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Currently, the distribution system has been adapted to include a variety of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Maximum benefits can be extracted from the distribution system with high penetration of DERs by transforming it into a sustainable, isolated microgrid. The key aspects to be addressed for this transformation are the determination of the slack bus and assurance of reliable supply to the prioritized loads even during contingency. This paper explores the possibilities of transforming the existing distribution system into a sustainable isolated network by determining the slack bus and the optimal locations and capacity of Distributed Generators (DGs) in the isolated network, taking into account the contingencies due to faults in the network. A combined sensitivity index is formulated to determine the most sensitive buses for DG placement. Further, the reliability based on the loss of load in the isolated system when a fault occurs is evaluated, and the modifications required in for reliability improvement are discussed. The supremacy of the transformed isolated network with distributed generators is comprehended by comparing the results from conventional IEEE 33-bus grid connected test system and modified IEEE 33-bus isolated test system having no interconnection with the main grid.

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R. Hari Kumar
N. Mayadevi
V.P. Mini
S. Ushakumari
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The problem of transmitting vibrations with audible frequencies by steel springs, constituting the vibration isolation system was considered in this paper. The analytical relationships allowing determining the value of the transmissibility for the springs resonance frequencies responsible for the transmissibility of high frequency vibrations have been derived and checked by means of FEM method. Also the occurrence of the increasing stresses in the springs in the areas between the resonances has been shown. The typical system, i.e. the serial system with rubber cushion, has been analyzed, reducing the transmission of high frequency vibrations by the spring. It has been shown that the transmission is reduced not as a result of differences in the wave impedance of the boundary of both media but due to the increased dispersion of energy in the rubber, and the analytical relationships allowing the evaluation of the effectiveness of this method have been derived.
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Jerzy Michalczyk
Leszek Majkut
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First psychological research at Arctowski station were conducted in 1979. In the nineties the American team under direction of prof. L. Palinkas conducted research in order to determine the patterns of multicultural psychosocial adaptation. The author discusses stress as a result of isolation and extreme conditions.

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Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski
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In this fast-changing environmental condition, the effect of fossil fuel in vehicle is a significant concern. Many sustainable sources are being studied to replace the exhausting fossil fuel in most of the countries. This paper surveys the types of electric vehicle’s energy sources and current scenario of the onroad electric vehicle and its technical challenges. It summarizes the number of state-of-the-art research progresses in bidirectional dcdc converters and its control strategies reported in last two decades. The performance of the various topologies of bidirectional dc-dc converters is also tabulated along with their references. Hence, this work will present a clear view on the development of state-of-the-art topologies in bidirectional dc-dc converters. This review paper will be a guide for the researchers for selecting suitable bidirectional traction dc-dc converters for electric vehicle and it gives the clear picture of this research field.

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Lavanya Anbazhagan
Jegatheesan Ramiah
Vijayakumar Krishnaswamy
Divya Navamani Jayachandra
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The structural concept of the dome dates back to the Pantheon in Rome. It is used as the cover of many churches and mosques all around the world. Light solutions, with a well-visible dome-shaped truss skeleton, are often preferred in modern architecture. Base isolation techniques can be adopted to mitigate the seismic effects. This paper aims to investigate the efficiency of different designs for the truss skeleton. To solve the problem, one has to assign the constraints, the materials and the geometry of the dome, its supporting structure and the isolation devices (number, locations, and type). The screening of the effects of different scheme assumptions on structural behaviour provides a better insight into the problem.
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Sara Casciati

  1. SIART srl, Pavia, Italy
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Rhizoctonia solani was isolated from 91 % of alder and birch seedlings with stem rot symptoms and 2-3% of seeds. Sowing of seeds to substratum infested with R. solani resulted in pre-and postemergence damping off. On leaves and stem parts of alder and birch, inoculated with 3 isolates of R. solani, necrosis spread from 0.22 to 0.52 mm/hr.
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Leszek B. Orlikowski
Barbara Duda
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Considering concrete nonlinearity, the wave height limit between small and large amplitude sloshing is defined based on the Bernoulli equation. Based on Navier-Stokes equations, the mathematical model of large amplitude sloshing is established for a Concrete Rectangle Liquid-Storage Structure (CRLSS). The results show that the seismic response of a CRLSS increases with the increase of seismic intensity. Under different seismic fortification intensities, the change in trend of wave height, wallboard displacement, and stress are the same, but the amplitudes are not. The areas of stress concentration appear mainly at the connections between the wallboards, and the connections between the wallboard and the bottom.

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X. Cheng
D. Li
P. Li
X. Zhang
G. Li
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Phytophthora cinnarnorni dominated among isolates obtained from diseased 9 species of ericaceous plants. Inoculation of leaves or shoot parts by that species resulted in the fast development of necrosis. In greenhouse trials the pathogen caused root and shoot rot within 10-12-week-growth. The source of isolate had significant influence on the development of Phytophthora rot.
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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek B. Orlikowski
Grażyna Szkuta
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Stem canker and black scurf of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn are important and epidemic diseases in potato-growing regions worldwide, including Iran. In this study, 120 isolates were retrieved from infected stem canker from six potato- growing regions in Iran (Isfahan, Ardebil, Fars, Hamedan, Kurdestan and Kerman). Out of these, 30 isolates were selected as representatives for genetic and virulence analysis. The isolates were analyzed by one sequence analyzes of the ITS-rDNA region, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), as well as virulence studies. Based on sequence analysis of the ITS-rDNA region, all 30 isolates were assigned to the anastomosis group (AG) and all were assigned to AG-3 PT. Cluster analysis using the unweighted pair group method with the arithmetic averages (UPGMA) method for both RAPD and ISSR markers revealed that they were divided into three main groups, with no correlation to geographical regions of the isolates. Pathogenicity tests showed that all isolates were pathogenic on potato cv. Agria; however, virulence variability was observed among the isolates. The grouping based on RAPD analysis and virulence variability was not correlated.

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Mehdi Nasr Esfahani
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Roman Ingarden’s work is widely taken as promoting a philosophical anthropology in which considerations from philosophy of ecology, that is, ecophilosophy, have no secure place. I think this contention is too hasty, even though Ingarden himself did not undertake reflections on the responsibility of humans for their natural environment. It is true that here and there he was giving explicit expression to his conviction of the unimportance of biological origins of humans, and was putting a strong emphasis on culture and other intentional creatures of humanity. In my paper I have tried to trace and describe Ingardenian understanding of humans in relation to their environment, and especially to nature. I have made an attempt to show how free human actions are possible, which in turn enforces on humans some responsibility for their actions, including those that impinge upon the nature around them.
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Adriana Schetz

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Instytut Filozofii i Kognitywistyki, ul. Krakowska 71–79, 71-017 Szczecin
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In the text On Responsibility and Its Ontic Foundations Roman Ingarden stated that responsibility for an act requires the existence of a specific structure of objective and subjective realities, which presuppose the possibility of free choice, the existence of the past, non‑relatively understood values, and personal identity. However, Ingarden’s proposal, which includes ideas such as ‘relatively isolated systems’ or the ‘center of self’ as a condition of the ownership of action, results in insoluble theoretical difficulties. An important cause of this situation is the fact that the whole structure of the argument suggests reflection on the broadly understood issue of responsibility, while the actual intention of the text is narrower. The recurring theme in Ingarden’s A Little Book on Man is the question of inner dignity and the building up of a moral character by an individual, who in the moment of life’s predicament is able to make the right choice. The ontical foundations that Ingarden is looking for in the text On Responsibility and Its Ontic Foundations do not concern the general area of responsibility, but try to justify philosophically the belief in the project of building moral character.
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Anna Dziedzic

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The aim of this paper is defined in the two title questions related to Roman Ingarden’s research: (1) What constitutes the specificity and uniqueness of human cognitive system? (2) Is Roman Ingarden’s answer defensible in the light of today’s naturalistic tendencies? In response to the first question, the multidimensional structure of human being is indicated, thanks to which man has access to the sphere of values. In the axiological and ontological aspect the power of man to create new realities is emphasized. In the epistemological and ontological aspect three dimensions of this structure are shown, which are correlated, complex and relatively isolated systems of body, soul and consciousness. Next, in response to the second question, Ingarden’s nonreductive approach is discussed against the background of information processes and the issue of self-knowledge. However, his strong ontological assumptions are shown as well. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that Ingarden’s main research strategy remains consistently grounded in ontology (and in this sense it is anti‑naturalistic), but in some aspects it is compatible with today’s naturalist approaches favored in neurocognitive studies.
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Urszula Żegleń

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Badań Informacji i Komunikacji, ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
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RNA extraction involves several main stages, regardless of the method of extraction: homogenization, effective denaturation of proteins from RNA, inactivation of ribonuclease and removal of any DNA, protein, and some residual contamination. Isolation of undamaged intact RNA is challenging when the related tissue contains high levels of polysaccharides and phenols. Several efforts have been made towards the comparison and optimization of extraction and purification methods for RNA from plant tissues. This is dictated by the necessity of obtaining RNA of a good quality and in a sufficient quantity for further molecular analyzes. Plant storage organs (such as bulbs or seeds) rich in polysaccharide and polyphenolic compounds present distinct challenges for total RNA isolation. Such components, considered in this case as contamination, may bind and co-precipitate with nucleic acids and negatively affect later assays. Since standard routine protocols yield unacceptable results in bulbs, we have designed a new method for RNA extraction. We used two modified procedures (based on CTAB and sarkosyl reagents) of RNA extraction from so called “difficult plant material” and compared them to a popular RNA isolation base on the column isolation kit and TriPure reagent. Our modified protocols dealt with problems of both RNA degradation and low yield caused by co-purification with polysaccharides present in plant bulbs. In this study we have shown that improvement of the CTAB and sarkosyl method with a lyophilization step of plant tissues leads to isolation of high quality RNA from difficult material like storage organs of bulbous plants. The main changes in the procedure compared to the previously described methods concerned the different order of lithium chloride and sodium acetate addition, lithium chloride concentration increase and modification of centrifugation conditions. Gel electrophoresis and spectrophotometer analysis confirmed the high quality and integrity of the obtained RNA. The modified procedures allowed for obtaining a satisfying amount of RNA concentration in the range from 280 to 950 ng/μl depending on the plant species. Thus, the demonstrated RNA isolation methods are efficient and can be used for plant material rich in polysaccharides, such as bulbs.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Duszyn
Brygida Świeżawska
Mateusz Kwiatkowski
Krzysztof Jaworski
Adriana Szmidt-Jaworska
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Common alder (Alnus glutinosa) decline has been observed in most of European countries since 1993. In Poland decline of alder trees has been observed during the last 6 years. Alder Phytophthora was recorded, however, only from one sampling area in the middle of the country. Species of Armillaria, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillium and Trichoderma were also isolated from diseased trees. Inoculation of alder stem pans, leaves and seedlings with Phytophthora isolates resulted in the development and spread of necrosis. Studies will be continued in the nearest years.
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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek B. Orlikowski
Tomasz Oszako
Grażyna Szkuta
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Phoma exigua var. inoxydabilis var. nov. predominated among fungal isolates obtained from diseased stem runners and leaves of periwinkle ( Vinca minor). The growth of the fungus was observed at temperature ranges from 7.5 to 30°C with optimum at 25°C. Abundant formation of picnidia was noticed mainly on malt extract agar at temp. I 5-25°C. On potato-dextrose agar picnidia were observed 3-5 days later. On inoculated leaves of periwinkle, development of necrosis was observed at temperature I0-25°C with optimum 20°C. On field grown periwinkle the first necrosis on the base of stem runners was observed 2 weeks after inoculation and during the next I O weeks discoloration of tissues occurred on about 1/2 of their length.
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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek B. Orlikowski
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Microvibrations are mechanical oscillations caused by components such as the reaction wheels of an attitude control system of a spacecraft. These microvibrations are transferred through the spacecraft structure onto important instruments (e.g., optical instruments), causing those to produce diminished results (e.g., reduced image quality, imprecise geolocation etc.). At the present state, microvibrations in spacecraft cannot be actively controlled because their very high frequencies of up to 1000 Hz are above the control bandwidth a current attitude control system can provide. However, being able to reduce the effects of microvibrations on a space mission is becoming increasingly more critical as the envelope of future optical satellite missions expands. Furthermore, the advancements made in the performance of small satellites as well as the growing interest in laser and quantum communication call for a cost-efficient solution for managing microvibrations. This paper describes how cheap MEMS-based measurement systems have already proven that they are a potential solution. Showing high sensitivity and low-noise performance while allowing fast and easy prototyping.
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[1] ECSS. Micro-vibrations, Space Engineering: Spacecraft Mechanical Loads Analysis Handbook, ECSS-E-HB-32-26A, 2013.
[2] A. Bronowicki. Forensic investigation of reaction wheel nutation on isolator. In 49th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Schaumburg, IL, USA, 7-10 April 2008. doi: 10.2514/6.2008-1953
[3] T. Runte, Z. Perez, and M. Baro. Microvibration engineering – a key to high-performance space missions. In 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, D.C., USA, 21-25 Oct. 2019.
[4] C.J. Dennehy. A survey of reaction wheel disturbance modeling approaches for spacecraft line-of-sight jitter performance analysis. In Proceeding of 18 European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, Munich, Germany, 18-20 Sept. 2019.
[5] H. Heimel. Spacewheel microvibration-sources, appearance, countermeasures. In Proceedings of the 8th International ESA Conference on Guidance & Navigation Control Systems, Karlove Vary, Czech Republic, 5-10 June 2011.
[6] C. Dennehy and O.S. Alvarez-Salazar. Spacecraft micro-vibration: A survey of problems, experiences, potential solutions, and some lessons learned. Technical report, 2018.
[7] M. Manso and M. Bezzeghoud. On-site sensor noise evaluation and detectability in low cost accelerometers. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sensor Networks – SENSORNETS, pages 100–106. [Online], 9-10 Febr. 2021. doi: 10.5220/0010319001000106.
[8] G. Heinzel, A. Rudiger, and R. Schilling. Spectrum and spectral density estimation by the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), including a comprehensive list of window functions and some new flat-top windows. Technical report, 2002.
[9] A. Wiebe. Entwicklung eines Teststandes zur Messung von Mikrovibrationen inklusive Auslegung eines Datenaufnahmesystems. Technical report, 2021.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antonio Garcia
Tim Gust
Enes Basata
Tim Gersting
Michal Deka
Sven Thiele
Mohammad Salah
Matias Bestard Koerner
Torben Runte
Miguel Gonzalez

  1. City University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Institute of Aerospace Technologies, Bremen, Germany
  2. German Aerospace Center – DLR, Institute of Space Systems. Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems. Bremen, Germany
  3. OHB System AG, Bremen, Germany
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Plastics have become indispensable in everyday life due to their properties. For this reason, the accumulation of polymer waste in the natural environment is becoming a serious global problem. The aim of the research was to isolate microorganisms capable of biodegrading plastics. The studies focused on the biodegradation of low-density polyethylene as the most common polymer. Seven and five bacterial strains were isolated from the landfill and compost, respectively. The morphological and biochemical characteristics of the isolates were determined. These isolates were able to survive in an environment where the only carbon source was LDPE, but no increase in biomass was obtained. However, analysis of the spectra obtained by the ATR-FTIR method showed the formation of chemical changes on the polymer surface. Bacterial biofilm formation was visualized by scanning electron microscopy. The toxicity of plastic biodegradation products in a liquid environment was tested and their safety for plants was confirmed. However, these biodegradation products have acute lethal toxicity for the Daphnia magna.
LDPE films were pre-treated with H 2O 2, HNO 3, or heat. The biodegradation of HNO 3-treated LDPE by isolated bacteria was the most significant. The weight loss was approximately 8%, and 6%, for landfill and compost-isolated bacterial strains, respectively.
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Elżbieta Szczyrba
Tetiana Pokynbroda
Nataliia Koretska
Agnieszka Gąszczak

  1. Instytut Inżynierii Chemicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Bałtycka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Department of Physical Chemistry of Fossil Fuels of the Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry named after L.M. Lytvynenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Naukova str, 79060, Lviv, Ukraine
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With the development of building seismic isolation technology and the official release of the Isolation Code in September 2021, seismic isolation design in China will now rely on two foundational codes: the Seismic Code and the Isolation Code. This paper take a ceramic jar storage of the RC frame structure as the research object, and carry out the seismic isolation design based on the separated calculation design method of the Seismic Code and the unitary calculation design method of the Isolation Code respectively, and clarify the control index of the Isolation Code is the story drift angle. The maximum displacement is reduced by 37.5%. In terms of material consumption, the Isolation Code leads to a 5.94% decrease in concrete usage, accompanied by a 13.97% increase in steel consumption, resulting in an overall cost increase of 4.98%. The findings indicate that seismic isolation design, guided by the Isolation Code, substantially mitigates the seismic response of the superstructure. The damage extent to structural members is reduced by 15–20%, promoting enhanced safety and repairability. The outcomes of this study offer valuable insights for future seismic isolation designs in RC frame structures.
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Junyi Zhang
Jiawei Li
Zhiqiang Zhang

  1. College of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
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A double balanced passive mixer-based receiver operating in the 3-5 GHz UWB for medical applications is described in this paper. The receiver front-end circuit is composed of an inductorless low noise amplifier (LNA) followed by a fully differential voltage-driven double-balanced passive mixer. A duty cycle of 25% was chosen to eliminate overlap between LO signals, thereby improving receiver linearity. The LNA realizes a gain of 25.3 dB and a noise figure of 2.9 dB. The proposed receiver achieves an IIP3 of 3.14 dBm, an IIP2 of 17.5 dBm and an input return loss (S11) below -12.5dB. Designed in 0.18μm CMOS technology, the proposed mixer consumes 0.72pW from a 1.8V power supply. The designed receiver demonstrated a good ports isolation performance with LO_IF isolation of 60dB and RF_IF isolation of 78dB.
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Thaar A. Kareem
Hatem Trabelsi

  1. Systems Integration & Emerging Energies Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, National Engineers School of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
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The purpose of this article is to analyze the assumptions and implications of Roman Ingarden’s concept of consciousness as a relatively isolated system in the context of contemporary discussions on mechanistic model of scientific explanation. Starting with a presentation of Ingarden’s position, I try to show that the key problem of the theory of consciousness is the discovery of its neurobiological mechanisms. The systemic approach proposed by Ingarden is only the first step towards a theory that integrates the phenomenology of consciousness and a mechanistic framework. The next step is to show that research on the mechanisms of consciousness is a natural extension and deepening of the systemic approach.
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Robert Poczobut

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Instytut Filozofii, Plac NZS 1, 15-420 Białystok
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In this study, the inverter in a microgrid was adjusted by the particle swarm optimization (PSO) based coordinated control strategy to ensure the stability of the isolated island operation. The simulation results showed that the voltage at the inverter port reduced instantaneously, and the voltage unbalance degree of its port and the port of point of common coupling (PCC) exceeded the normal standard when the microgrid entered the isolated island mode. After using the coordinated control strategy, the voltage rapidly recovered, and the voltage unbalance degree rapidly reduced to the normal level. The coordinated control strategy is better than the normal control strategy.
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[1] Mohamed A., Lamhamdi T., Moussaoui H.E., Markhi H.E., Intelligent energy management system of a smart microgrid using multiagent systems, Archives of Electrical Engineering, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 23–38 (2020).
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Authors and Affiliations

Pan Wu
Xiaowei Xu

  1. Power Supply Co., Ltd.Luqiao District, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China
  2. Power Supply Co., Ltd.Tonglu, Zhejiang Province, China
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Interpersonal interaction performance is significantly determined by group members’ personality traits. If a group lives in long-term isolation, the influence of personality traits on interpersonal interaction performance will be even stronger. The current study identified and examined the impact of the personality traits of the personnel living at the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station (N = 35) on their interpersonal interactions during long-term Antarctic expeditions. The results show that expeditioners’ personality traits significantly determined their interpersonal interactions. However, the influence of personality traits on different areas of interactions can vary significantly among different groups of expeditioners, even sometimes in diametrically opposite directions. The main reason for this is a formed microclimate specific to each group and corresponding group norms for formal and informal relations due to significant differences in personality traits that are characteristic of different groups’ participants. We determined that eleven indicators, out of a total of 23 examined personality traits, significantly differed among expeditioners from different groups (different expeditions). The study results can be used to enable better psychological selection of Antarctic expedition participants and to provide psychological support for these individuals.
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Oleg Kokun
Larysa Bakhmutova

  1. Directorate, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. Scientific and organizational department, National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukraine
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Owing to their remarkable capability to modify electromagnetic waves at microwave and optical frequencies, metasurfaces are now the subject of a substantial amount of study and find utility in a wide variety of applications. These artificial sheet materials, which are typically made up of metallic patches or dielectric etchings in planar or multi-layer confi¬gurations with a thickness of subwavelength, have the benefits of being lightweight, easy to fabricate, and able to control wave propagation both on the surface and in the free space that surrounds it. This article provides an overview of recent advancements in the discipline and organizes those advancements according to their applications. The one-of-a-kind capabilities of many types of metasurfaces have come to light, beginning with the invention of frequency selective surfaces, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, and metamaterials. Patterning the metasurface unit cells allows for surface impedance to be altered and modified, which has wide-ranging applications in surface wave absorbers and surface waveguides. First and foremost, the purpose of this review article is to provide introductions to the fundamental metasurface, its important features, and application ideas. The authors address the most recent progress in metamaterial-inspired antennas and how they can be used to miniaturize antennas, increase gain and bandwidth, achieve circular polarization, and inhibit mutual coupling in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems. In conclusion, exploring the research implications of the metasurface development trend and the significant engineering practical applications are shown in the conclusions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anitha C.
1 2
Vivek Singh
3 2
Ajay Kumar Dwivedi
3 2
Nagesh Kallollu Narayanaswamy
3 2

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SJC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur, Karnataka, India
  2. Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India
  3. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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Liquid storage tank is widely used in the petrochemical industry, earthquake will lead to structural damage and secondary disasters, and damping control opens up a new way for seismic design of liquid storage tank. Considering soil-structure-fluid interaction, liquid sloshing dynamic behavior and material nonlinearity, a three-dimensional calculation model of shock absorption liquid storage tank is established by combining sliding isolation and displacement-limiting devices. The dynamic responses of the liquid storage tanks under the action of Kobe and El-Centro waves are investigated, and the influence of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the dynamic response is discussed. The results show that the damping ratio is basically between 30% and 90%. After the SSI is considered, the damping ratio of liquid sloshing wave height is increased, while the damping ratio of the dynamic response of the liquid storage tank is decreased, and the change of elastic modulus has little effect on the damping effect. The sliding isolation with displacement-limiting devices has significant damping control effects on the liquid sloshing wave height and the dynamic responses of the liquid storage tank.
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Wei Jing
Shuang Tian

  1. Western Engineering Research Center of Disaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China

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