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This paper proposes a self-excited induction generator model with saturation effect for power generating mode in a remote site. The model is led through the space vector mathematical formalism and allows one to analyze the steady and dynamic states. It is developed for a squirrel cage induction machine. This model provides magnetizing inductance variation able to influence the build-up and the stabilization of voltage generation when the load changes. The final result is a realistic approach model which takes into con- sideration the dependency of the magnetizing inductance versus magnetizing current. This novel model is validated through experimental measurements to demonstrate its validity and practicability.

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Ezzeddine Touti
Habib Kraim
Remus Pusca
Raphael Romary
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This paper presents the research into the design and performance analysis of a novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The designed DFIG is developed based on standard induction motor components and equipped with a five-phase rotor winding supplied from the five-phase inverter. This approach allows the machine to be both efficient and reliable due to the ability of the five-phase rotor winding to operate during single or dual-phase failure. The paper presents the newly designed DFIG validation and verification based on the finite element analysis (FEA) and laboratory tests.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roland Ryndzionek
Krzysztof Blecharz
Filip Kutt
Michał Michna
Grzegorz Kostro

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Gabriela Narutowicza str. 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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The paper presents a multi-phase doubly fed induction machine operating as a DC voltage generator. The machine consists of a six-phase stator circuit and a three-phase rotor circuit. Two three-phase six-pulse diode rectifiers are connected to each three-phase machine section on the stator side and in parallel to the common DC circuit feeding the isolated load. The same DC bus is also common for the rotor side power electronics converter responsible for machine control. Two methods – direct torque control DTC and field oriented control FOC – were implemented for machine control and compared by means of simulation tests. Field oriented control was implemented in the laboratory test bench.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Maciejewski
Grzegorz Iwański

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, 75, Koszykowa St., 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
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For fault detection of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), in this paper, a method of sliding mode observer (SMO) based on a new reaching law (NRL) is proposed. The SMO based on the NRL (NRL- SMO) theoretically eliminates system chatter caused by the reaching law and can be switched in time with system interference in terms of robustness and smoothness. In addition, the sliding mode control law is used as the index of fault detection. Firstly, this paper gives the NRL with the theoretically analyzes. Secondly, according to the mathematical model of DFIG, NRL-SMO is designed, and its analysis of stability and robustness are carried out. Then this paper describes how to choose the optimal parameters of the NRL-SMO. Finally, three common wind turbine system faults are given, which are DFIG inter-turn stator fault, grid voltage drop fault, and rotor current sensor fault. The simulation models of the DFIG under different faults is established. The simulation results prove that the superiority of the method of NRL-SMO in state tracking and the feasibility of fault detection.
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Authors and Affiliations

RuiQi Li
1 2
Wenxin Yu
1 2
JunNian Wang
3 2
Yang Lu
1 2
Dan Jiang
1 2
GuoLiang Zhong
1 2
ZuanBo Zhou
1 2

  1. School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan Pro., Xiangtan,411201, China
  2. Key Laboratory of Knowledge Processing Networked Manufacturing, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan Pro., Xiangtan,411201, China
  3. School of Physics and Electronics, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan Pro., Xiangtan,411201, China
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In this paper, a rotor current fault monitoring method is proposed based on a sliding mode observer. Firstly, the state-space model of the Double-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is constructed by vector transformation. Meanwhile, the stator voltage orientation vector control method is applied to decouple a stator and rotor currents, so as to obtain the correlation between the stator and rotor current. Furthermore, the mathematical model of stator voltage orientation is obtained. Then a state sliding mode observer (SMO) is established for the output current of the rotor of the DFIG. The stability and reachability of the system in a limited time is proved. Finally, the system state is determined by the residuals of the measured and estimated rotor currents. The simulation results show that the method proposed in this paper can effectively monitor the status: a normal state, voltage drop faults, short-circuit faults between windings, and rotor current sensor faults which have the advantages of fast response, high stability.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wenxin Yu
Shao Dao Huang
Dan Jiang
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The paper proposes a newrobust fuzzy gain adaptation of the sliding mode (SMC) power control strategy for the wind energy conversion system (WECS), based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), to maximize the power extracted from the wind turbine (WT). The sliding mode controller can deal with any wind speed, ingrained nonlinearities in the system, external disturbances and model uncertainties, yet the chattering phenomenon that characterizes classical SMC can be destructive. This problem is suitably lessened by adopting adaptive fuzzy-SMC. For this proposed approach, the adaptive switching gains are adjusted by a supervisory fuzzy logic system, so the chattering impact is avoided. Moreover, the vector control of the DFIG as well as the presented one have been used to achieve the control of reactive and active power of the WECS to make the wind turbine adaptable to diverse constraints. Several numerical simulations are performed to assess the performance of the proposed control scheme. The results show robustness against parameter variations, excellent response characteristics with a reduced chattering phenomenon as compared with classical SMC.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohamed Horch
Abdelkarim Chemidi
Lotfi Baghli
Sara Kadi

  1. Laboratoire d’Automatique de Tlemcen (LAT), National School of Electrical and Energetic Engineering of Oran, Oran 31000, Algeria
  2. Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory of Tlemcen, Hight School of Applied Sciences, Tlemcen 13000, Algeria
  3. Laboratoire d’Automatique de Tlemcen (LAT) Université de Lorraine GREEN, EA 4366F-54500, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
  4. Laboratory of Power Equipment Characterization and Diagnosis, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers 16000, Algeria
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Wind power integration through the voltage source converter-based high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) system will be a potential solution for delivering large-scale wind power to the “Three-North Regions” of China. However, the interaction between the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) and VSC-HVDC system may cause the risk of subsynchronous oscillation (SSO). This paper establishes a small-signal model of the VSC based multi-terminal direct current (VSC-MTDC) system with new energy access for the problem, and the influencing factors causing SSO are analyzed based on the eigenvalue analysis method. The theoretical analysis results show that the SSO in the system is related to the wind farm operating conditions, the rotor-side controller (RSC) of the DFIG and the interaction of the controller in the VSC-MTDC system. Then, the phase lag characteristic is obtained based on the signal test method, and a multi-channel variable-parameter subsynchronous damping controller (SSDC) is designed via selecting reasonable parameters. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the multi-channel variable-parameter SSDC are verified based on time-domain simulation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Miaohong Su
Haiying Dong
1 2
Kaiqi Liu
Weiwei Zou

  1. School of Automatic and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
  2. School of New Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China

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