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On the basis of elemental composition, optical properties in the visible region, infrared spectra and thermal analysis (TG, DTG, DTA), humic acids of tundra soils in Spitsbergen are found to be more similar to fulvic acids than to humic acids of soils from other soil-climatic zones. The authors claim that it results from climatic conditions (low temperature, considerable humidity, alternation of freezing and thawing) and specific biochemical composition of tundra plants (predominance of plants devoid of lignin) which constitute substratum of the studied humic acids.

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Helena Dziadowiec
Sławomir Gonet
Witold Plichta
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The paper presents the research results for the soils sampled from the area located in the eastern part of the Chodzieskie Lakes, between the Middle Noteć River Valley and the Wełna River Valley, the right tributary of the Warta River. The research involved 7 soil samples from the surface horizons, allocated to the cultivation of various plant species (cereals and vegetable crops). The following were determined in the soil material: the content of phytoavailable forms of selected heavy metals Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Fe and Mn, active and available to plants phosphorus against the activity of selected oxydo-reduction and hydrolytic enzymes. The soil under the vegetable crops showed a very high richness in phosphorus available to plants, which must have been related to an intensive fertilisation. There were identified relatively low contents of the available forms of the heavy metals investigated, the fact that points to their natural content in soil, which triggered the inhibition of neither the oxydo-reduction nor hydrolytic enzymes.

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Joanna Lemanowicz
Agata Bartkowiak
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The article provides an assessment of soil fertility indicators of agricultural lands in the northern foreststeppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the Iglinsky region (Russian Federation). The content of humus, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, the thickness of the humus horizon, granulometric composition, morphological properties and soil washout were studied. It was revealed that the soil-forming process occurs on rocks of different ages and genesis, such as diluvial carbonate and carbonate-free clays and heavy loams, limestone eluvium, sandstone eluvium and alluvial deposits, which determine the diversity of the soil cover. In the study area, water erosion processes are developing, influenced by anthropogenic and natural factors such as planar and linear washout on slopes with a steepness of more than 2–3° and high ploughing of agricultural land. In terms of humus content, low-humus and medium-humus soils are widespread, accounting for 45.5 and 40%, respectively. The soil map was corrected and digitised to identify the main types and subtypes of soils, indicating the varieties at a scale of 1: 25,000. Digitised maps, taking into account the current state of soil fertility, are used to develop projects for inter-farm and intra-farm land management of organisations of the agro-industrial complex, state cadastral valuation of agricultural land, determination of land tax and development of measures to improve soil fertility.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kiseleva
Ilgiz Asylbaev
Ayrat Khasanov
Ramil Mirsayapov
Nadezhda Kurmashev

  1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Bashkir State Agrarian University”, 50 Let Oktyabrya St, 34, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450001, Russian Federation

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