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Celem pracy było przedstawienie relacji natura-ogród-dziecko na przykładzie projektu zagospodarowania skweru znajdującego się w dzielnicy Węglin Południowy w Lublinie. Współcześnie większość terenów rekreacyjnych dla dzieci wyposażanych jest w urządzenia umożliwiające dzieciom standardowe zabawy ruchowe tj. huśtanie się, kręcenie w kółko, wspinanie. W niestandardowym podejściu do tematu – tereny zieleni miejskiej mogą należeć do nielicznych miejsc, gdzie wśród otoczenia roślin i zwierząt, dzieci mogą rozwijać swoją kreatywność, pasje, utożsamiać się z daną przestrzenią oraz nabywać nowych doświadczeń. W przedstawionej pracy ukazano również konieczność zwiększenia liczby miejsc wypoczynku dla osób w różnych przedziałach wiekowych.
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Authors and Affiliations

Margot Dutkiewicz
Monika Kowalczyk
Patryk Krupiński
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Along with the growth of the population of a city, the need for the availability and accessibility of green areas for all population categories, regardless of age, financial capabilities, legal requirements, time, physical barriers, and most importantly — distance, increases, as green areas are important for maintaining physical and mental health of city residents. In Lviv, the area of public green areas per inhabitant significantly exceeds state norms. However, due to the uneven distribution of these areas in the city’s structure, some of the residents have problems with accessing them. Proposals of the development of the city’s green areas do not account for accessibility, which makes it impossible to improve it in the future due to the impossibility of reserving land for the development of such greened zones. In order to equalize the anthropogenic load and ensure that all residents have access to natural areas, an assessment of the territory of the city of Lviv was carried out in accordance with the green area pedestrian accessibility standard. Zones with an urgent need for the development of public-use green areas use were identified and methods of solving of this problem were proposed.
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Halyna Petryshyn
Nataliya Danylko
Maryna Peleshchak

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Urban Planning and Urban Design
  2. Lviv City Council, Office of Architecture and Urban Planning
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Fortyfication Objects of Prussian Ring Fortresses in Poznań and Wrocław (from XIX–XX Cent.) in Current Spatial Planning Documents – Functioning, Protection, Landscape Shaping, Fortifications are valuable elements of cultural heritage of many Polish cities. Unfortunately, in many cases they are not properly used and protected, although some of them have the status of historical monuments. Potentially, tools for strengthening protection of fortifications are provided by spatial planning system. The research was based on detailed analysis of the Study of the Conditions and Directions of the Spatial Management of a Communes and Local Spatial Management Plans, including the area of ring fortresses in Poznań and Wrocław. In the Study of the Conditions and Directions of the Spatial Management of a Commune of both cities one can find references to the location and use of ring fortifications. The area of fortification objects in Poznan is covered by 9 Local Spatial Management Plans, 5 further plans covering the fortifications are in preparation. The area of ring fortress in Wroclaw were covered by 9 Local Spatial Management Plans. The results of the analysis of the spatial planning documents show that the tools used to protect the fortifications offered by the spatial planning system are not fully exploited. The context and landscape values of the fortifications are ignored in most of the plans. Also one can find in spatial planning documents the lack of attempts to link fortress greenery to the greenery system, and, in the case of Wroclaw, the lack of describing fortification greenery as a valuable asset. In most cases, principals of the fortifications objects protection are not enough detailed.

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Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Łukasz Pardela
Magdalena Szczepańska
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The paper focuses on the issue of the planning of recreational and leisure areas in the context of green spaces in the city. The study examines urban indicators created for sporting and recreational spaces as well as urban green areas. In addition, the current recreational potential of green areas in the city of Krakow is also assessed. The study period includes the years 1945–2021. The paper considers risks associated with the interpretation of rankings of the degree to which green areas are available in the city and subsequently provides a number of conclusions. The key conclusion in the paper is that Kraków possesses an immense recreational and leisure potential that is not evenly distributed in the city. This potential can be used in the design of urban recreational areas. One problem examined here is the issue of asymmetric access to such areas. Finally, the paper looks at the concept of ‘available green space’ and attempts to redefine it.
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Authors and Affiliations

Laura Kochel
Miłosz Zieliński

  1. Cracow University of Economics, College of Public Economy and Administration, Department of Spatial Development
  2. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture
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The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a specific paradox of contemporary urban planning. Cities that since the dawn of civilization have been considered the safest and most attractive human habitats turn into traps in a pandemic. For example New York, the most densely populated city in the United States, became the world’s epicentre of the pandemic in April 2020. Since 1992, successive teams governing the city stimulated pro-ecological planning strategies. From a neglected city, threatened with crime and plagued by terrorism, they turned it into a green metropolis, a symbol of a city of the 21st century. One of the most important planning and urban achievements was the successful revitalization of the post-industrial waterfront piers of Brooklyn and Queens. The rapid growth of bicycle transport stimulated by the planning authorities and supported by the construction of a network of bicycle routes along the main streets and coastal promenades should be noted as well. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the planning transformations in New York on the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to answer the question whether they made the city more resilient and safer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Artur Jasiński
Wojciech Oktawiec

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
  2. New York Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Design
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Biologically active areas play an extremely important role in the structure of a city and increasing their coverage, especially in large urban centres, is an activity with a number of advantages. This article compares, in terms of green spaces, two European cities of similar size – Warsaw (517.2 km2) and Oslo (454 km2). Both cities are capitals of their respective countries but implement different spatial policies in the scope of the Green Deal. In Warsaw, many industrial and post-industrial areas still exist and simultaneously urban green areas are decreasing year by year. In Oslo, a strategy based on deindustrialisation of the city and possible maximum use of urban greenery and public spaces is implemented. The research described in this article involved analysing the coverage of the analysed cities and their districts with biologically active area and then checking the correlation with other indicators that can be affected by this coverage. These included data on the incidence of the most common diseases among residents, the attractiveness of living for the elderly and families with children, as well as air and soil pollution and the occurrence of negative effects of climate change. The correlation of urban space use in terms of the presence of industrial land in relation to currently existing green spaces in the districts concerned was subsequently determined.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alina Maciejewska
Janusz Sobieraj
Łukasz Kuzak

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Plac Politechniki 1, 00-661, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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The article presents issues related to designing recreational and green areas and spatial planning of public areas in the context of physical disability. It gives exemplary proposals of public space development and spatial solutions for people with disabilities. It also discusses issues related to the designing and construction of selected items of landscape architecture for physically disabled people, which were created as part of the education of landscape architects.
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Paweł Szumigała
Piotr Urbański
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W artykule zaprezentowano różne wzory projektowania sacrum w zielonych przestrzeniach publicznych, jak również Uniwersalny wzorzec parku o właściwościach terapeutycznych. Jako przykład omówiono kompleks zielonych przestrzeni publicznych w Wejherowie, utworzony przez Kalwarię Wejherowską i Park im. A. Majkowskiego.
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Trojanowska

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