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The durability characteristics of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) with various fibers such as polypropylene and glass were investigated in view of developing composites with high resistance to cracking. ECC offer large potential for durable civil infrastructure due to their high tensile strain capacity and controlled micro-crack width. In this study, fibre volume fractions (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%) of both polypropylene and glass fibers varied and durability measures such as a rapid chloride penetration test, sorptivity, water absorption, acid attack, and sulphate attack were measured. Increasing the fiber content up to 1.5% improved the durability properties of ECC. The test results indicate that the glass fiber-reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites have better durability characteristics than polypropylene fiber-reinforced ECC.

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Authors and Affiliations

S. Ranjith
R. Venkatasubramani
V. Sreevidya
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In recent years, manufacturing industries have demanded high-performance materials for structural components development due to their reduced weight, improved strength, corrosion, and moisture resistance. The outstanding performance of polymer nano-composites substitutes the use of conventional composites materials. This study is concerned with the machining of MWCNT and glass fiber-modified epoxy composites prepared by a cost-effective hand layup procedure. The investigations were carried out to estimate the generation of the thrust force (Th) and delamination factors at entry (DF entry) and exit (DF exit) side during the drilling of fiber composites. The effect of varying constraints on the machining indices was explored for obtaining an adequate quality of hole created in the epoxy nano-composites. The outcome shows that the feed rate (F) is the most critical factor influencing delamination at both entry and exit side, and the second one is the thrust force followed by wt. % of MWCNT. The statistical study shows that optimal combination of S (1650 Level-2), F (165 Level-2), and 2 wt. % of MWCNT (Level-2) can be used to minimize DF entry, DF exit, and Th. The drilling-induced damages were studied by means of a high-resolution microscopy test. The results reveal that the supplement of MWCNT substantially increases the machining efficiency of the developed nano-composites.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kuldeep Kumar
Rajesh Kumar Verma

  1. Materials and Morphology Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, India
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Several recent earthquakes have indicated that the design and construction of bridges based on former seismic design provisions are susceptible to fatal collapse triggered by the failure of reinforced concrete columns. This paper incorporates an experimental investigation into the seismic response of nonductile bridge piers strengthened with low-cost glass fiber reinforced polymers (LC-GFRP). Three full-scale bridge piers were tested under lateral cyclic loading. A control bridge pier was tested in the as-built condition and the other two bridge piers were experimentally tested after strengthening them with LC-GFRP jacketing. The LC-GFRP strengthening was performed using two different configurations. The control bridge pier showed poor seismic response with the progress of significant cracks at very low drift levels. Test results indicated the efficiency of the tested strengthening configurations to improve the performance of the strengthened bridge piers including crack pattern, yield, and ultimate cyclic load capacities, ductility ratio, dissipated energy capacity, initial stiffness degradation, and fracture mode.

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Rodsin
Q. Hussain
P. Joyklad
A. Nawaz
H. Fazliani
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Polymer gears are often used in power transmission due to their numerous advantages. Heat accumulates on polymer gears during operation. Over time, this accumulated heat leads to damage; and shortens the service life of the gears. To prevent this, various fillers are added to the polymer materials. These fillers help to dissipate the heat generated on the gears. In this study, 25% glass fibers, 35% carbon powder, and 60% bronze particles were added to the polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) matrix to determine the wear behavior of gears. The properties of the matrix and the filler mainly influence the wear behavior of PTFE composites. The study showed that all composite gears with filler have better wear resistance than pure PTFE gears due to their better thermal stability. After the tests, it was found that the gears made of PTFE + 35% carbon additive had about 12 times better wear rates than those made of pure PTFE. Based on the average temperature values of the experiment, it was found that the mass temperature of gears made of 35% carbon-doped PTFE is about 38-39% lower than that of pure PTFE. This study contributes to the standard studies on heat build-up, thermal damage, and wear of gears made of polymers with different fillers and ratios.
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Authors and Affiliations

R. Yakut
H. Düzcükoğlu
H. Akkuş

  1. Batman University, Technology Faculty, Batman, Turkey
  2. Selçuk University, Technology Faculty, Konya, Turkey
  3. Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Nigde Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Nigde, Turkey
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Growing awareness for occupational safety in the welding environment needs a sustainable welding system. Welding gases releases toxic tiny particles and gases that inflict severe health consequences in the weld zone are unsolicited. Some of the other main adverse effects are lung disease, hemoptysis, pulmonary inflammation, pneumoconiosis, etc. GMAW procedure has been used for welding 316L stainless steel plates of 3 mm, 5 mm, and 6 mm. Various current configurations with gas flow rate of 5 LPM, 10 LPM and 15 LPM were also used to achieve optimum butt joint performance and to reduce the production rate of fume contributing to cost-effectiveness. In this research a cost-effective fume extraction hood was fabricated for measuring Emission factor produced during welding. Various shielding gas compositions including Pure Argon, Pure CO2, 92% Ar+8% CO2 and 88% Ar+12% CO2 were used to determine the best operating parameters in the GMAW method. To satisfy the latest Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) legislation, optimum technical parameters for efficient welding were acknowledged with the lowest emission factor. A maximum reduction of Emission factor can be achieved by using Pure Argon. The inclusion of CO2 as a shielding gas mixture gives higher emission factor when compared to Pure Argon. Very low emission factor were witnessed in this research when compared to previous investigations. Lower emission factor of 2941.17 mg /kg of electrode, 4411.76 mg/kg of electrode and 7352.94 mg/kg of electrode were obtained for pure argon as shielding gas with 150 A welding current.
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Authors and Affiliations

K.V. Satheesh Kumar
P. Selvakumar
K.R. Uvanshankar
S. Thirunavukarasu
V. Vijay Anand
D. Vishal

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode- 638060, Tamilnadu, India
  2. Department of Chemistry, Vivekanandha College of Arts & Sciences for Women, Tiruchengode- 637205, Tamilnadu, India
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Rehabilitation treatments applied to a local road prone to terrain subsidence from mining excavation should be designed considering cost-efficient and effective reinforcement solutions. In the analysed case, a glass-fibre mesh was applied under asphalt concrete layers in 2008, in one lane while another was left without the reinforcement. The main objective of this paper was to investigate the effectiveness of reinforcement by analysing the amount of produced on the pavement and the influence on pavement deflection. It was found that the reinforcement retracted the number of cracks, however, did not affect the bearing capacity. The influence of the applied geosynthetic was manifested in the values of the radius of curvature. The overall technical state of the road requires immediate treatment and the applied reinforcement proved obsolete because in this particular case of road located in the mining active terrain the glass fiber mesh did not prolong the life of the pavement.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Kałuża
Mirosław Kotasiński
Joanna Bzówka

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

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