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The article is an attempt to present and discuss – based on the struggle against Barbary pirates and corsairs waged in the Mediterranean Sea – dynamic and complex political and economic processes as well as diplomatic efforts that contributed to the French conquest of Algiers in 1830. The first three decades of the 19th century were among the most turbulent periods in the history of the French nation. Defeated and humiliated by the enemy coalition in 1815, France did not give up on her “imperial dream”, this time trying to make it come true in a non-distant Maghreb. The way to achieve this goal was, however, quite bumpy. At that time, the western part of the Mediterranean Sea was an arena of competition, mainly between the United States and Great Britain. After all, this turned out to be very favourable to France. Wishing to introduce an extra element into the game, eliminate rivals for overseas supremacy, as well as win Russia – that was gradually strengthening her influence in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea – as an ally, at the end of the 1820’s Great Britain became an advocate of her neighbour across the English Channel. Gradually regaining her economic potential and international importance, France reached for Algiers by entering the armed conflict. However, the French stronghold in Maghreb would soon pose a major challenge to the British colonialism in Africa. Expressing their major concern over the security of so-called “imperial route” leading via the Mediterranean sea, British politicians and statesmen adopted a new political stance toward the declining Ottoman Empire. Owing to their “independence and integrity” doctrine (formulated in 1830’s), the rich Ottoman heritage managed to “survive” by the outbreak of World War II.
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Zygmunt Stefan Zalewski
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The control system described by Urysohn type integral equation is considered where the system is nonlinear with respect to the phase vector and is affine with respect to the control vector. The control functions are chosen from the closed ball of the space Lq (Ω; ℝ<sup>m</sup>), q > 1, with radius r and centered at the origin. The trajectory of the system is defined as p-integrable multivariable function from the space Lq (Ω; ℝ<sup>n</sup>), (1/q) + (1/p) = 1, satisfying the system’s equation almost everywhere. It is shown that the system’s trajectories are robust with respect to the fast consumption of the remaining control resource. Applying this result it is proved that every trajectory can be approximated by the trajectory obtained by full consumption of the total control resource.

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Nesir Huseyin
Anar Huseyin
Khalik G. Guseinov

  1. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 58140 Sivas, Turkey
  2. Department of Statistics and Computer Sciences, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 58140 Sivas, Turkey
  3. Department of Mathematics, Eskisehir Technical University, 26470 Eskisehir, Turkey
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Background: Integrity involves adherence to a set of moral principles and the courage to act on those principles. In clinical psychology and other health professions, consideration of integrity ensures that the upmost care and respect is given to all- regardless of individual background or mental health condition. However, despite the salience of integrity in clinical practice, it is frequently neglected in the literature. Thus, the main aim of the present study was to test a theoretical model and investigate the use of integrity assessments in clinical populations.
Subjects and Methods: Participants (N=80) were assessed using the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO), self-reports and simulated cheating task.
Results: Statistical analysis revealed that age, as well as agreeableness; conscientiousness, impression management, moral values and dark triad traits, accounted for 63% of the variance with age and impression management as significant predictors. Integrity was a predictor for cheating at work (Adj. R2 = 0.41), unethical work behavior (Adj. R2 = 0.27) and simulated cheating task (Adj. R2 = 0.07).
Conclusions: The results of the study suggest the possibility of using integrity tests in mood disorders with a moderate level of mood and anxiety impairments.
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Tereza Příhodová
1 2
Marek Preiss
1 3
Eva Straková
Veronika Juríčková
Radek Heissler

  1. National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic
  2. Department of Psychiatry, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  3. University of New York in Prague, Praha, Czech Republic
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The Commission examined 17 notifications suggesting violation of research integrity of which most recent cases concerned interactions between research team members, authorship of publications as well as research procedures. Most frequently notifications originated from medical, social and humanistic sciences. Together with the Council for Scientific Excellence (RDN) the Commission submitted to Ministry of Science a plea for introducing amendments to Act on Higher Education to upgrade scientific and ethical requirements in the proceedings leading to associate and full professorship. The Commission is also engaged in intensive work on amendment to the last edition of Code of research integrity.
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Andrzej Górski

  1. przewodniczący Komisji do spraw Etykiw Nauce
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The commission held 8 meetings using a hybrid approach to its work (remote work as well as work on-premises). CRI has pointed to shortcomings of remote work in science and education, where direct contacts between members of academic community assure optimal envirnment for achieving highest standards of research and teaching. Moreover, focusing the vast majority of research on COVID-related projects endangers progress in other scientific disciplines while an exaggerated pressure for the fast development of new anti-COVID medications may cause lowering of standards used to evaluate research results. CRI has expressed its concern caused by activities of Ministry of Education and Science related to s.c. „freedom package” – a planned amendments to Act on Higher Education and Science. CRI believes that the proposed changes may endanger academic freedom and contribute to dissemination of knowledge not based on solid scientific grounds. Following consultations with the entire Polish academic and scientific community CRI has amended its Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and published its updated version (approved by General Assembly of PAS on 25 June 2020). The new version addresses in a more detail the issue of conflict of interest (CoI). CRI believes that the issue of CoI is of growing importance in science, medicine and other aspects of human activities. Following the examples of leading universities and research institutions CRI has introduced an ethical requirement to report – on an annual basis – the existing CoI to university/research institute administration for possible instructions informing if and how such existing CoI need to be adjusted.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Górski
Mieczysław Grabianowski

  1. przewodniczący Komisji do Spraw Etyki w Nauce
  2. dyrektor Gabinetu Prezesa PAN
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The article presents a closed-form formula for solving a weakly singular surface integral with a linear current source distribution associated with the SIE-MoM formulation used for solving electromagnetic (EM) problems. The analytical formula was obtained by transforming the surface integral over a triangular domain into a double integral, and then directly determining formulas for the inner and outer integrals. The solution obtained is marked by high computational efficiency, high accuracy, and very simple implementation. The derived formula, in contrast to the currently available formulas, consists of quantities that have a clear and simple geometric interpretation, related to the geometry of the computational domain.
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Anna Grytsko
Piotr Słobodzian

  1. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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The above-threshold operation of a Fabry-Perot laser with a nonlinear PT (parity time) mirror is investigated. For the first time, the analysis accounts for gain saturation of an active medium as well as gain and loss saturation effects in the PT mirror. The obtained laser output intensity characteristics have been demonstrated as a function of various PT mirror parameters such as: the ratio of the PT structure period to laser operating wavelength, number of PT mirror primitive cells, and gain and loss saturation intensities of the PT mirror gain and loss layers. Two functional configurations of the laser have been considered: laser operating as a discrete device, and as a component of an integrated circuit. It has been shown that, in general, the laser operation depends on the PT mirror orientation with respect to the active medium of the laser. Moreover, when the laser radiation is outcoupled through the PT mirror to the free space, bistable operation is possible, when losses of the mirror’s loss layer saturate faster than gain of the gain layer. Furthermore, for a given saturation intensity of the mirror loss layers, the increase of the saturation intensity of the mirror gain layers causes increasing output intensity, i.e., the PT mirror additionally amplifies the laser output signal.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Mossakowska-Wyszyńska
Piotr Witoński
Paweł Szczepański
1 2

  1. Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
  2. National Institute of Telecommunications, ul. Szachowa 1, 04-894 Warsaw, Poland
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Preventive methods of plant protection used currently require a significant number of treatments throughout the season. Research results indicate a possibility of reduction of the number of treatments by halfwithout serious loss of effectiveness if the attack of pathogens has been recorded early enough. Limiting treatments to truly necessary ones means conserving chemicals, fuel and labour and consequently substantial financial savings for the farm. However, early warning requires full analysis of many factors that influence incidence, development and harmfulness of diseases, pests and weeds in relation with their impact on the yield. Such an analysis is beyond the power of the farmer alone. Appropriate models have to be used that utilize weather data and field observations in real time. At the present, due to frequent updating of the databases and sharing of the system by many users, in integrated plant protection the most efficient seem to be internet decision support systems. As of 2000 the Institute of Plant Protection in Poznań together with the Institute Soil Science and Plant Cultivation in Puławy in cooperation with the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences conduct a joint research project on development and implementation of an Internet Decision Support System for Integrated Plant Protection in Poland. Various modules of the system are already available on the Internet. Much like similar systems operating abroad, the Polish DSS also takes advantage of weather data utilized in disease models (the weather module). Nevertheless, an important addition to the system are strategically relevant data such as values and statistic distributions of elements of climate and potential yields (the agroclimate module), operation sheets, exploitation data and prices (the technology module) etc., which are important to the formulation and adoption of a particular line of action and risk evaluation in economic terms. When all modules are operational, the information relevant to decision making will be derived from on-line analyses based on cost calculation of different variants of plant protection applicable to the current situation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej S. Zaliwski
Stefan Wolny
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The generalization of the European experience in waste management in the context of the directives, decisions and regulations adopted in the last decade in the European Union, as well as the state of the organizational, economic and regulatory framework for solving the waste problem in Ukraine, reveals a systemic lag in the implementation of new conceptual, methodological and practical approaches to the formation of an appropriate state policy.
The dynamics of handling certain types of waste in Ukraine have been analyzed. Features of disposal and waste management in Ukraine have been identified. A comparative assessment of the dynamics of waste generation in European countries and Ukraine per capita has been carried out, a block model of the financing system for the waste management sector in Ukraine has been formed and the directions of effective waste management in Ukraine have been determined. Furthermore, priority policy measures for waste management and secondary resource use in Ukraine have been formulated.
A set of obstacles on the method of efficient waste management in Ukraine has been prioritized. In the context of the formation of an efficient waste-management strategy, it has been advised to structure its three components of the subsystem: receipts (sources of formation) of funds, their accumulation and costs (expenses). This structuring indicates the presence of a number of flows of funds, each of which is largely autonomous but together they create a complementary system. Improvements to the legislative framework have been suggested. In particular, it is recommended to devote more resources to reorienting the existing economic model, which will create new business projects and will increase the flow of investment into the country.
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Grygorii Kaletnik
Natalia Pryshliak
Michael Khvesyk
Julia Khvesyk

  1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  2. National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Ukraine
  3. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
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The article reviews the integrated territorial investments carried out in the Opolskie Voivodeship in the financial perspective 2014-2020. The object of the analysis was the Opole Agglomeration as the only of five functional areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship, where beneficiaries of funds from European Funds are located within this investment policy development policy.

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Katarzyna Widera
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The aim of the article is to present international economic integration as one of the mega trends that infl uence on the redefi nition of the factors of socio-economic development. The research procedure includes three stages. In the fi rst stage, the most important modern mega trends of socio-economic changes are organized in a synthetic way. In the second step, the genesis and changes of the process of international economic integration are elaborated. In the third stage, the infl uence of international economic integration on the changes of factors of socio-economic development is systematized. This study is being carried out as part of the FORSED research project ( fi nanced by the National Science Center as part of OPUS competition 10 – 2015/19/B/HS5/00012: New challenges of regional policy in shaping the socio-economic development factors of less developed regions.

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Paweł Churski
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The author presents the search for the identity of individuals and families displaced after World War II from Vilnius to Gdańsk in the context of the urban community integration. Gdańsk being a city where the population after the war was almost fully replaced, becomes in this sense a kind of laboratory of social integration processes. The text serves as an introduction to the topic and is based on the results of the pilot qualitative research conducted within the The Common Room Gdańsk” (2013–2015) project coordinated by prof. M. Mendel. The analyses are a contribution to the reflection on identity determinants of integration processes within the urban community, also in relation to contemporary times. When discussing the issues of identity, the author points to the importance of the turning point which was the end of World War II, and the experience of expatriation in the spatial and socio-cultural context.

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Katarzyna Stankiewicz
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Today’s cities tend to “pour out” beyond their administrative boundaries. This phenomenon is related to the settlement of people “from the city” in neighboring municipalities, or taking up jobs in cities by people living in neighboring municipalities. This has been recognized in the European Union, which has introduced appropriate legal instruments for cohesion policy. Integrated Territorial Investments were introduced to the EU cohesion policy for the fi rst time in the 2014-2020 fi nancial perspective. Their goal was to intensify cooperation between cities and their functional areas. Unfortunately, the emerging information about diffi culties in implementing ITIs often become the basis for considering this idea ineff ective. The purpose of the work is qualitative and quantitative verifi cation of the operation of ITU based on selected data, so that it is possible to answer the question about the validity of the existence of this instrument.

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Marcin Wajda
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The article applies the concept of anchoring, defined as the process of searching for footholds and points of reference which allows individuals to acquire socio-psychological stability and security and function effectively in a new environment, to explore complex, multidimensional and flexible adaptation and settlement processes among migrants from Ukraine in Poland. Based on 40 in-depth interviews and questionnaires with migrants resident in Warsaw and its vicinity, we argue that the traditional catego-ries employed for analysing migrants’ adaptation and settlement such as ‘integration’ or ‘assimilation’ are not always adequate to capture the way of functioning and experience of contemporary Ukrainian migrants. Rather than traditional categories, we propose to apply the concept of anchoring which ena-bles us to capture Ukrainians’ ‘fluid’ migration, drifting lives and complex identities as well as mecha-nisms of settling down in terms of searching for relative stability rather than putting down roots. The paper discusses the ambiguous position of Ukrainian migrants in Poland constructed as neither-strangers nor the same, gives insight into their drifting lives and illuminates ways of coping with tem-porariness and establishing anchors to provide a sense of stability and security. This approach, linking identity, security and incorporation, emphasises, on the one hand, the psychological and emotional as-pects of establishing new footholds and, on the other hand, tangible anchors and structural constraints. Its added value lies in the fact that it allows for the complexity, simultaneity and changeability of an-choring and the reverse processes of un-anchoring to be included.

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Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska
Anita Brzozowska
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The species Halyomorpha halys (Stål), which is endemic in East Asia, was first detected in North America in 1996 and was probably introduced into Europe in 2008. The species is polyphagous. It consumes over 170 host plant species and significantly impacts crop production. In Greece the first recording of its presence was in 2014, when it was reported as a nuisance in houses in the region of Athens. The present study describes the systematic spread and damage of this invasive pest, including the first recorded identification in peach and olive cultivations in the prefecture of Imathia in central Macedonia, Greece. Sampling was carried out in representative peach and olive farms during July and August, 2018 and 2019 in which significant levels of fruit damage were recorded, especially during 2018. The population of the species was recorded throughout the winter seasons of 2018 and 2019 in which overwintering adults were systematically recorded in shelters and other constructions near fruit orchards. Given the dynamics of the species and its destructive impact on a wide range of host species, H. halys is expected to be a major pest. Additionally, considering that the prefecture of Imathia is the most important peach growing area of Greece, further studies of the presence and population dynamics of this species along with the establishment of particular management actions to control the population is imperative for the future protection of horticultural production in Greece.

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Petros Damos
Polyxeni Soulopoulou
Thomas Thomidis
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As a result of the development of modern vehicles, even higher accuracy standards are demanded. As known, Inertial Navigation Systems have an intrinsic increasing error which is the main reason of using integrating navigation systems, where some other sources of measurements are utilized, such as barometric altimeter due to its high accuracy in short times of interval. Using a Robust Kalman Filter (RKF), error measurements are absorbed when a Fault Tolerant Altimeter is implemented. During simulations, in order to test the Nonlinear RKF algorithm, two kind of measurement malfunction scenarios have been taken into consideration; continuous bias and measurement noise increment. Under the light of the results, some recommendations are proposed when integrated altimeters are used.

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Alberto Mañero Contreras
Chingiz Hajiyev
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Scaffolding is equipment usually used at construction sites. A scaffolding structure is lightweight and made of elements used many times. The characteristics of scaffolding make it susceptible to dynamic actions present at the structure or occurring nearby. A scaffolding structure of medium size was subjected to analysis in this paper. The structure FEM model was loaded with single force harmonic excitation with various frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 12 Hz applied in one of many selected points on the scaffolding façade. In the first step, natural frequencies and mode shapes of the analyzed structure were calculated. Then the full dynamic analysis was carried out to obtain maximum displacements of selected control points. The relation of excitation force frequency and location to the amplitudes of generated displacement was observed. It was found that low excitation frequencies close to the natural frequencies of the structure produced vibrations ranging to large areas of the scaffolding surface. Higher excitation frequencies are usually less propagated at the scaffolding but still may produce some discomfort to the structure users in the vicinity of the excitation force location. Scaffolding is equipment usually used at construction sites. A scaffolding structure is lightweight and made of elements used many times. The characteristics of scaffolding make it susceptible to dynamic actions present at the structure or occurring nearby. A scaffolding structure of medium size was subjected to analysis in this paper. The structure FEM model was loaded with single force harmonic excitation with various frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 12 Hz applied in one of many selected points on the scaffolding façade. In the first step, natural frequencies and mode shapes of the analyzed structure were calculated. Then the full dynamic analysis was carried out to obtain maximum displacements of selected control points. The relation of excitation force frequency and location to the amplitudes of generated displacement was observed. It was found that low excitation frequencies close to the natural frequencies of the structure produced vibrations ranging to large areas of the scaffolding surface. Higher excitation frequencies are usually less propagated at the scaffolding but still may produce some discomfort to the structure users in the vicinity of the excitation force location.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Bęc
Ewa Błazik-Borowa
Jacek Szer

  1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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The stratigraphy of the upper Fredericksburg and lower Washita groups of northern Texas and southern Oklahoma is described, and biostratigraphical correlation within the region, and further afield, using micro­ crinoids, ammonites, planktonic foraminiferans and inoceramid bivalves is summarised. The taxonomy of the roveacrind microcrinoids is revised by the senior author, and a new genus, Peckicrinus, is described, with the type species Poecilocrinus porcatus (Peck, 1943). New species include Roveacrinus proteus sp. nov., R. morganae sp. nov., Plotocrinus reidi sp. nov., Pl. molineuxae sp. nov., Pl. rashallae sp. nov. and Styracocrinus thomasae sp. nov. New formae of the genus Poecilocrinus Peck, 1943 are Po. dispandus forma floriformis nov. and Po. dispandus forma discus nov. New formae of the genus Euglyphocrinus Gale, 2019 are E. pyramidalis (Peck, 1943) forma pyramidalis nov., E. pyramidalis forma radix nov. and E. pyramidalis forma pentaspinus nov. The genera Plotocrinus Peck, 1943, Poecilocrinus and Roveacrinus Douglas, 1908 form a branching phylogenetic lineage extending from the middle Albian into the lower Cenomanian, showing rapid speciation, upon which a new roveacrinid zonation for the middle and upper Albian (zones AlR1–12) is largely based. Outside Texas and Oklahoma, zone AlR1 is recorded from the lower middle Albian of Aube (southeastern France) and zones AlR11–CeR2 from the Agadir Basin in Morocco and central Tunisia. It is likely that the zonation will be widely applicable to the middle and upper Albian and lower Cenomanian successions of many other regions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrew Scott Gale
1 2
Jenny Marie Rashall
William James Kennedy
4 5
Frank Koch Holterhoff

  1. School of the Environment, Geography and Geological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Burnaby Building, Burnaby Road, Portsmouth PO13QL UK
  2. Earth Science Department, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW75BD, UK
  3. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Arlington, 76019 USA
  4. Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, OX13PW
  5. Department of Earth Sciences, South Parks Road, OX13AN UK
  6. 1233 Settlers Way, Lewisville, TX 75067 USA
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This article introduces a laboratory-scale concept and research on photovoltaic (PV) modules designed for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) market, with enhanced architectural aesthetics and no protective glass. The proposed concept involves replacing a typical glass protective and load-bearing element of PV modules with an ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) foil while using an aluminium sheet as a load-bearing element in the system. To further enhance the visual appeal of the solution, special modifications were proposed to the geometry of the front security foil. To confirm the feasibility of the proposed concept for mass production, critical tests were conducted on the material system and the process of modifying the surface of the ETFE foil. These tests included evaluating adhesion strength between layers, optical transmission coefficients, and electrical parameters of the developed PV modules. Additionally, the effect of the ETFE film modification on the formation of micro-cracks in solar cells was also investigated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kazimierz Drabczyk
Grażyna Kulesza-Matlak
Piotr Sobik
Olgierd Jeremiasz

  1. Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Reymonta 25, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Helioenergia Sp. z o.o., ul. Rybnicka 68, 44-238 Czerwionka-Leszczyny, Poland
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The article presents technological and measurement systems and methods for substrate preparation, production and purification of raw biogas, biogas storage, cogeneration, and processing of post-fermentation mass. Based on the existing infrastructure for biogas production from pig slurry, a model system for integrating objects in the AVEVA environment using integration mechanisms was demonstrated. The simulation used an imaging method, and the 3D model was used for technological simulations. The work presents simulation results that allow us to understand the availability of graphic imaging techniques at each stage, define and expand the library of typical errors and requirements for pipeline installations, structures and devices, facilitating the identification of design errors and accelerated introduction of corrections to the installation design.
The article features the use of integration of elements of a pilot biogas production installation in the AVEVA environment – innovative systems for heating the substrate and managing agricultural biogas production were implemented. A node for the production of raw biogas was indicated for the transport system of biogas produced in the fermentation tank, along with devices enabling the conduct, control and regulation of the fermentation process. The visualisation concerned integration of the biogas production technology diagram with the model environment for the created pipelines using integrator mechanisms.
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Grzegorz Wałowski

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, 3 Hrabska Ave, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
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During the Brexit campaign, both those who opted for Britain leaving the EU and those who wanted to remain in the structures of the Union referred to William Shakespeare to support the rightness of their preference. The question of how Shakespeare would have voted was raised by numerous journalists, writers and politicians who either tried to present Shakespeare as a national bard promoting British isolationism or a staunch adherent of England being an integral part of the European continent. The paper scrutinizes some aspects of Shakespeare’s plays which indicate the writer’s attitude towards the relations between England and Europe.

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Paweł Kaptur
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The choice of global geopotential model used in remove-restore technique for determination of regional quasi geoid from gravity data may affect the solution, in particular when the accuracy is supposed to reach a centimetre level. Global geopotential model plays also an important role in validating height anomalies at GPS/levelling sites that are used for the estimation of the external accuracy of quasigeoid models. Six different global geopotential models are described in the paper. Three kinds of numerical tests with use of terrestrial gravity data and GPS/levelling height anomalies were conducted. The first one concerned comparison of height anomalies at GPS/levelling sites ia Poland with corresponding ones computed from various global geopotential models. In the second one the terrestrial gravity anomalies in Poland and neighbouring countries were compared with corresponding gravity anomalies computed from global geopotential models. Finally the quasigeoid models obtained from gravity data with use of different global geopotential models were verified against corresponding height anomalies at GPS/levelliag sites in Poland. Data quality was discussed and best fitting global geopotential model in Poland was specified.
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Jan Kryński
Adam Łyszkowicz
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The interdisciplinary report is an effect of the work of a team of experts appointed by Division I for Humanities and Social Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). The team consisted of representatives of academic committees of the division. Its task was to formulate answers to 20 questions most frequently asked in public discourse regarding costs and benefits of the European integration, relations between Poland and the EU authorities, threats to the integration, the future of the EU and the place of Poland in the Community. The authors express concern about the potential results of the negative attitude of the current Polish government towards the actions of the institutions of the EU, the growing criticism towards the European integration and the threat of marginalisation of Poland within the EU or even the possibility of Poland’s leaving the EU (Polexit). They also indicate the possible economic, political and civilizational outcomes of the actions of the Polish authorities which weaken Poland’s ties to the EU. The report urges the academic community to increase their research activity and involvement in the public debate regarding these vital issues.

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Wydział I Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych Polska Akademia Nauk
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Recent research has shown that the increase in a number of participants of construction project elevated the cost and duration of construction. The use of integrated project delivery and the formation of a network organization structure can significantly reduce the costs, as the activities of the participants become more coherent and coordinated. The optimization of decisions is essential for the efficiency of a negotiation process, which in turn depends on the organizational structure. The article specifies three basic types of network organizational structure that can be applied in a construction project: focal (F1), dynamic (F2), multifocal (F3). In this study, a direct assessment of possible effectiveness of each of the three types of network organizational structures was carried out using a vector decision model. For each of the above-mentioned types of organizational structures, the potential effectiveness of negotiating act f0 and the total potential effectiveness F0 was calculated. The results of the study show that the most effective type of network organizational structure is the multifocal collective decisions in which a project manager has several “assistants”.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Trach
Mieczysław Połoński
Petro Hrytsiuk

  1. PhD., Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Prof. PhD. Eng., Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska 159,02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  3. Prof. PhD., National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Soborna 11, 33028 Rivne, Ukraine

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