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The need for a dwelling is one of the basic needs of every human being. The housing policy, which belongs to one of the pillars of the social policy of the state, is responsible for satisfying this need. It is carried both at the central and local level. The report aims to show the evolution of this policy in Poland from 1989, when the burden of providing housing to the society was largely shifted to the private sector, to the present times, when the state is starting to take action to solve the problem of housing shortages for the less prosperous part of society. First, housing resources are characterized in terms of their ownership and function. Then, the housing policy, its objectives and instruments are described in theoretical terms. The competences of communes in the fi eld of housing economy are characterised in further part. The diagnosis of housing condition in Poland is presented in the regional context and compared to other countries. The last parts of the report deal with the assessment of housing policy in Poland after 1989 on the national and local level. Based on this assessment, recommendations have been made regarding the directions of activities at the local and supra-local level in the area of improving the condition of housing in Poland. Special emphasis in recommendations is placed on the need for an integrated approach to the implementation of housing policy.

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Tadeusz Markowski
Dominik Drzazga
Dorota Sikora-Fernandez
Lidia Groeger
Justyna Danielewicz
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Homeownership rates are very different across European countries. They range from below 50% in Germany to over 80% in Greece, Spain or Ireland. However the differences lie not only in the overall homeownership rates but also in its structure, and this is the focus of this paper. Its aim is to study the impact of microeconomic factors on household’s tenure choice, using a crosscountry comparative approach. Logit models are constructed for each country using data for year 2000 from the Consortium of Household Panels for European Socio-Economic Research micro-database. The models show that marriage is a significant determinant of the decision to move to homeownership in all analysed countries, while cohabitating households are more likely to rent, except for Denmark. Nationality, income and age proved to be significant explanatory variables in several countries, while staying insignificant in others.

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Monika Bazyl
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Public Supply of Rental Housing under The National Housing Program – Possible Scenarios of Changes in the Rental Market. The aim of the study is to conduct analyzes of possible scenarios of changes in the housing sector after launching the Plus Apartment Program. Therefore, the purpose of housing policy should be to increase the availability of apartments in the form of rental. The research problem is the answer to the following questions: Is it feasible to intervene in the construction market to increase rental supply? What impact on the private rental market may have on the supply of public housing about the rent lower than the market? What impact can the supply of housing under the Plus Apartment Program on the investment and rental of housing for social building society? In which municipalities and on what scale should I implement the Plus Apartment Program? The study hypothesized that the impact of the public supply of apartments for rent under the Plus Apartment Program on residential markets will depend on local conditions of market development and local housing situation.
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Radosław Cyran
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The text comprises the evaluation of relationship between the qualitative planning tools and the Irish housing policy in the pre-crisis period, during the crisis (2009-2013) and the recovery. The tools that affect housing are understood as spatial planning, including governmental regulations on densification of the development and the housing quality as well as the special tools such as the urban design. Those regulatory tools were deployed with aims to safeguard the sustainable and socially viable housing structures. The Irish case illustrates the considerable innovation in introducing new housing standards and challenges with their efficiency. This can be attributed to the lack of integration with other elements that shaped the market – financing and actions of the private market, low efficiency of planning or the lack of the scale effect for the model developments. Despite their drawbacks these tools are continuously being used, as their foundational principles are still valid.

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Łukasz Pancewicz
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In the article the question about the issue of beauty and energy in Polish architecture is considered in the context of experience in the design of buildings and housing estates collected in the last twenty years by the Warsaw studio Grupa 5 Architekci. The conceptual, urban and architectural assumptions are illustrated by three examples representative of different, key problem issues.

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Michał Leszczyński
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Dynamics of Changes in the Resources of Communal Flats of the Communes of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. The aim of this article is to show the dynamics of changes in the communal housing stock of the communes of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship and the assessment of the changes. For the purposes of this objective, all the communes of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (N = 116) were analyzed, taking into account their division into urban, rural and urban-rural communities. Data taken for analysis come from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office and cover the years 2009, 2013 and 2015. In order to show changes in the communal housing stock of the Warmia and Mazury Region, seven indicators were described and the figures were presented on the maps. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that the changes taking place in the communal housing stock of the communes of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship are small. These changes, despite their small scale, are negative. The density of municipal housing stock is decreasing, and hence their availability, and existing resources are not repaired. The worst situation occurs in rural communities, the best in urban-rural communities.
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Natalia Świdyńska
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Spatial and time diversity of housing construction in Poland. Residential housing construction, as one of the most important elements of spatial development, a factor decisive for living conditions of residents, is the object of interest not only of architects, planners or local and state authorities, but increasingly also of geographers, who mainly analyze these issues in a spatial context. The article analyzes the development of construction in post-war Poland in three periods: real socialism, the transformation period and the last decade. The subject of the analysis is the number of completed dwellings/flats in total, by location (city, village) and by investors (housing cooperatives, developers, private constructors and others).
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Stanisław Ciok
Dariusz Ilnicki
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This article examines the impact of economic factors, such as changes in interest rates and inflation, on the primary housing market in Poland from January 2019 to September 2022, with particular focus on the Covid-19 pandemic. The research problem is to understand howthese economic factors have affected the housing market, and the research objective is to analyze the activity of developers, building permits issued, investments started, and housing loans granted. The research methodology involves the analysis of data from various sources, including official statistics and reports from developers and investment funds. The research findings suggest that the decreased demand for housing loans has led to a significant decline in the allocation of new housing. However, the emergence of new major players, such as leading European and global investment funds, could provide opportunities for developers. The study concludes that caution is warranted in starting new construction activity and that the best performance in housing production in the transition period to 2021 is unlikely to be exceeded in the current or subsequent years. The implications of this study are that developers need to consider economic factors and market trends when making decisions about new construction and that investment funds may play an increasingly important role in the housing market.
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Marek Bryx
Izabela Rudzka
Janusz Sobieraj

  1. Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Innovative City, al. Niepodległosci 162, 02-554, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Enterprise and Investment Finance, al. Niepodległosci 162,02-554, Warsaw, Poland
  3. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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As a result of introduction of the Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, all of the EU member states are obliged to introduce legal regulations for energy performance of all newly constructed buildings. The key aim is to achieve close to zero energy use starting from the year 2021. Estimating effectiveness of the actions and the new possibilities requires an analysis of the multiple criteria. They comprise both the current conditions as well as the changes that have occurred in the recent years due to new legislation, the eff ects of the subsidies and the development of the housing stock. This paper presents a broad overview and diagnosis of current situation. The development of the energy-efficient and passive housing in Poland is considered in the context of financial incentives, availability of design knowledge and building technology as well as the role of the green building certification.

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Monika Arczyńska
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Housing resources as an element of material infrastructure determine socio-economic development on a local, regional and national scale. Their economic and physical accessibility affects the development of human, social and relational capital, determines the competitiveness of the territory and can be seen as a generator of income both in the individual sense and in relation to the whole society. The article has a theoretical character and its aim is to identify the relationship between satisfying the housing needs of local communities and the development of territorial capital. The article also analyzes factors that allow the qualification of housing resources as a strategic resource for the development of a territory.

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Dorota Sikora-Fernandez
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W sytuacji niestabilności i zmian, które charakteryzowały Związek Radziecki w latach dwudziestych ubiegłego wieku, grupa architektów-konstruktywistów pod przewodnictwem Moisieja Ginzburga zajmowała się problemem braku mieszkań dla pracowników w dużych sowieckich miastach. Rozwiązania wypracowane przez zespół Ginzburga zostały opracowane pod patronatem Sowieckich platform OSA i Strojkom. Zostały przeprowadzone w trzech kolejnych etapach zwieńczonych budową Domu Narkomfinu. Niemniej, architektoniczna nowoczesność osiągnięta w Narkomfinie była związana z postępami w sektorze budownictwa mieszkaniowego poczynionymi przez ich kolegów z Europy. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje analizę faktycznych powiązań pomiędzy owym moskiewskim prototypem a zachodnimi modelami, które zaczynały być opracowywane w Europie, a zwłaszcza w Niemczech. Przedmiotowa koncepcja umieszcza badania prowadzone przez zespół Ginzburga w procesie skomplikowanej i niezwykle ważnej asymilacji, która integrowała nowe modernistyczne techniki Zachodu.
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Daniel Movilla Vega
Adolfo Sotoca
Mateusz Gyurkovich
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Like other harbour cities in Europe, Lisbon has an axial development anchored in pre-existing confi gurations which dot from east, more industrial areas, to the west, a more monumental and urban type. The diversity of fabrics and the overlapping of various time layers become decoded through a functional specialization infrastructural line, which, from rural, becomes increasingly infrastructured as part of the on-going reinvention of the city of Lisbon.

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Sofia Morgado
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The article presents a comprehensive analysis of technology, time and costs of three methods of building a single-family house; traditional brick, reinforced concrete prefabrication and timber frame. The goal of this study was to determine if prefabricated and timber frame building methods and materials have the potential to replace traditional method of construction in the context of cost and time. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis was performed, including a list of benefits of each of the analysed construction technologies and a quantitative analysis in which the cost of finished houses per 1 m2 of usable area was compared. The analyses were conducted for two single-family houses with similar characteristics using scheduling and cost estimation software. The conducted analyses have shown that the shortest time to build a house is in the prefabricated reinforced concrete technology. The used construction technology from ready-made prefabricated elements affects the time of building house and thus, the costs of its construction. The construction time for the house in case of a timber frame structure and made of ready-made reinforced concrete prefabricated elements is similar but the cost of a timber frame structure is much higher. It takes longest time to build a house in traditional brick technology and requires the involvement of the largest financial resources from all three analysed construction technologies. Despite this, traditional brick technology is the most used in construction in Poland and other Central and Easter Europe countries. This is due to the widespread belief of investors about the durability of a building made in this technology and the habits of investors resulting from a long-standing tradition of construction. However, the study’s results in the world showed that a change in build technology is a step in addressing the concerns of poor quality and reduce construction costs and time, increasing the construction sector’s productivity and sustainability.
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Grzegorz Wrzesiński
Katarzyna Pawluk
Marzena Lendo-Siwicka
Jan Kowalski

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
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Housing Stock and Its Public Dimension in the Role of Infrastructure of Durable Development. Only the reciprocal composition and location of buildings and their inhabitants in relation to the location of settlement infrastructure and other spatial development components can give housing stock a public dimension. The importance of the public impact of the housing stock on civilization development results mainly from the multifaceted role of the standards of its settlement in the shaping of inhabited space. Appreciating this impact can help build a necessary community of people living in common social and settlement structures. The importance of housing policy in balancing the development of living space is highlighted by the current structural crisis of the capitalist economy. The underestimated field of overcoming this crisis is the public dimension of housing stock. The presented reasoning subordinated to such thinking is part of a wider narrative combining architectural, urban, planning and sociological issues.
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Maciej Cesarski
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This paper describes an analysis of the effects of both foreign exchange (FX) risk and interest rate risk on installments of the housing FX loan using classic comparative statics approach. By focusing on sensitivity of annuity with respect to infinitesimal changes of parameters it presents the impact of the interest rate and FX rate on installments in terms of their shares of the total outstanding in foreign currency, and illustrates using values, in Polish zlotys, for three example loans extended during the period when Poland saw its most intensive FX lending. This analysis represents an attempt to answer a question frequently raised in this country of late: does the issue of debt servicing housing FX loans matter for borrowers and therefore could affect banks’ loan portfolio quality?

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Zuzanna Wośko
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In this study we evaluate the distortion of the ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) caused by rapid credit growth to show that the bias in this ratio (caused by the prolonged credit boom) may indeed be significant. Next, we discuss an adjustment to the NPL ratio based on a theoretical model of a loan portfolio. This adjustment is robust for credit booms and busts; therefore, it can be used to compare credit quality ratios across distinct portfolios and banks as well as to simulate future NPL ratio developments. Our estimates of the portfolio of housing loans in Poland show that the new adjusted index of non-performing loans is robust to different model specifications.

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Dobromił Serwa
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In the paper, the authors present the solution aimed at increasing reliability of the conveyor units. The analysis of technological and operational defects of conveyor rollers is presented. The changes in manufacturing technology have been proposed, which allowed for avoiding welding and provided the required level of tightness.

Computer simulation of the motion of air in the labyrinth seal of the roller was conducted to determine the numerical parameters of possible airflows. It is proved that the airflow is present in the gap of the labyrinth seal due to the roller rotation. It is shown that the reason for the penetration of abrasive particles through the labyrinth seal after stopping is decompression, which occurred as a result of temperature change and push out of airflows during rotation. It is also suggested that the number of stops during the operation should be taken into account when determining the durability of rollers. Practical recommendations are given for preventing the penetration of abrasive particles during conveyor stops and the need for combined seals. The results can be used for the construction of roller conveyor belts in any industry.

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G. Kononov
S. Artemov
S. Dubrovskyi
Dariya Kravtsova

  1. Ferrum-Stroy-Servise, Schastye, Lugansk region, Ukraine.
  2. Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
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House prices are of special importance for monetary policy since their sudden falls are usually associated with credit crunch followed by long-lasting and painful recessions. Despite several spectacular episodes of such events, each time house prices exhibit long-lasting growth trend with little volatility around it, it is argued that this pattern is a “new normal”. This paper shows that a central bank following this view would increase the volatility of inflation and output as compared to a policy that assumes high volatility of house prices. In the former case the monetary authority would conduct too accommodative monetary policy during abrupt house price expansions significantly increasing output and inflation fluctuations. In the latter situation, in turn, the policy would work well irrespective of the realized house price volatility.
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Grzegorz Wesołowski

  1. Narodowy Bank Polski
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The research problem of the article refers to the question of the sense of using concrete prefabrication to create a new quality of architecture for single-family houses. Known and referenced projects from the past — from the period of early architectural Rationalism (Modernism and Functionalism) — seem appropriate to show, recall and update the idea of concrete prefabrication of single-family houses in the present day. This point of reference, having its source in the vision of the housing revolution from the beginning of the 20th century, can today be the subject of direct references and the search for further variants of rational patterns of modern prefabrication of single-family houses. The article is based on the most important items from the beginnings of concrete prefabrication technology, including Vers une architecture (1923) by Le Corbusier and articles and manuscripts by Walter Gropius following new concepts in German construction. Newer items include the Gilbert Herbert’s text that summarizes the heritage of Gropius’ prefabrication entitled The Dream of the Factory Made House by Walter Gropius and Konrad Wachsmann (1984).
The research method was the analysis of selected historical and contemporary houses built either in whole or in part in the precast concrete technology (a multiple-case study). The presentation of new examples shows the possibility of adapting the rational ideas and aesthetics of architecture from the early 20th century with the use of the latest concrete technologies. According to the author, the sense of concrete prefabrication in the construction of single-family houses is to return to the idea of ‘developed’ technology rationalization and Modernist architectural aesthetics. Although prefabrication is associated with the domain of economization, modularity, standardization and typification, thanks to advanced technologies, a prefabricated house in the 21st century can be a proof of the multitude of possible configurations.
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Marcin Charciarek
Jan Dziadek
Aleksandra Kubacka

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. Doctoral School at Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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Villa architecture after 1914 comprises a diverse and extensive group of buildings. The lack of a system of valuating them leads to their analyses being a time-consuming and complex process. Their justification can refer primarily to architectural and urban planning tendencies, including: the impact on the space of previously built estates, the assessment of the quality of their architecture in the landscape context and the continuity of design traditions, contemporary interventions associated with renovation work. The protection of villas from the interwar period, appears to be particularly important. Their cultural value and the quality of the landscape, that they co-create with their accompanying gardens is highly significant to the identity of the city.

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Katarzyna Łakomy
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The article discusses examples of concrete houses made in Poland after 2000. The aim of the article is to present the thesis on the increasing importance of concrete for the creation of architecture of single-family houses. After decades of rejecting concrete as a material to live and live in, concrete has once again become an intermediary material in the search for new elementary residential structures in the Polish landscape. An important element in this mental transformation is the belief in the essence of the importance of forms and technologies of concrete architectural details. A detail is a tool that shows the originality of the idea and the meaning of concrete formations.
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Charciarek, M. (2015), Detale architektury betonowej, Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu.
Forty, A. (2012), Concrete and Culture: A Material History, Reaktion Books: London.
van Doesburg, T. (1971), ‘Towards a Plastic Architecture’ [in:] Jaffé, H.L.C., De Stijl, New York: H.N. Abrams.
Zabalbeascoa, A., Marcos J.R. (2000), Minimalism, Editorial Gustavo Gili: Barcelona.

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Marcin Charciarek

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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Contemporary challenges related to rapid urbanization, migration, deepening inequalities and climate change inspire to contemplate the future of dwelling. The article aims to present particular solutions in housing that use advantages created by the relation to the water. The aquatic neighbourhoods become a field of experience for residential architecture, where traditional systems are enriched with new elements and solutions. Some of these solutions can be brought back to the sys-tem and improve the overall catalogue of answers for the development of traditional dwelling.

The analysis discusses contemporary housing projects 1998–2005 and includes: the program overview, basic numerical parameters, accessibility details and relation to the context. Current water-related examples are accompanied by a reference to standard solutions developed in the modern era. All presented designs use traditional components of dwelling program, grouping day zone elements and separate them from private spaces. In basic parameters development is visible in bigger areas of living space. In terms of accessibility housing on or close to water gives new opportunities, as well as in relation to the context.

The paper presents research on different types of dwelling located by the water, with particular emphasis on functional and architectural advantages, which may be used to improve contemporary housing models. The proposed guidelines can be used in further studies on housing typologies in aim to develop more open and flexible spatial layouts.

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Karolina Tulkowska-Słyk
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The paper is devoted to the description of the methodology and research by design carried out to identify solutions enhancing the functional flexibility of a high-rise building located in Warsaw at. Grzybowska Street. The work presents the theoretical background as well as the conducted research and methodology. The scope of solutions related to functional flexibility concerned the interchangeability of service functions in the podium part of the building, changes in the use of the parking lot, and the provision of the means of changes in the arrangement of types and variants of types of apartments on the apartments levels. The investigation was carried out in the pre-design and design phases. Objectives and criteria of solutions were defined, and research works were carried out through iterations and checking in terms of the cost-effectiveness . The adopted solutions consist in designing the optimal hard portion of the building – the core, the structural system, the arrangement of zones and installation rooms, and the use of structural and spatial over-designed systems. An optimal facade module has been developed. The research aims to introduce the design practice to the issue of flexibility, which is nowadays important for economic and environmental reasons.
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Marcin Goncikowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, ul. Koszykowa 55, 00-659 Warsaw, Poland
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Persistent air pollution (SMOG) in large cities in countries based on energy and coal heating is a serious and growing problem. Improving air quality is currently the main challenge for the metropolises of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite intensive efforts, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in this area exceeds the standard recommended by the World Health Organization (recommended standard – 25 μg). Data from environmental institutions show that, for example, in Kraków (Poland), the number of days with PM 2.5 concentrations drastically exceeding the permissible standards in the last year was 96. The article describes the method of controlling air purification in the apartment using automation devices, control software and applications available for smartphones, tablets and personal computers. The presented solution uses technologies that can use free (alternative) software, extending the functionality of devices and increasing the flexibility of the control system. The main goal is to maximize the comfort of home users and to minimize the cost of electricity consumption. Additionally, the existing air cleaning devices are adapted to the needs of the air cleaning control system.
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Wojciech Drozd
Marcin Kowalik

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Division of Management in Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland

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