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The term peritonitis is relatively new in medical language, however some of its symptoms were observed and noted even in antiquity. The proper recognition of peritonitis as a distinct pathological entity was made possible when progress in the clinical and experimental sciences give birth to the methodology needed for the investigation of the etiology and mechanism of peritoneal inflammation. Research con-cerning this clinical topic began to yield significant results in the second half of 19th century. This paper aims to give some insight into this pioneering period of scientific investigation focused on the etiology and pathology of peritonitis. From the work of von Recklinghausen in the 1860s, through the later research of Wegner and Gravitz, the next major step in this field was made by the Polish experimental pathologist and pathophysiologist Karol Klecki.
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1. Hau T.: The History of Peritonitis. Acta Chirurgica Austriaca. 2000; 32: 157–161.
2. Hau T.: Biology and treatment of peritonitis: the historic development of current concepts. J Am Coll Surg 1998; 186: 475–484.
3. Recklinghausen F.v.: Zur Fettresorption. Archiv f pathol Anat. 1863; 26: 172–208.
4. Wegner G.: Chirurgische Bermekungen über die Peritonealhöle, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ovariotomie. Arch Klin Chir. 1877; 20: 51–145.
5. Curtis B.F.: I. The Pathology of Peritonitis. Ann Surg. 1887; 5 (2): 120–124. doi: 10.1097/00000658-188701000-00026.
6. Dubar L., Remy Ch.: Sur l’absorption par le péritoine. Journal de l’anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiques de l’homme et des animaux. 1882; 18: 60–106, 342–372.
7. Grawitz P.: Statistischer und experimentell-pathologischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Peritonitis. Charité-Annalen. 1886; 11: 770–823.
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9. Guzek J.W.: Karol Klecki (1866–1931). Acta Phisiologica Polonia. 1987; 38: 272–278.
10. Klecki C.: Recherches sur la pathogénie de la péritonite d’origine intestinale; étudo de la virulence du coli bacille. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Paris. 1895; 9: 710–735.
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12. Pawlowsky A.D.: Zur Lehre von der Aetiologie, der Entstehungsweise und den Formen der acuten Peritonitis. Virchows Archiv. 1889; 117: 469–530.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard W. Gryglewski

  1. Department of the History of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College
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The aim of this article is to examine the current state of research on cancer in the field of the social history of health and illness (social history of medicine). The scope of analysis includes both Polish and foreign (English‑language) historical scientific journals and the most important monographic studies of the last three or four decades. The starting point for the following paper is the question of the origins of interest in cancer as a subject of historical research. The author indicates the main directions and dominant perspectives in the historical discourse of cancer, and through such a perspective, simultaneously tries to see to what extent research approaches on cancer history differ or converge in the approaches of different countries. The last aspect of the history of cancer, briefly outlined, touches upon the extent to which historical, anthropological and sociological as well as medical (history of medicine) research are intertwined and mutually inspiring or complementary.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewelina Szpak

  1. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa
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Early modern medicine knew thousands of medicines and possible treatments that could be found in guidebooks, medical dissertations, herbaria, and dispensaries. The article presents the characteristics of the basic sources of the history of medicine, as well as their specifi city and the range of information they provide. The aim is to show possible source selection method in an attempt to describe a real picture of the therapeutic methods most commonly used by the offi cial medicine in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

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Jakub Węglorz
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The article presents a selection of 15th century printed matters on the topic of broadly understood medicine, which are currently kept by the Gdansk PAS Library. They testify to the Gdansk culture in the area of the knowledge on health and hygiene in the 15th century and in a slightly later period. The majority of the said printed matters originate from the collections of Gdansk church libraries, while the presence of items of other origin (private owners) makes it possible to trace the road medical incunabula came to Gdansk to finally find their way to the resources of the Gdansk library.
The author of the article explains the modesty of the Gdansk medical literature resources with the fact that there was not a single university functioning in the city by the River Motlawa in the early modern period. The presence of this kind of incunabula in church libraries and private collections of books indicates that the knowledge they contained was applied for personal use rather than in professional medical practice, although some of the items in question originate from book collections belonging to doctors.
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Beata Gryzio

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Starych Druków

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