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Żeby zrozumieć swoje usytuowanie w świecie (nie tylko naukowym), trzeba rozglądać się nie tylko naokoło, lecz także uważnie spojrzeć wstecz. Toteż nawet pobieżny przegląd blisko półtorawiecznej historii burzliwych przemian w humanistyce wart jest przeprowadzenia.
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Danuta Ulicka

  1. Instytut Literatury Polskiej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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O stole, przy którym powstają nowości, granicach literackości i polskiej humanistyce, która może podbić świat, mówi dr Maciej Maryl, kierownik Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej, z-ca dyrektora ds. ogólnych Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN.

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Maciej Maryl
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The paper presents two competing perceptions of the modern university: the economic and the humanistic. While the economic approach has numerous and potent advocates in the modern, rationalized world, those opting for the humanist approach have to struggle for attention and understanding. The author aims to highlight the conflict between the two seemingly contradictory visions of the university in her sociological commentary about the debate over the importance of the humanities in Poland and worldwide. There exists, however, a kind of ontological meta-frame which allows the rhetoric of a ‘factory of knowledge’ and a ‘temple of knowledge’ to be accommodated. It consists in thinking of universities in universalistic categories, which should be the concern of the state as it seeks Poland’s civilizational advance—in the full meaning of the phrase.

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Agnieszka Dziedziczak-Foltyn
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The article discusses the case of non‑anthropocentric humanities, analyzed frequently by researchers of various specialties. The paper presents its specificity, main assumptions and postulates. However, the article does not aim to provide a comprehensive and exhaustive overview of all its nuances or aspects, but rather critically addresses its intellectual program. The paper is divided into four parts. Firstly, it presents the basic idea of non‑anthropocentric humanities, exposing the keen interest in it in contemporary scientific discourse. Secondly, it emphasizes the turn to materiality (orientation to things studies), which has taken place within the ‘new’ humanities, and which was caused by the feeling that the current (traditional) way of thinking about the world has come to an end. Thirdly, it shows the methodology of non‑anthropocentric humanities, which rejects the notion that man is the measure of all things. The article points out that this approach does not place man (as the creator of reality) any more in the center of philosophical reflection, as traditional humanities have done, but focuses on various types of objects (i.e. non‑human entities). In the last part – which constitutes the most comprehensive and, at the same time, the critical part of the article – an answer is offered to the question whether the project of non‑anthropocentric humanities can constitute a sensible alternative to the recognition of traditional humanities. The paper proposes a dialectical approach, which allows the post‑humanistic and humanistic perspectives to be treated complementarily, and not antagonistically.
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Marek Błaszczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87‑100 Toruń
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In a follow-up to Ryszard Nycz’s work Culture as Verb this article outlines a new way of bringing forward his great project. The challenge it has to face is the cognitive dilemma that lurks at the intersection of the humanities and the sciences, or, in other words, the dissonance between the traditional paradigm of accumulating and developing the store of cultural knowledge and cognitive procedures that underpin new, experimental and inductive knowledge with a potential to effect qualitative change. The article contends that Nycz’s study allows us to bypass that dilemma. The ‘Third Way’, as it is called here, would open up new forms of innovation, i.e. not just knowledge whose value is determined by its utility for the systems of late capitalism, but a mode of concrete practice of rediscovering the outer world for the humanities. In the process of capturing and transforming of that world, the metaphors of embodied labour and of knowledge production (conceptualized as the verb) function as extraordinarily important tools of the humanities reinvented as a practical, embodied theory.

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Tomasz Rakowski
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This article takes a look at Ryszard Nycz’s new, groundbreaking study of cultural theory, pointedly titled Culture as Verb. It focuses on the author’s two major claims which seem to provide a foundation for the whole project. One is a vigorous defence of the humanities, the other is the proposition that culture may be best understood as a verb. The latter provokes a number of questions, especially about the role of invention, a dominant factor in any action-oriented model of culture. For example, would invention control and drive the mechanism of semantic ordering and appropriation of the things that used to be nameless, ignored, or suppressed? Is that domination culturally determined, or merely conditioned? Is it a source of suffering? It would also be interesting to find out more about the Nycz’s idea of transition from passive participation to the culture of active participation. The question is: Are we doomed to take part? As an aside, the author of this essay draws our attention to the darker side of being permanently involved in other people lives, the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) anxiety, and a new narcissism.

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Anna Łebkowska
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This article discusses some proposals aimed at creating a new discipline named polonistyka (Polish studies), an umbrella term which would encompass those research (sub)divisions that fall outside the traditional academic taxonomy. The article identifies three cultural turns whose shockwave effect have significantly changed the face of the humanities. They are the transition from the analogue to the digital; an impasse in the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies; and the continual fragmentation of research interests. The new discipline, as envisaged by the article, would reintegrate and provide institutional recognition to all kinds of studies, projects and probes. It would also create a framework for some kind of academic certification of research interests that are in dispute. To achieve these goals it would be necessary to redefine the subject matter, the scope as well as the functioning of the new discipline. That, in turn, implies a reformatting of the legacy model of teaching and study to fit in with the new discipline. The transition is absolutely necessary, not least because of the real danger of marginalization and pauperization of the profession (i.e. teachers and specialists in the field of ‘Polish philology’).
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Ryszard Nycz

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The aim of the text is to consider Gianni Vattimo’s claim that hermeneutics needs to be more rational due to its criticised relativism and aestheticism. From this perspective, the author considers the projects proposed by Bartosz Brożek and Chrysostomos Mantzavinos, based on the assumption that the cognitive phenomena underlying the understanding of human behaviour and the resulting artefacts can be described using naturalistic methods. Finally, the question is considered whether these attempts, coming from outside the hermeneutic movement, offer hope for eliminating the flaws of hermeneutics mentioned by Vattimo, and what are the prospects for further research on this issue.
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Krzysztof Sołoducha

  1. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Zakład Nauk Humanistycznych, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa
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The Author presents philosophical commentaries to the Polish translation of Wilhelm Dilthey's Formation ofthe Historical World in the Humanities.
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Izabela Szyroka
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This article presents a model of reinterpretation of illness narratives from the cate-gory of autopathography to that of autosalutography, i.e. restorative/therapeutic auto-biography. The cases in point are Małgorzata Baranowska’s To jest wasze życie. Być sobą w chorobie przewlekłej [ This Is Your Life: How to Cope with a Chronic Illness] (1994) with their textual strategies of (re)negotiation of autonomy and agency. Drawing on the work of Elselijn Kingma, this analysis takes the constructivist approach to the opposition of health and illness. At the same time, the legacy notion of health with its punitive and oppressive implications, is substituted by the concept of wellbeing (as construed in Tanja Reiffenrath’s Memoirs of Wellbeing). The latter covers a broad range of lived experiences and upgrades the patient’s personal perspective, especially if it is applied within the socio-constructivist understanding of health and illness (disorder).
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Maria Świątkowska

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ
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Autor rekonstruuje w tekście główne wątki filozofii nauk humanistycznych Jürgena Mittelstrassa. Niemiecki filozof wychodząc od krytyki tzw. funkcjonalistycznej, dualistycznej koncepcji humanistyki autorstwa J. Rittera-O. Marquarda, staje na stanowisku metodologicznego monizmu zakładającego jedność wszystkich nauk na gruncie uniwersalnych reguł racjonalności. Szuka przy tym symptomów tej jedności zarówno w tendencjach transdyscyplinarnych współczesnej nauki, jak i w pewnych wspólnych założeniach epistemologicznych oraz podobieństwach praktyk badawczych nauk. Autor zwraca uwagę na inspiracje kantowskie Mittelstrassa, który adaptuje interesująco dla potrzeb swej argumentacji kategorię „władzy sądzenia”. W podsumowaniu rozważań pojawiają się obok pozytywnej ogólnej oceny omawianej koncepcji także pewne uwagi krytyczne autora pod jej adresem.
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Stanisław Czerniak
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This article examines the problems facing a comparative study of the reception of the idea of revolution in some selected writings of G.W.F. Hegel and Joachim Lelewel. Paying due attention to the specificity of the philosophical and historical approach, the article analyses the similarities and differences in Hegel's and Lelewel's appraisals of the revolutionary legacy. It also brings to light a misrepresentation of Lelewel's take on the subject in the German translation of his writings. That said, Hegel's thought remains of vital importance for both Lelewel, who is not convinced by it, and his translator H.J. Handschuch, who eagerly embraces it.
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Maciej Junkiert

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The Poznan School of Methodology is a research formation operating at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, from the mid-1960s until 1973, whose founders were J. Kmita, L. Nowak and J. Topolski. It developed an original naturalistic and anti-positivist methodological model of the humanities, which, while assuming the methodological unity of the humanities and natural sciences, at the same time defines the methodological specificity of the humanities. It results from the use of deductive scientific explanation called humanistic interpretation in the research practice of humanists. Between 1970 and 1973, Marxist methodology was practised. It was discovered that the original Marxist research method was the procedure of idealisation and concretisation. This period was followed by the disintegration of the Poznan School of Methodology as a research group with common theoretical assumptions. The originality and innovative character of its analyses and scientific findings gained it considerable fame in the world of science, but it also became the subject of lively debates, discussions, polemics and fierce disputes, of which the published reviews are a historical testimony today.
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Jerzy Grad

  1. Wydział Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa,Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The article presents conclusions from research on changes in the practice of creating knowledge in the social sciences and humanities, resulting from research cooperation with the socio-economic environment. The research focused primarily on the impact of such collaboration on the advancement of scientific knowledge in these fields. The theoretical framework adopted in the analysis is the concept of science as an autopoietic, social system, derived from the sociological theory of Niklas Luhmann (presented in his Die Wissenschaft der Gesellschaft, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. M. 1990).
According to the results of the study, the cooperation of the science system with other social subsystems in its environment significantly affects both the practices of creating knowledge and its ultimate character. Such knowledge, under certain conditions, can become an element of scientific communication, but there are some limitations that are associated with differentthat rationalities of cooperating subsystems. An important barrier is the subordination of the research process to the needs of external systems, which, combined with the high selectivity of the science system, means that knowledge generated in cooperation, mainly of an operational nature, is not accepted by the science system. However, there is a great potential for this type of practice because the knowledge thus generated, after an appropriate translation into the system code of science and embedding it in its wider context, can significantly enrich it, among others, with otherwise inaccessible empirical data and different points of view that may become a basis for further scientific research. Research shows that for many representatives of the social sciences and humanities this potential is effectively used.
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Andrzej Stawicki

  1. Instytut Socjologii UMCS, Pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin
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Strategic Informatics is a monograph of the field of computer science in the field of; Its strategic development waves, the challenges of technological progress in the context of the strategic role of computer science, the main strategy-oriented applications in business, healthcare, agriculture, education and private home, strategic challenges of computer science in the humanities, digital state and city, sustainable development and information ethics, morality, and rights.
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Kazimierz Kowalski

  1. Professor Emeritus, California State University, Dominguez Hills

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