run even without purchasing satellite data and GIS software, with little inaccuracy, using imagery and measurement tools provided by Google Earth.

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Authors and Affiliations

Khalid Mahmood
Syeda Adila Batool
Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhary
Zia Ul-Haq
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Municipal solid waste collection points (MSWCPs) are places where residents of municipalities can leave their waste free of charge. MSWCPs should operate in every municipality in Poland. The Geographic Information System (GIS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) were used in conjunction as tools to determine potential locations of MSWCPs. Due to possible social conflicts related to the location of MSWCPs, three variants of buffer zones for a residential area were adopted. As a result of the spatial analysis carried out using the GIS software, 247 potential locations were identified in variant no. 1 (which accounted for 7.1% of commune area), 167 for variant no. 2 (6.3% of commune area), and 88 for variant no. 3 (3.8% of commune area). The most favourable locations for MSWCPs were determined using the AHP method with additional criteria for which weights were calculated as follows: the area of a designated plot (0.045), actual designation of a plot in the local spatial development plan (0.397), distance from the centre of the village (0.096) and the commune (0.231), and population density of a village (0.231). The highest weights (over 50%) in the AHP analysis were obtained for 12 locations in variant no. 3, two of which had an area over 3 ha. The adopted methodology enabled to identify quasi-optimal solutions for MSWCP locations in the analysed rural commune. This research has the potential to influence future waste management policies by assisting stakeholders in the MSWCP location.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Malinowski
Sylwia Guzdek
Agnieszka Petryk
Klaudia Tomaszek

  1. University of Agriculture in Cracow, Department of Bioprocesses Engineering, Energetics and Automatization, ul. Balicka 116b, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Economics, Department of Microeconomics, Kraków, Poland
  3. Cracow University of Economics, Department of Spatial Management, Kraków, Poland
  4. University of Agriculture in Cracow, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Agrophysics, Kraków, Poland
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With the increase in the mass of municipal waste generated, the demand for facilities dealing with their development is increasing. The aim of the research was to determine environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the location of waste management facilities and an attempt to indicate potential locations for selected waste management facilities in the communes of the Sądecko-Gorlicki region. The scope of work included: a review of existing waste management facilities in the studied region, acquisition of geodatabase for digital data, analysis of the distance between the waste management facilities and environmental or anthropogenic elements, and analysis of potential locations designated in the GIS based on the developed criteria.As a result of spatial analyzes, it was found that in the study area, there are 3 places of potentiallocations for installation of municipal solid waste treatment facilities.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Malinowski
Agnieszka Petryk
Jakub Rybiński
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The concept of creation of the geoportal “Environmental Safety of Ukrainian-Polish Transboundary Territories” has been developed. General principles and methodological approaches of spatiotemporal geographically distributed thematic data integration were substantiated. The geoinformation system, which is based on results of monitoring researches of objects of the nature reserve fund in the biosphere reserve “Roztochya”, is considered. The geoinformation monitoring technologies ensure ecological safety management. The proposed geoportal determines directions of information technology implementation for transboundary monitoring of ecosystems in the euroregions.

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Volodymyr Mokryy
Volodymyr Tomin
Monika Niska
Oleksandr Moroz
Ihor Petrushka
Olha Bobush
Anna Tsyhaniuk
Ruslan Grechanyk
Inessa Shemelynets
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Destructive aftershocks such as the M w 7.2 Van earthquake on October 23, 2011, and the Hoy (Iran) earthquake with M w 5.9 on February 23, 2020, occurred in the province of Van and its surroundings. In earthquake studies, the issue of examining the distribution and homogeneity of earthquake incidences with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based via spatial autocorrelation techniques is frequently investigated. Van province and its surroundings are among the areas with high earthquake risk due to its location on the East Anatolian Compressive Tectonic Block. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial patterns of earthquakes with magnitude M w 4 and above that occurred in the province of Van and its surroundings during the instrumental period and to determine to cluster. Spatial cluster analyses play an important role in examining the distribution of seismicity. The data used in the study have been taken from the database system of the Earthquake Department of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency. Moran’s I and Getis-Ord Gi methods from spatial autocorrelation techniques were preferred on the earthquake data set to be used in this research. It has aimed to determine the dangerous areas by testing the earthquake distributions in clustered regions via spatial autocorrelation techniques.
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Authors and Affiliations

Güzide Miray Perihanoglu
Ömer Bilginer
Elif Akyel

  1. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey
  2. Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Izmir, Turkey
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In addition to unthinking anthropogenic meddling with the subtle ecological balance, the territories of Al-Aba Oasis are witnessing various Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) changes. Comprehending LULC is a central facet of upholding a sustainable, friendly, and fit environment. This paper presents a spatiotemporal study of land use and land cover trends in the wetlands of Al-Aba Oasis, an ecologically sensitive area in the west of Ras Tanura in the east of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study area faces several environmental problems, including the rise in groundwater levels, expansion of agricultural land, urban expansion, and anthropogenic interference with the ecological balance. In this paper, a verified representation of the changes in each LULC class has been made using satellite images. Remote sensing imagery is helpful for studying temporal changes in LULC and providing environmental monitoring data. We analysed Landsat-5 and Sentinel-2 imagery for 1985, 2000, and 2021. The overall precision besides the kappa coefficient for precision assessment indicates the relevance of the LULC classification. LULC map products were overlaid and interpreted based on post-classification change detection methods. The LULC aspects were classified into six classes: water body, waterlogged area, sabkha soil, sandy area, cultivated area, and built- up area. The results prove that from 2001 to 2021, the extension of the built-up area (2.6%) and agricultural land (6.85%) is directly proportional to the population growth (36.5% between 1992 and 2004) and the sabkhas are subject to constant metamorphosis under the joint influence of urban and agricultural land expansion. 100 samples were collected for the years 1986, 2001, and 2021 to assess the accuracy. We reviewed the outcomes of this study by evaluating the accuracy (77, 81, and 84% for 1986, 2001, and 2021 respectively) and comparing the field truth using a GPS (Global Positioning System) sensor. The results of this study are useful in the development of environmental policies during the development of sustainable territorial development programmes of the oasis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Walid Chouari

  1. King Faisal University, College of Arts, Social Studies Department, Al-Ahsa, 36441, Saudi Arabia University of Sfax, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Tunisia
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Given Morocco’s geographical position and climatic conditions, solar energy will supply a large portion of the country’s energy demand. In this paper, the suitability of Moroccan lands for hosting Solar Power Plants was studied using the combination of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Analytical Hierarchy Method (AHP). The multi-criteria decision framework integrates technical, socio-economic and environmental constraints. For this purpose, a GIS database was created using layers from various sources. In addition, since the potential of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) is the most relevant criterion for the selection of solar farms, a high-quality solar satellite map with a spatial resolution of 0.27 km was used, covering a period from 1994 to 2018. Obtained results show a great potential for solar energy development in Morocco, represented by the availability of 90% of areas. In fact, the resulting map was classified into 6 different classes, namely: Very high suitability, High suitability, Moderate suitability, Low suitability, Very low suitability and Exclusion areas, which 53.88%, 24.08%, 0.15%, 0%, 0% and 21.89% are respectively the percentages of their area occupation. According to the performed investigations, the most significant criteria that should be considered include: The Global Horizontal Irradiation, Slope, Temperature and Slope orientation. The obtained map was then compared to the existing solar farms, and show that all the existing projects are located within areas classified as highly suitable.
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Authors and Affiliations

Meryem Taoufik
Meriem Laghlimi
Ahmed Fekri

  1. Laboratory of Applied Geology, Geomatics and Environment, Faculty of Sciences Ben M’Sik, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco
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In recent times there have been many changes on Earth, which have appeared after anthropogenic impact. Finding solu-tions to problems in the environment requires studying the problems quickly, make proper conclusions and creating safe and useful measures. Humanity has always had an effect on the environment. There can be many changes on the Earth be-cause of direct and indirect effects of humans on nature. Determining these changes at the right time and organizing meas-urements of them requires the creation of quick analysing methods. This development has improved specialists’ interest for remote sensing (RS) imagery. Moreover, in accordance with analysis of literature sources, agriculture, irrigation and ecolo-gy have the most demand for RS imagery. This article is about using geographic information system (GIS) and RS technol-ogies in cadastre and urban construction branches. This article covers a newly created automated method for the calculation of artificial surface area based on satellite images. Accuracy of the analysis is verified according to the field experiments. Accuracy of analysis is 95%. According to the analysis from 1972 to 2019 artificial area enlargement is 13.44%. This method is very simple and easy to use. Using this data, the analysis method can decrease economical costs for field measures. Using this method and these tools in branches also allows for greater efficiency in time and resources.
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ARIFJANOV A., APAKHODJAEVA T., AKMALOV SH. 2019a. Calculation of losses for transpiration in water reservoirs with using new computer technologies. In: International Conference on Information Science and Communication Technologies (ICISCT). 04–06.11.2019 Tashkent. IEEE p. 1–4. DOI 10.1109/ICISCT47635.2019.9011883.
ARIFJANOV A., SAMIEV L., APAKHODJAEVA T., AKMALOV SH. 2019b Distribution of river sediment in channels. In: XII International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Machinery Industry. 10–13.09.2019 Don State Technical University, Russian Federation. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 403, 012153. DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/403/1/012153.
AYRES-SAMPAIO D., TEODORO A.C., FREITAS T.A., SILLERO N. 2012. The use of remotely sensed environmental data in the study of asthma disease. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology 14. Vol. 8531, 853124. DOI 10.1117/12. 974539.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aybek M. Arifjanov
Shamshodbek B. Akmalov
Luqmon N. Samiev

  1. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, 39 Kari Niyazov Str. Tashkent 100000, Uzbekistan
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Land suitability assessment is an important stage in land use planning that guides the direction of optimal land use. The objective of this study was to select a suitable location for settlements in earthquake-prone areas using the integration of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information System (GIS). In total, six maps were considered to determine a suitable location for settlements, namely topography, soil, geology, land cover/land use, a regional spatial planning pattern map, and an earthquake vulnerability map. The results showed that in medium earthquake-prone areas, the suitable land area which are available for settlement was 90.25 km2 (46.36% of the total land area available – 194.68 km2). Whereas in highly earthquake-prone areas, the suitable and available land area was 528.11 km2 (70.25% of the total land area in the high vulnerability zone – 751.81 km2). The research proved that AHP and GIS integration is very effective and robust for mapping land suitability in earthquake-prone areas. The results of the analysis can be used by planners to prioritize settlement development in the Sukabumi regency. The methodology developed is recommended to be applied in selecting locations for settlements in other parts of Indonesia.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wiwin Ambarwulan
Irmadi Nahib
Widiatmaka Widiatmaka
Ratna Sari Dewi
Sri Lestari Munajati
Yatin Suwarno
Dewayany Sutrisno
Suprajaka Suprajaka

  1. Geospatial Information Agency, Centers for Research, Promotion and Cooperation, Jl Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 46 Cibinong, Bogor, West, 16911, Bogor, Indonesia
  2. Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University), Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Bogor, Indonesia
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Soil erosion is an important factor that should be considered when planning renewable natural resource projects, effects of which can be measured by modelling techniques. Therefore, disintegration models determine soil loss intensity and support soil conservation practices. This study estimates soil loss rates by water erosion using the Erosion Potential Method (EPM) in the Kebir Rhumel Watershed located in Northeast Algeria. The area is north to south sub-humid to semi-arid, receives irregular rainfall, and has steep slopes and low vegetation cover which makes it very vulnerable to erosion. The main factors in the EPM (soil erodibility, soil protection, slope, temperature, and rainfall) were evaluated using the Geographical Information System (GIS) and data provided by remote sensing technologies. The erosion intensity coefficient Z was 0.60, which indicates medium erosion intensity. While the results showed the average annual soil erosion of 17.92 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1, maximum and minimum losses are 190.50 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1 and 0.21 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1, respectively. The EPM model shows satisfactory results compared to some studies done in the basin, where the obtained results can be used for more appropriate management of land and water resources, sustainable planning, and environmental protection.
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Authors and Affiliations

Amer Zeghmar
Nadir Marouf
Elhadj Mokhtari

  1. University of Larbi-Ben-M’hidi, Faculty of Sciences and Applied Sciences, Department of Hydraulic, Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment, Laboratory of Natural Resources and Management of Sensitive Environments, PO Box 358, 04000 Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
  2. University Mohamed Boudiaf M’sila, Faculty of Technology, Department of Hydraulic, Algeria
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Scarcity of freshwater is one of the major issues which hinders nourishment in large portion of the countries like Ethio-pia. The communities in the Dawe River watershed are facing acute water shortage where water harvesting is vital means of survival. The purpose of this study was to identify optimal water harvesting areas by considering socioeconomic and biophysical factors. This was performed through the integration of soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model, remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technique based on multi-criteria evaluation (MCE). The parame-ters used for the selection of optimal sites for rainwater harvesting were surface runoff, soil texture, land use land cover, slope gradient and stakeholders’ priority. Rainfall data was acquired from the neighbouring weather stations while infor-mation about the soil was attained from laboratory analysis using pipette method. Runoff depth was estimated using SWAT model. The statistical performance of the model in estimating the runoff was revealed with coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.81 and Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.76 for monthly calibration and R2 of 0.79 and NSE of 0.72 for monthly validation periods. The result implied that there's adequate runoff water to be conserved. Combination of hydrological model with GIS and RS was found to be a vital tool in estimating rainfall runoff and mapping suitable water harvest home sites.

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Authors and Affiliations

Arus E. Harka
Negash T. Roba
Asfaw K. Kassa

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