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The paper concerns the utilization of hydrated lime and zeolites as additives in warm mix asphalt produced with foamed bitumen. The mentioned additives were added to the mixtures in exchange for specific quantities of mineral filler, which amounted to 0.4% and 1.2% of hydrated lime or 0.4% of water-modified and 1.0% of air-dry zeolites in mineral mix. The study investigated warm-produced mixtures with 4.5% and 4.8% binder content and production and compaction temperatures set at 120⁰C and 100⁰C respectively. Additionally, reference hot and warm mixtures were evaluated. The testing included: air void content, indirect tensile strength in dry state and after one freeze-thaw cycle as well as the resulting resistance to moisture and frost damage index. The mixtures incorporating hydrated lime and lower bitumen content of 4.5% exhibited increased air voids and mostly unchanged mechanical performance when compared to the reference warm mix. Increased bitumen content has resulted in significantly improved performance in moisture resistance and compactability which could be compared to that of the reference hot-produced mixture. On the other hand, the incorporation of zeolites in the foamed bitumen mixtures resulted in all cases in increased air void content in the samples. This has apparently led to decreased indirect tensile strength, in both the dry state and after the freeze-thaw cycle. Based on the results it was concluded that the production temperature of the zeolite-bearing mixtures was too low for the zeolite water to significantly improve the mix’ workability and therefore positively affect its mechanical parameters.
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  1.  A. Chomicz-Kowalska, W. Gardziejczyk, and M.M. Iwański, “Moisture resistance and compactibility of asphalt concrete produced in half- warm mix asphalt technology with foamed bitumen”, Constr. Build. Mater. 126, 108–118 (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.09.004.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Chomicz-Kowalska
Krzysztof Maciejewski
Mateusz Marek Iwański
Karolina Janus

  1. Kielce University of Technology, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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Sodium silicate is one of the most successful inorganic binder. Along with the broad application of sodium silicate for domestic and industrial purposes, the composition analysis, include modulus (m), ratio of SiO2:Na2O, Na2O%, SiO2%, and solid-containing content, is important for the products strength and service life. However, it is perplexing to operate, inefficient and low precision for traditional standard testing method of these parameters. In this study, an automatic measurement system of sodium silicate composition analysis, with the potential electrode for potentiometer titration, micro-controller, PCB, heater, stirrer, printer and micro peristaltic pump, was developed according to the determine method principle. The end-points of pH value in the two titrating steps, first was 4.3 and second was 6.0, were set in the micro-controller to control the reaction in the processing of the sodium silicate composition analysis. And all the potential signals of the pH electrode were transited in the special PCB for the micro-controller.
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Authors and Affiliations

Huafang Wang
Quanrun Wang
Wu Zhang
Xiang Gao
Jijun Lu

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China
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Allergic skin diseases in cats are amongst the most prevalent dermatological conditions in this species. The objectives of this study were to evaluate different types of skin barrier measurements in healthy cats and cats with non-flea non-food hypersensitivity dermatitis (NFNFHD). 24 clinically healthy and 19 NFNFHD cats were included in this clinical trial. In each animal, the transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin hydration (SH) were assessed on six clipped body sites by VapoMeter SWL 4605 and Corneometer ®CM 825, respectively. Results of TEWL measurement were , significantly higher in one of the six examined body sites, namely on the lumbar area (p=0.0049). Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was found between the average TEWL values (p=0.019). Statistically notable differences were mea- sured at least in one certain body site for SH: in the groin (p=0.02), where the values in the affect- ed cats were lower than in the healthy individuals. These results may suggest that in NFNFHD cats transepidermal water loss is higher than in healthy cats. Skin hydration is, at least, in certain body sites, lower in atopic feline patients than in healthy individuals.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.P. Szczepanik
P.M. Wilkołek
Ł.R. Adamek
G. Kalisz
M. Gołyński
W. Sitkowski
I. Taszkun
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The Euler multiphase flow and population equilibrium model were used to simulate the three-phase flow field in the bubble expansion stage of the outlet curved pipe section. The influence of the ratio of the bending diameter and the volume fraction of the gas phase on the pressure loss is revealed, and the safety range of the optimum bending diameter ratio and the volume fraction of the outlet gas phase is determined. The results show that the three-phase flow in the tube is more uniformly distributed in the vertical stage, and when the pipe is curved, the liquid-phase close to the pipe wall gathers along the pipe flank to the outside of the pipe, the solid phase is transferred along the pipe flank to the inside of the pipe, and the gas phase shrinks along the pipe flank to the inner centre. The maximum speed of each phase of the three-phase flow in the elbow is at the wall of the tube from 45° to 60° inside the elbow, and the distribution law along the axial direction of the pipe is about the same as the distribution law of volume fraction. The pressure loss of the elbow decreases with the increase of the bend diameter ratio, when the bend diameter ratio increases to 6, the pressure loss of the pipe decreases sharply, and the pressure loss decreases slowly with the increase of the bend diameter ratio. When the gas phase volume score in the elbow reaches 70%, there will be an obvious wall separation phenomenon, to keep the system in a stable working state and prevent blowout, the gas phase volume score should be controlled within 60%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wei Chen
1 2 3
Hai-liang Xu
2 3
Bo Wu
2 3
Fang-qiong Yang
2 3

  1. Hunan University of Humanities, Department of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Science and Technology, Loudi, Hunan 417000, China
  2. Central South University, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Changsha, Hunan 410083, China
  3. State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Changsha, Hunan 410083, China
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The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of industrial wastewater on the concentration of methanol in the considered section of the Ob River basin, present proposals for the implementation of a new treatment system and analyse the implementation results. On the basis of the results of the analysis of the known methods for reducing the concentration of methanol in water, a new technological scheme for post-treatment of effluents using biological treatment with methylotrophic Methylomonas methanica Dg bacteria was proposed. The calculation of the dilution of treated wastewater using the “NDS Ecolog” program was carried out on the basis of the detailed calculation method of Karaushev, the results of which showed a decrease in the concentration of methanol in the control section to 0.0954 mg∙dm –3 (permissible concentration is 0.1 mg∙dm –3). During the period of the flood of the Glukhaya channel, it ceases to be a separate water body and, in fact, becomes part of the flood channel of the Ob River. Certain parts of the flooded areas, due to elevation changes, communicate with the channel only during a short period of time when the water level rises, i.e. 3–5 weeks during the flood period, and in fact remain isolated reservoirs for the rest of the time, potentially acting as zones of accumulation and concentration of pollutants.
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Andrey Ivanov
Alexey Strizhenok
Gabriel Borowski

  1. Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Faculty of Mining Engineering, 21st Line of Vasilyevsky island, 2, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  2. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Poland
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The ablation casting technology consists in pouring castings in single-use moulds made from the mixture of sand and water-soluble binder. After pouring the mould with liquid metal the mould is destructed (washed out) using a stream of cooling medium, which in this case is water. The process takes place while the casting is still solidifying.

The following paper focuses on testing the influence of the modified ablation casting of aluminum alloy on casts properties produced in moulds with hydrated sodium silicate binder. The authors showed that the best kind of moulding sands for Al alloy casting will be those hardened with physical factors – through dehydration. The analysis of literature data and own research have shown that the moulding sand with hydrated sodium silicate hardened by dehydration is characterized by sufficient strength properties for the modified ablation casting of Al alloys. In the paper the use of microwave hardened moulding sands has been proposed.

The moulds were prepared in the matrix specially designed for this technology. Two castings from the AlSi7Mg alloy were made; one by traditional gravity casting and the other by gravity casting using ablation.

The conducted casts tests showed that the casting made in modified ablation casting technology characterizes by higher mechanical properties than the casting made in traditional casting technology. In both experimental castings the directional solidification was observed, however in casting made by ablation casting, dimensions of dendrites in the structure at appropriate levels were smaller.

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K. Major-Gabryś
M. Hosadyna-Kondracka
S. Puzio
J. Kamińska
M. Angrecki
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New approach using direct crack width calculations of the minimum reinforcement in tensile RC elements is presented. Verification involves checking whether the provided reinforcement ensures that the crack width that may result from the thermal-shrinkage effects does not exceed the limit value. The Eurocode provisions were enriched with addendums derived from the German national annex. Three levels of accuracy of the analysis were defined - the higher the level applied, the more significant reduction in the amount of reinforcement required can be achieved. A methodology of determining the minimum reinforcement for crack width control on the example of a RC retaining wall is presented. In the analysis the influence of residual and restraint stresses caused by hydration heat release and shrinkage was considered.

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M. Knauff
B. Grzeszykowski
A. Golubińska
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In the paper, an indirect method for the identification of the final shape of the freshly executed jet-grouted column is developed. The method relies on the backward analysis of the temperatures measured inside the column, along the trace of the injecting pipe. Temperature changes in the column are caused by the hydration process of the cementitious grout. 2D axisymmetric unsteady heat conduction initial-boundary value problem is solved for finding the column shape which fits best the reference temperature measurements. The model of the column is solved using the finite element method. The search is performed using the global evolutionary optimization algorithm called differential evolution. It is shown that the proposed method can provide an accurate prediction of the column shape if only the model reflects the physical reality well. The advantage over previous results is that the cylindrical shape of the column does not have to be assumed anymore, and the full profile of the column along its length can be accurately identified.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Wojciechowski

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Al. Politechniki 6, 90-924 Łódz, Poland
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This study focuses on the complex dynamics of heat dissipation within diaphragm walls during concrete hydration, crucial in construction engineering. Experimental measurements from three sites in Poland, featuring diaphragm walls of varying thicknesses, ranging from 1 to 1.5 meters, were compared to a numerical model. The model, using a Finite Difference Method, incorporated stages of execution of adjacent panels and their thermal influence. The results closely mirrored the measured temperatures, validating the accuracy of its predictions. Despite minor discrepancies, mostly within ±3°C, the method effectively approximated real-life scenarios. Suggestions for model enhancements include incorporating the effect of concrete admixtures and refining the modeling of sequential panel execution. The thermal soil parameters, their possible range, and their impact on hydration heat dissipation in deep foundations emerged as crucial insights. This research serves as a foundation for deeper investigations into early-age behavior in deep foundations, aiming to extend the analysis to stress and strain domains to unravel characteristic cracking patterns observed in diaphragm walls.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Grabowski
Monika Mitew-Czajewska

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637Warsaw, Poland, Soletanche Polska Sp. z o.o., Al. “Solidarnosci” 173 bud. C, 00-877 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637Warsaw, Poland
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With the rapid development of the construction industry and higher requirements on the properties of materials, extensive studies have been made to improve the property of the concrete and cementitious materials. This paper mainly studies the mechanical property, anti-chlorine ion diffusion, anti-chlorine ion diffusion, anti-freezing performance, hydration process, microstructure and rheological property of the concrete and cementitious materials after adding cellulose nanofibers. Results showed that the compressive strength of C40 concrete with 0.15% cellulose nanofibers added was 75.72 MPa at 56 days of age, 23.11% higher than that of the control group. It was also higher than that of concrete with 0.20% cellulose nanofibers admixture added. When the content of cellulose nanofibers was 0.15%, the flexural strength reached the maximum value of 6.55 MPa, improving by 24% compared with the control group. Under the circumstances of 150 freeze-thaw cycles, the mass loss rate of C50 concrete with 0.15% CNFs admixture registered at 0.41%, reducing by 0.81% compared with the control group. However, when the cellulose nanofibers increased to 0.20%, the mass loss rate of the concrete reached 0.48%, indicating that adding an appropriate amount of cellulose nanofibers could improve the performance of the concrete. The study provides a strong scientific basis for modifying concrete and cementitious materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ze Wu

  1. Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College, Sanmenxia 472000, China
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The physical and chemical properties of cements with slag originated from the storage yards of different age, added as a supplementary cementing material are highlighted. The materials after 20-year storage, the crushed slag after approximately 2-year storage and the new slag from the ongoing production were compared. The materials supplied by the same metallurgical plant were characterized. The blended cements were produced by Portland cement clinker grinding with gypsum and slags added as 5 to 50% of binder mass. The standard properties of cements were examined, as well as some experiments related to the kinetics of hydration and hydration products were carried out. The addition of granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) stored for a long time, as a component of cement, affects the properties of material in such a way that the early compressive strength is not specially altered but at longer maturing the strength decreases generally with the storage time and percentage of additive. This is related to the reduction of the vitreous component, as well as to the presence of weathered material of altered activity. At the additive content up to 50% the binder complying with the requirements of the European standards for CEM III/A or CEM II/(A,B)-S common cements can be produced. The cements with the old slag meet the requirements of EN 197-1 relating at least to the class 32,5. The role of calcium carbonate, being the product resulting from the slag weathering process, acting as a grindability and setting/hardening modifying agent, should be underlined.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wiktor Pacierpnik
Wiesława Nocuń-Wczelik
Ewa Kapeluszna
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A mechanistic exposure experiment was performed on the commercially available and welded Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe alloy samples used in the piping materials of the coal gasification pilot plant. Thermodynamic Ellingham-Pourbaix stability diagrams were constructed to provide insight into the mechanism of the observed corrosion behavior. The thermodynamic inference on the corrosion mechanism was supplemented with the morphological, compositional and microstructural analyses of the exposed samples using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses. X-ray diffraction result revealed stable corrosion products of NiO, MoNi4 and Cr4.6MoNi2.1 after accumulated total exposure duration of 139 h to the corrosive atmosphere. Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy positively identified formation of rather continuous and adherent pre-oxidation corrosion products although extensively peeled-off oxides were finally observed as corrosion scales on the post-exposure alloy samples, which were attributed to the chlorination/oxidation into thin (spalled) oxides.

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Authors and Affiliations

Sungkyu Lee
Min Jung Kim
Nuri Choi
Sang Yeon Hwang
Seok-Woo Chung
Seung-Jong Lee
Yongseung Yun

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